New Zealand Potter Volume 21 Number 1 Autumn 1979
"iewzed'dhdtter“v.<.>-'._21/] éUtumn 1979 new zealand potter vol 21/] autumn 1979 f" Contents 215t National Exhibition, NZ Society of Potters l Accounting without tears Thoughts about natural gas Slab rollers \OOOGN Margaret’s place 10 Daniel Rhodes — his visit 14 Travelling in South America with Anneke Borren 18 Pottery school at Te Horo 20 Warren Tippett 21 Barry Brickell remembers early days again 28 A climbing kiln 29 Clark and Crum modeling clays 30 Design guidelines for beginners 31 INTRODUCTION Hazy morning slow but hotter, Recent work 32 easing through the smokey stacks, The half bisqued potter sits, Auckland Studio Potters Annual Exhibition 34 mishima jeans, carbon fingers checking spies — playing it outside the rule, carbon face with carbon eyes, History on your table 37 mistakenly brilliantly burnished and fluxed, columns, into cleaner skies. with crystalline crackle and pool, Legs up high on unsprung dust sacks, a thermocouple stuck in his ear and the clock reading singed off sweat rag face, twelve hundred and dropping. An underfired test mug as heat moves into all around — full of “leftbehindahalfabottle” wine — 1979, it starts to feel and taste. cone ten singe White hot orgasmic cone down time the kiln and you are soaking on a burnt back fringe, New Zealand Potter is a non-profit making magazine published twice annually. Circulation is 6,500. The holding fuel flow, now cut its throat, with bright squares in his spy—eyes. : annual subscription is $NZ4.00, for Australia $A4.70, Canada and the United States, $U.S.5,40, Britain Cannot remember when or more particularly why, and start off, your wine fed hoping, £2.70 postage included.
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