
Expert Infannat/on on medidne, behavior andhealth from a world leader in veterinary medldne

Your 's SOO·lb. Ancestor 2 When Acrobatic Prowess Fails Them Scifntists excavatf bone fragments of a sabel-toothed tigeI nom 3OO,1lOO yea" ago. Your cat's death-defying leaps and landings may result in a Score High on Sociability 2 NfW reSfarch shows that they prefer sprain orfracture, so it's important to know the symptoms us over food, toY' and fYen (atnip. High Cholesterol in Cats 3 hen it comes to leaping. "Any cat or will injure a /I won't (duse heart disease but (an W Janding and twisting in bone if the trau rna is severe enough," reft"t aserious underlying