Ephesians 5:15-20, “WHATCHA DOIN’?” ( 13B) ‘15 Dear , thank You for the Holy Spirit which You have poured into our hearts. Keep us strong in Your Word and Holy Supper, giving us joy to live in praise of You. AMEN. Dear Brothers and Sister through faith in , While staying at our house [one afternoon] our grandson began asking,“Whatcha doin’ Grandpa?” over and over. Whether I was working at the computer, putting on my shoes to go outside, sitting down to read or helping in the kitchen, he sidled up to me and asked what I was doing. After answering him a few dozen times with, “Searching the Internet,” “Going to the store,” “Reading the ,” “Helping Grandma,” I came to the conclusion that he was asking – a key question. Answering to a curious little boy about everything we do is one thing. But answering to God about our actions is infinitely more important. Wouldn’t it be helpful to think of God coming alongside us at any time to ask, “What are you doing?” Imagine how often our answers would seem meaningless or empty. “I’m updating my Facebook page.” “I’m listening to the ball game.” “I’m arguing with my brother/sister.” “I’m satisfying my sweet tooth.” “I’m playing video games.” The list could go on to our embarrassment. In our text, Paul offers two alternative uses of our time. seal” 1. BEING (1:13). FILLED This describes WITH THElife’s SPIRIT.basic relationship. First, Paul Yousays, and “Be I filledbelong with to God.the Spirit” We were (v.18). “marked” He contrasts by the this sign with of th thosee cross who on fill the up day “on of wine.”our If baptism.he were writing God owns today us. he Do might you thinkcontrast that it He with will loading not take up careon drugs. of that whichWhat gives He owns? life its ‘kicks’? Paul points out that if we get “filled with the Spirit,” Paul continues: we’ll find “themore Holy ‘kicks,’ Spirit…is more excitement,a deposit guaranteeing more thrills our than we inheritance…”can find from any (1:13 other-14). source. In other We’ll words, have “the a true Holy ‘high,’ Spirit” not guarantees a false one. God’s The Mangapuruapromises. That Valley sounds in Newmore Zealand secure than was moneyopened invested up in 1919 in the to stockprovide market. farms for soldiers returning from World War I. A wooden swing bridge Paul adds,provided “(the access Spirit’s) to the power valley. is like After the years working of agitation of his mighty from the strengthlocal community, which he aexerted more stable in Christ concrete when brihedge raised was him constructed from the indead 1936. andHowever seated it him was at used his forright only hand” 6 years. (1:19 In-20). 1942 What the asettlers staggering walked truth! off The verytheir sameland after “power” decades that ofraised battling Christ hardships “from the caused dead” by is the available valley’s to poor worksoil and in youits remoteness. and me. How The could forest anything grew back begin obliterating to match the ‘high’road and we all experiencesigns of civilization when we except are “filled the bridge.with the It Spirit”is truly (5:18)? a “Bridge We to belong Nowhere.” to God Drugs in the and “po alcoholwer” ofare “the another Spirit” “Bridge who guarantees to Nowhere” God’s when promises used as to an us andescape makes or for available thrills. TheHis lifebridge-changing that really “power” takes withina person us. somewhere is to But “be howfilled does with one the get Spirit” “filled (v.18). with the Spirit”? (5:18). ByListen praying to what to GodPaul for previously Him, Jesus said taught about (Luke the Holy 11:13). Spirit in this letter to By the using Ephesians, God’s “HavingWord and believed, the Sacraments you were of marked Baptism in and (God) the withLord’s a Supper by which He fully influences us. By craving Him more than the addict craves drugs. By thirsting for Him more than the alcoholic thirsts for alcohol. Jesus said of the Father, “God gives the Spirit without limit” (John 3:34). This means that God has immeasurable amounts of “the Spirit” to give us. We don’t have to drive on empty. Our tanks can be full to the brim. Thomas Edison, the 20th century American inventor said, “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Likewise you and I wouldn’t recognize ourselves if we were “filled” to the limit with “the Spirit.” All Christians are Pentecostals in the best sense of the word. No, we don’t see strange visions or utter strange sounds or make strange movements. Yet you and I are possessed and empowered by “the Spirit.” Because “the Spirit” seals us as God’s children, gives us faith in Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and guarantees God’s promises to us. With this “Spirit” we can face – anything, endure – anything, bear – any load, weather – any crisis and confront – any death. “WHATCHA DOIN’?” Paul suggests, being “filled with the Spirit” (v.18). 2. SINGING & MAKING MUSIC. Second, Paul says, “With the Spirit…Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything” (v.18-20). Note the link between “the Spirit” and “music” and our “hearts.” That link is not just an intellectual exercise or an emotional feeling but the power of the Holy Spirit to carry us outside ourselves into the self-forgetting experience of God’s grace – His freely given love. We’re set free from our pride and ambition, envy and complaint, fear and worry to love God with our whole heart and mind and to love others as ourselves. That’s why the power of music has so long been linked with the Christian faith. Indeed singing is an act of worship by which we praise and glorify God. But it is also an outward expression of our faith. In 1538 Martin Luther said, “I truly desire that all Christians should love and regard as worthy – the lovely gift of music…for next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in this world. It controls our thoughts, minds, hearts and spirits…” Have you not found that true, especially when on a Thursday evening/ Sunday morning you may have had a heavy heart and then you came here – to church. And you sang – Sang about the greatness of God and His mighty works, Sang about the serious of our sins and the sweetness of God’s mercy, (C. W.Sang 411). about Put the them unspeakable to bed at nighttorture with of Jesus an evening and His prayer willingness you and to theypay the can price sing. of “Lord our salvation, Jesus, since you love me, oh, spread your wings above Sang me, ab etc.”out the(C. indwelling W. 587:3). of Have the Holya hymnal Spirit, in your home and make use Sangof it. about the certainty of heaven as our final home, That’s And the also darkness true for inside the rest you of gave us. way to light. You left the church with Sing your and spirit “speak stirred to one up. another” You’re ready through for “hymnswhatever and comes. spiritual songs” (v.19). Because is singingreally the encourages only singing and religion builds each in the of world. us up –There in our are Christiansome religions faith. which have doleful and mournful chants. Other religions are Sing led by– as cantors an enthusiastic and choirs, response but all ofto usGod’s Lutherans goodness, sing! greatness I hope I’m and grace.right in including you in what I’m saying. Never mind if you sing hesitantly Sing – as or an not expression right on key. of our Sing love, anyway! joy and thanksgiving “for everything” At Miller Park(v.20). or Wrigley Field the grandstands ring out with “Take Me Sing Out –to as the a wayBallgame” of telling at theGod seventh what is inning “in (our) stretch. heart” That’s – our fun staunch but not convithe ultimatections andinspiration. wistful longingsYou and (v.19).I are the beneficiaries of over twenty centuries Sing – forof Christian such “hymns hymnody. and spiritual Let’s make songs” use influence of this rich us, musicalinspire us andheritage give byus puttingthe courage “psalms, and strengthhymns and to get spiritual us through songs” those to memory trying days and(v.19). troublesome The earlier nights we learn (v.18). these “songs” – the better. Parents, teach your “WHATCHA children the DOIN’?” hymns that Paul last suggests through singing the generations and humming like “I familiar Am hymnsJesus Little (v.19). Lamb” (C. W. 432) and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” The apostle tells us to use our time “very” carefully and to make “the most of every opportunity (vs.15-16). So – it’s a good question. God wants to know: “WHATCHA DOIN’?” AMEN.