The National Catholic Weekly Feb. 2, 2009 $2.75 of Many Things Published by Jesuits of the United States
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THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WEEKLY FEB. 2, 2009 $2.75 OF MANY THINGS PUBLISHED BY JESUITS OF THE UNITED STATES EDITOR IN CHIEF he inauguration of Barack where individuals can live out in full Drew Christiansen, S.J. Obama as the 44th president measure their personal dignity, will T of the United States was easily always be unfinished business, a con- EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT recognized by the nation’s citizens as a tinuing challenge. The nation’s ability MANAGING EDITOR turning point in our history. More to influence other nations will always Robert C. Collins, S.J. striking, perhaps, was the change it sig- depend on our faithful pursuit of that EDITORIAL DIRECTOR naled in the way the United States is founding American promise. Karen Sue Smith perceived by the rest of the world. Even President Obama in his inaugural ONLINE EDITOR before his landslide electoral victory address called for renewed confidence Maurice Timothy Reidy last November, the very fact that an in that promise, casting off old and CULTURE EDITOR African-American was nominated by exhausted ideas and programs and James Martin, S.J. his party as their presidential candidate restoring trust in people. The chal- LITERARY EDITOR had overturned assumptions about lenges that our new president con- Patricia A. Kossmann American society that appeared to be fronts—an uncertain national and POETRY EDITOR widely shared. global economy, the proliferation of James S. Torrens, S.J. Those assumptions, as events have nuclear weapons, simmering conflicts shown, were unfair and superficial. in the Middle East and an ill-defined ASSOCIATE EDITORS Still, they had a foundation in history, network of international terrorists— Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. George M. Anderson, S.J. namely the long journey toward racial demand a cautious but confident Dennis M. Linehan, S.J. equality that plunged the nation into response. Mr. Obama has made it clear Jim McDermott, S.J. civil war and persisted in the decades that in meeting these challenges he will Matt Malone, S.J. that followed as former slaves struggled pursue a foreign policy based on multi- James T. Keane, S.J. for authentic equality as new citizens lateral international collaboration. But Peter Schineller, S.J. with full participation in the nation’s in this collaboration, the United States ASSISTANT EDITOR economic and educational institutions. is “ready to lead once more.” Francis W. Turnbull, S.J. The journey was a painful one, through How will Mr. Obama’s claim to a DESIGN AND PRODUCTION the civil rights marches of the 1960s renewed role of leadership for the Stephanie Ratcliffe and the soaring rhetoric and martyr- United States be received by other dom of Martin Luther King Jr. nations around the world? Our tradi- BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Because of his own multiracial back- tional allies will surely welcome it and PUBLISHER ground, President Obama himself can keep whatever nervous misgivings they Jan Attridge be seen as a transitional figure in the may have to themselves. Some nations CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER journey toward a post-racial society, that have been cast as adversaries in the Lisa Pope but one whose gifts of intellect and lan- past may welcome what they see as a MARKETING guage have enabled him to articulate change in Washington’s tactics, from Eryk Krysztofiak for our nation and the world the mean- military intimidation to international ADVERTISING ing of this moment in our national his- diplomacy. But Mr. Obama’s confident Julia Sosa tory. promise of an eventual defeat of inter- For those of us of a certain age and national terrorism made it clear that 106 West 56th Street background, Mr. Obama’s assertion the new president had a realistic under- New York, NY 10019-3803 that the United States was “ready to standing of the uses of military power, Ph: 212-581-4640; Fax: 212-399-3596 lead once more” recalled what the Jesuit not only to defend the nation but also E-mail: [email protected]; theologian John Courtney Murray half to persuade other nations of the advan- [email protected] a century ago called “the American tages of diplomacy over military con- Web site: proposition,” the desire to form one frontation. Customer Service: 1-800-627-9533 society out of diverse communities, e The prayers not only of the citizens © 2009 America Press, Inc. pluribus unum. Father Murray liked to of the United States but also of the cit- Cover The Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, left, say that the foundation of our nation izens of the world support our new with the French Dominican Yves will always be a promise still to be ful- president, as he has promises to keep. Congar in 1962, during the Second filled. The pursuit of a just society, JOSEPH A. O’HARE Vatican Council. CONTENTS VOL. 200 NO. 3, WHOLE NO. 4843 FEBRUARY 2, 2009 ARTICLES 10 NOVELTY IN CONTINUITY Pope Benedict’s interpretation of Vatican II Joseph A. Komonchak 19 BRAIN DEATH AND ORGAN DONATION Some pro-life groups are questioning the criteria for organ transplants. Pope John Paul II would have disagreed. James M. DuBois 25 WHEN A LITTLE UNBELIEF IS NOT A BAD THING What believers can learn from nonbelievers 10 Daniel F. Polish COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 4 Current Comment 5 Editorial The Only Road to Freedom 6 Signs of the Times 10 Column The Gift of Goodwill Margaret Silf 27 Poem Listening to Beethoven John Savant 29 Faith in Focus A Virtual Church Greg Kandra 43 Letters 19 46 The Word On Fire With the Good News Barbara E. Reid BOOKS & CULTURE 33 FILM Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Australia’ BOOKS Sense of the Faithful; On That Day, Everybody Ate; Factory Girls; Book Briefs ON THE WEB ON THE WEB Greg Kandra talks about blogging and working in televi- sion on our podcast. Plus, Richard Leonard, S.J., on the fantasy films of 2008, and from the archives, F. X. Murphy, C.Ss.R., (right) reports from Vatican II. All at 2935 CURRENT COMMENT Sudanese army admitted renewed bombing attacks against Playing Politics With Religion? rebel populations. Tribal/religious/political riots in Jos, As evidenced by his insightful books, frequent interviews Nigeria, resulted in 400 killed. In Guinea a military coup and a lengthy discussion on faith with Newsweek in July, followed the death of the dictatorial president, Gen. President Barack Obama takes his Christianity seriously. Lansana Conté. In Somalia uncertainty reigns about the He also takes his politics seriously. When it came to the future after the figurehead president, Abdullahi Yusuf inaugural prayer last week, politics won out. Ahmed, resigned and Ethiopian troops began a withdraw- Last August, Rick Warren, the founding pastor of an al ending a two-year intervention. evangelical megachurch in California and author of the In Ghana there is a glimmer of hope. The opposition bestseller The Purpose Driven Life, hosted Senator Obama candidate, John Atta-Mills, won a close, hard-fought con- and Senator John McCain at a “Civil Forum” before the test in the run-off election of Dec. 28. Mr. Akufo-Addo, election. It was an important event for Obama, who was the losing candidate, and the outgoing president, John seeking ways to reach evangelical voters. A few months Kufuor, graciously conceded defeat. It was a victory for the later, the president-elect tapped Pastor Warren to deliver Ghanaian people. Ghana was the herald of African inde- the opening prayer at his inauguration. pendence in 1957. We hope it will usher in a new era of Was this political payback or simply an example of Mr. democracy in Africa’s troubled history. Obama’s laudable outreach to evangelicals? Hard to say, though on a similar topic—whether he would award Richard Neuhaus, 1936-2009 ambassadorships as political rewards—Mr. Obama said it The Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, the founder and editor was “disingenuous” to pretend otherwise. Either way, some of the monthly journal First Things, died on the morning Obamaphiles were dismayed: Warren had compared of Jan. 8, 2009, at the age of 72, the victim of cancer that same-sex marriage to child rape, incest and polygamy. he had fought for several years. The son of a Lutheran Then, a few days before the inauguration, it was minister and himself a longtime Lutheran pastor, Father announced that Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the openly gay Neuhaus was received into the Catholic Church on Sept. Episcopalian bishop of New Hampshire, would lead a 8, 1990. A year later, he was ordained a priest by the late prayer on the Sunday night before the inaugural festivities. Cardinal John O’Connor, archbishop of New York. Robinson’s ordination as bishop in 2003 was the catalyst The author of several books, including The Naked for chaos within the worldwide Anglican Communion. Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America (1984), Neither choice was prudent. There are many other rea- Father Neuhaus insisted, both before and after entering sonable mainstream clerics (or laypersons) Mr. Obama the Catholic Church, on the legitimacy of including faith- could have chosen who would not have raised suspicions based perspectives in the civic debate on public policy. that he was playing politics with religion. Never one to shy away from controversy, his own style of commentary was sharp and pointed, not averse to occa- Failure and Success in Africa sionally caricaturing an opposing viewpoint. The tragedy in Zimbabwe, once an exemplary and proud In 2005, although by then many years a Catholic priest, nation, deepens beyond our worst fears. Today it is the Father Neuhaus was named one of the “25 Most exemplar of a failed state.