BULLETIN HI^TORICAL50C1ETY MONTGOMERY COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA JVONmSTOWAT S2MERY PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT 1T5 BUILDING )65<^ DEKALB STRBET NORRISTOWN.PA. APRIL, 1955 VOL. IX NUMBER 4 PRICE ONE DOLLAR Historical Society of Montgomery County OFFICERS Donald A. Gallageb, Esq., President George K. Beecht, Esq., Vice-Presidmt Poster C. Hillegass, Vice-Presid&nt David B. Groshens, Esq., Vice-President Eva G. Davis, Recording Secretary Helen E. Richards, Corresponding Secretwry Mrs. LeRoy Bu^s, Financial Secretary and Librarian Lyman a. Kratz, Treasurer TRUSTEES Kirke Bryan, Esq. Harry L. Christman Mrs. H. H. Prancine Donald A. Gallager, Esq. Herbert H. Ganser Kenneth H. Hallman George M. Harding Nancy P, Highley Foster C. Hillegass Mrs. a. Conrad Jones Hon. Harold G. Knight Lyman A. Kratz Franklin A. Stickler Mrs. Franklin B. Wildman, Jr. Norris D. Wright 4 THE FOUNDERS OF A STATE, by Thomas Hovenden THE BULLETIN of the Historical Society of Montgomery County Published Semi-Annually — October and Ap7i.l Volume IX April, 1955 Number 4 CONTENTS The New Indexes ."251 From Our Exhibits — The Last Painting of Thomas Hovenden 252 Jane Keplinger Burris The Turnpikes of Pennsylvania .-.Frederick C. Sweinhart 254 Deaths in the Skippack Region (Compiled) 263 The "Old Dutch Church" in Lower Merion 281 Charles R. Barker Reports 347 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Mrs. Leroy Burris Mrs. H. Donald Moll Charu;s R. Barker, Chaii'man 249 The New Indexes As few persons who consult an index take the precaution to ex amine the head of the index, for possible explanatory notes, this notice is placed where it is not likely to be overlooked.
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