A Tribute to Gerald Weissmann (1930–2019)
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The Journal of Clinical Investigation OBITUARY A tribute to Gerald Weissmann (1930–2019) Dr. Gerald Weissmann, professor emeri- by Christian de Duve. With a solid back- tus at New York University School of Medi- ground in cell biology, Dr. Weissmann cine, a long-standing member of the Amer- marched onward and upward in a career ican Society for Clinical Investigation, and that led him to become a world-renowned a former president of the American Col- scientist, rheumatologist, mentor, and lege of Rheumatology (1983–1984), was a scholar. As the son of a practicing physi- larger- than-life force in academic medicine cian, he kept in mind that patients were and biomedical research. With his passing at the center of his work. Dr. Weissmann on July 10, 2019, medicine lost a genuine- is best known for uncovering evidence ly exceptional physician, scientist, writer, that identified rheumatoid arthritis as an and mentor to many. As chief of the Divi- immune complex disease and for demon- sion of Rheumatology at NYU’s Langone strating that crises in systemic lupus ery- Medical Center (1973–2000), Weissmann thematosus are evoked by intravascular trained scores of academic clinician-scien- complement activation. Gerry authored tists in internal medicine and rheumatol- many pioneering studies on leukocyte ogy. His enormous intellect and capacity activation and the role of salicylates and for scholarship shall be greatly missed. Dr. corticosteroids in regulating cell signaling Weissmann wore many hats, but to all, he responses. In the mid-1960s, in efforts to was a guiding light in scientific rigor, even- better understand the antiinflammatory handedness, and unbounded enthusiasm mechanism of corticosteroids, he co-dis- for scholarship in the world of biomedical Figure 1. Gerald Weissmann. Image credit: covered liposomes, phospholipid vesicles sciences. In this tribute, we provide some Leonard Nones. that have become crucial tools widely used comments from a few of Dr. Weissmann’s in the laboratory and in clinical practice for many colleagues and trainees. the delivery to tissues of many bioactive Gerald Weissmann (Figure 1) was born His father, a Vienna-trained physician substances, including genes, drugs, and in Vienna, Austria, in 1930 and left with with a strong interest in the rheumatic nutrients (2, 3). his parents in 1938, escaping Europe’s tur- diseases (before there was such a special- Gerry received numerous distinctions moil to settle in New York City, where his ty as rheumatology), brought his aspiring and awards. He was a fellow of the Amer- father resumed the practice of medicine. artist son, in the early 1950s, to a lecture ican Association for the Advancement of After earning an undergraduate degree on corticosteroids and their use in the Science and the Royal Society of Medi- from Columbia University, Gerry complet- treatment of rheumatic diseases. Gerry cine. He was elected in 2002 to Galileo’s ed medical school in 1954 at NYU School recalled that this was a pivotal event that Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei of Rome, of Medicine. Dr. Weissmann completed led to a change in his educational goals. the world’s oldest scholarly society. This his residency at Mount Sinai Hospital and His career defined in many respects what honor was particularly fitting because, by returned to NYU, where he served as the we consider today a physician-scientist, studying portraits of Galileo, Gerry sur- first chief resident under Lewis Thomas, but with an artistic flair. mised that the astronomer suffered from MD, Chairman of Medicine, who would Gerry’s research began in the laborato- gout, which he later wrote about in his later become the dean. Dr. Weissmann ry of Dr. Thomas, where his interests were 2007 book Galileo’s Gout (vide infra). He remained at NYU, continued his very suc- further captivated by studies in the area also received two of the American Col- cessful trajectory, and was appointed the of inflammation. In 1964 he co-authored lege of Rheumatology’s highest honors: founding director of NYU Langone’s Divi- one of his first papers with Dr. Thomas the Presidential Gold Medal and the Life- sion of Rheumatology, serving from 1973 in the Journal of Cell Biology, reporting on time Achievement Award. At NYU, Gerry to 2000. results of neutrophil lysosomes in the now was recognized in 2009 as a Master Edu- Dr. Weissmann was internationally famous rabbit ear experiments, in which cator and Mentor. From 1975 to 2001, he known for his contributions to the molec- the neutrophils’ lysosomal contents spilled served as the founding editor of the jour- ular mechanisms of inflammation and the to damage the ear cartilage, making the nal Inflammation, and from 2006 to 2015, biochemistry of lipids and eicosanoids. ear droop (1). Following up on basic lyso- he was editor-in-chief of The FASEB Jour- Dr. Weissmann began his education at some biology, in 1972 Gerry became the nal. He was serving as the journal’s book the Art Students League of New York, fifth organizer of the Lysosome Gordon reviews editor at the time of his death. where he prepared for a career in fine art. Research Conference, founded in 1967 Dr. Weissmann was dedicated to educa- tion. While setting the highest expectations, Gerry always provided encouragement. Copyright: © 2019, American Society for Clinical Investigation. Despite his own myriad accomplishments, Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2019;129(11):4553–4555. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI133490. his greatest pride was in the success of jci.org Volume 129 Number 11 November 2019 4553 OBITUARY The Journal of Clinical Investigation those he trained. In the laboratory, he was the most lasting lessons that he impart- métier. Each summer at the MBL, anoth- well known for the phrase, “That’s a wow!” ed to his grateful trainees. Many of Dr. er dimension of Dr. Weissmann emerged: extolled when a young investigator pre- Weissmann’s trainees went on to lead dis- planning experiments, writing essays and sented interesting new results. Gerry hand- tinguished careers and remained close to scientific manuscripts, and conversing picked his fellows and taught them how him throughout his life. with colleagues on the principles in biolo- to lead by example, to dissect a research In his college, medical school, and gy that could impact medicine and patient problem down to its bare bones, to write the residency years, Gerry’s domain was care. And oh, yes, tennis too. Queen’s English (never a noun as an adjec- Manhattan, but from his mentor, Lewis Throughout his career, Gerry wrote tive, always the active voice), and to deliver Thomas, he heard about another mec- and published literary essays. His writ- a masterful presentation (hours spent slide ca, not one of medicine but of biolo- ing appeared in The New York Times Book by slide, color for color for each graph on all gy — the Marine Biological Laboratory Review, the London Review of Books, and of the slides for every talk from his lab). Dr. (MBL) at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The New Republic, among other venues. Weissmann was a gentleman-scholar, a role In due course, Gerry came to MBL, and His work has been collected in nearly a model for many, and when he spoke to you it became for the rest of his life a power- dozen book-length volumes, including about experiments, you knew it was from fully enabling complement to his NYU The Woods Hole Cantata: Essays on Science the heart. career. He became an annual summer and Society (4), Darwin’s Audubon: Science Gerry Weissmann ignited a spark in investigator, initiating studies of inflam- and The Liberal Imagination (5), Galileo’s countless lives. Those fortunate enough mation-like cellular events in certain Gout (6), Mortal and Immortal DNA (7), to have grown under Gerry’s wings prob- marine organisms whose simplified ver- Epigenetics in the Age of Twitter (8), and, ably feel as we do, that a major pillar of sions of the human phenomena afforded most recently, The Fevers of Reason (9). our foundation is now missing. We all an opportunistic window for insights. As an essayist, Gerry was elected to PEN miss his famous purple magic marker During these years, his zest as an International, the prestigious society of that annotated the work we submitted to essayist bloomed. Although he would writers. Gerry was twice awarded sabbat- him and showed us ways to deliver the arrive at Woods Hole in June with a icals at the Rockefeller Foundation Bella- significance of our discoveries in a crisp research article from his NYU lab still to gio Center (a rare scientist among artists and focused communication that could be finished, and while in August he had and writers). In age-old literary tradition, be understood by all. Even those who another manuscript in the works from his Gerry the polymath flourished during his met Gerry only briefly, or simply attend- summer work, he managed to steal away annual winter sojourns with Ann on Île ed his lectures at national meetings, on certain days and write essays for vari- Saint-Louis, Paris. appreciated this universal man of grand ous publications. These were for a broad- Dr. Weissmann was blessed with a proportions who enlightened our fields er scientific audience than his peers in wonderful family. He is survived by his for decades. rheumatology and immunology and dis- wife, Ann, a true lifetime partner of over In conferences, lab meetings, and played an uncommon nimbleness of apt 65 years; his daughter, Lisa Beth Weiss- informal discussions, Gerry’s raised eye- metaphor, typically a link of the biologi- mann, MD, Chief of Hematology/Oncol- brow was a “tell,” a tipoff that a pun was cal subject at hand with something in art, ogy at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cam- on its way.