Desert Fox Games
DESERT FOX GAMES Many titles now available on the Decision Games online shop in the Desert Fox tab. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price Iss # Title Price CSL 1812 40 LWG Ball's Bluff (ziplock) 20 Isandlwana 56 37 Mukden & Moscow Option P25 CSL 1864 40 LWG Battle of the Little Bighorn 68 WDG Vietnam Solitaire 50 38 Great War in Near East 35 CSL 1870 40 LWG Demyansk Shield 62 WDG We Shall Fight: Marne 52 40 Buena Vista & Moscow Burning 35 CSL 1916 40 LWG Dien Bien Phu 64 WDG World War Zed- USA (solitaire) 47 42 Hell B4 Night/Blitz 40 35 CSL 1950 40 LWG Hell Over Korea 40 43 Chattanooga 35 CSL Army Group North 40 LWG Ici, c'est la France! (2nd Ed) 60 MAGAZINES 44 Dark Victory & 2nd Front 35 CSL Army Group South 40 LWG Maori Wars 62 Fire & Movement GMT Ancient Civilizations of LWG Nemesis: Burma 1944 64 1 40 Command Game Only-No mag the Inner Sea 85 LWG Picket Duty 2 70 2-10, 21 25 39 World War 1862 15 GMT Andean Abyss 75 LWG Quatre Batailles en Espagne 98 12-20, 37, 38, 41, 45, 48, 53, 83, 44 Dark Victory & 2nd Front 25 GMT Arquebus 65 LWG Saipan & Tinian 66 137-139, 143, 145, 149, 150 15 50 Back to Iraq (2nd) 15 GMT Battles of Warrior LWG Slouch Hats & Eggshells 48 22-27, 29, 31, 32, 36, 39-40, 42-44, 51 Meuse-Argonne 15 Queen (ziplock) 20 LWG Tanga 1914 64 46-47, 49-52, 54-56, 59, 73,77 10 Warmaster Chess vol 1-3 (one set) 25 GMT Cataclysm 79 LWG Target For Today 80 33-35, 60-67, 68-76, 78-79, 80-93, GMT Colonial Twilight 75 LWG Tonkin 60 95-108, 110, 111,
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