T4U October The newsletter of Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 19th 2016 October commencing at 10:30am when we will Kimble Free Church

have a group from ‘The Jinglers’ of Princes the church by the bridge Risborough joining us. www.kimble-free.co.uk [email protected] This is a rather unique group in that every member has some form of disability. We are really looking forward to hearing more of their origin and also seeing for ourselves their enormous enthusiasm.

Why don’t you come and join us and support ’The Jinglers’ at our Saturday 15th October charity coffee morning? All welcome. at 9:30am

Tea and coffee will be available as well as our very popular cake stall and ‘Bring & Buy’ table.

Any queries please contact Jacqui on 01844 352725


A school teacher was walking around observing her classroom of Hospitality children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, ‘I’m drawing God.’ ALL-AGE! The teacher paused and said, ‘But no one knows what God looks like.’ Celebration Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, ‘They will in a minute.’

(From www.swapmeetdave.com) How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. HAVING A TEA PARTY? There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number—living things both large If you’d like to hire our vintage tea sets please and small. Psalm 104: 24-25 contact Vicky on 01296 612748 Where is God? and every one of us. God is in What’s on at Kimble Free Church? our living rooms, in our gardens, This is the question my four year- in our cars. If you are confused Our Sunday Services are at 11am. old daughter posed to me or worried, God is there for you We give a warm welcome to any visitors. recently. Hmm...I thought. How to share your feelings. When you can I explain this on a level she are full of joy and thanks, God is Informal Bible study can try to understand whilst at there to share that with us. Our Bible study group runs fortnightly. All are welcome to come and the same time ensuring I convey share in our interesting discussions. how huge, magnificent and ever- God is with us always...seek and Please contact Steve & Vicky - 01296 612748 to check dates and present God is? you will find. (Matthew 7:7) location. T4U ‘God is everywhere,’ I eventually I realised after I’d responded to Wednesday 19th October at 10:30am (see reverse for details of this replied, knowing I was risking her my daughter that God really is month’s charity). spending the next few hours everywhere. He is in everything CRAFT CAFE looking for God in every drawer that we see, touch and Wednesday 12th October 10-12 noon. Bring your hobbies to share and cupboard in our house! Her experience...for the Lord your and chat with others over a cup of tea of coffee. question got me thinking though. God is with you wherever you go. REMINISCENCE GROUP Whilst as adults we may accept (Joshua 1:9) Thursday 20th Oct’ at 3pm. A friendly, lively group for the over 60s. that God is omnipresent, on a personal level, where do we find Bryn Haworth concert God in our everyday lives? Saturday 22nd October at 7:30pm I am often reminded of God’s presence when I’m outside. In Tickets £6 the beauty of a flower, the Phone Steve & Vicky on vastness of the sea or the magic 01296 612748 or email of the clouds. Last week, another member of the church marvelled [email protected] For since the creation of the at the intricacies of a spider they world God’s invisible qualities— had seen—the carefully created his eternal power and divine joints of each delicate leg, such Bryn is an acclaimed guitarist and singer songwriter who nature—have been clearly seen, detail in something so small. has been delighting audiences with his own unique brand of being understood from what has How could anyone or anything been made...Romans 1:20 rock, country and gospel blues for over 35 years. He has other than God have created recorded, as a session player, with top musicians such things? Our Deacons including , , and We are reminded of God in the . John Ingham, for Sounds, wrote “if we are to world he created all around us Steve & Vicky 01296 612748 have God-rock, then let it be Bryn Haworth; he thinks of the but God is also present for each Jacqui 01844 352725 Sue 01296 770996 music foremost … you owe yourself a listen”.