Series Editor: Camila K. Janniger, MD

Skin Care of the Healthy Newborn

Richie L. Lin, MD; Lily L. Tinkle, MD, PhD; Camila K. Janniger, MD

Routine care of a newborn may be an intimidating an appropriate regimen to optimize the protective task for new . This routine care includes functions of the skin should be the scrupulous lim- tending to the skin of the . Maintaining a itation of exposure to chemicals in skin care prod- healthy, intact cutaneous barrier is important ucts. Subtle and pervasive advertisement of baby psychologically for the and medically for care products, as well as a “more is better” philoso- the child. Clinicians should be able to offer guid- phy, often mistakenly lead parents to believe that ance concerning the basics of skin care, to dis- the products contain few nontoxic ingredients, pel any misconceptions concerning baby when in fact baby care products commonly contain products, and to optimize cutaneous integrity for irritating and possibly toxic substances7 (Table). the comfort and well being of the infant. Cutis. 2005;75:25-30. At Birth The skin of full-term newborn babies is well devel- asic skin care is essential to neonates and oped, is opaque with few visible veins, has few wrin- young . Maintenance of cutaneous kles, and exhibits no edema. At birth, skin is covered B integrity and appropriate wound care not only to a variable extent by a whitish coating of sebaceous protect infants against the absorption of toxins, material and epidermal cellular debris called vernix fluids, and electrolyte imbalances but also provide caseosa. This physiologic substance, which may con- infants with an antimicrobial barrier, insulation, tain protective antimicrobial proteins,10 is fully tactile sensation, and comfort. formed at 36 to 38 weeks’ gestation. If left in place, Following birth, neonates must adapt to new aer- the vernix caseosa is shed gradually, appearing as obic surroundings.1 An optimally functioning cuta- desquamation of the skin during the first few days of neous barrier is necessary for homeostasis in the life. By 40 weeks’ gestation, it is found only in body extrauterine environment. Insults to infant skin, creases. Excess vernix caseosa can be gently such as irritant and allergic contact , are removed, along with any blood or meconium, by common concerns, and care should be taken to rinsing with plain sterile water.11,12 Many nurses avoid them.2,3 Infection and trauma are other prob- remove the substance for cosmetic purposes, but care lems for which the neonate is at increased risk. should be taken not to irritate or break down the skin Newborns are particularly susceptible to toxic with excessively vigorous handling. There is no sig- accumulations of substances because of absorption nificant difference in respiratory rate, heart rate, or through their skin. Stratum corneum thickness and oxygen saturation between immersion bathing versus cutaneous permeability of term infants, however, are dry sponging immediately after birth.11 Bathing the not different from that of adults.4-6 Infants have a newborn in lukewarm water (approximately larger surface area to volume ratio and a decreased 100.4ºF) may cause less cooling of the core body ability to detoxify chemicals. These special consider- temperature, may induce less crying, and does not ations suggest that one guiding principle in planning increase the risk of bacterial infection.12,13 Washing the newborn with an antiseptic solution such as chlorhexidine produces detectable levels in Accepted for publication May 11, 2004. the bloodstream.14 In place of these solutions, care- From UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Newark. takers should be sure to scrupulously wash their The authors report no conflict of interest. Reprints: Camila K. Janniger, MD, Dermatology, hands with a nonantimicrobial cleanser that has a UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, 185 S Orange Ave, mild alkaline to neutral pH. This will prevent skin Newark, NJ 07103-2714 (e-mail: [email protected]). colonization of the infant and interrupt potential

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nosocomial transmission. Hand washing is simple ease of use and perceived cleanliness exist, with and cost-effective provided that an effective cleans- daily povidone iodine being the agent preferred ing agent is used and that the frequency of washing by nursing staff. Additionally, the time until cord is not enough to cause undue cutaneous irritation.15 separation varies with the compound used: approx- imately 10 days with povidone iodine and approxi- Wound Care mately 13 days with triple dye.23 For ease of Newborns normally will have at least one break in at-home care, daily triple dye application would the integrity of the skin—at the umbilical cord site. appear to be most convenient and most acceptable Additionally, infants born in the United States may to the caregiver. Parents should be instructed that be circumcised or may have a small opening at the cord separation is variable with this regimen and site of a fetal monitor electrode. Wound care should usually occurs between days 8 and 26, though ear- be meticulous from the beginning. Skin infections lier separation is not a cause for worry. are not uncommon and accounted for 5% of pedi- Wounds at other sites on the newborn should be atric nosocomial infections in a large prospective cleansed with mild soap and water followed by study of 78,120 patients in the Hospital for Sick application of topical bacitracin for several days. Children in Toronto, Canada.16 To prevent infants from accidentally ingesting top- After cutting and clamping the umbilical cord, ical agents, care should be taken to use mittens or a compound is often applied to the umbilical gauze to cover any areas infants might place in stump to reduce the risk of infection. Many neona- their mouth. tal care units have recently abandoned the use of bactericidal agents in favor of dry cord care. How- Area ever, there is a risk of developing omphalitis if the Diaper dermatitis is the most common childhood clinician chooses not to cleanse the umbilical skin infection,24 with prevalence estimates from stump with a bactericidal agent; thus, the clinician 4% to 15% in diaper-wearing infants.25 Some stud- must watch for the signs and symptoms of this con- ies show that at any given time as many as 30% of dition.17 Pathogenic bacteria readily colonize infants experience mild diaper dermatitis, with 6% exposed necrotic tissue of the umbilical stump; experiencing moderate to severe cases.24 In a thus, the diaper should at least be folded away from the stump to promote drying. In addition, application of emollients should Potential Side Effects of Topical Skin Care be avoided. Triple dye (2.29 g Products in Infants brilliant green, 1.14 g proflavine hemisulfate, 2.29 g crystal vio- Product Potential Side Effect let, and water to make 1000 mL) Triple dye Skin necrosis is an effective agent against Staphylococcus aureus, a common Povidone iodine Hypothyroidism and goiter cause of umbilical cord infection. However, it may be toxic or car- Alcohol Skin necrosis 18 cinogenic and has been shown Tincture of benzoin ,8 skin breakdown to actually promote colonization by gram-negative organisms.19 Triclosan Contact dermatitis There is no difference in colo- Neomycin Contact dermatitis nization or infection rates when comparing thrice daily applica- Silver sulfadiazine Kernicterus tion of triple dye20; one-time-only application of triple dye; or single Monitor leads or adhesives Skin breakdown application of triple dye with Adhesive remover9 Toxic epidermal necrolysis daily alcohol, daily bacitracin, daily povidone iodine, and daily Baking soda Respiratory failure (secondary silver sulfadiazine.21 Another to aspiration) study found that triple dye was Corticosteroids Skin atrophy, striae, adrenal superior to alcohol and bacitracin suppression, Cushing syndrome in reducing bacterial coloniza- tion.22 However, differences in

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prospective study, 15.2% of healthy Italian infants The diaper area should be cleaned with lukewarm wearing superabsorbent experienced diaper water and gently patted dry. The use of hair dryers dermatitis.26 In infants without other conditions is not recommended because cases of thermal burn such as seborrheic dermatitis, have been reported.34 The genital area should be enteropathica, , metabolic disorders, or thoroughly cleansed, but no attempt should be made Langerhans cell histiocytosis, the etiology of dia- to retract the foreskin.35 The necessity of popular per dermatitis is usually a combination of irritant baby wipes is not proven, but high-quality wipes dermatitis and secondary infection. Candida have not been shown to irritate normal skin and species have been reported to be cultured from are convenient.30 Zinc oxide paste can be used to 40% of diaper dermatitis cases at 72 hours.25 protect the skin, as well as treat the dermatitis,28 Group A -hemolytic streptococcal infections though eosin 2% has been shown to be a more appear as either tender and erythematous or beefy effective treatment.36 Powders such as cornstarch red psoriasiform perianal lesions with yellowish or talcum powder can help dry the skin when crusting of the borders.27 vesicles or maceration are present, but their use Contributing factors to diaper dermatitis include should be carefully controlled because of the occlusion, warmth, humidity, maceration, higher hazards of aspiration.37 Baking soda should not be urinary pH, and abrasion damage. Bacterial ureases used because of the risk of inducing hyper- found in the stool split urea and release ammonia. natremia and metabolic alkalosis.38,39 Leaving the This elevates the pH of the diaper-occluded region diaper off whenever possible also is helpful in compared with nonoccluded skin. These factors patients with diaper dermatitis. Over-the-counter lead to irritation, skin permeability, and extensive medicated ointments containing white petrola- colonization with Candida or Streptococcus.28 Breast- tum, zinc oxide, or sucralfate can decrease the fed babies have lower incidence of this rash due to duration of established dermatitis. However, care- the resultant lower urinary pH.2 givers should carefully review the contents of the Preventive measures start with frequent and product before use. prompt diaper changes. Choosing diapers with Finally, although it is less common, some infants breathable covers keeps the skin drier and prevents will have true allergic dermatitis.40 This may be from heat buildup. This reduces the incidence of diaper detergents or topical medications such as antibi- dermatitis by 38% to 50% and reduces the survival otics, particularly if these have been used on already of Candida species by almost two thirds.24 Breath- sensitized skin, exacerbating a mild dermatitis.41 able diapers also are more comfortable than con- Treatment of classical diaper dermatitis consists ventional diapers.29 Absorbent gelling materials of an antifungal ointment such as , a also have reduced the incidence of diaper rash. drying agent such as zinc oxide, and scrupulous Compared with regular disposable or cloth diapers, diaper hygiene as described above. Hydrocortisone disposable superabsorbent diapers are superior at 1% ointment can be used to decrease inflamma- keeping skin dry, creating a favorable pH,30 mini- tion, if necessary. mizing mixing of fecal matter and urine (which Parents should be instructed on preventive dia- forms ammonia), and preventing diaper dermati- per area care and the appropriate products. Surveys tis.31 Disposable diapers also minimize skin macera- show that free samples distributed by manufacturers tion, decrease exposure to fecal irritants, and better significantly influence the selection, number, and contain enteric pathogens.32 type of products used. Clinicians should be aware Limiting the spread of pathogens from fomites of the implied endorsement a patient may per- or direct contact might prevent other children ceive when products are distributed in the hospi- from getting , which also is a risk factor for tal setting.42 diaper dermatitis.32 In addition, using disposable rather than cloth diapers helps children avoid pen- Bathing and Hair Care etrating wounds from safety pins. If parents choose Bath time is frequently an enjoyable time for par- to use cloth diapers, commercial laundering has ents and infants to and have contact with been associated with lower incidence of diaper rash each other. Parents should be given early anticipa- than home washing.33 There also are diapers on the tory guidance to never leave bathing infants market that deliver petroleum to the child’s skin, unattended, even for a moment.43 Daily or even preventing dehydration and reducing irritation and more frequent baths are probably not harmful, but the severity of the dermatitis.30 they are probably unnecessary unless the child has Preventive measures against diaper dermatitis become dirtier than usual.44 Children with atopic should include meticulous cleaning of the infant. dermatitis should have fewer baths, as bathing

VOLUME 75, JANUARY 2005 27 Pediatric Dermatology

removes lipids from the skin and promotes drying, Nail Care irritation, and pruritus.45 The nails of infants should be kept reasonably short In the normal full-term infant, plain water or a so the babies do not accidentally excoriate their mild, nonirritating, tear-free soap in lukewarm bath- skin. Special care should be taken that only the water can be used. Bathing with a mild soap rather nail is trimmed and not the nail bed, which is not than water alone has little if any effect on coloniza- only painful but also causes bleeding that can tion of bacterial pathogens.13 Dyes, fragrances, introduce infection. preservatives, and other additives vary considerably; products should be examined carefully for their Laundering ingredients, regardless of whether they are adver- Baby clothing, blankets, bibs, and other items tised as mild or nonirritating.46 Cleansers with near- should be made of a material such as cotton that neutral pHs such as Dove® Soap, Baby Bar and can withstand high-temperature laundering and Cetaphil® are less irritating to the skin than many sanitization to kill bacteria such as Staphylococcus.45 other products on the market.47 Cetaphil, a non- The detergent should be free of perfume and soap, lipid-free liquid cleanser, has been clinically enzymes because these agents are potential allergic proven to be nonirritating.48 Choosing a cleanser or irritant sensitizers.53 Agents in laundry detergent that has a near-neutral pH will minimize the effect appear to be a rare cause of allergic contact der- on the acid mantle of the skin and minimize the dis- matitis, accounting for only 0.7% of dermatitis solution of lipids.49 Soaps should be rinsed off imme- patients.53 This figure, however, may include false- diately and not be left in contact with the baby’s positive reactions that likely represent irritant der- skin for extended periods. In uncircumcised boys, no matitis. Clothing treated with fabric softener is less attempt should be made to retract the foreskin until likely to cause irritation to the skin of babies, espe- the child is 3 to 4 years of age, as entrapment may cially in atopic patients.54 The use of hypochlorite occur; this includes attempts to wash inside it.50 bleach on rubber elastic in garments, and incom- The bathwater also can be used to wash the plete rinsing out of the bleach, have been known to baby’s hair.46 Cradle cap is a common self-limiting occasionally cause contact dermatitis.55 condition in which the vertex of the scalp is cov- ered by thick, whitish to yellowish, greasy scales. Solar Exposure An emollient such as petrolatum should be rubbed Infants are exposed to certain environmental haz- into the scalp and left on for an extended period ards, some of which arise during caring for the (overnight). This loosens the scales so that some skin. In addition to burns, powder inhalation, and can be brushed off before gentle shampooing. chemical absorption, infant skin should be pro- Cleansing should start with a mild nonmedicated tected from sun exposure. Parents should under- baby and progress to a tar-containing one stand that UV rays remain present even in cool if there is no improvement.51 Cases that do not weather and that tanning is the skin’s response to respond to this treatment can be treated cautiously damage that has already occurred. In addition to with 2% shampoo. No trials concern- the risk of acute sunburn and phototoxic and ing the absorption or safety profile of ketoconazole photoallergic reactions, all of which can be shampoo in infants have been performed, though acquired within minutes, cumulative lifetime sun preliminary studies indicate that there is either exposure leads to an increased risk of developing minimal cutaneous absorption or rapid metabolism actinic keratoses, nonmelanoma and melanoma in infants.52 Topical steroids are usually not neces- skin cancers, and premature photoaging later in sary; in fact, eosin can achieve the same results life.56 Cutaneous malignant melanoma also may without the side effects.51 arise as a consequence of intense intermittent Although the skin of a normal mature infant is exposure to UV radiation.57,58 Infants exposed to smooth, pink, and velvety at birth, it is not unusual direct sunlight or even overcast midday skies for it to appear dry and scaly soon thereafter. Dry should be covered with lightweight clothing and air, heated air, or frequent bathing also can cause shaded with a canopy or hat. Regular use of sun- dry skin that should be treated symptomatically screen to frequently exposed areas also is neces- with emollients, as needed. White petrolatum with sary.56 Sunscreens containing aminobenzoic acid, no additives or preservatives is safe and effective; methoxycinnamate, and oxybenzone should be bland lotions or creams also can be used in mild avoided because of the risk of photoallergic contact cases. Because skin dryness may reflect systemic dermatitis.56,59 It should be stressed to parents that dehydration, the fluid intake of infants should be multiple forms of safety measures offer their babies’ checked to see if it is adequate. skin the best protection.60

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