U.S. Man-In- Ace Goalee, Who Will Q>Eak,Oh "Wom? Jerry Sapiensa, JS6 Lyalker St., for the New

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U.S. Man-In- Ace Goalee, Who Will Q>Eak,Oh \ MONDAY,'MAY 1 , 19«i Aan^0li?r £n»rittt#Ji»raU:i Bloodmo^ile Visits Hospital Tomorrow from 10:45 a.nn to 6:30 p. m. The Central OenadiUicut Coin d ub Witt meet tomornw at 7:80 Stem Hoaret A b o u t T ow n w.nv. in the Whiton Memorial Called Key ? Alidltorium. There will be an auc­ 9:30 A.M. te kverate Daily Net Press Run lUacMUer Onmtc'wiU Imeet tion of about 40 lota, and refresh' 5:45 P.M. For the Week Ended The Weather. t a ^ n ^ c T k a ll WaUMtday at 8 menu will |ts aervtd. 'AH persons > Success of iMw id l^S, Mon. thfit Set. • Mareh 11, 1961 ForeoMt of U. S. Weather Bureau B.TB. OaHag the ItcUim's procram; who collect,'coins are welcoVne to Blehahl Sloan will play wlcctiona attend and 'Hgm nsora abeu nu- ' Lawyers, ths puC^. and Judges ThnredaF till 9 P.M. Fair, colder tonight, frOat In the on m Bammond organ, courts* of mismatidi. 's, C ^ i ^ h t o S e Q all work together to malntidti "the 13,317 normally colder arena. L o w ^ gaa- Watiditt Broa. fundamental principles on;which MemlMr of the Audit - amlly In 80a. Mostly auiuiy, mOd* 'The British Ameilean dub will ‘Jeimie, Kiss Me’ our society It .oaeed,” judge Bene­ BurMu. of Clrenlation Maacliaator Lodga of Masons meet tomorrow at 8 p4n- at the Manchester—’A City of Village Charm er Wednesday. High near M. arin mo*t tomwfoa- at pjn. clubhouse on Maple SU x , A .spatial' ahowing for children dict M. Holdeh asserted in Man- H m aaterad approbicc degree will on Thura<Biy at 7:S0 |Km. .haa been chestcr'a'13th Circuit Court .to- (Nm SfaHniM The wtered apprentice degree will A rummage tale will i** s ^ aeheduled for. the Community -day. VOL. LXXX, NO. 180 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1961 (Claaatfled Adverttelng on Page 16) eer, Junior warden, presiding. sored by the Frank J. 'ManMiel Players’ prasentatlon of “Jennie, The new,Jud|« of the Manches­ PRICE FIVE CENTS There will be a aodal hoar and MsHne Corps Laague Auxiliaiy-o)> Kiss Me,” to be qumaorod by St. refreshments. Thursday at 8 a.m. at the vacant BsfdgeVs Rosary Society at the ter court opened court thlit niom- Get store at J083 Main St.* Those wish­ Whitbn Memoriel auditorium. ing with a Ulk to marit Law Day Kekler Circle of South Metho­ ing to contribute articles for sale "" The p ^ will be presented Fri- U.SiA.. which has' been celebrat­ dist Church tvBCS will meet' tO; may leave them at the store to­ dky and Saturday, May 5 and 8 ed throughout the country on May Coinplete morrow at 7:48 p.m. In Susannah morrow from 8:30 s.m. to noon. at S:15,p;itt. in tbe agme auditor­ 1 sincq 1858, Wesley Hall on Hartford Rd. For pickup, call Mrs. Emerstm Du ium. Proceeda will benefit the About 15 Manchester attorneys Gueist speaker will be Miss l^thel. more. 128 Charter Oak St., or Mrs. Rosary Soclety'a schoiarahlp fund were present to hear the Judges U.S. Man-in- ace Goalee, who will q>eak,oh "Wom? Jerry Sapiensa, JS6 lyalker St., for the new. Catholic high achool. stress “respect for the law and Protection ' en*s Changing Role in Society.*' by tomorrow. Ticket! may be obtained at the . .’ the Important part it' iHaya Hostesses will be Mra CaWn door, or-from any of thr following In our lives." - - Hewsy, Mrs. Ehude Howard. Mrs. Manchester ' Clerkettes will committee inenibers; i Lta Edward •This' is Law Day, U.8.A.,” From . Robert Frost and Mrs. Forrest meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the Maher, 147 Chambers St,, chair­ Judge Holden' began; “celebrated HovrelL home of Mra Victor Lombardo M man; Mrs. James Blaiichfieia, . not' by parade and fanfare, 75' White St. Following a busingK Mrs. liouis Rossillo, Mra. John but at ceremonies such .as this.’’ There wot be a meeting of adult “fteetlng, election of officers/^11 Ryan. Mrs, Franoly t«ary, Mps. Law D ay is observed on May 1 Moths! . members of the Manchester Swim be held and plana for-the sigimer P ^ lp Hurley, IUb. Thomas M6r as an answar: to tho Communist Club at the West Side Recreation outing wiU be discussed. KeouA, Mrs. James Coyle. Mrs. Way l>ay armaments display, he center'tomorrow at 8 p.m. All par­ John Kelly, Mrs. Jamas Halloran, sii^. The Army-Navy Auxiliary will Mrs. Edward Hennigan. Mra. Leo­ Get. • e • ents interested in swimming for Jeremy Benthsm, an English their children are welcome. sponsor a card party tonight at nardo Parla, or Mrs.- Bilrton Me- 8 at the elubhousa Namar. p hilost^ er and Jurist, said in 18()0. |8E^-GAUIR| Step to Cease-fire Judge Holden continued that "the !■■ ■ ■■ ■ NODvers mmmmm State News Ward Circle, WSCS. of South law does hot say to a man, 'work Methodist Church, wiir meet t(^ or- Public Records and I ■will n ^ ’ard..you' ” Bad W eather Blocjks ATIAMTIC row at 7:49 p.m. at the home of It does say,' however, he added, NO-MOTH FURNACE OIL Mra Bruce 'Watkins, 234 S. Main ’’ ‘work and by s ^ p ln g the hand Parley Halts Battle Roundup arraatee Deeds that would take ui^.from mu, I AataasaUe lieBrery St. The group will discuss the sec­ o u r ond half of the “Basic Christian Alphonsdon se. H. Quintin to Don­ will Insure to .you 'tte fhilta of FOK Y ciostn LT. WOOD CO. Beliefs” study course. Hostesses ald F. and Carol S. ’ Yeomans, your labor its naturiU and . suf-' Capsule RockehHop rttom t a 8-11*8 will be Mra. George Brooks and property at 14 Deep wood Dr. ficient rewards which without'me. Police Smash Mrs. Richard Sperry. Andrew Ansaldi to Richard R. you could not preserve.’ ” \ On One Laos Front and Irene F. Moore, property off Judge Holden said, “Allegiance' 9 5 c l Y i r i r i V Door to Save By HOWARD BENEDICT Earl St. to the law in a Tree country odmes I < Cape Canaveral, Fla., May 2 (/P)—Bad weather-forCed post­ Burnham Estates, Inc. to Thom­ not from force, but from the feel­ 3 from Blaze as W. and Shirley R. Leonard, ing among the inhabltanta of the StRSi SYCitk—3 far 2.2S Vientiane, Laos, May 2 (/P)^ North again today with inalruC- ponement today, of America’.s first man-in-space shot and property at 318 Burnham St. country that the law is something :—A truCe meeting between a tions to seek an immediate na the Cho.sen a.stronaut, Alan B. Shepard Jr., must wait at least Leonard J. Vendrillo to Carl E. that they should obey because they government offiCer and a tlonwide cease-fire, covering the Derby, May 2 (/T*)—PoliCe 48 hours before he takes his blazing roCket ride into the and Shirley B. Clemson,. property respect it.” ^ Pqtent invisible vapor (1) KljL^ MOTHS and ciB’pet flghiing that has edged to within snia.shed down a door and res­ at 101 Benton St. Pathet Lao rebei major has 25 miles of Vientiane and yester­ heavens and the history books. Even minor laws must be obeyed to preservo the advantages of a He added, “Whenever men of beetles (2) Leaves no clinsrinir odor. (3) Prevents rniidew. brought a provisional end to day was threatening to spill over cued three persons from a ^ Announcement that Shepard, lean, musCular, 37-year-old Frederick Edwin Gerber J r .. to law are gathered togeiher, it is free people. Americans are reminded today, as Law ^ y Is ob­ Frederick Edwin and nora Ev­ (4) Overcomes musty, ^inspiration, tobacco ordors in fighting on the front 45 niiles into the northwest. burning house in a heavily Navy commander, had been chosen for the daring adventure served throughout the United States. (Herald photo by Oflara). well that they should assert once garmehts; Follow siihpie directions. Siho was instruCted to make ar- erett Gerber Jr., property at 14 again their faith in those funda­ north of here, Gen. Phoumi populated distriCt of this com­ came simultaneously with a report that unfavorable weather Carter St. mental beliefs 'Without which all Nosavan said today. tContiniied on Page Five) munity early this morning. had spoijed a try this morning to launCh him 115 miles into Marriage Lfoeasea. the apparatus of the law, all the The pro-we-stem governinent'.s The three, inCluding an elderly ON YOUR BUILDING George Earl Parsons Jr. of East ^ ....... ......... spate aboard a Redstone rocket. works of the courts, all the para- PRESSURIZED militarv strongman reported (hat woman, were asleep in the 3-stOry The “baCkup” Astronaut, to take Shepard’s place in the CONSULT US PROBLEMS! Hartford and Jacqueline Rae Wru- phenalia of Justice, all it s ' dig­ the two officers met yesterday house when the fire broke out In bel Of 45 Edmtmd St., May .0 at nity and all its wisdom would afternoon and fighting had halted Kennedy Seen. the attiC at 12:30 a.m. 3,000-ix)und Pro.iect MerCury space capsule if he is unable to Church of the Assumption. cease to be worthwhile.” , te? SLACEDARIZED SPRAY ’’provisionally and theorcticall.v" Three firemen were taken to go when the time Comes, is John H. Glenn Jr., 39-year-old Edwin Le.slie Minch of Hartford State District Atty. John D. La- by 5 p.m.
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