If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at 'I P ,;"- ,(t /) , . Ct , () . -.~y:., 'q j) b o , o c;., c CONTEMPORARYITAtIAN TERRORISM: ANALYSIS AND COUNTERMEASURES 0- Q" ~- ~" - . -' . .: . {~ <P 1979 , ::. l' \i", kJ U ,)' f!fS CI ~ , 1 "'., K!.' -' 't il . .) u, ,~' " LibrarY of Congress J'I . ' I, LAW/LIBRARY"a ',',' t$ ,. American~British Law Division " o ,,' 0 ",;iii- ." "~'; z European 'Law Division ,",cf'FarEastern Law Division "0, .lb ' .' ~),.' ' ", , Hispanic Law Divisjo'n \ "> "" ., ='C ""'~~"'~~"'='=" ' ~~..=;;~-=="" • ..,,~, '~earEasternoandAftican "Law Division .~ ;I,,~ \. 'c '~ .:.-" 0, o o ,b ~t~'.\ 0, ! 1.9 c;:' , Q 'j; ,c.. , 0 'j" '\ " , 1/ . , fl. l"';"vl~ ,._, ,\ l.• t.~ ,. ,', -\) ,,";- "', • 0:\ , • \J .' tAWLIllRAltY,PUBJ,ICATIONS Q '0 "() 0' ¢ (.l , ", .' 0 0' A1!lajorfun~tion of ths Law~Libraryof Congr~B8 '1.8 tbe p;epa- (t;) '"' tl , • " I- -'. • ~,;:~ ," °I'ac:~~n,pf ;epot:~s'llonYtlrioq8 tOP1,CS in foreig~(t C9inparat1ve,' , ' ~~ftnd internj1tiol\al lalbinresponse to'1:'equests\rfroll'l. the M~bers, :c 0" ~t1~~d;cotmllit'tees of CongresE.I,the executive an~judicial branches' J" of the federal government and others. White many, 6f th'ese leg'al studies ~re"so 'specific in content as' to be useful only,. tothereqi,leati!r.,an'umpet are' potenthUyof great " to a' broad~r audience. With the approv,al 0 ft'he original I' " requester, tbese reports' are printed and made available for gt; disttnibution. " u; ~n additi."oIJ. tothe'se print~'Ci reports ,the Law, Library prepares "ac ~at:iety o,f other public~t~o~s wbi,ch ~include :,a , ?fl \~ gUld~l1=to tbe law and legal hteratuJ:'eof natlons) exten81ve \.
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