Laurentia Project: Port of Quebec Deep-Water Wharf – Beauport Sector DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT November 2020 IMPACT ASSESSMENT AGENCY OF CANADA © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2020. Catalogue No: EnXXX-XXX/XXXXF ISBN : XXX-X-XXX-XXXXX-X This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes, and in any format, without charge or further permission. Unless otherwise specified, you may not reproduce materials, in whole or in part, for the purpose of commercial redistribution without prior written permission from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H3 or
[email protected]. This document has been issued in French under the title: RAPPORT PROVISOIRE D’ÉVALUATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE – Projet Laurentia : Quai en eau profonde dans le port de Québec – Secteur de Beauport DRAFT ENVIRONMENTALE ASSESSMENT REPORT – LAURENTIA PROJECT: PORT OF QUEBEC DEEP-WATER WHARF – BEAUPORT SECTOR i IMPACT ASSESSMENT AGENCY OF CANADA Summary The Quebec Port Authority (the proponent) proposes to extend the line of the existing wharf eastward by 610 metres in order to operate a deep-water terminal dedicated to containerized general cargo. The 31.7 hectare Project would include the construction of a new berth and a retaining dyke that would allow the development of an additional 17 hectares of backshore space. The Project also includes the construction of railways and road access, the reconfiguration of two rainwater outlets and Henri-Bourassa Boulevard with the addition of an overpass, as well as the redevelopment of part of the Port of Quebec's existing land for truck loading and the partial relocation of the recreation and tourism area for the development of the operations support area and empty container storage.