Date 09 June 2013 Page 63

Tomahawk or Denver

Roll? It’s all new to me



Fade Street Social

Fade Street, 2 Tel: (01) 604 0066 Open: Mon-Fri 12.30-2.30pm, Mon-Sun 5-10.30pm


O here we go again. My first tentative steps in this res- taurant reviewing lark were taken on premises run by Dylan McGrath. When he opened Rustic Stone to the great unwashed, I was among the first paying punters Sthrough the door to sample what sounded like a pretty dubious concept. Even now, I’m still not sure whether it was devastatingly simple in its gimmickry or just plain gimmicky in its simplicity. Your guess is as good as mine, frankly. For anyone who missed it the first time around, I suppose I’d bet- ter explain. Whether they liked it or not, anyone ordering steak received a hunk of flesh that had been seared on one side only. But idlbflimost of the cooking yourself. gives you two options depending it was served on a slab of volcanic Late last year McGrath opened on whether your inquiry is about stone pre-heated to 300C (572F) and it was up to the individual up Fade Street Social just around an ‘existing’ or ‘future’ booking. diner to decide how well-done the corner. Much was made at Well, it wasn’t really either of they wanted it. From my memory, the time about the size (8,000sq those, frankly. It certainly wasn’t our evening there could be best ft) and cost (€1.4million) of the existing because it hadn’t been summed up as follows: pleasant building. As well as the restaurant made yet. Nor, by my definition, enough main courses, pretentious proper, the labyrinthine layout did it properly qualify as future, side orders, wildly overwrit- also includes a Gastro Bar and a given that I was looking for a table ten menu with too many flowery Wintergarden, whatever that is descriptions, wife angry at grease when it’s at home. in under two hours’ time. Having being splashed all over her top Maybe I’m a bit thick, but I somehow managed to clear that (not by me, mind, she’s on her own found the reservations system hurdle, I arrived in the middle of there) and a considerably heftier slighty tricky to navigate. When the Friday lunch sitting to find the bill than you’d expect after doing you phone up, a recorded message place practically deserted. It’s a

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Date 09 June 2013 Page 63

large, impressive space with bare the eyewatering price of the peas redbrick walls, moody black and and the carrots (€7 for a small white photographs and a life-size portion), they were absolutely mannequin of the mimic Mario delicious. But given that it added Rosenstock. up to five cent short of €90 for two No, let me correct that. It main courses, this is the sort of place where you could very easily turned out, in fact, to be the liv- find yourself being frogmarched

ing, breathing version of the Gift to the kitchen with a jumbo bottle Grub star having a lengthy lunch of Fairy Liquid. with some suit from Today FM. That said, the Gastro Bar offers Frankly, I fully expected Mario a tapas menu that is considerably to order his starters in tetchy cheaper. The dishes include soft mode, then segue shell crab in sesame spice flour to a stuttering for his (€10), beef carpaccio (€9) and main course and, of course, shout bacon and cabbage burgers (€7.50). for more gargle while channeling Oh, and we had sparkling water Eamon Dunphy. But, no, either he in the end. When the bottle was didn’t do it or else his impressions about three-quarters empty, the are less spot-on than I’d previ- waiter quietly took it away and ously imagined. came back with a full one. Nice No sooner had my bum hit the touch, I thought. And all the more chair than the tedious sales patter so when I noticed on the bill that it on the water started. Still or spar- only cost €1, presumably because kling, sir? I’ll wait until my friend they must be carbonating it in- gets here, thanks very much, but I house. When I had a closer look will have a glass of prosecco in the later, however, I noticed that they had charged for both bottles – even meantime. Even that didn’t have though the first one wasn’t fin- the desired effect, though. Two ished and we never ordered the minutes later, a waitress I didn’t see before or since was over with second. It might seem petty to quibble when the charge is only same pitch. Suffice to say, she got the same response. nominal, but it was even more petty to pull a cheap stunt like that. The menu lists different cuts of beef: aged rib on the bone, cha- teaubriand and – new ones on ‘Given the prices this was the kind of me, these – tomahawk steak and Denver roll. The price per 100g place where you could be frogmarched of each is quoted and the avail- into the kitchen with some Fairy Liquid’ able portions are chalked up on a blackboard. On the day we visited, for example, there were variously FROM THE MENU sized cuts of tomahawk steak – CHATEAUBRIAND €42 each suitable for three people, we DENVER ROLL €36 were told – available at over €100 NEW POTATOES €4.95 a pop. We opted for a chateaubri- PEAS AND CARROTS €7 and (€42) and a Denver roll (€36), GLASS OF PROSECCO €9 with shared side orders of new

potatoes and vegetables. The meat was melt-in-the- mouth tender. Notwithstanding

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Date 09 June 2013 Page 63

not, anyone ordering steak n seared on one side only. But

DINNER IS SERVED: The beef, which is offered in various cuts, was melt-in-the-mouth tender, and is ideal for sharing with your dining partner

SPACE: The large dining area was very impressive

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