Obert Skye,Ben Edwards | 464 pages | 27 Nov 2009 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9781416990925 | English | New York, United States and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Leven continues quest to save the imaginations and dreams of all mankind. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published October 1st by Shadow Mountain first published September 30th More Details Original Title. Leven Thumps 4. Other Editions 5. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezraplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 17, Jey rated it liked it Shelves: Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezrabooks-for-young-people. One of my biggest complaints in "ya fiction" series is that they spend way too much time rehashing what happened in previous books. Typically, this drives me bananas. This is one of the first books I have noticed that does not do that, and strangely, it made me crazy! That's because it has been nearly a year since I last read 3, and I couldn't immediately pull up who was who or where they were. I also have to add that although Kirkus Reviews said the book had "Splendidly unpredictable plot One of my biggest complaints in "ya fiction" series is that they spend way too much time rehashing what happened in previous books. I also have to add that although Kirkus Reviews said the book had "Splendidly unpredictable plot twists The end was kind of dumb, kind of weak. It ended more like the end of a chapter, not a book. I wasn't so impressed. Personally, it's getting a little long winded, but probably that's just me. View 1 comment. It is also about Leven Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra the Want. The sychophants are also trying to stop people from Foo Trying to get to Reality. I gave this book 5 stars because once again I couldnt put it down. I would recomend this book to anyone who liked the first 3 books in the Leven Thumps series. View 2 comments. May 18, Janeen-san rated it really liked it. Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra always, the writer of this great Leven Thumps series never fails to surprise me! This book was absolutely great. I flew through the pages, finishing it faster than any other book in this sereis. It had some funny chapter titles; I also liked the cover--an illustration of Ezra by Benjamen R. That toothpick was very rude, but I was surprised at the end of the book that I could get so wide-eyed and tense over his seeming Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra. Get ready to fight with your eyes closed, get buried alive As always, the writer of this great Leven Thumps series never fails to surprise me! Get ready to fight with your eyes closed, get buried alive, witness Shatterball and the death of Time Leven, Foo's new Want, is being kept secret from the rest of Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra magical realm until all his Want powers are fully developed. The gang hunts down Knoll, a henchman of Azure, and finally suceeds in worming some information out of him. They rest at the Devil's Spiral, home to the Eggmen, candy-makers of Foo, before journeying to Cusp, so they can observe the Shatterball tournament and hunt down Azure, and further try to stop this war to unite Reality and Foo. Azure has some devious plans: he has raised the Dearth, an even eviler being than himself, to assist in the war--however, both are plotting each others death. The secret is released and war is coming to Sycophant Run. There, a mysterious but permanent gateway to the real world exists. The sycophants have a glass map, showing the way to Reality. Should they shatter the map for the greater good, so Azure and his armies won't be able to get into Reality? Meanwhile, in our world, Tim gets into Foo, and Terry and Addy get into the picture for real. And so has the war to stop it. Jan 22, Kelli rated it it was amazing Shelves: fantasyfun-young-adult-books. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. With the other three books in this series, it always took me a LONG time to get through it With this book, I was hooked within the first chapter. It is really nice now that all the characters are developed and they are finally reaching the climax of the story. I thought it was well done, and I am finally learning to enjoy the writing style. I love that you get to delve farther with Leven's powers as the Want and t With the other three books in this series, it always took me a LONG time to get through Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra I love that you get to delve farther with Leven's powers as the Want and the relationship between Leven and Winter and Geth and Clover. I love Clover! He is wonderful at comic relief. It is also interesting to know that Leven's dad is still alive. It has an interesting Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra to it though. This was a great book for children and adults alike. I really enjoyed it. Apr 02, Alyssa rated it really liked it. It's a fantasy adventure story filled with action, humor, mystery, and suspense. The author takes it to a whole new level by creating strange creatures, refreshingly new characters, and a land never known before. The story takes place in Foo, the place where man kinds' dreams and imaginations become possible. Without Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra two places kept separate, everything would turn to complete chaos, o "Leven Thumps and Wrath of Ezra"; by Obert Skye is definitely one of my favorite books out of the series. Without these two places kept separate, everything would turn to complete chaos, or even worse, cease to exist. That is exactly what the inhabitants of Foo don't know when they gather to merge the two realms with the guidance of Azure and the evil Dearth. Together Leven Thumps and his friends Clover, Winter, and Geth must stop the army and leaders from succeeding before it's too late and all of humanity perishes. Meanwhile in Reality, Ezra, Geth's evil toothpick half, and Dennis Wood, a used-to-be janitor are also causing chaos in an already chaotic world, preparing for the Dearth to come and take over. My favorite character would have to be Clover, Leven's sycophant. Sycophants are beings who are assigned to someone who has come into Foo. He always keeps the story exciting and surprising. Clover also has a funny sense of humor. Here is a quote: '"Sorry," Clover said. The writing style is also humorous a lot of the time, and sometimes the author overdoes it a bit. But, anyone would agree the artistry overpowers the bad points. Birds flew through the balloon-filled sky in magnificent patterns, showing off their colors and skills. The Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra stone streets and tall, esthetically pleasing homes competed with the trees and rivers for people's attention. Or does Fate have something else in mind? [PDF] Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra Book (Leven Thumps) Free Download ( pages)

Need it now? Call the store at to speak with an associate. Gear up for the most unFoogettable escapade yet! Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by belief and determination, our trusty band of offbeat friends take on an evil menace that threatens the dreams of mankind. Get ready to dream the impossible. The dreams of mankind are in grave danger as the Dearth, the true evil beneath the soil, rises above ground and slowly gains the strength he needs to defeat Leven Thumps. Leven, now the Want, is also gaining strength. Will he discover his new power before the Dearth finds him? Sycophant Run is on the brink of war. The secret of how to kill sycophants is now more a threat than ever. And speaking of Reality, Terry and Addy are about to join forces with a one- time janitor and the angriest, most confused toothpick alive — Ezra. What kind of power is raging inside that sliver of wood? Get ready to ride a Wave, release a Longing, find the Invisible Village, travel by Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra, wrestle in chocolate, and, of course, dream the impossible! Kids and adults will enjoy this charming tale of good and evil. My Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra and I have read the series and we have enjoyed every book, Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra book is not an exception, keeps you sitting on the edge of your chair. We can't wait for the next book to come out. This is an awesome series of books, not just for children. If you liked the other 3 you will definitely love this book. I bought this book a few days ago for my 12 yr. Leven Thumps and Ruins of A Obert Skye. Farworld, Vol. Scott Savage. Leven Thumps and the Gatewa The 13th Reality, Vol. James Dashner. Leven Thumps and the Eyes o Leven Thumps and the Whispe All Books. All eBooks. All Audiobooks. All Teaching Helps. All Art. All Statues. All Scriptures. All Movies. All Music. All Jewelry. All Totes. All Gift Ideas. All Other. Scripture Totes Audio Scriptures. Click here for details. We use cookies We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Learn more. Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra. Product Rating. Ships in business days. They are not compatible with Kindle or other e-reader devices. Digital items cannot be gifted, returned, nor refunded. Read free with. Add To Cart Cancel. Google Play Store. Only 4 left in stock - order now. This product is available for Free Pickup in Store. Not available in stores. Currently In Stock Need it now? Out of stock. Please select another store. Bookshelf PLUS. Sign Up Now. Enjoy eBooks and audiobooks on your smartphone or tablet with our free appDeseret Bookshelf. Learn More. Domestic and International Shipping Options. Read More. Obert Skye View Products. Filter by Keyword. Showing 1 - 4 of 4 reviews. Average Rating 5. Great book for anyone to read. Nancy Feb 25, Best book of the series. Tyler Feb 25, Great read. Very good read, couldn't put it down! My boys are reading it at the same time. Christine Feb 25, You Might Also Like. Pillage Obert Skye. Close cross-small. Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra - Wikipedia

Foo—the place between the possible and the impossible—is a realm inside the minds of each of us that allows mankind the power to hope and imagine and dream. The powerfully gifted Leven Thumps, once an ordinary fourteen-year-old boy from Oklahoma, has been retrieved from Reality and Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra to stop those in Foo who are nurturing dark dreams and plan to invade and rule Reality. In book four, the war to unite Foo and Reality has begun and is in full motion. Not only must Leven race across Foo to stop the war. There is no place like Foo. Nowhere are the shores more beautiful or the skies so deep and moving. Unfortunately, the beauty is unraveling quickly. A great darkness is ascending from beneath the dirt as the true evil of Foo is unlocked and the Dearth rises Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra the soil. Assisted by Azure and an army of rants and other beings determined to merge Foo and Reality, the Dearth had brought war to the very borders of Sycophant Run. Normally the sycophants would have the situation well in hand, but with the secret of their mortality finally leaked, Clover and his breed are vulnerable as never before. Wreaking havoc in Reality, Terry and Addy are about to join forces with a one-time janitor and the angriest, most confused toothpick alive-Ezra. He's got the answers. He's got the attitude. And he's selfish enough to sacrifice the dreams of all mankind for his own desires. Get ready to dine with Eggmen, ride on the backs of a Wave, find the Invisible Village, travel by rope, wrestle in chocolate, battle blindfolded, and, of course, live the impossible with the awesome Geth. Leven is fourteen and is the grandson of Hector Thumps, the builder of the gateway. Lev originally knows nothing Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra Foo or of his heritage. He eventually discovers he is an offing who can see and manipulate the future. He is most experienced with manipulating the weather control the wind, make it rain. Lev's brown eyes burn gold whenever his gift kicks in. Leven is also an unnatural offing in the way that he can manipulate the future over great distances. He also knows the secret of how to kill a sycophant. He has now become The Want as his grandfather was the last Want. After releasing a longing Phoebe, he falls deeply in love with Winter. Winter is thirteen, with white-blond hair and deep evergreen eyes. Her pale skin and willowy clothes give her the appearance of a shy spirit. Like Sabine, she Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra a nit and has the ability to freeze whatever she wishes. She was swept away to Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra, but her thoughts and memories of her previous life are gone. Winter struggles just to figure out what her purpose is. In book two, her gift is forcefully taken away from her by a machine that she created in her past life. She too falls deeply in love with Leven after the release of the longing Phoebe. The heir to the throne of the land of Foo, and one of the Lithens, the people who were chosen by fate to be on Foo first. He was turned into a Fantrum seed by Sabine, and grew until Terry Graph Leven's Uncle chopped him down for destroying his house. Geth then became a toothpick who helped Leven on his quest to stop the war of merging Reality and Foo. He has now joined Leven in hopes to save Foo. His brother was Zale, but evidence shows that Zale died. He is a wise-cracking sycophant from Foo, sent by the nit Antsel to look after Leven, who becomes his burn. Clover has the power to turn invisible with his cloak which also carries his secret voidand as a sycophant there is only one way that he can die, but only the sycophants and Lev know what that is. Tim Tuttle was at one point Winter's neighbor. He has cared for her over the years. Once she goes missing, he searches for her. He has now entered Foo and is again looking for Winter. He acquires a blond sycophant named Swig, and his ability is yet to be found. A boring, plain man, with a boring, plain life. Yet he runs into Geth's evil half, Ezra. And now he and Ezra fight to find the second way into Foo. Tatum Company cut Geth's soul in half, and so his angry evil side was transferred into another toothpick. Ezra seduced Dennis into working for him, but Ezra is using him. He lives to kill Geth. Ezra is a long, fancy toothpick used to hold sandwiches together. He has a purple frill on his head and only one eye. He and Dennis both are moving across our world in hope to find a way back into Foo. A lithen that betrayed Foo due to the Dearth's strong power. Taking over the part of Sabine, he leads the army of rants and other beings set on combining Reality with Foo. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra First edition cover. Categories : American novels American fantasy novels American children's novels Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra fantasy novels children's books. Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. First edition Laven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra. The Leven Thumps series. FantasyChildren's Literature. Leven Thumps and the Eyes of the Want. Leven Thumps and the Ruins of Alder.