Restricted Uniform Boundedness in Banach Spaces

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Restricted Uniform Boundedness in Banach Spaces RESTRICTED UNIFORM BOUNDEDNESS IN BANACH SPACES OLAV NYGAARD AND MARTÄ POLDVERE~ Abstract. Precise conditions for a subset A of a Banach space X are known in order that pointwise bounded on A sequences of bounded linear functionals on X are uniformly bounded. In this paper, we study such conditions under the extra assumption that the functionals belong to a given linear subspace ¡ of X¤. When ¡ = X¤, these conditions are known to be the same ones assuring a bounded linear operator into X, having A in its image, to be onto. We prove that, for A, deciding uniform boundedness of sequences in ¡ is the same property as deciding surjectivity for certain classes of operators. 1. Introduction Let X be a real or complex Banach space, let ¡ be a linear subspace of the dual space X¤, and let A be a subset of X. We shall say that the set A is ¡-boundedness deciding if every pointwise bounded on A family F ½ ¡ is pointwise bounded on the whole of X (and thus norm bounded). Note that, in this de¯nition, we may assume the families F to be sequences. Two natural situations are when ¡ = X¤ or when the space X is a dual, say X = Z¤ for some Banach space Z and ¡ = Z, in which cases boundedness- decidingness is well understood. The key concepts in these cases, respectively, are the notions of thickness and weak¤-thickness (which resemble the second Baire cat- egory) introduced by Kadets and Fonf [KF]. Recall that a set B ½ X (respectively, B ½ X = Z¤) is said to be norming (respectively, weak¤-norming) if inf sup jx¤(x)j > 0 (respectively, inf sup jz¤(z)j > 0); ¤ x 2SX¤ x2B z2SZ z¤2B or, equivalently, if the closed (respectively, weak¤-closed) absolutely convex hull of B contains a ball; otherwise B is said to be non-norming (respectively, weak¤- non-norming). The set A is said to be thick (respectively, weak¤-thick) if it can not be represented as a non-decreasing union of non-norming (respectively, weak¤- non-norming) sets; otherwise A is said to be thin (respectively, weak¤-thin). We refer to the survey article [N2] for detailed sources of the following two omnibus-theorems. Theorem 1.1. Let A be a subset of a Banach space X. The following assertions are equivalent. (a) The set A is thick. (b) Whenever a sequence of functionals in the dual space X¤ is pointwise bounded on A, then this sequence is norm bounded (i.e., A is X¤-boundedness de- ciding). 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation. 46B20, 46A30. Key words and phrases. Uniform boundedness, thick set, boundedness deciding set. The second named author was supported by Estonian Science Foundation Grant 7308. 1 2 O. NYGAARD AND M. POLDVERE~ (b)~ Whenever a family of continuous linear operators from the space X to some Banach space is pointwise bounded on A, then this family is norm bounded. (c) Whenever Y is a Banach space and T : Y ! X is a continuous linear operator such that T [Y ] ⊃ A, then T [Y ] = X. (~c) Whenever Y is a Banach space and T : Y ! X is a continuous linear injection with T [BY ] being a closed set such that T [Y ] ⊃ A, then T [Y ] = X. (d) Whenever (­; §; ¹) is a measure space and an essentially separably valued ¤ function g : ­ ! X is such that a ± g 2 L1(¹) for every a 2 A, then x ± g 2 L1(¹) for every x 2 X. (e) The linear span of A is dense and barrelled. Theorem 1.2. Let Z be a Banach space and let A be a subset of the dual space Z¤. The following assertions are equivalent. (a) The set A is weak¤-thick. (b) Whenever a sequence of elements of the space Z is pointwise bounded on A, then this sequence is norm bounded (i.e., A is Z-boundedness deciding). (b)~ Whenever a family of dual continuous linear operators from Z¤ to some dual Banach space Y ¤ is pointwise bounded on A, then this family is norm bounded. (c) Whenever Y is a Banach space and T : Z ! Y is a continuous linear operator such that T ¤[Y ¤] ⊃ A, then T ¤[Y ¤] = Z¤. (d) Whenever (­; §; ¹) is a measure space and an essentially separably valued function g : ­ ! Z is such that a ± g 2 L1(¹) for every a 2 A, then ¤ ¤ ¤ z ± g 2 L1(¹) for every z 2 Z . ~ P1 P1 (d) Whenever a series j=1 zj in Z is such that j=1 ja(zj)j < 1 for ev- ery a 2 A, then this series is weakly unconditionally Cauchy, that is, P1 ¤ ¤ ¤ j=1 jz (zj)j < 1 for every z 2 Z . The objective of this paper is to create a concept | ¡-thickness | which contains both thickness and weak¤-thickness, and to show how the equivalences (a){(d) of both Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 can be formulated in a uni¯ed setting. In Section 2, we generalize the equivalences of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 involving thickness and boundedness to Theorem 2.6 giving the equivalence of ¡-thickness and ¡-boundedness decidingness. It follows that if ¡1 and ¡2 are linear subspaces of ¤ X , then ¡1-thickness and ¡2-thickness are the same if and only if the norm closures ¤ of ¡1 and ¡2 coincide. It also follows that ¡-thickness it just weak -thickness in another setting (Corollary 2.9) and thus the equivalence of ¡-thickness and certain integrability decidingness readily follows from Theorem 1.2. In Section 3, our focus will be on formulating theorems that contain as particular cases the equivalences between thickness and surjectivity in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. Our notation is mostly standard. The closed unit ball and the unit sphere of a Banach space X, and the natural embedding into the bidual X¤¤ are denoted, respectively, by BX and SX , and jX . For a set A ½ X, we denote by span(A) the linear span of A, and by absconv(A) its absolutely convex hull. If Y is a Banach space (over the same scalar ¯eld as X), then L(Y; X) will stand for the Banach space of continuous linear operators from Y to X. If some subsets An ½ X, n 2 N, are such that A1 ½ A2 ½ A3 ½ :::, then, for their union, we sometimes write S1 n=1 An ". RESTRICTED UNIFORM BOUNDEDNESS 3 2. Thick and thin sets, boundedness, and integrability Throughout the section, X will be a Banach space and ¡ a linear subspace of X¤. We shall write ¿ for the weak topology σ(X; ¡) on X. In this situation, one has (X; ¿)¤ = ¡ (see, e.g, [M, page 207, Theorem 2.4.11]). Let us ¯rst de¯ne the main concepts we shall need. We shall say that a subset B ½ X is ¡-norming if © ¤ ¤ ª inf sup jx (x)j: x 2 SX¤ \ ¡ > 0: x2B The set B will be said to be ¡-non-norming if it is not ¡-norming. We shall say that a set A ½ X is ¡-thick if it can not be represented as a non-decreasing countable S1 union of ¡-non-norming sets, i.e., whenever A = n=1 An ", then, for some m 2 N, the set Am is ¡-norming. The set A will be said to be ¡-thin if it is not ¡-thick. Remark 2.1. Note that a subset of X is ¡-norming if and only if its absolutely convex hull is ¡-norming. Remark 2.2. Note that a bounded subset of X is ¡-norming if and only if it is ¡-norming (norm-closure in X¤). Remark 2.3. Suppose that A is ¡-thin. Then it can be represented as A = S1 n=1 An ", where the An, n 2 N, are ¡-non-norming sets. One also has A = S1 n=1 An \ nBX ". Thus, a ¡-thin set can be represented as a countable non- decreasing union of norm-bounded ¡-non-norming sets. The following lemma is a simple application of the Hahn-Banach separation theorem in the locally convex space (X; ¿). It will be used extensively throughout the paper. Lemma 2.4. A subset B of X is ¡-norming if and only if there exists some ± > 0 ¿ such that absconv (B) ⊃ ±BX . ¿ ¤ Proof. If absconv (B) ⊃ ±BX and x 2 SX¤ \ ¡, then © ¿ ª sup jx¤(x)j = sup jx¤(x)j: x 2 absconv (B) ¸ sup jx¤(x)j = ±: x2B x2±BX ¿ 1 Conversely, if, for every n 2 N, one has absconv (B) 6⊃ n BX , then there is a 1 1 ¿ sequence (xn)n=1 ½ X such that kxnk · n and xn 62 absconv (B) for all n 2 N. By the Hahn-Banach separation theorem (see, e.g, [M, page 180, Theorem 2.2.28] ¤ ¤ for its possibly non-Hausdor® version), for each n 2 N, there is an xn 2 (X; ¿) = ¡ ¤ with kxnk = 1 such that ¤ © ¤ ¿ ª Re xn(xn) > sup Re xn(x): x 2 absconv (B) © ¤ ¿ ª ¤ = sup jxn(x)j: x 2 absconv (B) = sup jxn(x)j x2B 1 ¤ ¤ ¤ and thus n > supx2B jxn(x)j. The latter clearly implies that inffsupx2B jx (x)j: x 2 SX¤ \ ¡g = 0. ¤ A better result than Remark 2.1 follows. ¿ Corollary 2.5. A subset B of X is ¡-norming if and only if absconv (B) is ¡- norming. 4 O. NYGAARD AND M. POLDVERE~ We now arrive at a generalization of the equivalences (a),(b) of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. Theorem 2.6. Let A ½ X. The following assertions are equivalent. (a) The set A is ¡-thick. (b) The set A is ¡-boundedness deciding.
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