Gibraltar Bibliography by Author
GIBRALTAR BIBLIOGRAPHY Sawchuk, L.A. (2003) 1. Abbot, W. C. (1934), An introduction to the documents relating to the international status of Gibraltar, 1704-1934, New York: The Macmillan company. Rec #: 20 Keywords: Bibliography/International affairs 2. Abeytua, L. (1940), "Spain shouts for Gibraltar, but the Rock's Defenses may be too strong for an exhausted people," Living Age, 358, 552-555. Rec #: 21 Keywords: International affairs /Social conditions /WWII 3. Aburdarham, S. (1997), "The tenability of comparing the receptive lexical proficiency of dual language children with standardized monoglot norms," Educational Studies, 23, 127-143. Rec #: 22 Keywords: Language /Yanito 4. Ackroyd, E. (1973), Consumer protection and price control in Gibraltar: report, Gibraltar. Rec #: 23 Keywords: Consumer prices /Economics /Price regulation 5. Acolin, P., Bewsher, B., Cortes, J., Finlayson, C., Garcia, Mosquera, M., Van Gils. H, and Vella, P. (1986), "Recent records," Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Newsletter, 22, 2pp. Rec #: 24 Keywords: Birds/Fauna /Flora 6. Acosta De La Torre, L. (1869), Le cuestion de Gibraltar: apuntes historicos, criticos y politicos, Madrid. Rec #: 25 7. Adams, J. (1989), "British troops quit Gibraltar," Times. Rec #: 26 Keywords: Military /Economics 8. Adams, T. K. (1990), Potential Threats to Spanish Security: Implications for the United States and NATO. Master's Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School. Rec #: 27 Keywords: Spain /Franco /Civil War 9. Adamson, D. (1980), "Gibraltar ban Illegal if Spain joins the EEC'," Daily Telegraph. Rec #: 30 Keywords: Politics /Economics 10. Adamson, D. (1980), "Gibraltar may wait 60 years," Daily Telegraph. Rec #: 31 Keywords: Politics /International affairs 11.(1980), "Gibraltar ready for fight to stay British," Daily Telegraph.
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