Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough Council of Wellingborough Held at Swanspool House, Wellingborough on Tuesday, 1 May 2012
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH HELD AT SWANSPOOL HOUSE, WELLINGBOROUGH ON TUESDAY, 1 MAY 2012 Present: The Mayor (Councillor B Patel) and Councillors Ainge, Allebone, Bailey, Bass, Beirne, Bell, Blackwell, Carr, Dholakia, Elliott, Emerson, Graves, Griffiths, Harrington, Hawkes, Henley, Higgins, Hollyman, G Lawman, L Lawman, Maguire, Morrall, Partridge-Underwood, M Patel, Pursglove, Scarborough, Simmons, Timms, Ward, Warwick, Waters, Watts and Wright. Officers present: Mr J T Campbell (Chief Executive), Mr J Hubbard (Deputy Chief Executive), Mr R Micklewright and Mr T Wright (Corporate Directors), Mr A King, Mrs B Lawrence, Mr C Pittman and Mr S Wood (Heads of Service), Ms S Lyons (Legal Adviser), Ms P Lawton (Principal Democratic Services Manager) and Mr G Betts (Mayor’s Sergeant). Also present: Mr R Levene and Ms G Arnott (The Castle (Wellingborough) Ltd). The meeting was preceded by prayers, led by the Mayor’s Chaplain with special remembrance for former councillor Alice Taylor, who had recently passed away. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE RESOLVED to note that no apologies for absence had been received from councillors. The Mayor welcomed back councillors Partridge-Underwood and Warwick following their recovery from illness. Councillors Partridge-Underwood and Warwick expressed their thanks to fellow councillors and officers for the kind concern which had been shown during their bout of ill-health. The Mayor formally welcomed Mr Levene and Ms Arnott to the meeting. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RESOLVED to note the following interests declared by councillors, in accordance with the Constitution: Councillor Committee date and minute no. Reason for declaration Allebone The Castle (Wellingborough) Personal and prejudicial – Limited: Council agenda Castle Board member/wife 01/05/12 (items 4(i) and 4(ii)) is Vice Chairman of the and Resources 18/04/12 (min 9) Friends of Castle.
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