Parish of St. Kilian Bishop and Martyr

485 Conklin Street • Farmingdale, NY • www. stkilian. com • Parish Office - 516- 249- 0127 All Souls Day

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

Monday, November 2, 2020 PARISH INFORMATIONAL PAGE

The 2021 Mass Book is opening for January through June.

Wednesday, November 4th from 1pm to 3:30pm in the church. Announced Mass refers to a Mass for which there is a specific date and time and it is published in the Bulletin and announced during the Prayer of the Faithful at that Mass. Masses are $20.00 donation. There is a limit of 4 masses per person. Please visit to download the Mass Intention form prior to Wednesday. There is an extra $5.00 for a leatherette folder. Masks are required!

Please visit to download the Mass Intention form prior to Wednesday or open your phone to take a picture where you can scan this QR code and it will bring you to the form directly to print. Thank you!

This year we will be having two All Souls Day Please note that there are Masses as we read the names of our Beloved deceased: Monday, November 2nd: NO CONFESSIONS on 9am Mass for families with names A-L nd 1pm Mass for families with names M-Z Monday, November 2 , due to the All Souls Day Celebration of the Eucharist

Mass taking place in the Saturday Evening 5:00PM 6:30PM - Misa en Espanol Church Sunday 7:00AM, 8:00AM, 9:30AM Family Mass, Masks are required to be 11:00AM & 12:30PM

Daily Mass worn in the Parish! Monday through Friday 7AM & 9AM Saturday 7:30AM—becomes 8am Jan. 1st

Thank you! Sacrament of Penance Monday: 1:00 - 1:30 PM & Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM

2 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - DIRECTORY SACRAMENTS

Parish of St. Kilian Baptism: Bishop and Martyr Until further notice, Baptisms are RECTORY OFFICE: (516) 249-0127 celebrated as Private Baptisms with a FAX: (516) 249-7131 single child/ family being baptized at a WEBSITE: time. Baptisms are scheduled on E-MAIL: [email protected] Saturdays, Sundays and weekdays when the Church is available. Please call the rectory at (516) 249-0127 to BULLETIN: [email protected] arrange for an interview with a deacon or priest to RECTORY OFFICE HOURS make Baptism arrangements. Please go to the parish Mon. - Thur. 9:30 am - 5:00 pm website at for additional (Closed for lunch 12:30PM - 1:30PM ) information on the Sacrament of Baptism. Friday: 9:30 am - 12pm, Saturday: 10am - 4pm & Sunday: 10am - 2pm Reconciliation: A live telephone messaging service will respond to Confessions are heard in the church on all urgent calls when the rectory is closed and on Mondays, 1:00-1:30 p.m.; Saturdays, the weekends. 4:00- 4:45 p.m.; and in the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not heard Mr. Edward Fronckwicz, Jr. - Business Manager - on Mondays that are Holy Days or public holidays. [email protected] Confessions in Spanish by appointment. Please call Mrs. Jane Zollo - Director of Stewardship - the rectory at (516)249-0127. [email protected]

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE (516) 694-0633: Matrimony: Email - [email protected] Marriage arrangements should be made Mrs. Claire Stiglic, Assoc. Director Faith Formation with a deacon or priest at least six months Mrs. Kathleen Singleton, Assoc. Director Faith Formation before the proposed wedding date. No Mrs. Carmela Petraglia - Secretary dates for marriage will be given over the Ms. Marian Magadan - Secretary phone. Note: The interview to schedule the marriage date at St. Kilian should be completed before SOCIAL MINISTRY/ PARISH OUTREACH commitments are made with a catering hall. (516) 756-9656: Additional information is available on the parish Mrs. Nina Petersen - Director - [email protected] website: Mrs. Jeana Lewis - Secretary

MUSIC (516) 420-0950: Anointing of the Sick: Mr. Paul Phinney - Director - [email protected] The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be received by any Catholic who Rectory Office Directory: is preparing for surgery, or is of advanced Mrs. Christina Dunbar - Bookkeeper- [email protected] age, or is seriously ill. The sacrament is Mrs. Grace Kaufold - Census - [email protected] the Church’s prayer for health and healing and should Mrs. Jeana Lewis - Bulletin – [email protected] not be delayed until there is danger of death. Please Mrs. Jennifer Miller - Secretary - [email protected] call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to arrange for Communion to be brought to the homebound, PASTORAL COUNCIL please call the rectory to have a priest visit. After the Mrs. Addie DeVincentis - Mr. Geoffrey Fenwick priest visits, arrangements can be made for a Mrs. Jeri Fioravanti - Mrs. Lillian James Eucharistic Minister to regularly bring communion to Mrs. Janet Liotta - Mr. Paul Montenero the homebound. Mrs. Lorraine Pieloch - Mr. James Porter Mrs. Erin Stoeber - Mrs. Melissa Suwalski Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Pastoral Council e-mail: [email protected] RCIA (Becoming A Catholic):

FINANCE COMMITTEE Anyone who is inquiring about Mr. Edward Smith - Trustee becoming a Catholic, and who has not Mr. Richard Merzbacher - Trustee been baptized, or who has been baptized Mr. Victor Albanese - Deacon Frank Barone in another Christian community is invited to inquire Deacon William Weiss - Mr. Stephen G. Wilson into the RCIA. Please call the rectory for information at (516) 249-0127.

Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 3 Marriage Banns

First Announcement: Nicole Claase and Daniel Giannotea Second Announcement: Johanna Hernandez and Anthony Pellegrino Third Announcement: Monday, November 2, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday Dorina Marie Rubino and Richard Joseph Farina 7am All Souls Day Novena Baptisms 9am All Souls Day Novena (last names A-L) Theodore Gilroy 1pm All Souls Day Novena (last names M-Z) 6pm All Souls Day Spanish Mass Charmelina Cunningham Charley Cunningham Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday Giavanna DiDomenica Lucy Scuderi 7am Robert F. Turner

9am All Souls Day Novena

Host & Wine Memorial Wednesday, November 4, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday

7am Hugh Gilmore All Weekday 9am All Souls Day Novena (11/2—11/6) Masses have Thursday, November 5, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday been donated in Memory of 7am Edith Heiderman 9am All Souls Day Novena Hugh Gilmore Friday, November 6, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday

Gifted by: Joan Gilmore 7am Hugh Gilmore 9am All Souls Day Novena

Saturday, November 7, 2020 - Ordinary Weekday Rest in Peace We remember those who have died in 7:30am Jenny & Richard Pedone our parish community this week: 5pm All Souls Day Novena Eternal Rest grant unto them O Hugh Gilmore Lord; and let the perpetual light shine 6:30pm For the Parishioners upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed Sunday, November 8, 2020 –Solemnity of All Saints through the mercy of God Rest in 7am For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 8am Karen Kolomechuk Peace, 9:30am Pasko Markovina Amen 11am Madeline Favilla 12:30pm All Souls Day Novena Concetta O. Vicario Glenn Mextorf Casey Marie Lax Gerry & Barry Horn Sr. Hugh Gilmore Scripture Reflection: In today’s Gospel, we hear of the Beatitudes. May we learn from Christ’s teaching so we may one day be saints in Heaven.

4 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - PRAYERS FOR THE SICK

As a praying community, we ask you to pray for our parishioners who are ill:

Bernadette Stretz, Kaelyn Maureen McCandless, Brian Ringham, Joan Wilson and Josephine Sotis

Please email [email protected] if you would like a parishioner’s name added to the sick list or removed. The request to have a name placed on this list must be made by the sick person himself or herself, or by an immediate family member only.

PARISH COLLECTION Parish Collection Report This Year, October 24/25th Last Year, October 19/20th 2019 Mass Collection: $14,149 Mass Collection: $19,048 On Line: $5,172 On Line: $2,858 Total: $19,647 Total: $21,906 Mass attendance : 1,022 Mass attendance: 1,697 Thank you for placing God first in your life!

Christmas Wreaths and Blankets will be on sale again this year. We are moving the location to the auditorium to ensure social distancing and ease of picking up your orders. Masks are required.

Look for the order form in the next bulletin. Pick up Dates: Saturday December 12th from 9:00AM to 12 Noon Sunday December 13th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM

Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 5 RESPECT LIFE PRAYERS

An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory By Lodovico Carracci, c.1610 Pinacoteca, Vatican

Monday, November 2 - The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls): WIS 3:1-9, PS 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6, ROM 6:3-9, JN In Carracci’s painting, who is the luckiest person in 6:37-40 purgatory? That would be the one whom the angel has by the wrist, pointing upward as if saying, “Your time in Tuesday, November 3 - Weekday: Phil 2:5- purgatory is complete; come join the saints in heaven.” 11, Ps 22:26b-32, Lk 14:15-24

As Catholics, our respect for life should include those Wednesday, November 4 - Weekday: Phil who have left this world and moved on to their eternal 2:12-18, Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14, Lk 14:25-33, Rom life. November is the month that the Catholic Church 12:3-13, Jn 10:11-16 dedicates to the Souls in Purgatory. Following All Saints Day on November 1st, we have the feast of all souls Day Thursday, November 5 - Weekday: Phil 3:3 on November 2nd. -8a, Ps 105:2-7, Lk 15:1-10

It is our job, as the Church Militant, to pray for those Friday, November 6 - Weekday: Phil loved ones who reside in the Church Penitent - our loved 3:174:1, Ps 1221-5, Lk 16:1-8 ones in purgatory. Our prayers help cleanse them of their sins so they may gain entrance into the Church Saturday, November 7 - Weekday: Phil 4:10- Triumphant - heaven. 19, Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9, Lk 16:9-15

An ancient tradition existed, which gave rise to modern Sunday, November 8 - Thirty-second Sunday day trick-or-treating, whereby “soulers” (typically in Ordinary Time: WIS 6:12-16, PS 63:2, 3-4, children) would go door to door and offer prayers for the deceased of that household in exchange for treats 5-6, 7-8, 1 THES 4:13-18 OR 4:13-14 known as “soul .” One prayer used by the soulers is recorded by the artist, Sting in a song entitled, Soul .” You can find it on YouTube at: https:// The lyrics/prayer recognize saints Peter and Paul along with God: A soul cake, a soul cake Please remember in your Please, good missus, a soul cake One for Peter, two for Paul prayers the men and And three for Him that made us all. women serving in the On All Souls Day and throughout the month of November, pray each day for your lost loved ones. Visit Military: their graves, if possible. For more ideas, give a listen to Annabelle Moseley’s Destination Sainthood, Captain Peter J. Noto Episode 4, found here:

6 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - All Souls Day LIGHT AND PEACE ~ NOVEMBER 2, 2020 DECEASED PARISHIONERS - 2019 ~ 2020 ~ MAY GOD GRANT THEM A PLACE OF LIGHT AND PEACE ~ All names will be read at two separate Masses for our Beloved deceased: Monday, November 2nd: 9am Mass for families with names A-L 1pm Mass for families with names M-Z

October 2019 Teofila Enriquez Rose Ramano Francis P. Furnari George Frank Krug Walter C. Lane Henry W. Bailey, Jr. Loretta Rita Igoe Carol A. Garofalo

(Chip) December 2019 John Gonzalez Anne Sponholz Joseph Dali Laurie Bovich Wallis Eugie V. McDougall Francis Carelli John DePasquale Rose Nardello Anita Lombardi Eileen C. James Robert J. Hendel William Sieb Margaret Semmler Mildred G. Lubrano Grace Donovan Blind Robert B. Evans November 2019 Catherine Singer Jennifer Lynn Weiss Donna Marie Cali Mary Ruocchio Frank Madonia Constance Priore Madeline Helen Catapano February 2020 John DiPietro Joseph R. Avidano Thomas R. Irwin Joan Jonansson Michael J. Suydam James A. DiPalma Fred "Skip" Schumeyer Joan John Thomas Lonnborg Geraldine C. Horne Wesley A. Haines Jr. Robert J. Kelly Michael D. DeLuca Paul A. Muhs Saverio Chiarello Albert F. Celeste Denslo F. Hamlin Jr. Jean Farrell Raymond J. Angelo George Paccione Albert F. Veneziano Frank DiCapua John H. McDermott Lawrence Greco James A. LeFebvre Marguerite K. Nalbach Henry Catanzaro

Concetta Montaperto January 2020 Joan F. Fullam Matthew J. Brady Anthony Savio David L. Cartwright Isabel Weber Domenico Greco William L. Gordon Joseph Montanino Ralph Socias Charles J. Rossi Jr. Michael John Mireider Michael J. Van Aken

Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 7 All Souls Day

February 2020 (cont.) Robert F. Hannan Anthony V. Pezzano Clara Wagner Bertrand Walsh Jean M. Mahoney Vincent Grieco Giovanna McHugh Stanley J. Crosby Anna Gordon Olga Marek Antonino Chillemi Marianna Espinoza Patrick Joseph Vitale March 2020 Una Marri Anthony Bonamo June 2020 Roy Paul Beaudoin Antoinetta Mastroianni Kathleen Kelly Joseph Romano Jean Sisti Hugo Carrillo Nancy V. Giminaro Alpert Apruzzi Walter John Doyle Cecile A. Donoghue Erwin Mulato Aragon Harriet (Dee) Monaghan Anthony Raio Carmela Maroney Maciej Garlinski Keiran McMillan Regina Bellisari Josephine Cannataro Donald Berry Olga Santamaria Rosemarie Oliver Marie F. Mertens Michael Contrastano Joseph V. Belesi Daniel P. Sullivan Josephine G. Marsala Angela M. Howell Margaret Fitzpatrick Hildegarde Ey Ciriaco Colucciello William F. Howell Minnie Romano Therese Ahern Jane Monaghan George Timiani Dr. Robert Chapman James Forgione Flor M. Pages Everardo Naranjo Pasquale Concessi Frank V. DeBiase Brenda Ann Barry July 2020 Joseph Borchers Marie Abbate Louis Gianusso Doris Zarodkiewicz Maria Gallea Frances DeLuca May 2020 Alexander R. Bellando April 2020 Francis Nowakowski Margaret M. Frazer Elinor B. Berti Louis M. Tucciarone Benito LoMonico Kathleen Mullen Dominic Posillico Utilia Badalamente Joan Williams Anthony R. Ammirati Helen M. Martin Rigoberto Boquin Jr. Denise Bracco Nicolas Hernandez Regina Traina John Dillon Leona Olfano Bernabe Benitz Joan Tentas Helen Barker Angelina D’Amico

8 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - All Souls Day

July 2020 Mary O’Sullivan Ellen B. Pence Carole Olivera Catherine Burmeister Adelaide Chiarello Leo Sinner Theresa M. Turner Denise E. Aliseo James Martin Mary Kenney Rauch Maria Fromigia William J. Asparro Catherine Castelo Nick Giammarino August 2020 Carmela Buttino Loretta Marie Eifu Kenneth W. Irving Frances Raymond Gene Michael Dybus Michael Marchese Peter G. McKiernan James D. Anglin Andrew A. Marino October 2020 Michael Farrell Hugh Gilmore Rose M. Romano John J. Oliver Gerald J. Zimmerman Susan Smalling Mary Ellen Moran Josephine Keats Cathleen Callahan Anthony L. Scotti Jr. Michael Henry Jones Mary M. Hall Kenneth J. Hunter Pasqualina Fantauzzi Patricia Jovine Vincent R. Ventiera John Harvey Begley September 2020 Casey Marie Lax Nick Solis Concetta O. Vicario Anthony Ammirati, Jr. Herminia Reyes Umberto Mario Marino Flora J. Kubo Neva Padovani

9 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY /OUTREACH

10 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY /OUTREACH

Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need. We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.

We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street. OUR FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS from 9AM-NOON. If you need food assistance but are unable to come on Tuesday or Friday from 9am-noon, give us a call and we will make other arrangements for you.

Please note that Outreach staff answers phone calls Monday through Friday from 9am-2pm. For further information please call 516-756-9656 Nina Petersen, Director

PLEASE SEE SEPARATE PAGE IN THIS BULLETIN ABOUT NEXT WEEKEND’S THANKSGIVING PARISH FOOD DRIVE! NOTE: NO TURKEYS this year, please! Due to COVID-19, parishioners will NOT be able to enter the building but may leave donations at our 140 Elizabeth Street entrance.

Parish Social Ministry/Outreach: we’re not just a food pantry! We have 16 different ministries under the umbrella of Outreach / Parish Social Ministry.

This week’s spotlight is on our HOMEBOUND EMs We serve the sick of our parish by bringing Communion to them in their homes. In doing so, our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist represent Christ and model faith and charity on behalf of the entire church. We are grateful to these EMs for the spiritual healing they impart through the power of the Eucharist.

FREE FLU SHOTS NEXT WEEKEND AT ST. KILIAN WHEN: Saturday, November 7th, from 5:00pm-8:00pm NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY! Must be over 18 See Catholic Health Services full page in this bulletin for more details on page 20 & 21. A GREAT, BIG THANK YOU: This fall, Farmingdale Rotary had to be creative in hosting their semi-annual food drive for our pantry, as local supermarkets would not allow solicitations outside their stores. We are so grateful for the drive-thru food drive that they held at our Parish Outreach building last weekend, and we thank them AND everyone who donated!

Thank You, St. Kilian Parish, for Helping Us Help Others!

Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 11 A MESSAGE FROM DEACON MARK WETZEL

God's Grace. Romans 8:31-39

If God is for us, who can be against us? If God acquits you, who then can condemn you? ... No one can. No one... Not even yourself.

Then St. Paul asks for specifics, “What can separate us from the love of Christ?”

Anguish? Distress? Persecution? ...The different challenges that each of us face in this thing called life? No! ...Neither heights nor depths, not the future or the past,... no, not even death itself, can separate us from the love of God... St. Paul is convinced of this.... But more importantly, convinced are you?

God’s love, His mercy, His grace surround us.

Billy Graham tells a story of a seminary professor who wanted to teach his students a lesson about God’s grace.

He says, "One of my more memorable professors had a practical way of teaching his students the concept of grace. Near the end of his evangelism course he distributed the final exam, and he cautioned all of us to read the entire thing from beginning to end before starting to answer any of the questions. This warning was written on the front of the exam as well. As we started reading the test, it became unquestionably clear to each of us that we had not studied nearly enough.

"The further we read, the harder the questions became. After a while, audible groans could be heard throughout the lecture hall. But at the end of the last page, however, was a note that read, "You now have a choice. You can either take the exam as written, trusting in your own knowledge and ability or you can sign your name right here and you’ll receive an A for this assignment."

"We sat there stunned," Graham said. "Was he serious? Just sign and get an A? Slowly, the point dawned on us, and one by one we turned in our tests and silently filed out of the room.

"When I talked with the professor years later, he shared some of the reactions he had received through the years. Some students began to take the exam without reading it all the way through, and they would sweat it out for the entire two hours of class time before reaching the last page.

"Others read the first few pages, became angry, turned the test in blank, and stormed out of the room without signing it. They never realized what was available to them, and as a result, they lost out.

"One student, however, read the entire test, including the note at the end, but decided to take the exam anyway. He did not want any gifts; he wanted to earn his grade. And he did. He earned a C-, but he could easily have had an A."

So, perhaps these verses are the last line on the test of life. All who hear the words and trust them pass, they get an A, so to speak.

Yet some hear about God's holiness and think, 'I can never live up to that' and they give up even trying to make the grade. Some spend too much time angry at God; some even much of their lifetime. Never realizing though, that all the while it has been God’s desire to give them grace, mercy, and love. And of course, a lot of us de- pend upon our own knowledge and ability to get ourselves into heaven, and we do our best to work our way toward God's approval. But face it, without God’s grace, we’re all C students at best.

Like Billy Graham’s professor, God makes us an offer that seems to be too good to be true. But true it is. God's grace is freely given.

God’s love, His mercy, His grace surrounds us. ... Abundant ...Never ending. It’s a reckless, no holds barred love.

His grace... reach out, grab it, claim it. Trust it.

12 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - PARISH ORGANIZATIONS

The Society of St. Knights of Vincent de Paul of Columbus Long Island

#2204 In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us!

KoC would like to remember our As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent members who have passed away this year de Paul Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them. on All Souls Day as well as all our dearly Thank You! departed members from years past: Together with your gifts, the members of the Joseph Iadevaia Society of St. Vincent de Paul continue his Joseph Montanino work and mission in our parish. Joseph Massaro If you are in need of assistance or would like Emanuel LaGatta information on joining or contributing to the Society, please call 516-473-9562. Leave a Gerald Mescall message, in English or Spanish, with your Philip Montuori name and phone number. Someone will return

“By humble and faithful prayer, the soul your call as soon as possible. You may also visit our website at acquires, with time and perseverance, every virtue.” - St. Catherine of Siena Please remember the Poor Boxes at the exits of the church, they are the Bread Boxes for the Poor Rest In Peace Knights and Hungry. Knights of Columbus #2204 St. Kilian’s Parish BLOOD DRIVE Monday, November 9, 2020 3:00pm – 9:00pm 1 Morton Street, Farmingdale

Appointments Preferred Walk-ins allowed if capacity permits

To schedule an appointment, please scan the QR code above, call/email: Melissa Gatto at (516) 203-5237/

[email protected] Or call 1-800-933-BLOOD

Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 13 ST. KILIAN WOMEN’S GUILD

St. Kilian Women’s Guild Help Support

In conjunction with Veterans Day, and with the blessing of our pastor and veteran, Msgr. Mark Rowan, Chaplain Colonel, USAF, Retired, the St. Kilian Women’s Guild is spearheading a parish-wide drive to support “Sacks for Soldiers.” Brothers Matthew and Thomas Stueber began the project a few months ago. Their mission is to send comfort items (that the military does not provide) directly to our soldiers deployed overseas. The program relies solely on the donations they receive. Cash donations are also welcomed to help offset mailing costs. You can access the website to learn more about the program and view the list of items requested by our service men and women.

Open your phone to take Sacks for Soldiers: a picture where you can scan this QR code and it will bring you We will be collecting your donations of directly to the website. money or items at the Masses next weekend, November 7 & 8 or you can contact Nora Bardak at 516-694-2837 to get further information or make drop-off arrangements. Guild members may bring their donations to their meeting on November 12th.

14 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - ST. KILIAN WOMEN’S GUILD

St. Kilian Women’s Guild Help Support

At all the Masses next weekend, November 7th & 8th.

Some ideas about what to send!

Treats - Non-perishable • Powdered drink mix Items • Energy bars Entertainment The key to sending treats is • Beef Jerky Entertainment options are to make sure they are great to send as soldiers portable. Soldiers like to be Toiletries have downtime to spend able to carry snacks on Lots of soldiers say that while they are not out on a them. This means looking toiletries are also great to mission. for packaging that is sm send. It may not seem that • Board games aller and won't burst open exciting to you, but the • Cards easily. You could also soldiers really appreciate • iPod or thumb drives with include ziplock bags so that receiving personal care movies, music and pictures your soldier can portion items. Here are some • Puzzles snacks. things to send: • Baseball gloves/baseballs • Snack bars (we send a lot • Toothbrushes • Batteries (AAs and AAAs) of Moose Crunch Bars) • Toothpaste • Pencils • Small, hard containers of • Shaving lotion • 3M wall hooks snacks • Disposable razors • Footballs • Snack cakes • Shampoo • Hand held pump/needles • Cheese crackers • Mouthwash • Candy (avoid chocolate) • Baby wipes Other items that are • Gum • Lip Balm/gloss frequently requested: • Sunflower seeds • Lotion • Ankle socks, boot socks, • Nuts • Pain relievers and work gloves. • Trail mix • Eye drops • AAA batteries are also in • Chips of any kind • Foot powder demand • Gummies • Sunscreen • High-quality socks (I have • Hot sauce - packets work • Glass cleaner or lens to put this first, because great cleaning cloths (for cleaning some high-quality socks will • Flavoring packets for sand off their glasses) make the toughest soldier water • Finger nail clippers smile with delight) • Individual packets of • Q-Tips condiments • First aid kits

15 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - 16 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr -

God, Lord of Life and King of all Nations, we beg you to Election look kindly upon our country and help us to wisely choose our new leaders. Inform our consciences and enlighten our judgment, that we may elect those who will mercifully uphold Day Prayer justice and strive to protect the least among us. Help us to discern which candidates will uphold both the letter and the spirit of the law. May our nation once again respect religious freedom, authentic marriage, the importance of family and the value of every human life- from conception to natural death. Heal the divisions which wound our unity and help us to overlook political tensions that keep us from becoming a united force for good. May our great land, built on both personal responsibility and charity towards the less fortunate, always balance prosperity with care for the elderly, the poor, the sick and the abandoned. May we elect honest and trustworthy candidates who will always uphold the common good and protect our God-given rights. In concert with the great founders of our nation, may we confidently proclaim, “In God We Trust”. Amen


Bulletin Deadline for upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday:

November 22 Bulletin, all information needed by Friday, November 13th at 12pm.

November 29th Bulletin, all information needed by Monday, November 16th at 12pm.

Any question, email [email protected]

17 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - KIDS CORNER

18 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - KIDS CORNER

19 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - Healthy Saturdays


20 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - Sábados Saludables


21 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - Dios todo poderoso, Señor de la vida y rey de Celebremos Los Sacramentos todas las naciones, nosotros te imploramos LA SANTA MISA: que mires bondadosamente nuestro país y Todos los Sábados a las 6:30PM. ayúdanos a elegir sabiamente nuestros nuevos líderes. Informa nuestras conciencias BAUTISMO e ilumina nuestros juicios, para que nosotros Hasta nueve aviso, los bautismos serán celebrados como podamos elegir a aquellos quienes bautismos privados con un solo niño/familia siendo defenderán misericordiosamente la justicia y bautizados a la vez. Los bautismo serán programados en se esforzarán e proteger a los débiles de ábados, domingos y días de semana cuando la iglesia esté entre nosotros. Ayúdanos a discernir cuáles disponible. Por favor llamar a la rectoría al (516)249-0127 para fijar una cita con un diácono o sacerdote y así hacer candidatos defenderán la letra y el espíritu de arreglos del bautismo. Por favor ir al sitio web de la par- la ley. Que pueda nuestra nación una vez roquia: por información adicional sobre el más respetar la libertad religiosa, el sacramento del bautismo. matrimonio auténtico, la importancia de la familia y el valor de cada vida humana desde PADRINOS: la concepción hasta su muerte natural. Sana Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de Bautismo, las divisiones que hieren nuestra unidad y Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están ayúdanos a pasar por alto las tensiones registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó políticas que nos impiden convertirnos en una adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas fuerza unida para el bien. Que pueda que tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia. nuestra gran nación construida sobre la responsabilidad personal y la caridad hacia QUINCEAÑERAS: los menos afortunados, siempre equilibrar la Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, prosperidad con el cuidado a los ancianos, los Comunión y Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación pobres, los enfermos y abandonados. Que Cristiana para Adultos). podamos elegir honestos y dignos candidatos quienes siempre defenderán el bien común y RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA protegerán nuestros derechos divinos. En ADULTOS: (RICA) concierto con los grandes fundadores de Les invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión nuestra nación, nosotros podamos proclamar a la fé católica. Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez (631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre. confiadamente “En Dios confiamos”. Amén. MATRIMONIO: Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono Oración del día de de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de su boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a PRE-CANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), Las elecciones parapoder casarse. Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127 ext.129 P. Jose o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados.

RECONCILIACION/ CONFESIONES: Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración. Lugar: Cafetería.

UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Jose.

GRUPO DE ORACION: (Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en la cafetería, Y Hora Santa en la iglesia todos los Segundos miércoles de cada mes, de 7:30-8:30pm.

GRUPO JUVENIL: Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para información, hablar con Celina Bonila (631)464-8876, Héctor Guevara (631)375-0020 and Yohana Hernández (631)805-1065

22 Parish of St. Kilian, Bishop and Martyr - John C. Dugan Old Fashioned Services P.T., O.C.S., N.C.S., G.C.S. with Today’s Technology Est. 1963 Orthopedic Certified Specialist Neurologial Certified Specialist Geriatric Certified Specialist East Diplomate, American Board of Farmingdale Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Specialties “Where the Sun Rises” (516) 293-0565 631-587-5500 ~ 1-800-HASSELL JPD UNITED, INC NO HASSEL w/HASSELL Building Materials • Landscape Supplies 317 Main Street, Farmingdale 390 Route 109 • West Babylon Pavers • Sheds • Gazebos • Wallstone 1637 Broad Hollow Rd. (Rte. 110) 2015-2016 FREE Coffee or Beverage Cups For Your Next Gathering 516-512-5317 E. Farmingdale (631) 249-5800 New Hope PAT DOLAN for Infertility Tre Scalini Restaurent Specializing in Parties for 195all OccasionsMain St. , Farmingdale AreAre you looking for PLUMBING Mon-Thur - Enjoy Our Luncheon Specials only $12.95 pp L[OPJHSZJPLU[PÄJHSS` Our All Inclusive Dinner Specials @ only $21.95 pp based methods to 516-299-0140 Licensed Master Appetizer- Entre-Dessert-Coffee OPEN 7 DAYS conceive naturally? Plumber Learn moremore about the Gianna mission and our holistic, restorativerestorative 24 HR ardscrabble ealty reproductivereproductive health H R programprogram for women. Emergency Service Call 855-CHS-4500 or visit Ed Costigan 7 9 8 - 8 9 4 3 Licensed Real Esate Agent Molloy Home Improvement LOOKING FOR AN HONEST REPAIR SHOP ? 265 Conklin St. Farmingdale Where Quality and Affordability are key O:(516) 752-8828 Dormers . Extrnsions . Kitchens . Bathrooms . Basements C:(516) 286-9168 [email protected] Siding . Roofing . Decks . Windows . Custom Trim Work 516-586-3745 720 Main Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 Licensed & Insured Joan Flaumenbaum Lic. RE Salesperson For Parishioner on All Repairs Joseph Adonis Office: 516.799.7100 Adonis Agency Inc.

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JosephFree D. Initial Meares, Consultation Esq., CPA Elder Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Corporations, DWI, Litigation, Personal & Corp. Inc. Tax Prep. 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale 249-0040 Family Owed Merritt Deli Since 1956 516-249-5560 Catering-Home Made Salads-Cold Cuts Breakfast- Lunch Specials 307 North West Dr., South Farmingdale

LARRY THEODORE PAUL THE PAINTER Licensed Broker Associate Painting and Decorating Mobile: 516.859.8738 516-840-2426 Office: 516.293.2323 Benjamin Moore Products 392 Conklin Street [email protected] Farmingdale, NY Farmingdale, NY 11735 (Local Parishioner)

WILLIS B. CARMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Anthony J. Addeo Nancy Mangieri Attorney at Law CBR 280 Main Street Lic. Real Estate Salesperson 111 Conklin St American Homes Farmingdale Cell (516) 672-4501 Fax (516) 826-4648 “Complete Remodeling and All Size Repairs” Farmingdale [email protected] Office (516) 826-4600 207 Broadway, Bethpage 516-249-4444 516-224-3514 525 Main St. Farmingdale Elder Law, Wills, Trusts (516) 822-3663 • Life Long Parish Member FULLY LICENSED & INSURED • Real Estate Complete Tire and Auto Repair Estate Planning, Estates OVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS! for All Your Service Needs WWW.BRAYCONTRACTING.COM • Wills/Trusts of Farmingdale Real Estate [email protected] • Estate Probate 10% Parishioner Discount 516.777.Tire (8473) ***Excludes Tires

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