The Taiwan Inquisitors (Gastropoda:Turridae)

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The Taiwan Inquisitors (Gastropoda:Turridae) 000270 Bulletin 0/Malacology , Taiw酬 , ROC, 只類學報, 24: 13 品 (20惡的 13 The Taiwan Inquisitors (Gastropoda:Turridae) Chen-Kwoh Chang1 and Wen-Iung WU2 * 1. J3 73 , PhelpsA缸 ,#8, SanJose, CA 95117, USA. 2. lnstitute ofZoology, Acade紛紛紛nica , 為伊 i 115找 Taiwan Chen-Kwoh Chang and Wen-lung W錢 (2000) The Taiwan Inquisitors (Gastropod其:Th rridae). BulIetin of Malacolo廓, Taiwan , ROC, 24:13-26. Twenty nine specíes ofGenus lnquisitor from Taíwan Waters are reported wíth synonymy, dìagnos況, distributíon, dímension, remarks and colored pictures 鱷 Among them, one new specíes, lnquisitor taivaricosa 組d 22 species are new records ofthe Taiwan Inquísìtors. KeyWord單: Inquísitor, Brachytoma, Thrridae, new record, n. sp., Taiwan. INTRODUCTION Jnquisitor and Brachytoma of 翎討 ids are dis仕ibuted in Indo-Pacific. Jnquisitor are mainly found in West Pacific from Australia to Japan and South African Waters. Brachytoma are mainly found in Tropical lndian Ocean from Oman, India to South China Sea. Taiwan is located at the mìddle of the v.乍到 Pacific Link and near the end of the Tropical Indian Ocean Link. Taiwan is also located in the subtropical zone between the Philippines and Japan. Hence, a lot of Jnquisitor and some Brachytoma from both temperate zone and tropical zone are available ín Taiwan Waters. The separation of Jnquisitor and Brachytoma is the first problem to be solved when FarnHy Turridae is separated into Farnilies Turridae, Clavid尉, Pseudomelatomidae and Mange1iidae (Chang 1995). lnquisitor andβrachytoma have similar protoconch and shell morphology, both Thiele (1929心 935) and Powell (1966) put them as synonymy. Some βrac equ凶lÏ 討s i扭 limbs 戶j oi泌ne叫d tωo forrn a central channel. Kilbum doubted that the teeth may be modified wishbone teeth (Taylor et al. 1993). If so, both lnquisitor and Brachytoma should be combined together into a sìn容le group. There are many genera such as lnquisitor, Funa" Pseudoinquisitor, Brachytoma, Ptychobela and Compsodrillia (Mammilaedrillìa) used for the group of shel1s whose conchological features are listed as follows: 1. Shell, medium sized, 11-65mm, elongate fusiforrn with tall spire of comparatively light built, 2. Scu1pture of stron忍 axials crossed by spiral cords and threads below a concave shoulder sulcus. Subsutural cord, strong, weak or obsolete. 3. Ape從ure , narrowly ovate-pyriforrn contracted narrowly below to a short to moderately long anterior canal. Outer lip, thin with more or less a stromboid notch at the lower pa哎, 4. Sinus, U翩 shaped on shoulder slope with a parietal cal1us p揖 d. A dorsal varix, apart, near or at the sinus, 5. Protoconch, conical ofup to 5 smoo也 whorls , usually 2刁 whorls , 雀,瓜, 6. Color, white, yellow to chocola峙, mostly yellow, and ir--Eph-- 7. Opercul凶n , leaf-shaped with terrninal nucleus. The type of radula of 也早 se species m益y be modified duplex or tubular, toxoglossate-like. Thiele •• (1929) located these shells under subfamily Brachytominae (now belonging to Mangeliidae). Powell (1966) put them under subfamily Clavinae (now Clavinae + Crassispirinae). In 1988, Kilbum put those having modified duplex radula into subfamily Crassisipirinae and in 1989, he found that the tubular radula of some shells 挂re forrned from two compone泌的 afo口至1 of modified duplex typ然 not 仕ue * :To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. 通訊作者:]6.文降,中央研究設動物研究所,靈北市南海區研究院路 2 段 128 號 14 C. K. Chang and W, L Wu 了。xoglossate type (Kìlbum 198 旱, 1989). Hence, Taylor et al. (1993) placed this group of shells under subfamily Crassispinae of Family Turridae but not under his Conid配合忽略 eliìdae + Conidae). It is so hard to separate those above mentioned 伊nera that many different genera have been used for a sin答 le species usually by the previous authors. In this papeζwe prefer use Inquisitor for all the other genera (Funa, Pseudoinquisìtor, Brachyton嗨 , Ptychobe俗 , Compsodrillia and Mammilaedrillia. MATERIALS and M 在 THODS After detail checkin各 and comparison the shell collections and liter器ture in the Malacology Lab. ,也e Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Dr, C. K. Chang and some members of the Malacological Society of Taiwan, ROC多 29 species of Genus Inquisitor from Taiwan Waters are reported with synonymy, diagnos怒, distribution invento哼, dimension remarks and colored pictures. 快ESU L.:τSand 口 ISCUSSION Only 5 species of Inquistor were recorded from Taiwan area, such as flavidu旬 , jeffreysii, kurod衍, 如 wamurai and vexillum (Kuroda 1941 , Habe and 哀。suge 1966). In 街坊 paper , we reported 22 new records and one new species of Inquistor from T.器iwan area, totally, 28 species of Inquistor could be fo滋滋 in the waters. The list of Taiwan Inquisitor 1. Inquisitor flavidula (Lam轟rck , 1822) 玉米捲管蟬 (Fig. la) Synonym and Records: Pleurotoma flavidula Lamarck, 1822 訟 Reeve (1 843):66, Bra羽achyt仿O仰, ma戶av叫Jidulωrα1, (札L挂ma紋rc唸k , 詔草1 22均) inKu叮rod草 (19尋 l吟):126; in Ki設r揖 (1959):9 1.. Inqui.杖S必it紗,orj戶?αωv括叫i p抗〈矽ychobelaj戶7avidul仿'a, (ζar絞m吉nar,此ck , 1822) in Springsteen and Leobrera (1986):268. Diagnosis: She lI,我lsiform wíth a tall spire and a moderate1y long anterior canal; 11 + mature whor1s, sculptured wíth longitudínally rather obliquely rounded axíals, 12-14 axi真Is on penultimate whorl, spiral cords knobbed on axials, subsutural cord, weak and beaded. Color, usually yellow. A varíation form of I. flavidula from 1:昌,泣, I-land Co. , Northeast Taiwan in Fig. lb having wider aperture and weaker spirals but not forming knobs on axi器Is. Distribution: off Kaohsíung Ci紗, sou位lwest T.揖iw在n at depth of about 5伽n and Ta-lî, I-land Co叮 northe昌 stem Taiwan. It is common found 企om Japan, Taiwan, the Phílippines to Australia. Dimension: 45x13 .5mm and 41xl1mm (variation form). Remarks: 甘le specimen with variation (Fig. lb) of I. flavidula belongs to Mrs. HτSun-Chang' s collectìon. Thís varîation form could be a new species. 2. Inquisitor angustus Kuroda et Oyama, 1971 攜塔玉米捕瞥輝 (Fig. 2) Synonym and Records: Inquistor angustus Kuroda et Oyama, 1971 in Kuroda (l971):pl. 56. Diagnosis: ShelI looks like I. flavidula but having (吋 taller spìre with 13+ mature whorls and shorter ape汰ure proportionally, (b) 器xîals raîsed leaving broader interspace. Distribution: North coast ofTaíwan at depth of 120m. Its fatherland is Sagami Bay, Japan. Dimension: 60.4xI6.4mm. Remarks: New record of Taiwan. 3. Inquisitor i建Ureysii (Smith, 1875) 傑氏玉米接管螺 (Fig. 3) Synonym and Records: Pleurotoma (Drillia) 先ffreysii Smi嶺, 1875 ìn Smith (1875):417. Brachytoma j吵reysi (Smìth, 1875) ín Kuroda (1941):126. Inquisitor jeffreysii (Smi綴, 1875) in Shikam章 (1964):127; in Habe and Kosuge (1967):100. Diagnosis: Shell looks like Inquisitor 戶'avidula but havìng (份 shorter axials, stronger at periphery, about 10 axials on penultimate whorl, (b) spiral cords not formín忍 knobs on axìals, ( c )如 subsutural cord. Color, yellow or whíte. The Taiwan Inquistors 15 Distribution: off Kaohsiung City, southwest Taiwan at depth of about 50m. It is common from Jap阻, the Philippines to Australia. Dimension: 57x19mm. Remark單: Inquisitor j吧。于砂'sii in Okutani (1975) could be I. 戶avidu 缸, 4. Inquisitor latisinuata (Smith, 1877) 中華玉米捲管螺 (Fig. 4) Synonym and Records: Pleurotoma (Drillia) 的tisinuata E. A. Smith, 1877 in Smith (1 877):494. Di 轟gnosis: Shel1 wi自 subturreted spire; 10 mature whor1s, with shoulder, angulate and sulcus, conc 在ve , broad, irregularly streaked; sculptured of rounded axials and spiral cords and threads with two prominaI哎, whitish spiral cords on each whorls; 10-11 axials on penu1timate whorl. Color, light brown with 訊'0 whitish spiral cords Distribution: It is co忱的10n in southwest Taiwan at about 50m depth. Its fatherland is China and it is also found in New Guinea. Dimension: 54x19mm. Rem晶rks: New record of Taiwan. This common shell was not recorded in Japanese liter草ture. Thanks for Dr. Kilburn's identification. 5. Inquisitor laterculoides (Barnard, 1958) 葫非玉米捲管螺 (Fig.5) Synonym and Records: Drillia laterculoides Bamard, 1958 in Barnaτd(1958):129. Funa laterculoides (Bamard, 1958) in Kilburn (19路 ):269. Diagnosis: Shel1 with tal1 spire and short anterior canal, obliquely truncate; protoconch, 3+ convex smooth whorls and 9 mature whorl草, convex with 剝削 res , impressed; sculptured of rounded axial皂, stronger at shoulder oveηiding spiral cords and 也reads bearing two whitish transverse nodules on axials each whorl; about 10 ribs on penultirnate whor1; no distinct subsutural cord. Aperture narrowly pyriform; outer lip, thin with varix at the U司 shaped sinus. Color, yel1ow. Distribution: off Ta-li, I-land Co., northeast Taiwan. It occurs in South Africa 例如-200m in depth. Dimension: 23x6.5 迎刃1. Remarks: New record of Taiwan Malacofauna. 6.伽.1仇伽Inq伊u叫i枷 pel叫i SyI泣lonym and Records: Inquisitor parculathrata Kuro銜, 1981 in Eisenber器 (1981):抖 .132. Diagnosis: Shell,恆的t brown, broad fusiform. It is distinguished from Inquisitor jlavidula by (叫做 broad form with subturreted spire ,你) axials raised, not so oblique as I. ß必vidula , (c) no subsutural cord, (d) ape前ure , broader. The immature shell in Fig. 6b is similar to this shell but with shorter body whorl co惚acted to a n在.rrow anterior canal. lts sinus, dorsal varix and pariental callus pad are not developed well yet. Distribution: off Kaohsiung City, southwest Taiwan at depth of 80m and Ta醬缸, I-land C。可 northeast Taiwan. This shell was found in Japan (Eisenberg 1981). Dimension: 58x2Omm and 48x15.5mm (immatured 勻的 imen). Remarks: New record ofTaiwan Malacofauna. This shel1 is scarcely found in Japanese literature. 7.11時uisitor vu月p仰的 Kuroda et Oyama, 1971 與玉米捲瞥螺(如g.7a) Synonym and Records: Inqu的 itor vulpionis Kuroda et Oyama, 1971 in Kuroda (1971 ):pl. 56. Diagnosis: Shell, fusiform with a tall subturreted spire; 12 mature whor1s, with broad concave sulcus irregularly streaked; sculpture of raised axials, stronger at periphery, not reaching bottom; about 10 ribs on penultirnate whorl; crossed by spiral cords; subsutural cord, not conspicuous. Aperture, narrow with 挂 short, truncated anterior can且已 inner 旬, heavily calloused. Color, yellow with brown spots and s虹eaks. A v當 iation of Inquisitor vulpionis as Fig. 7b has a similar shape and sculpture but gl 的 sy and colored white with reddish brown band on each whorl.
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