ORDER OF THE BOARD OF them under the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1911, and of every other power enabling AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. them in this behalf, do order, and it is hereby ordered, -as follows: (DATED 12xn SEPTEMBER 1912.) The Orders described in the Schedule to this Order are hereby revoked on the fourteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and 'twelve.

(FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE : INFECTED In witness whereof the Board of Agriculture PLACES.) and Fisheries have hereunto set their Official Seal this twelfth day of September, nineteen hun- dred and twelve.

The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, by T. H. Elliott, virtue and in exercise of the powers vested in Secretary.


Orders Revoked.

No. Date. Subject.

1912. 8492 29 July Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely : — All those premises known as Yew Tree Farm, in the occupation of Thomas Moulton, in the parish of , in the administrative county of . 8513 3 August Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely : — All those premises known as Prince Hill, in the occupation of Alfred Evans, and lying to the east of the and Road, in the parish of Bridgemere, in the administrative county of Chester. 8514 3 August Declaration of the following foot and-mouth disease infected place, namely: —Al l those premises known as Bridgeraere Farm, in the occupation of Harold Gordon, in the parish of Bridge- mere, in the administrative county of Chester. 8515 3 August Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely: —Al l those premises known as Checkley Wood Farm, in the occupation of John Turnock, in the parish of Checkley-cum-, in the administrative county of Chester. 8516 3 August Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely : — All those premises known as Checkley Green Farm, in the occupation of George Turner, in the parish of Checkley-cum-Wrinehill, in the administrative county of Chester. 8531 9 August Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely : — All those premises known as Checkley Hall Farm, in the occupation of Richard Darlington, in the parishes of Checkley-cum-Wrinehill and Blakenhall, in the administra- tive county of Chester. 8584 26 August Declaration of the following foot-and-mouth disease infected place, namely : —Al l those premises known as Phynson Hayes Farm, in the occupation of John , in the parish of Woore, in the administrative county of Salop.

Copies of the above Order can be obtained on application to the Secretary, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.