Hydrothermal Alteration and Mass Exchange in the Hornblende Latite Porphyry, Rico, Colorado
Contrib Mineral Petrol (t 994) 116 : 199-215 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Springer-Verlag 1994 Hydrothermal alteration and mass exchange in the hornblende latite porphyry, Rico, Colorado Peter B. Larson 1, Charles G. Cunningham 2, and Charles W. Naeser 3 1 Department of Geology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2812, USA 2 United States Geological Survey, 959 National Center, Reston, VA 22092, USA 3 United States Geological Survey, MS 963, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, USA Received March 29, 1992 / Accepted June 30, 1993 Abstract. The Rico paleothermal anomaly, southwestern component in the proximal facies reacted while the pri- Colorado, records the effects of a large hydrothermal mary plagioclase was still unreacted, but the ratio for system that was active at 4 Ma. This hydrothermal sys- these assemblages increased to 1.51 when the plagioclase tem produced the deep Silver Creek stockwork Mo de- entered the reaction paragenesis. Plagioclase reaction posit, which formed above the anomaly's heat source, during distal propylitic alteration resulted in pseudo- and shallower base and precious-metal vein and replace- morphic albite mixed with illite and a loss of NazO. ment deposits. A 65 Ma hornblende latite porphyry is CaO is lost in the distal facies as hornblende reacts to present as widespread sills throughout the area and pro- chlorite, although some calcium may be fixed in calcite. vided a homogeneous material that recorded the effects CaO is added to the proximal facies as the quantity of the hydrothermal system up to 8 km from the center. of chlorite replacing hornblende increases and epidote Hydrothermal alteration in the latite can be divided into and calcite are produced.
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