NAME Markku John Rainer Suksi

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH 3 September 1959 in Närpes,

HOME ADDRESS Karelengatan 18, 20740 /Åbo, Finland (phone: +358-50-5344031)

OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Law/Åbo Akademi University Gezeliusgatan 2, 20500 Turku/Åbo, Finland (phone: +358-2-2153231; e-mail: [email protected])

FAMILY Spouse: Lena Hannus-Suksi, MA, Teacher of Children with Special Needs Children: Anna (b. 1989); Oskar (b. 1992); Vilhelm (b. 1998)

DEGREES Master of Political Science (Åbo Akademi University, 1983); Licentiate of Political Science (Åbo Akademi University, 1986); Master of Laws (LL.M., the University of Michigan Law School, 1989); Doctor of the Science of Law (S.J.D., the University of Michigan Law School, 1992); Doctor of Political Science (Åbo Akademi University, 1993; Public Law).

KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Main languages: Swedish and Finnish. Other languages (indicated by numbers: 3=fluent; 2=good; 1=fair):

English German French Dan. Norw. Dutch Reading 3 2 1 3 3 1 Writing 3 - - ? ? - Speaking 3 1 - ? ? -

SCHOLARSHIPS October 1, 1985 - June 30, 1986: research scholarship for studies at Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg, the Netherlands; joint grant by the Finnish Ministry of Education and the Dutch Ministry of Education; July 10, 1988 - August 11, 1988: Orientation in the U.S. Legal System, course in Washington D.C. by the Institute; grant from the Institute for International Education; August 24, 1988 - May 12, 1989: Fulbright scholarship for research and LL.M. studies at the University of Michigan Law School;

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE June 1, 1979 - August 17, 1979: worker at Säntin Saha sawmill in Teuva; June 1, 1980 - August 30, 1980: trainee at the Manpower District of Vaasa; June 1, 1981 - August 30, 1981: trainee at the Postal District of Vaasa; June 1, 1982 - August 30, 1982: trainee at the Department of Law of Åbo Akademi University; 1

January 1, 1983 - September 31, 1985: research assistant and acting Assistant Professor (state law and international law, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University); July 1, 1987 - June 30, 1988: acting Assistant Professor (state law and international law, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University); August 1, 1989 -> Assistant Professor (state law and international law, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University); September 1, 1989 - December 31, 1990: Acting Senior Assistant Professor (state law and international law, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University); January 1, 1991 - July 31, 1993: Research Assistant, the Academy of Finland; August 1, 1993 ->: Senior Assistant Professor (state law and international law, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University), currently on leave; August 15, 1993 - July 31, 1994: Acting Associate Professor (constitutional law, Faculty of Law, the ); August 10, 1994 - August 31, 1994: Acting Associate Professor (comparative law and jurisprudence; Faculty of Law, the University of Turku); September 1, 1994 - July 31, 1995: Acting Professor of Public Law (the University of Vaasa); August 1, 1995 - July 31, 1997: Acting Professor of Public Law and International Law (Åbo Akademi University); March 1, 1997 – July 31, 1998, Professor of Public Law (the University of Vaasa); From August 1, 1998, Professor of Public Law at Åbo Akademi University; September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009: Senior Research Fellow (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA, with grant from the Academy of Finland); December 1, 2011 – December 31, 2012: Director, Development of Linguistic Matters (Ministry of Justice, Finland); August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016: Research professor with the grant from the Pool of Professors, facilitating visits at the University of Ottawa (October – November 2015) and at Emory University and the Carter Center (January – February 2016).

OTHER POSITIONS -Member of the Section of Education of the Finnish UNESCO Commission, 1993-1995; -Member of the Editorial Committee of Mennesker & Rettigheter, a Nordic journal on human rights published in Norway (until 1997); -Docent of Public Law and International Law at Åbo Akademi University from June 28, 1994; -Director of the Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University, 1995-1997; -Member of the Finnish UNESCO Commission, 1996-1998; -Rapporteur to European Public Law since 1997 -Expert to the Governmental Commission on the Unification of Election Legislation, 1996- 1997; -Advisor to the Finnish Delegation of the 29th General Conference of UNESCO in 1997 (Prime Minister’s letter to the Director-General of UNESCO of 8 October 1997); -Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Finnish Yearbook of International Law; -National Director of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation 1997-2014; -Member of the Board of Åbo Akademi University, November 2009 – 2011, 2012-2013; -Member of the General Editorial Board of European Yearbook of Minority Issues since 2013; -Member of the Editorial Board of Global Journal of Animal Law; -Secretary General of the Advisory Board on Linguistic Matters of the Government of Finland, 1.11.2011 – 30.6.2013; -Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board on Linguistic Matters of the Government of Finland, 1.4.2016 – 31.3.2020. -Member of the ’s Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government (GIE) for Finland, May 2018 – April 2023. 2

-Member of the Editorial Board of Small States & Territories since 2018.

ELECTION AND REFERENDUM OBSERVATION ACTIVITIES March 22-26, 1990: election observer in Hungary for the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights; May 17-22, 1990: election observer in Romania for the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights; March 1-4, 1991: referendum observer in Estonia for the Finnish Helsinki Committee; September 24-28, 1992: election observer (head of mission) in Romania for the Finnish Helsinki Committee; December 10-14, 1993: election observer (head of mission) in the Russian Federation for the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; December 14-19, 1995: election observer in the Russian Federation for the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (part of the EU Mission). December 1999: election observer in the Russian Federation for the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (part of the OSCE Mission). May 2019: election observer in Finland for ElectionWatch.EU during the EP elections.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CONSULTATIONS: July 20-26, 1991: presentation of a commentary on the Albanian Draft Constitution in Tirana, Albania, on behalf of three Swedish organizations (Pro Justitia, the Swedish Helsinki Committee, and the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists); August 17-20, 1991: presentation of a commentary on the Romanian Draft Constitution in Bucharest, Romania, on behalf of the International Helsinki Federation, the Finnish Helsinki Committee, and the Helsinki Committees of Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, and Italy. May 24-27, 1992: presentation of a commentary on the Lithuanian Draft Constitution in Vilnius, Lithuania, on behalf of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Finnish Helsinki Committee. November-December 1997: consultations for Luxconsult Belgique/ concerning autonomy legislation for the territory of Nakhitsevan in Azerbaidzhan. September 2003: participation in round-table discussions in the OSCE/ODIHR delegation in Minsk, Belarus.


Per 6 januari 2020

1. Guy-Erik Isaksson - Markku Suksi - Olavi Kaleva: Ändringssökande hos besvärsnämnden vid Åbo universitet. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:172. Åbo 1982 (44 sidor). [Complaints Procedure at the Board of Appeals of the University of Turku]

2. Markku Suksi: Referenduminstitutet. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:190. Åbo 1983 (103 sidor). [The Institution of the Referendum] 3

3. Markku Suksi: Folkomröstningsinstitutet. Allmän systematik och institutets tillämpning i Finland. Artikel i POLITIIKKA nr 4/1984, ss. 340-354. [The Institution of the Referendum: General Systematics and the Use of the Institution in Finland]

4. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi (red.): INLÄGG KRING MEDELBAR OFFENTLIG FÖRVALTNING - PUHEENVUOROJA VÄLILLISESTÄ JULKISESTA HALLINNOSTA. Redigerade seminarieinlägg. Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi forskningsinstitut nr 104. Åbo 1985 (271 sidor). [Notes on Indirect Public Administration]

5. Markku Suksi: Medelbar offentlig förvaltning i de nordiska länderna. Ingår i Rosas - Suksi (red.): INLÄGG KRING MEDELBAR OFFENTLIG FÖRVALTNING. Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi forskningsinstitut nr 104. Åbo 1985, ss. 81-89. [Indirect Public Administration in the Nordic Countries]

6. Markku Suksi - Lars Westerlund: Rättskällorna inom medelbar offentlig förvaltning. Ingår i Rosas - Suksi (red.): INLÄGG KRING MEDELBAR OFFENTLIG FÖRVALTNING. Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi forskningsinstitut nr 104. Åbo 1985, ss. 257-268. [Sources of Law within Indirect Public Administration]

7. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi: PGOs in Finland. Article in Hood - Schuppert (eds): DELIVERING PUBLIC SERVICES IN WESTERN EUROPE. SHARING WESTERN EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE OF PARA-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION. SAGE Modern Politics Series Vol. 16., London 1988, pp. 120-153.

8. Markku Suksi: Constitutional Developments in Finland. Article in BESTUURSWETENSCHAPPEN. Tilburg, the Netherlands, 1986, pp. 277-280.

9. Markku Suksi: Välillisen julkisen hallinnon rakenteesta. Artikkeli, LAKIMIES 4/1988, ss. 390-412. [On the Structure of Indirect Public Administration]

10. Katrin Hellström - Stefan Sjöblom - Markku Suksi: Det statliga revisionsväsendet i Finland. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:265. Åbo 1988 (98 sidor). [Governmental Accounting Systems]

11. Markku Suksi: Traces of Ideal Government - exploring legal-philosophical elements of internal sovereignty. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:264. Åbo 1988 (144 pages).

12. Markku Suksi: Om den medelbara offentliga förvaltningens struktur i Finland. Artikel i NORDISK ADMINISTRATIVT TIDSKRIFT 4/1988, ss. 510-533. [On the Structure of Indirect Public Administration in Finland]

13. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi: PGOs in Finnland. Artikel in Hood - Schuppert (Hrsg.): VERSELBSTÄNDIGTE VERWALTUNGSEINHEITEN IN WESTEUROPA. DIE ERFÜLLUNG ÖFFENT- LICHER AUFGABEN DURCH PARA-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (PGOS). Nomos Verlags- gesellschaft, Baden-Baden 1988, ss. 185-201. 4

14. Markku Suksi: Medelbar offentlig förvaltning - struktur och problemområden. Medde- landen från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:299. Åbo 1989 (33 sidor). [Indirect Public Administration - Structure and Problematic Areas]

15. Markku Suksi: Ilmaisuvapauden rajoituksista - vertailevia huomioita USA:n ja Suomen välillä. Artikkeli, LAKIMIES no. 3/1990, ss. 280-306. [On Limitations of the Freedom of Expression - Comparative Notes Between the U.S. and Finland]

16. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi: Indirect Public Administration in the Finnish Pensions Administration. Article in Tore Modeen & Allan Rosas (eds): INDIRECT PUBLIC ADMINIS- TRATION IN THE FIELDS OF EDUCATION AND PENSIONS - L'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE INDIRECTE. LES DOMAINES DE L'EDUCATION ET DES PENSIONS. Åbo Akademis Förlag - Åbo Academy Press, Åbo 1990, pp. 60-80.

17. Markku Suksi: Rawls och civil olydnad - en konstitutionalistisk tolkning. Artikel i POLITIIKKA nr 3/1990, ss. 177-186. [Rawls and Civil Disobedience - a Constitutionalist Interpretation]

18. Markku Suksi: Osedlighet och yttrandefrihet - några reflexioner med utgångspunkt i finsk rättspraxis. Artikel i MENNESKER OG RETTIGHETER nr 3/1990, ss. 55-60. [Obscenity and Free Speech - Some Reflections from the Perspective of Finnish Jurisprudence]

19. Markku Suksi: Valtiopäivien valiokuntalaitoksista. Vertaileva katsaus. Oikeusministeriön lainvalmisteluosaston julkaisu 1/1990. Valtion painatuskeskus, Helsinki 1990 (61 sidor). [On Parliamentary Committees - a Comparative Review]

20. Markku Suksi: Folkomröstning i Estland. Artikel i MENNESKER & RETTIGHETER nr 2/1991, ss. 181-187. [Referendum in Estonia]

21. Markku Suksi: Säädyllisiä ajatuksia epäsiveellisyydestä (pornografisen materiaalin oikeudellisesta säätelystä). Artikkeli, OIKEUS 3/1991, ss. 221-231. [Decent Thoughts about Obscenity (on the Legal Regulation of Pornographic Materials)]

22. Markku Suksi: Kansanäänestysten käyttö Euroopan integraatiossa. Artikkeli, POLITIIKKA 3/1992, ss. 243-256. [The Use of the Referendum in the European Integration]

23. Markku Suksi: Rappresentanza e referendum in Scandinavia e il caso della Finlandia. Article in Mario Caciagli - Pier Vincenzo Uleri (eds), DEMOCRAZIE E REFERENDUM. Gius. Laterza & Figli, 1994, pp. 124-135. [Representation and the Referendum in Scandinavia, and the Case of Finland]

24. Markku Suksi: Referendum and National Decision-Making - A Study of Constitutional Form and Practice. Dissertation, University of Michigan Law School; University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, 1992 (579 pp).


25. Markku Suksi: Ondate Baltiche? L'evoluzione costituzionale di Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania. Article in QUADERNI COSTITUZIONALI, vol. 12, n. 3, dicembre 1992, pp. 491-526. [Baltic Waves? On the Constitutional Development of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania]

26. Markku Suksi: Bringing in the People - A Comparison of Constitutional Forms and Practices of the Referendum. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, London, Boston, 1993 (312 pp.).

27. Markku Suksi: The Constitutional Development of the Baltic Countries. Article in HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE BALTIC STATES, edited by the Finnish Helsinki Committee. Publications of the Advisory Board for International Human Rights Affairs, No. 6, Helsinki, 1993, pp. 9-42.

28. Markku Suksi: Folkomröstning och självbestämmande i Ryssland. Artikel i JUHLAJULKAISU ANTERO JYRÄNKI. Turun yliopiston oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan julkaisuja, A. Juhlajulkaisut, N:o 5. Turku, Turun yliopisto, 1993, ss. 235-250. [Referendum and Self-Determination in Russia]

29. Markku Suksi: Vad säger folket? Om minoriteter och frågeställningar i folkomröstnings- sammanhang. Artikel i POLITIIKKA 3/1993, pp. 218-221. [What Does the People Say? On Minorities and Ballot Questions in Referendums]

30. Markku Suksi: Om komparativ juridik särskilt inom statsförfattningsrättens område. Artikel i TIDSKRIFT UTGIVEN AV JURIDISKA FÖRENINGEN I FINLAND, 4/1993, ss. 263-273. [On Comparative Law Especially in the Field of Constitutional Law]

31. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi: Indirect Public Administration in Finland. Article in: Modeen, Tore (ed.): PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN FINLAND. Finnish Branch of the International Institute for Administrative Sciences, Ministry of Finance, and Administrative Development Agency; Helsinki 1994 (pp. 73-86).

32. Markku Suksi: Kansanäänestys Euroopan unionista. Artikkeli, POLITIIKKA 2/1994, ss. 139-145. [Referendum on the European Union]

33. Markku Suksi: Finland (worried about Russia, worried about the economy): It Could Prove a Very Close Race. Article in EUROPEAN BRIEF, Vol. 1, No. 5/1994, p. 34.

34. Markku Suksi: Kansanäänestykset ja yhdentyvä Eurooppa. Artikkeli, Teija Tiilikainen (toim.): KANSALAISTEN EUROOPPA. Åbo Akademin ihmisoikeusinstituutti, Turku 1994 (ss. 47-69). [Referendums and Europe in the Process of Integration]

35. Markku Suksi: The Constitutional Setting of the Åland Islands Compared. Article in Lauri Hannikainen - Frank Horn (eds): AUTONOMY AND DEMILITARISATION IN INTERNATIONAL LAW: THE ÅLAND ISLANDS IN A CHANGING EUROPE. Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, 1997. (pp. 99-129).


36. Hanna Laurila, Gordon Henderson & Markku Suksi: Turku Law School - Towards a More International Study of Law. Article in Markku Suksi (ed.): Law under Exogenous Influences. PUBLICATIONS OF TURKU LAW SCHOOL 1/1994.

37. Markku Suksi (ed.): Law under Exogenous Influences. PUBLICATIONS OF TURKU LAW SCHOOL 1/1994.

38. Markku Suksi: Klassificeringssällskapens roll som myndighetsutövare. Artikel i MARIUS, nr 208, 1994, ss. 81-124. [The Role of Classification Societies as Public Authorities]

39. Markku Suksi: Some Notes on the Institution of the Referendum in Finland. Article in the YEARBOOK OF FINNISH FOREIGN POLICY 1994, pp. 29-38.

40. Markku Suksi: Finland Says Yes But May Mean No. Article in EUROPEAN BRIEF, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 1994, pp. 46-47.

41. Markku Suksi: Några jämförande reflexioner kring konstitutioner i så kallade "nya demokratier". Artikel i CENTRAL- OCH ÖSTEUROPAS JURIDISKA INFORMATIONSKÄLLOR. Publikationer utgivna av Institutet för Internationell ekonomisk rätt vid Helsingfors universitet, B:5, 1995, ss. 9-22. [Some Comparative Notes on Constitutions in the so-called "New Democracies"]

42. Markku Suksi: Making a Constitution - The Outline of an Argument. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, Ser. A:431. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1995 (165 pp.).

43. Markku Suksi: Estonia: un camino longo y tortuoso (Estonia: A Long and Winding Road). Article in Carlos Flores Juberias (ed.), LAS NUEVAS INSTITUCIONES POLÍTICAS DE LA EUROPA ORIENTAL. Madrid, Valencia: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales - IVEI, 1997.

44. Markku Suksi: 'The Referendum as a Dormant Feature'. Article in Michael Gallagher - Pier Vincenzo Uleri (eds): THE REFERENDUM EXPERIENCE IN EUROPE. London: Macmillan, 1996, pp. 52-65.

45. Markku Suksi: Frames of Autonomy and the Åland Islands. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, Ser. A:433. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1995 (49 pp.).

46. Allan Rosas - Markku Suksi: ‘Finnish Nationality Law’. Article in Bruno Nascimbene (ed.): NATIONALITY LAWS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION , pp. 267-307. Butterworths/Giuffrè Editore: Milano, 1996.

47. Markku Suksi: Book Review (Yves Beigbeder, International Monitoring of Plebiscites, Referenda and National Elections). NORDIC JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 65: 1996, pp. 128-132.


48. Markku Suksi: 'Aspekter på autonomi'. Artikel i Minorities and Conflicts - Minoriteter och konflikter, Meddelanden från Ålands högskola, nr 9. Mariehamn: Ålands högskola, 1996, ss. 93-98.

49. Markku Suksi: 'Constitutions of the East: General Characteristics of the Constitutions of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine'. Article in Taina Dahlgren (ed.), Nations in Transition: Constitutional Development and Human Rights in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, pp. 47-136. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1997.

50. Markku Suksi: 'Finland: General Features of Public Law'. European Public Law, [1996] 2 EPL, pp. 182-193.

51. Markku Suksi: 'The Åland Islands in Finland’. Article in Local Self-Government, Territorial Integrity and Protection of Minorities, pp. 193-220. International colloquium, Lausanne, 25-27 April 1996. Zürich: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, 1996.

52. Markku Suksi: 'Rechtliche Regelung der Autonomie: die autonomen Ålandinseln und weitere europäische Beispiele'. Article in Hans-Joachim Heintze (ed.): Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker - Herausforderung der Staatenwelt. Zerfällt die internationale Gemeinschaft in Hunderte von Staaten?’, pp,222-247. EINE Welt - Texte der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden. Bonn: Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachfolger, 1997.

53. Markku Suksi: 'On Mechanisms of Decision-Making in the Creation (and the Re- Creation) of States - With Special Reference to the Relationship between the Right to Self-Determination, the Sovereignty of the People and the pouvoir constituant'. Article in Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 3/97, pp. 426-459. 54. Markku Suksi (red.): Jämförande juridik: vad, varför, hur? - Oikeusvertailu: mitä, miten, miksi? Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen. Ser. A: 468. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1996 (101 ss.) 55. Markku Suksi: ‘Epilog’. Artikel i Suksi (red.): Jämförande juridik: vad, varför, hur?, ss. 97-101. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen. Ser. A:468. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1996. 56. Markku Suksi: ‘The Åland Islands in Finland’. Article in Local Self-Government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities. Proceedings, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Council of Europe, pp. 20-50. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 1996. 57. Ahti Saarenpää & Markku Suksi (red.): Rätten till information som en mänsklig rättighet. XI nordiska mötet i rättsinformatik den 24-25.11.1995 i Åbo. Åbo: Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1997. 58. Markku Suksi: ‘Inledning’, ss. 1-4 i Ahti Saarenpää & Markku Suksi (red.): Rätten till information som en mänsklig rättighet. XI nordiska mötet i rättsinformatik den 24- 25.11.1995 i Åbo. Åbo: Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1997. 59. Raija Hanski & Markku Suksi (eds.): An Introduction to the International Protection of Human Rights - a Textbook. Turku/Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, 1997.


60. Suvikki Silvennoinen & Markku Suksi (eds.): Human Rights and Religion: the Case of the Sudan. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, 1997. 61. Markku Suksi (ed.): Autonomy - Applications and Implications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, 1998. 62. Markku Suksi: ‘On the Entrenchment of Autonomy’. Article in Markku Suksi (ed.): Autonomy - Applications and Implications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, 1998, pp. 151-171. 63. Markku Suksi: ’Finland: New Forms of Political Accountability in Local Government.’ [1998] 4 EPL, pp. 11-20. 64. Markku Suksi: ‘Kuntien hallintokulttuuri voi kehittyä, kun luottamushenkilön saa erottaakin’, ss. 35-42 teoksessa Julkisjohtaminen. Vaasa: Vaasan yliopiston täydennyskoulutuskeskus, 1998. 65. Markku Suksi: ‘Om återkallande av kommunalt förtroendeuppdrag’. Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, häfte 3/1999, ss. 128- 169. 66. Markku Suksi: ‘Finland: The Constitution 2000’. [1999] EPL, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 338-349. 67. Markku Suksi: ‘The Advisory Referendum in Finland’. Article in Matti Niemivuo & Tuula Majuri (eds.), Outlooks on Democratic Institutions in the Baltic Sea Region – Experiences from the Finnish Presidency of the Working Group on Assistance to Democratic Institutions (WGDI) in 1998-1999. Helsinki: Ministry of Justice, 1999, pp. 69-85. 68. Markku Suksi: On the Constitutional Features of Estonia. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, Ser. A:502. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1999 (80 s.). 69. Markku Suksi: ‘Good Governance in the Electoral Process’. Article in Hans- Otto Sano – Gudmundur Alfredsson (eds), Human Rights and Good Governance. Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, 2002, pp. 203-227. 70. Raija Hanski & Markku Suksi (eds): An Introduction to the International Protection of Human Rights - a Textbook. Second, Revised Edition. Turku/Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, 1999. 71. Markku Suksi, ‘The Advisory Referendum in Finland’. Article (revised and extended in comparison with p. 67) in [1999] 5 EPL, pp. 535-556. 72. Markku Suksi, ‘Constitutional Options for Self-Determination: What Works?’ Paper presented at a policy conference on “Options for Kosovo’s Final Status – Quo vadis, UNMIK?” on 12-14 December 1999 in Rome, organised by the Association of the United States of America and the Istituto Affari Internazionali. Published in the year 2000 in electronic form at 73. Nina Herala & Markku Suksi, A Human Right to Environment? - Cases and Materials. Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, Serie K:38. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2003. (75 s.) 74. Markku Suksi, ‘Autonomi och självstyre enligt internationellt beslut: Åland och Kosovo som exempel’, ss. 75-93 i Jansson, Harry – Salminen, Johannes (red.), Den andra Ålandsfrågan – autonomi eller självständighet? Mariehamn: Julius Sundbloms Minnesstiftelse, 2001. 9

75. Markku Suksi, ‘Autonomy by International Decision: the Cases of the Åland Islands and Kosovo’, pp. 75-96 in Harry Jansson – Johannes Salminen (eds), The Second Åland Islands Question – autonomy or independence. Mariehamn: Julius Sundbloms Minnesstiftelse, 2002. 76. Markku Suksi, ’The Protection of the Rights of Minorities by Means of Autonomy: the Cases of the Åland Islands and Kosovo’, pp. 379-399 in Zelim A. Skurbaty (ed.), Beyond One-Dimensional State: an Emerging Right to Autonomy? Leiden & Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005. 77. Markku Suksi, ‘Developments in Zoning Law against the Background of the Constitution’, Rapport in 2002 EPL, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 1-15. 78. Veronika U. Hinz & Markku Suksi, Election Elements: on the International Standards of Electoral Participation. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, 2002 ( 2003.pdf). 79. Markku Suksi, ‘The Electoral Cycle: on the Right to Participate in the Electoral Process’, in Veronika Hinz – Markku Suksi, Election Elements: On the International Standards of Electoral Participation. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, 2002, ss. 1-42 ( content/uploads/2018/03/IMR-web-Hinz-and-Suksi-2003.pdf). 80. Markku Suksi, ‘Vaalien jatkuva kierto: oikeudesta osallistua vaaliprosessiin’, Kosmopolis 4/2001, ss. 9-47. 81. Markku Suksi, ‘Isburateljnii sykli – Prava zeloveka e isburatljnit processe’, pp. 31-50 in Prava zeloveka i isbiratelnii process. Petrosavodsk: Centralnaja isbiratelnaja komissija respubliki Karelija, 2001. 82. Markku Suksi, statsrätt: en sammanställning av material och tolkningar i anslutning till Finlands grundlag. Åbo: Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 2002 (483 s.). 83. Raija Hanski & Markku Suksi, Uvod u medunarodnu zastitu ljudshkih prava. Prirucnik. Drugo, preradeno izdanje. Åbo Akademi: Institut za ljudska prava, 2002. (OBS! Översättning av verket i punkt 70 ovan). 84. Raija Hanski & Markku Suksi, Hyrje në Mbrojtjen Ndërkombëtare të Drejtave të Njeriut. Liber shkollor. Botimi i dytë. Univerziteti i Åbo Akademisë: Instituti për të Drejtat e Njeriut, 2002 (OBS! Översättning av verket i punkt 70 ovan). 85. Markku Suksi, ’Kansanäänestys valtiollisen tason osallistumisen muotona – vertaileva katsaus Euroopan maiden valtiosääntöjen pohjalta’, ss. 15-80 teoksessa Perustuslakiuudistukseen liittyviä selvityksiä. Perustuslain seurantatyöryhmän mietinnön liite. Oikeusministeriö, työryhmämietintö 2002:8. Helsinki: Oikeusministeriö, 2002. 86. Markku Suksi, 'On the voluntary re-definition of the status of a sub-state entity: The historical example of Finland and the modern example of Serbia and Montenegro,' pp. 33-49 in Faroese Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, August 2004. 87. Markku Suksi, 'Sub-state solutions as expressions of self-determination', ss. 197-230 in Faroese Law Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2003. 88. Markku Suksi, 'Participation In Development through "Emergence into any other Political Status": With Special Reference to Africa', pp. 301-333 in 10

Martin Scheinin & Markku Suksi (eds), Empowerment, Participation, Accountability and Non-Discrimination: Operationalising a Human Rights- Based Approach to Development. Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2002. Leiden & Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005. 89. Martin Scheinin & Markku Suksi (eds), Empowerment, Participation, Accountability and Non-Discrimination: Operationalising a Human Rights- Based Approach to Development. Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2002. Leiden & Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005. 90. Janne Lindblad & Markku Suksi, On the Evolution of International Election Norms: Global and European Perspectives. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, 2005 ( content/uploads/2018/03/IMR-web-Lindblad-and-Suksi-2005.pdf). 91. Markku Suksi, ‘Participation through Elections and Referendums’, pp. 1-47 in Janne Lindblad & Markku Suksi, On the Evolution of International Election Norms: Global and European Perspectives. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, 2005 ( content/uploads/2018/03/IMR-web-Lindblad-and-Suksi-2005.pdf). 92. Markku Suksi, Ålands konstitution – en sammanställning av material och tolkningar i anslutning till självstyrelselag för Åland. Åbo: Åbo Akademis Förlag, 2005. 93. Markku Suksi (red.), Ålands konstitution – separat bilaga med författningstexter. Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Åbo Akademi, Serie K:39. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2005. 94. Markku Suksi, ’El ciclo electoral: sobre el derecho de participar en el proceso electoral’, pp. 11-57 in Revista de derechos humanos, II, edición 2004. Guatemala: ASIES, 2004. 95. Markku Suksi, Keeping the Lid on the Secession Kettle - "Emergence into Any Other Political Status" as a Mode of Self-Determination and as a Frame for Sub-State Arrangements. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk- statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, Ser. A:542. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2004. 96. Markku Suksi, 'Kansainvälinen vaalitarkkailu: kehitys, käytännöt ja Etyjin luomat puitteet', ss. 98-117 teoksessa Inhimillisemmän Euroopan puolesta: Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyöjärjestö 30 vuotta. Suomen Helsinki- komitea. Helsinki: LIKE, 2005. 97. Markku Suksi, ’Keeping the Lid on the Secession Kettle – a Review of Legal Interpretations concerning Claims of Self-Determination by Minority Populations’, pp. 189-226 in International Journal on Minority Rights and Group Rights 12:2005. 98. Markku Suksi, ‘Prosperity and Happiness through Autonomy: the Self- Government of the Åland Islands in Finland’, pp. 62-90 in Yash Ghai and Sophia Woodman (eds), Practicing Self-Government – A Comparative Study of Autonomous Regions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 99. Markku Suksi, ‘Teckenspråkigas språkliga rättigheter’, JFT 1/2006, ss. 153- 186.


100. Markku Suksi, ’Case C-234/02 P, European Ombudsman v. Frank Lamberts, judgment of the Full Court of 23 March 2004, [2004] ECR I-2803’, pp. 1765-1781 in Common Market Law Review 42: 2005. 101. Markku Suksi, ‘Erillisalueen yksipuolinen eroaminen valtiosta – vähemmistökansojen itsemääräämisoikeutta koskevista vaatimuksista oikeustapausten valossa’, ss. 489-516 teoksessa Timo Koivurova (toim.), Kansainvälistyvä oikeus. Juhlakirja, Professori Kari Hakapää. Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja C 41. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteiden tiedekunta, 2005. 102. Markku Suksi, ’International Human Rights Norms and the Right to Participation’, pp. 2-19 in Mark Stevens & Anders Eriksson (eds.), Benchmarks for Electoral Standards: A Guide for European Union Election Observation Missions. ERIS: London, 2005. 103. Markku Suksi, ‘Kansan suora osallistuminen kansalliseen päätöksentekoon kansanäänestyksen kautta’, ss. 1120-1139 i Lakimies 7-8/2005. 104. Markku Suksi, ’What can we learn from the Åland Islands case?’, pp. 147- 173 in Daniel Thürer & Zdzislaw Kedzia (eds), Managing Diversity – Protection of Minorities in International law. Zürich, Basel, Geneva: Schulthess, 2009. 105. Markku Suksi, ‘Johdatus ihmisoikeuksiin ja ihmisoikeussopimuksiin – miten ihmisoikeudet liittyvät kehitykseen?’, ss. 17-25 teoksessa Tiina Kaila & Anna Rajavuori (toim.), Ihmisoikeusperustainen kehitysyhteistyö. Seminaarijulkaisu. Helsinki: Ihmisoikeusliitto, 2006. 106. Markku Suksi, ’Språkets inverkan på den administrativa indelningen – En bedömning av förhållandet mellan grundlagens 122.1 § och ändringar i statliga jurisdiktioner på regional och lokal nivå’, JFT 3/2006, ss. 237-284. 107. Markku Suksi, ’The People as the Advisor: the Referendum in Finland’, pp. 177-200 in Erkki J. Hollo (ed.), Finnish Legal System and Recent Development. XVIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, 16-22 July 2006. Helsinki: Edita, 2006. 108. Markku Suksi, ‘One (small) country, four different régimes of linguistic rights’, poster for the Seminar on Minority Language Usage and Cultural Development: Chinese Theories and Practices, 19-25 August 2006, Lhasa, China, pp. 131-133 of the Seminar Guide (pp. 29-31 in the Tibetan language and pp. 82-83 in the Chinese language). 109. Markku Suksi, ‘Ålands ställning’, ss. 65-105 i De självstyrande områdena och det nordiska samarbetet. Generalsekreterarens kartläggning. ANP 2006:743 (separata översättningar till färiska och grönländska föreligger). Köpenhamn: Nordiska ministerrådet, 2006. 110. Markku Suksi, Book Review (Finn Laursen, ed., The Treaty of Nice: Actor Preferences, Bargaining and Institutional Choice. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006), pp. 1761-1763 in Common Market Law Review 43/2006. 111. Markku Suksi, ‘Functional Autonomy: the Case of Finland with Some Notes on the Basis of International Human Rights Law and Comparisons with Other Cases’, pp. 195-225 in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 15(2008).


112. Markku Suksi, ‘Finland – Sub-National Issues: Local Government Reform, Re-Districting of Administrative Jurisdictions, and the Åland Islands in the European Union’, Rapport, EPL, vol. 13, issue 3/2007, pp. 379-406. 113. Markku Suksi, ‘Legal Foundations, Structures and Institutions of Autonomy in Comparative Law’, pp. 495-519 in Jorge Costa Oliveira & Paulo Cardinal (eds), One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution. Essays on Macau’s Autonomy after the Resumption of Sovereignty by China. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2009. 114. Markku Suksi, ‘Governmental accountability in autonomies: Åland Islands in comparison between select autonomies in Europe and elsewhere’, in Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt & Joakim Nergelius (eds), New Directions in Comparative Law. Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 108-135. 115. Markku Suksi, ‘Government and Wrecks – On the Obligation of Public Authorities and/or of the Owner to Remove or Make Harmless Wrecks and Their Cargoes’, pp. 131-158 in Henrik Rak & Peter Wetterstein (eds), Shipwrecks in International and National Law – Focus on Wreck Removal and Pollution Prevention. Turku: Institute of Maritime and Commercial Law, Åbo Akademi University, 2008. 116. Markku Suksi, ‘Rösträtt och valbarhet vid val till Europaparlamentet’, ss. 435-452 i Kaila & Pirjatanniemi & Suksi (red.), Yksilön oikeusasema Euroopan unionissa – Individens rättsställning inom Europeiska unionen. Åbo: Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 2008. 117. Markku Suksi, ’Personal Autonomy as Institutional Form – Focus on Europe Against the Background of Article 27 of the ICCPR’, pp. 157-178 in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 15(2008). 118. Markku Suksi, ’International Human Rights Norms and the Right to Participation’, pp. 4-24, in Compendium of International Standards for Elections. Second Edition. London & Brussels, NEEDS & European Commission, 2007. (NB! As stated in the Acknowledgements on p. 204, Markku Suksi was primarily responsible for preparing the first and the second edition of the entire book). 119. Markku Suksi, Referendums in Constitution-Making Processes. Constitution- making in Focus: Issue Paper. New York: Interpeace, 2011, at pers/InFocus_Suksi_FINAL.pdf. 120. Markku Suksi, ‘The Åland Islands as a Continued Asymmetrical Feature of Finnish Governance – with Some Convoluted Tendencies of Resymmetrization’, pp. 133-153 in Ferran Requejo & Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (eds), Federalism beyond Federations: Asymmetrical Features of Autonomy. Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011. 121. Markku Suksi, ‘Stegvisa ändringar i Ålandsöverenskommelsens innehåll? - Ålandsöverenskommelsen förr och nu’, ss. 271-308 i Oikeus kansainvälisessä maailmassa - Ilkka Saraviidan juhlakirja. Helsinki: Edita, 2008. 122. Heidi Kaila & Elina Pirjatanniemi & Markku Suksi (red.), Yksilön oikeusasema Euroopan unionissa/Juhlakirja Allan Rosas – Individens 13

rättsställning inom Europeiska unionen/Festskrift Allan Rosas. Åbo: Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter vid Åbo Akademi, 2008. 123. Markku Suksi, ’Finland: Four different régimes of linguistic minority rights’, pp. 223-239 in Percorsi Costituzionali No. 2/2008. 124. André Légaré & Markku Suksi, ‘Rethinking the Forms of Autonomy at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Introduction)’, pp. 143-155 in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 15(2008). 125. Markku Suksi, ‘Land rights and real property in the Nordic Countries: a Tentative Sketch of an Argument with some Nordic Examples’, pp. 71-81 in Europa Ethnica 3(2008). 126. Markku Suksi, ‘Comments’, pp. 799-802 in Jorge Costa Oliveira & Paulo Cardinal (eds), One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution. Essays on Macau’s Autonomy after the Resumption of Sovereignty by China. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2009. 127. Markku Suksi, ‘Conference Final Comments’, pp. 807-808 Jorge Costa Oliveira & Paulo Cardinal (eds), One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution. Essays on Macau’s Autonomy after the Resumption of Sovereignty by China. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2009. 128. Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi, ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-4 in Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi (eds), 60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2009. 129. Markku Suksi, ‘Finland: Political, not Legal’, pp. 161-177 in Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi (eds), 60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2009. 130. Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi, ‘Concluding Remarks on Europe: Diversity within the Unity’, pp. 453-468 in Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi (eds), 60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2009. 131. Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi (eds), 60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2009. 132. Markku Suksi, ‘Divided States’, in Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law & Oxford University Press, Heidelberg & Oxford, 2012) (9 pp.). 133. Markku Suksi, ‘Autonomy’, in Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law & Oxford University Press, Heidelberg & Oxford, 2012) (13 pp.). 134. Markku Suksi, ‘Etniska gruppers landrättigheter och fast egendom i Norden’, ss. 67-86 i Juhlakirja Mikael Hidén 1939-7/12-2009. Helsinki: Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 2009. 135. Vinodh Jaichand & Markku Suksi, ’Sixty Years of the UDHR in Europe: Diversity within the Unity’, pp. 21-35 in Wolfgang Benedek, Wolfram Karl, Anja Mihr & Manfred Nowak (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 14

2009. Antwerp, Berlin, Vienna, Graz & Zürich: European Academic Press, 2009. 136. Markku Suksi, Sub-State Governance through Territorial Autonomy – A Comparative Study in Constitutional Law of Powers, Procedures and Institutions. Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer Verlag, 2011. 137. Markku Suksi, ‘Finland: Reform of Regional State Administration and Universities’. EPL 3/2010 (Vol. 16), pp. 357-370. 138. Markku Suksi, ‘Territoriell autonomi: från Åland (1920) till Aceh (2009)’, ss. 1-16 in Viljam Engström (red.), Rätt och utveckling – Oikeus ja kehitys. XIII Rättsvetenskapens dagar. Åbo: Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Åbo Akademi, 2010. 139. Markku Suksi, ‘Implementing Linguistic Rights in Finland through Legal Education in Finnish and Swedish’, pp. 101-132 in Xabier Arzoz (ed.), Bilingual Higher Education in the Legal Context: Group Rights, State Policies and Globalisation. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012. 140. Markku Suksi, anmälan av Anna-Sara Lind, Sociala rättigheter i förändring – En konstitutionellrättslig studie (Akademisk avhandling, 497 sidor; Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2009), Svensk Juristtidning, vol. 95, 2010, ss. 310-318. 141. Markku Suksi, intervju i Rossijskij Juridicheskij Journal 4/2008, ss. 34-37. 142. Markku Suksi, ’Olika modeller för beaktandet av nationalspråken vid administrativ indelning’, pp. 105-129 i Festskrift Heikki Kulla. Åbo: Åbo universitet, 2010. 143. Markku Suksi, 'Förvaltningslagen på Åland och i riket – några reflektioner kring likheter och skillnader', ss. 159-173 i Avoin, tehokas ja riippumaton – Olli Mäenpää 60 vuotta juhlakirja. Helsinki: Edita, 2010. 144. Markku Suksi, ‘Finland’, pp. 87-114 in Dawn Oliver & Carlo Fusaro (eds), How Constitutions Change – A Comparative Study. Oxford and Portland, Ore.: Hart Publishers, 2011. 145. Markku Suksi, ‘Administrative (Public Law) Liabilities of Operators in Ports: on the Triangulation of Shipping-Related Activities in Ports by Means of Environmental Permits’, pp. 119-140 in Henrik Rak & Peter Wetterstein (eds), Environmental Liabilities in Ports and Coastal Areas – Focus on Public Authorities and Other Actors. Åbo: Institute of Maritime and Commercial Law at Åbo Akademi University, 2011. 146. Markku Suksi, ‘Sub-State Governance through Territorial Autonomy: On the Relationship between Autonomy and Federalism’, pp. 60-77 in Alain-G. Gagnon & Michael Keating (eds), Political Autonomy and Divided Societies: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 147. Markku Suksi, ‘Autonomous Areas as a Constitutional Feature in China and Finland’, pp. 255-291 in Li Lin & Xie Zengyi (eds), Rule of Law in China and Finland: Comparative Studies of the Development, History and Model. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013.


148. Markku Suksi, book review of M. Weller and K. Nobbs (eds), Asymmetric Autonomy and the Settlement of Ethnic Conflicts, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia and Oxford, 2010, pp. 541-544 in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 18(2011). 149. Markku Suksi, ’International Human Rights Norms and the Right to Participation’, pp. 10-33, in Compendium of International Standards for Elections. Third Edition. NEEDS & European Commission, Brussels, 2011. 150. Markku Suksi, ’Var det Putin? – en 30 år försenad reseberättelse över ett besök i Leningrad (Sovjetunionen) den 20-28 februari 1984’, ss. 51 - 70 i Ludvig Forsman (red.), Vårdträdet X. Åbo: Åbo Akademis Studentkår, 2014. 151. Markku Suksi, ‘European and Nordic norms concerning public and private use of language in the horizontal dimension’, pp. 131-153 in Karin Jóhanna L. Knudsen, Hjalmar P. Peterser & Kári á Rógvi (eds), 4 or more languages for all: Language policy challenges of the future. Oslo: Novus Press, 2012. 152. Markku Suksi, Yhdistymissopimus osana kielellisten perusoikeuksien turvaamisjärjestelmää kuntaliitoksissa - Sammanslagningsavtalet som en del av systemet för tryggandet av språkliga grundrättigheter vid kommunsammanslagningar. Oikeusministeriö, Selvityksiä ja ohjeita 28/2012 – Justitieministeriet, Utredningar och anvisningar 28/2012. Helsinki: oikeusministeriö, 2012. 153. Markku Suksi, ’Två språk i kommunalförvaltningen – möjligheter enligt kommunallagstiftningen’, i JFT 5/2012, ss. 517-537. 154. Markku Suksi, ’Explaining the Robustness and Longevity of the Åland Example in Comparison with Other Autonomy Solutions’, pp. 51-66 in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 20 (2013). 155. Markku Suksi, ’Regler om språkanvändning i horisontella förhållanden i de nordiska länderna: några observationer utifrån den europeiska språkstadgan’, ss. 479-502 i Jan-Erik Helenelund, Ilpo Luoto, Niina Mäntylä & Kristian Siikavirta (red.), Julkista – yksityistä; millaisissa rakenteissa? - Offentligt – privat; i hurudana strukturer? Juhlakirja professori Eija Mäkisen 60- vuotispäiväksi -festskrift Eija Mäenpää. Acta Wasaensia 265, Oikeustiede 11, Julkisoikeus. Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto, 2012. 156. Markku Suksi, Kielellisten vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi lainsäädännön ja hallinnon muutosten valmistelussa - Förhandsbedömning av språkliga konsekvenser vid beredning av förändringar i lagstiftning och administration. Oikeusministeriö – Justitieministeriet, Selvityksiä ja ohjeita – Utredningar och anvisningar 68/2012. Helsinki: Oikeusministeriö, 2012. 157. Markku Suksi, ’Non-Territorial Autonomy: The Meaning of '(Non- )Territoriality’, pp. 83-118 in Tove H. Malloy and Francesco Palermo (eds), Minority Accommodation through Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN13 9780198746669 158. Markku Suksi, ‘Constitutional Regulation of Autonomies in the People’s Republic of China and Finland’, pp. 200-222 in Jaime Lluch (ed.), Constitutionalism and the Politics of Accommodation in Multinational Democracies. Hampshire and New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2014. 159. Markku Suksi, ‘Rätten att använda sitt eget språk’, ss. 33-68 i Endre Brunstad, Ann-Kristin Helland Gujord og Edit Bugge (red.), Rom for språk. 16

Nye innsikter i språkleg mangfald. Oslo: Novus, 2014. ISBN: 978-82-7099- 803-6. 160. Markku Suksi, 'Territorial autonomy: the Åland Islands in comparison with other sub-state entities', pp. 37-58 in Zoltán Kántor (ed.), Territorial Autonomies in Europe: Solutions and Challenges. Budapest: NPKI & L'Harmattan, 2014. 161. Markku Suksi, 'Territoriell autonomi - modell för konfliktlösning men med konstitutionella komplikationer', Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten SPHINX Årsbok 2012-2013. Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, 2013, ss. 47- 62. 162. Markku Suksi, 'Enumerationsprincipen v. residualprincipen – Behörighetsfördelning i autonomier och gränsdragning mot federalism' - 'Enumeraatioperiaate v. residuaaliperiaate - Toimivallanjako autonomioissa ja rajanveto federalismiin', ss. 27-48, 85-106 i Utvecklingen av självstyrelsesystem. Seminarierapport - Ahvenanmaan itsehallintojärjestelmän kehittäminen. Seminaariraportti. Justitieministeriet - Oikeusministeriö. Selvityksiä ja ohjeita - Utredningar och anvisningar 53/2014. Helsingfors: Justitieministeriet, 2014. 163. Markku Suksi, 'Autonomy and Conflict Resolution', pp. 21-42, in Hans- Joachim Heintze - Pierre Thielbörger (eds), From Cold War to Cyber War - The Evolution of the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict over the Last 25 Years. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer 2015. 164. Markku Suksi, 'Rapport: Mergers of Municipalities, Linguistic Rights and Amendments to the Constitution', [2014] European Public Law 20, No. 3, pp. 369-394. 165. Markku Suksi, 'Markers of Nordic Constitutional Identity', Retfaerd, vol. 34/2014, nr 4/147, ss. 66-91. 166. Markku Suksi, 'Ändamålsbundenhetsprincipen i finsk, nordisk och EU-rätt', ss. 501-533 i Trine Baumbach, Peter Blume & Michael Gøtze (red.): Ret på flere felter. Forvaltning, Governance, Retssikkerhed (Festskrift til Carsten Henrichsen). Köbenhavn: DJØF, 2015. 167. Mariya Riekkinen & Markku Suksi, Access to Official Documents and to Official Information as a Human Right? Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, 2014. Report published at the web-site of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, at n-US 168. Mariya Riekkinen & Markku Suksi, Access to Information and Documents as a Human Right. Åbo: Institute for Human Rights, 2015. 169. Markku Suksi, 'Vilket är förhållandet mellan den kommunala självstyrelsen och lagstiftningen på social- och hälsovårdens område? – Med hänsyn till den planerade reformen av social- och hälsovårdssystemet', JFT 3/2014, ss. 132- 161. 170. Markku Suksi, 'Kahden kansalliskielen järjestelmä: tausta ja rakenteet', Oikeus 2014(43):3, ss. 332-345.


171. Markku Suksi, 'International Human Rights Norms and the Right to Participation through Elections', pp. 17-60 in Compendium of International Standards for Elections. Fourth Edition. Election Observation and Democratic Support. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2016. (NB! Acknowledgements on p. 288) 172. Markku Suksi, 'Konstitutionella likheter och skillnader mellan de självstyrande områdena i Norden', ss. 8-26 i Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark och Gunilla Herolf (red.), Självstyrelser i Norden i ett fredsperspektiv - Färöarna, Grönland och Åland. Mariehamn: Nordiska Rådet och Ålands fredsinstitut, 2015. 173. Markku Suksi, 'Lagstiftningskontroll och rättsskipning i autonomier - jämförande perspektiv på domstolsorganisation i självstyrande områden'. JFT 1/2015, ss. 27-55. 174. Markku Suksi, 'The Referendum as an Instrument for the Resolution of Territorial Disputes and for the Exercise of Self-Determination', pp. 84-111 in Peter Hilpold (ed.), Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung im Europa und im internationalen Vergleich. Nomos: Wien 2016. 175. Markku Suksi, 'Finland: Rights to Facilitate Participation', pp. 277-294 in Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak (eds), First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe - Commemorating 800 Years of Magna Carta. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2015. ISBN 978–1–78068–360–7. 176. Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak (eds), First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe – Commemorating 800 Years of Magna Carta. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2015. ISBN 978–1–78068–360–7 177. Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak, ‘The History of Fundamental Rights in Europe – A Long and Winding Road’, pp. 343-354 in Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak (eds), First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe - Commemorating 800 Years of Magna Carta. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2015. ISBN 978–1–78068–360–7 178. Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak, ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-7 in Markku Suksi, Kalliope Agapiou- Josephides, Jean-Paul Lehners, Manfred Nowak (eds), First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe - Commemorating 800 Years of Magna Carta. Antwerp, Oxford & Portland: Intersentia, 2015. ISBN 978–1–78068–360–7 179. Markku Suksi, ‘Common Roots of Nordic Constitutional Law? Some Observations on Legal-Historical Development and Relations between the Constitutional Systems of Five Nordic Countries’, pp. 9-42 in Helle Krunke & Björg Thorarensen (eds), The Nordic Constitutions – a Comparative and Contextual Study. Oxford: Hart, 2018. 180. Bent Ole Gram Mortensen & Markku Suksi, ‘Respecting Autonomies and Minorities’, pp. 61-77 in Pia Letto-Vanamo, Ditlev Tamm & Bent Ole Gram Mortensen (eds), Nordic Law in European Context (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019). (DOI;


Print ISBN 978-3-030-03005-6; Online ISBN 978-3-030-03006-3; Series Print ISSN 1534-6781; Series Online ISSN 2214-9902) 181. Markku Suksi, 'Om tvåspråkighetens juridiska utformning och betydelse i Kanada - med observationer i förhållande till Finland särskilt med tanke på tvåspråkiga kommuner och andra lokala myndigheter', ss. 99-127 i Staffan Skult (red.), Festskrift - Ämnesföreningen Stadga r.f. 1996-2016. Helsingfors: Edita, 2016. 182. Markku Suksi, Double Enumeration of Legislative Powers in a Sub-state Context - A Comparison between Canada, Denmark and Finland. Springer: Cham, 2018. Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-90920-2; eBook ISBN 978-3-319- 90921-9; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-90921-9. 183. Markku Suksi, 'The Use of Election Observation Reports in Regional Human Rights Jurisprudence', pp. 229-246 in Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Volume 34, 2016 - Issue 4. 184. Markku Suksi, 'Effective Participation of Minorities in Public Affairs and Public Life - European Norms and Praxis Evaluated in Light of the Lund Recommendations', pp. 11-49 in Balázs Vizi, Norbert Toth and Edgár Dobos, Beyond International Conditionality - Local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2017. 185. Markku Suksi, 'On the effectiveness of the election observation missions of the European Union', pp. 117-143 in Felipe Gómez Isa, Cristina Churruca Muguruza, Jan Wouters (eds), EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies: Achievements and Challenges. London and New York: Routledge, 2018. 186. Markku Suksi, 'The referendum as an instrument for decision-making in autonomy-related situations', pp. 97-137 in Peter Hilpold (ed.), Autonomy and Self-determination - Between Legal Assertions and Utopian Aspirations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018. 187. Markku Suksi, 'My Amicus in Aceh', pp. 83-85 in Mansur - Yunus Kadriah - Rahayu - Effendi - Sautunnida (eds), Mawardi Ismail - Intellektual Organik: Profil dan Catatan Para Sahabat. Banda Aceh: Bandar Publishing, 2016. 188. Markku Suksi, 'On the Openness of the Digital Society: from Religion via Language to Algorithm as the Basis for the Exercise of Public Powers', pp. 285-317 in Anna Sara Lind - Jane Reichel - Inger Österdahl (eds), Transparency in the future - Swedish openness 250 years. Tallinn: Ragulka Press, 2017. 189. Oskar Sundelin - Markku Suksi - Henrik Ringbom, Suomen kansainväliset liikennealan sopimukset. Sopimusten voimaansaattamisen ja EU- lainsäädännön täytäntöönpanon kehittäminen. Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 10/2016. Helsinki: Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, 2016 (ISSN 1795-4045: ISBN 978-952-243-484-5; URN: 190. Markku Suksi, 'Government Action against Wrecks – the Finnish Perspective in Light of International Law', pp. 117-146 in Henrik Ringbom (ed.), Regulatory Gaps in Baltic Sea Governance - Selected Issues. Springer International Publishing: Heidelberg & Berlin, 2018 (eBook ISBN 978-3- 19

319-75070-5; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-75070-5_7; Hardcover ISBN 978-3- 319-75069-9; Series ISSN 2212-6260). 191. Markku Suksi, 'Autonomi i Norden – dynamiska självstyrelser som exempel för resten av världen?', ss. 65-81, Det 41 nordiska juristmötet, Helsingfors 24-25.8.2017. Helsingfors: Den finska lokalstyrelsen för de nordiska juristmötena, 2018 (ISBN 978-952-94-0352-3 (also available at +Autonomi+i+Norden.pdf (besökt den 11 december 2017). 192. Markku Suksi, 'Legal implications of the constitutional principle of two national languages in Finland: symmetry with the possibility of asymmetry', Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, No. 67, 2017, pp. 7-37. DOI: 10.2436/rld.i67.2017.2899. 193. Xabier Arzoz and Markku Suksi, 'Comparing constitutional adjudication of self-determination claims', pp. 452-475 in Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 25, Nº. 4, 2018 (ISSN 1023-263X). 194. Markku Suksi, '1.7. Internationell jämförelse', ss. 43-61 i Ålands självstyrelse i utveckling. Ålandskommitténs 2013 slutbetänkande. Justitieministeriets publikation – betänkanden och utlåtanden 33/2017 Helsingfors: Justitieministeriet, 2017 (på finska i samma verk ss. 299-377, 'Kansainvälinen vertailu') (; 2017_Aland-Ahvenanmaa.pdf) (OBS! Identifikation av författaren för avsnitt 1.7. på s. 11 i kommittébetänkandet, i överlåtelsebrevets nästsista stycke). 195. Markku Suksi, 'Interdependency between Sovereignty, Citizenship and the Right to Vote', pp. 19-58, in Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, Volume 12, Issue 1 (Apr 2018). 196. Markku Suksi, 'The State’s Response to Wrecks Causing Environmental Risks – a Comparison of Roles and Responsibilities of the North European “Intervention Enforcers”', pp. 9-51 in Henrik Ringbom & Saara Ilvessalo (eds), Wrecks as Environmental Risks: Legal Perspectives. MarIus No. 522. Oslo: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo, 2019. 197. Markku Suksi, 'Trends and Prospects of Autonomy and Federalism as Devices for Balancing Self-Determination and State Sovereignty', in Proceedings of the Global Autonomy, Governance and Federalism Forum. Cotabato City: Institute for Autonomy and Governance of Notre Dame University (the Philippines), 2017, at trends-and-prospects-of-autonomy-and-federalism-as-devices-for-balancing- self-determination-and-state-sovereignty (accessed on 17 October 2017). 198. Markku Suksi, 'Distribution of Legislative Powers in a Sub-state Context – a Comparison of Double Enumerations in Federal and Autonomy Settings', pp. 83-105 in Olgun Akbulut & Elçin Aktoprak (eds), Minority Self-Government in Europe and the Middle East: From Theory to Practice. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2019. 199. Markku Suksi, 'Grundlagsbestämmelsen om administrativ indelning vid social och hälsovårdsreformen - Språkrättsligt problematiska skrivningar om administrativ indelning i tre propositioner', ss. 27-54 i Sphinx, Årsbok 2018- 2019. Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, 2019. 20

200. Markku Suksi, 'Förvaltningsbeslut genom automatiserat beslutsfattande – statsförfattnings- och förvaltningsrättsliga frågor i en digitaliserad myndighetsmiljö', ss. 329–371 i JFT 5/2018. 201. Markku Suksi, 'Funding of and Public Spending in the Autonomous Åland Islands', pp. XXX-XXX in Antonio García Padilla (ed.), Festschrift Casellas (forthcoming, 2020). 202. Mariya Riekkinen & Markku Suksi, 'The Sámi Assembly in Finland', in Autonomy Arrangements in the World. Bozen/Bolzano, Italy: EURAC research/Institute for Minority Rights and Institute for Comparative Federalism, 2019, at (published on 26 November 2019). 203. Markku Suksi, 'Automatiserat beslutsfattande enligt den svenska förvaltningslagen', ss. 463–472 i JFT 6/2018. 204. Markku Suksi, 'Zashchita prava v sfere upravleniya' (Rättsskydd inom förvaltningen), ss. 11-16 i Opalev, R.O. (red.), Zakonodatel'stvo Finlyandii ob administrativnom sudoproizvodstve i administrativnykh protsedurakh (Finländsk lagstiftning om förvaltningsrätt och förvaltningsprocess). Moskva: Statut, 2019. 205. Markku Suksi, 'Rättsstatlighet, god förvaltning och ämbetsansvar vid automatiserat beslutsfattande', ss. XXXX- XXXX i JFT 5-6/2019 (i tryck). 206. Markku Suksi, 'Administrative Due Process when Using Automated Decision- Making – a Finnish perspective', pp. XXXX - XXXXX in XXXX, XXXXX (forthc.)