Safe and Sound? Food - Protection, Security and Defence Tuesday 20Th November 2018
@LEAF_Farming LINKING ENVIRONMENT AND FARMING LEAF Annual Conference Safe and Sound? Food - Protection, Security and Defence Tuesday 20th November 2018 As consumers we expect our food to be safe and readily available. We also believe our food is what it claims to be. However, the food supply chain is becoming increasingly complex and vulnerable to growing incidences of ‘food fraud’, ‘food crime’ and ‘misrepresentation’, such as through buying cheap food, unclear provenance or incorrect labelling. The LEAF Annual Conference is a unique opportunity for farmers, those in the food chain, researchers and industry representatives, as well as government officials to discuss and learn from each other about the current state of food protection, security and defence in the UK and across the globe. The event is designed to raise the discussion around the risks of intentional and unintentional contamination and vulnerability. Attendees will enjoy a variety of sessions, networking opportunities and informed discussion geared specifically at reducing the impact of food system vulnerability, attacks and catastrophic events on our food supply chains. Annual Conference Programme.indd 1 15/11/2018 13:02 Programme 9.15 Arrival and Refreshments 9.45 Introduction and Welcome Tom Heap, Environment and Rural Affairs Broadcaster Conference Chairman 9.55 Setting the Scene Philip Wynn, LEAF Chairman We find ourselves in one of the most challenging times for the food and drink sector in recent history. Philip will set the scene for the day and identify some of the threats and vulnerabilities in our food and farming sector. He will examine the challenges around trade, integrity and transparency, explore the risks and set out how we can work together to encourage change, opportunity and innovation.
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