JUL / AUG 2019 Last submissions date for Sep 2019 issue: 18th Aug 2019 [email protected] Tel. 727072

FROM THE EDITOR Available online at www.northwold.net A summer double issue packed full of social events! From movies and concerts, to art exhibitions and plays, a Day WI Litter Pick, to cream teas and vintage afternoon teas. The Sports & Social Club has its summer event, Classic & Vintage Motorbike & SAINT ANDREW’S Car Show and Beer Festival. BIG, BIG NEWS! The Crown Inn CHURCH Grand Opening is on Sat 13th July!! Hurrah! Regards, Jonathan CREAM TEAS Saint Andrew’s Restoration Appeal Thursday 25th July (SARA) 2pm – 4pm At with 3 Stablefields, Northwold

present Come along and meet with your friends

Described as "One of for a good old mardle whilst enjoying a the finest comedy/ delicious cream tea dramas in recent memory". It is based + Raffle + Cakes + Bric-a-Brac + Books + on the true story of an African- American prodigy pianist who embarks on a concert tour in the Deep South in 1962. Knowing he will need protection, he hires a tough bouncer to accompany him. They rely on the "Green Book" to guide them to establishments safe for African- Americans and despite their differences, they form a special bond.

Starring : Viggo Mortenson, Mahershala Ali.

Rated 12A | 2 hr 10 min | Biography, Drama, Comedy | 2018

Northwold Village Hall on Friday 5th July at 7.30pm

Doors open at 7.00pm

Tickets £6 at the door Or

£5 in advance from: Ann Howarth (01366) 727772 The Village Life Team


Jonathan Clayton [email protected] GRIMSHOE BENEFICE Tel. 727072 St Mary’s, St James’, Hockwold

Deputy Editor St Andrew’s, Northwold St Mary’s, St Mary’s, Weeting VACANT

Circulation Managers ST.ANDREW’S NORTHWOLD Mavis & George Gillett Tel. 727465 CHURCH SERVICES

Plus Benefice (Church Group) services in bold italic. Committee

Chair JULY 2019 Carol Sharp 7th Benefice Communion and Baptism at Weeting 10am Tel. 07927 087 464 th

14 Holy Communion 11am Treasurer 21st Service of The Word 10am Stephanie Squires th Tel. 728317 28 Holy Communion 9.15 am

The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington AUGUST 2019 Village Life. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all th information contained in the newsletter is correct, we 4 Benefice Communion at Feltwell 10am cannot be held responsible for errors. The Editor th reserves the right to refuse or omit items without 11 Holy Communion 11am explanation. 18th Service of The Word 10am th NORTHWOLD PRAYER 25 Holy Communion 9.15am & BIBLE STUDY GROUP ANY CHANGES WILL BE DETAILED ON THE LYCH GATE NOTICE BOARD

If you have any questions or would like further information, please look at the church website www.northwoldchurch.org.uk The last meeting before

the ‘summer recess’ will be on To arrange a discussion about weddings, funerals and pastoral matters Wednesday 10th July please contact Christine Parker, the Benefice Administrator, on 01842 827152 or [email protected]. at 10.30 am at 55 Road, Northwold. To arrange baptisms please contact the Baptism Administrator,

EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME Tracey Rudge on 07880 490187 or [email protected]

Refreshments will be served. Information on Benefice churches can be found on the website Irene & Mike www.grimshoebenefice.com

PR. Bowers & Son ST. ANDREW’S Funeral Directors CHURCH CHOIR

Anmer Cottage, Methwold Road, Northwold, , Norfolk, IP26 5LN.

Tel 01366 727432 07796 780270 is always looking for new members. We rehearse weekly 24 Hour Service, Private Chapel of Rest. and sing once a month & for special festivals in church.

Upholding Traditional Family Values of If you enjoy singing and would like to join us, please Dignity & Respect. For Your Loved One’s contact Funeral Plans . Memorials . Floral Tributes. Carol Sharp, Tel. 07927 087 464

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St Mary’s, St Mary’s, Beachamwell All Saints’, Boughton

St. George’s, Methwold St. Andrew’s,

St. Margaret’s, Christ Church, Whittington All Saints, with

Priest-in-Charge : Rev Ken Waters, 6 The Avenue, Brookville, Thetford IP26 4RF 01366 727220 Curate : Rev Carol Nicholas-Letch Honey Tree, Furlong Drove, Stoke Ferry PE33 9SX 01366 500704 JULY 2019 CHRISTCHURCH WHITTINGTON CHURCH SERVICES

Plus other local services within the church group. N.B. Church Group Joint Services in bold italics.

Sunday 7th 9.30am Holy Communion Whittington Rev Carol Nicholas-Letch

9.30am Holy Communion Methwold Rev Ken Waters

Thursday 11th 10am Holy Communion Boughton

Sunday 14th 9.30am Service of the Word Methwold Ray Burman

9.30am Service of the Word Wretton & Stoke Ferry Michael Poole

10am Breakfast Church Boughton Pippa Blackall

Tuesday 16th 10am Holy Communion Whittington Rev Carol Nicholas-Letch

Thursday 18th 5.30pm Compline Wretton & Stoke Ferry

Sunday 21st 9.30am Service of the Word Methwold Peter King

2pm Pet Service Whittington Rev Carol Nicholas-Letch

Thursday 25th 10am Holy Communion Boughton

Deanery Ecumenical Stow Hall Wissey Valley Sunday 28th 11am Open Air Service Ministry Team

Mrs Janet Allen and Mrs Linda Curd are in charge of cleaning and flowers at Christ-Church this month and Mrs Ann Wheeler and Elaine are doing the same at All Saints.

Every Wednesday: Café cre8 - Coffee Morning at West Dereham Village Hall 9.15 – 11am. Open to everyone ages 0 – 99. For information contact Janet on [email protected].

Every Thursday: All Saint’s Lunch Club – The club meets in All Saints Academy for coffee at 10.30 am and for a two-course lunch (£3.50) at 12.00 pm. For more details of this and Flexible Fellowship, contact Carol Nicholas-Letch on 01366-500704.

St George’s Church, Methwold - Tea, Coffee & Homemade Cakes - Tue 2nd July, Tue 6th & 20th August from 10am until 12pm. Meet up with friends, make new friends or just enjoy the drinks & cakes! Enjoy a drink & homemade cake for only £2.00

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Our WI loves June as it is time for our ended the scarves will be given to Patricia and Sue. Our competition in garden meeting and the month should homeless people in the city. As the June is always a pudding and this year have plenty of warm, sunny weather. scarves can be any colour or any there were 7 entries on the table. After As we all know, this year the weather pattern each one will be unique tastings had been completed members has been cool, wet and miserable! which represents the variety of voted for their favourite and this year‟s Instead of meeting in Pauline‟s garden people sleeping rough. Our winner, Patricia, was presented with the she kindly offered to let us into her entertainment member reported that cookery cup for her Lemon and home and 26 of our members had a the recent visit to Nunnery Stud in Blueberry sponge (deliciously light and wonderful afternoon in the comfort of Thetford had been very interesting flavoursome). Rita was second with her her lounge, dining room and and all those who went had a lovely banoffee flan and Sharon was third with conservatory; it was so much nicer evening. Our ladies who lunch will her combination of chocolate and than being in the Village Hall. We do head out to either Thompson or raspberry dessert. (I tasted all the try to keep the „business‟ part of the Griston for their June get together. puddings and every single one was meeting as short as possible this The Committee have asked members absolutely lovely so well-done ladies). month as it is primarily a social to think about the November While we were all enjoying our food, evening but our decision not to sing birthday meal and suggest places to Pauline had put together a fun quiz Jerusalem was a disappointment to one go – there are already 5 different about countries with just 4 letters, of our companions! Needless to say, options! Once all the „business‟ was countries bordering Brazil and states in the Village carnival was on our agenda out of the way we could move on to the USA with either an X or a U. The and everyone was pleased that it had the social part of the evening starting afternoon had flown by and soon it was been a success – despite the with a toast to our WI with a glass of time for our President to thank our host aforementioned weather. The bubbles (prosecco or elderflower) and present her with a pretty pot of President formally thanked Peggy and followed by the delicious begonias. Betty for looking after the stall all refreshments provided by Pauline, afternoon; they cheerfully volunteer for the job, year in and year out, and they are still smiling at the end of the DO YOU WANT TO JOIN US FOR NORFOLK DAY? day despite their tired feet. This year th their shift came to a rather abrupt end SATURDAY 27 JULY when a sudden gust of wind snapped Adults and Children – come and help keep the village tidy one of the guy ropes on the gazebo and it blew over breaking the metal (Children MUST be accompanied by parent or guardian) frame. Fortunately, both ladies were Meet up for a litter pick up around Northwold unhurt, but it was rather a nasty shock. Our Secretary gave us information on START AT THE VILLAGE HALL FROM 2.00PM various events and told us about a project by St Martins in to TEA, SQUASH, AND CAKES AFTERWARDS highlight the issues of homelessness. CHILDREN TAKING PART WILL RECEIVE The idea is to knit or crochet scarves which will be taken to Norwich A ‘GOODY’ BAG Cathedral to be made into a giant house for an exhibition in early Organised by Northwold WI October. Once the exhibition has

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DON’T FORGET the WI organised FOOT HEALTH litter pick on Norfolk Day, Saturday NORTHWOLD 27th July, starting at the Village Hall at SPIRITUALISTS CLINIC

2.00pm. All equipment provided so Surgery Room, please come and help keep our lovely CHURCH Northwold Village Hall. village looking nice. It will be an Meet every other Friday opportunity to meet other villagers Wednesday 3rd Jul and afterwards there will be tea and in the Village Hall, School Lane, Wednesday 10th Jul cake plus „goody bag‟ for children Northwold , Thetford IP26 5LL taking part. Just a reminder all Wednesday 14th Aug 7.30 pm start. children must be accompanied by an Wednesday 21st Aug adult. Doors open at 7pm. I also carry out home visits Rita Nickles (Guests subject to change) for treatment. President Northwold WI July 12th - Veronica Chan For appointments Clairvoyant Night NORTHWOLD Tel. 01366 728473 July 26th - Phil Gates David Noble

CARNIVAL August 23rd - Victoria Neal WMSCh(Hons)., MPSPract., MVR.

‘WINE Enquiries: NORTHWOLD or WATER’ Text Faye 07523 866797 CARE GROUP Web To all those who generously gave full ‘LUNCH CLUB’ bottles of wine for the Wine or Water norfolk.thespiritguides.co.uk The next lunch will take place in the stall at the Carnival which we under Norfolk Events – Northwold village hall at mid-day on Monday 8th unfortunately were unable to do due to the very poor weather conditions, July, when we will be serving cold Admission gammon with potatoes and salad they will be held over for the next event. followed by an Eton mess. Donation per person:- Many thanks If you have not joined us before but £2.00 Service nights Lyn and Mike £4.00 Clairvoyant evenings would like to come to the July lunch, please call me to book your place by Monday 1st July. If you are a “regular” and find that you are unable NORTHWOLD to attend this month please call me, COMMUNITY again by Monday 1st July, this will enable us to prepare the correct TRANSPORT number of meals. We look forward to seeing you. Book a local driver for hospital, doctor and dentist visits. For more details and assistance, phone Sue Preston 01366 727694. Ann Howarth 01366 727772

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MESSY CHURCH ORGAN RECITAL IN I was really chuffed to discover are implemented. The required ST ANDREWS CHURCH recently that our Benefice “Messy processes are now in place and we NORTHWOLD Church” which takes place during are free to continue offering our half term and school holidays on Messy Church programme this Music on a summer’s evening

Thursday afternoons in Weeting summer. We aim to recommence the The summer evening of Saturday 15th Village Hall is the longest continually programme on Thursday 29th June may not have been as “summery” running Messy Church in the August in Weeting Village Hall as one would have wished, but the country. That‟s quite a feat and huge from 3-5pm when will offer a range music…!! Our little William Hill organ thanks go to our wonderful band of of fun filled activities for children (Grade I listed) was made to sound like one of its bigger brothers. From rich, volunteer helpers. As we are all sadly and their accompanying adults. That swelling chords to delicate arpeggios, aware, in the wake of child/vulnerable day will also offer parents/carers an the organist, Richard Spencer made the adult abuse scandals, The Church of opportunity for input into ways that instrument sing its heart out works by has implemented tighter we may improve our future Bach, Vivaldi and Brahms and he safeguarding policies with which all programs and range of activities. added fascinating scraps of information parishes must comply. We were very Please come and support Messy about the pieces and the composers sorry to have to cancel our Easter and Church and join in the fun. along the way. He ended his Pentecost Messy Church activities performance with some Tchaikovsky whilst our compliance was updated to Rev’d Joan Horan played on his electric piano. This recital meet the new requirements. We do was a first and something in the nature however wholeheartedly support the Rector of an experiment; we look forward to it not being the last. If so - don‟t miss it! need to ensure that any guidelines that St Andrews Northwold in the make children/vulnerable adults safer Benefice of Grimshoe Jane Luckman

WEETING VILLAGE HALL Thursday 29th August 3.00 - 5.00pm Children from across Grimshoe Benefice are very welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult. PIANO LESSONS FREELANCE GROOM Inspiring piano teacher with over 20 All stable and yard duties undertaken years‟ teaching experience available Long term, short term or holiday cover. Trustworthy, experienced, to visit your home. Gave up years ago? Reignite your passion for caring and reliable. music! Learn to play your favourite British Grooms Association member and song. Specialist in classic jazz and NORTHWOLD Intermediate Certificate

(good!) pop music. All abilities BHS Stage 1 MOBILE POST OFFICE NVQ Horse and Yard Safety, Equine welcome. Available weekdays 9am – 3pm. EVERY TUESDAY 1pm - 3pm Health (Moreton Morrell College) References available Free initial visit/consultation. Van parks at Contact Holly on 07731395142, WhatsApp Contact Josh Daniels 07540 556195 Northwold Village Hall Car Park. or email [email protected]

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ICENI ACADEMY METHWOLD Office hours: 8:00am to 4:15pm Monday to Friday during term time. Tel: 01366 728333 | Email: [email protected]|icenimethwold.org.uk Stoke Road, Methwold, Thetford, Norfolk, IP26 4PE. Principal: Stephen Plume Vice-Principal: Duncan Carmichael We have had a brilliant month at Iceni raised over £400 and this will go is already under way but this will be Academy with lots of exciting things towards developing a fitting tribute followed by the revamping of the going on. to Mr Speake. Science labs (two to start with and two to follow). This in turn will be Year 11s managed to get through their I am pleased to report that we are followed by a complete renovation of exams! It has been the most intense fully staffed for next year! Because the student toilet facilities. exam period I have seen in over of our growth we have a number of fifteen years but they have came new staff joining us and I look It is the toilet renovation which I am through the other side. We look forward to introducing them to you most pleased about. Although the forward to celebrating with them at in the next academic year. I‟m procurement / tendering process has their prom this week. really excited about our new been frustratingly slow we will finally appointments who I know will have provision which is more modern By the time you read this we will have quickly get up to speed and will be and fitting for students who go to the finished our stint in the “Bags of well received by our students! best performing Academy in West Help” scheme at Tesco. Thank you to Norfolk. everyone who supported us in our At this time of year things can efforts to raise £4000 to develop our sometimes be a little bit more Thank you for reading and, as always, Drama and Music spaces so that the relaxed as the end of term is in thank you for your support (and general public can use them outside of sight. Not so this year! We are patience while I have been getting this the usual school day. ramping up for a significant amount building work approved and sorted of building work, perhaps the most out). I never take your support for Last Friday it would have been our that has been done since the granted and really appreciate it. late colleague Andy Speake‟s Academy officially opened in birthday. We celebrated with a non- 1958! Stephen Plume uniform day and bake sale. I am delighted to tell you that our students The work on replacing the windows Principal Saint Andrew’s Church NORTHWOLD

NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME PACK St. Andrew's Northwold gives all new residents a pack full of useful information about the church and the village. If, by any chance, you have not received one and would like to, I will be pleased to visit you with a Pack. Join us in the Church on Please contact: th Thursday 15 August Irene Quinn, 10.30 – 12 Noon 55 Methwold Road, Northwold 01366 728098 PC Repair and Care MARK ROBERTS 01842 810853 Plumbing & Heating Mobile PC Service

Plumbing & Heating • Boiler Replacement Desktop, Laptop, Ipad & Mobile Phone Setups Central Heating Installation Hardware Installations Bathrooms/Showers • Water Softeners

Virus Checks & Removal Internet Security ALL WORK & MATERIALS GUARANTEED Internet Connections Repairs & Upgrades REFERENCES AVAILABLE Training Sessions Program installations Telephone 01366 727344 Georgina Sims Mobile 07887 646587

Page 7

GRAND OPENING OF ‘THE CROWN INN’ We are really excited to be finally questions and host. Please get in opening ‘The Crown’ in July. touch if you would like to offer your We are aiming for………. services or you would like to put forward a team. th Saturday 13 July We are happy to cater for your special occasions here at the Crown, at Midday please call Janice or David to arrange a meeting with our chef Becky, who subject to……...!!! We will keep you will help to create a personalised informed on the website: menu for you. www.thecrowninnnorthwold.co.uk Thank you to the people who weather permitting, our beer garden. We can be contacted via email on completed the questionnaire on the [email protected] Live music will commence at 2pm website for us, much appreciated. We by a very talented singer called Nick or telephone 01366 727075. have taken on board your comments Stephenson. and preferences. All being well, we will have a Grand We will then be open for Roast Opening on 13th July, where tasters We will have a wide variety of drinks Dinners from Sunday 14th July. from our menu will be circulated. We available including 4 cask ales, Given the high level of interest are delighted to say we have secured a speciality gins and an exciting wine booking is advisable. very highly recommended chef, Becky list from all over the world, for Raven, who most of you will know From September we hope to hold everyone to enjoy. We look forward lives in the village. Together we have Quiz Nights on Wednesdays, twice to meeting you all. created a tasty menu for everyone to a month and are looking for Janice and David Walton enjoy in our 2 restaurant areas or, volunteer quiz masters to set the

Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 8HT

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F-19 MUSIC FESTIVAL Wayland Executive Cars Ltd is an  1 x Bentley Flying Spur St Mary’s Church, Feltwell Executive Taxi company now based in The majority of our work is Saturday 27th July Northwold, serving the surrounding transferring company executives and & Sunday 28th July area. We have been serving our clients their guests/clients to and from Live Folk / Pop / Rock / Blues for 5 years now and have received 2 Airports throughout the UK and wait prestigious, professional driver and return journeys, to and from Delicious range of awards, of which we are very proud. central , Cambridge, world food inc vegan The services we offer are of the Norwich and as far afield as Wales Bar in venue highest quality, our experienced and Scotland. Adult Weekend Pass drivers are always presentable, in a We also take many families and Only £30 suit and tie, courteous and individuals to and from the airports Tickets available on professional. for their holidays and transport many others to special events / sporting www.F-19.org events, throughout the UK. The or call John on Bentley Flying Spur has taken many 07778 898566 Brides to their wedding ceremonies

and young Ladies and Gents to their All Saints Painters

proms. present their Excellent service is our number one 11th Annual Art Exhibition

priority. from July 6th to July 21st 2019 All journeys are pre- booked with us 10am - 5pm daily Our fleet currently consists of the and confirmed by email through our following: state of the art dispatch system. Our in Stoke Ferry Church (PE33 9SF) drivers always arrive at the pickup The line-up of Artists this year are:  2 x Executive Mercedes E Class address at least 15 minutes before Saloons Isobel Bartholomew, Steve Rowe-Gore, the pickup time to reassure the P a t s y Hood, Frank L o g a n ,  2 x Executive Mercedes Viano passengers they are there, ready and Sheila O'Brien and Anne Wormack. MPV‟s, each seating up to 7 waiting for when you are ready to passengers Approximately 100 artworks will be for take your journey. sale including Pottery, Artisan Bowls  1 x Mercedes C Class Estate, for Please contact us either via email and Greeting Cards. times when extra luggage space is [email protected]. Parking and disabled entry are required, and fewer passengers are uk, through the website available and entry is free. travelling www.waylandexecutivecars.co.uk or For any further information please  1 x Vauxhall Vivaro MPV, telephone 01953 884884. phone 07746994604 or check our seating up to 8 passengers website allsaintspainters.co.uk Ray Gribble

Antique Restoration & Traditional Upholstery All aspects of antique furniture restoration including French polishing, cabinet repairs and traditional upholstery ------Traditional Upholstered Furniture Footstools, Sofas, Chairs made to commission ------Picture Framing & Mirrors An extensive range of mouldings including hand painted and gilded finishes Antique and Reproduction Prints for sale

Vine House, Church Road, Wereham, King’s Lynn

01366-500387 www.raygribble.co.uk

Page 9


TELEPHONE SCAMS: number, as found on your tax code try to extort money). This scam is now I have recently received two scam statement or similar. If you cannot so common that BT have introduced a calls on our ex-directory landline. confirm the identity, and are asked website on bt.com for reporting scam The first was a very threatening to provide personal details, hang up. calls. recorded message purporting to come The HMRC will never contact you The Isle of Man On a lighter note, from HMRC. The male voice told me without quoting your tax reference Management and I recently spent five in no uncertain terms that there was a number and they say that these days on The Isle of Man with our warrant out for my arrest because scams generally target elderly and good friends, Judith, Sue and Rod. I there was a legal case to be filed in my vulnerable people, so why did they have wanted to visit the island for 60 name. He went on to say that, because ring me, and why did they think I years as it is a haven of steam trains I had been notified, I had to call was old and vulnerable? and electric trams and the others were HMRC on the number he then kind enough to humour me. We had a provided before signing off with Apparently, the scammers also use fantastic time and really enjoyed the “Don't ignore”. emails and texts in the form of “You 1950's character of the place, the are owed a tax rebate” or “You're in absence of intrusive Health and I looked into the matter and trouble with HMRC”. In this case, Safety, and the fact that there was discovered that it was a scam. I report the matter to your Email absolutely no reference anywhere to discovered that there is another similar provider (who can take the sender's the EU or Brexit. scam where the call is from Officer account down), inform the company

Sarah Wilson from HMRC urging you which has been mimicked and report I was surprised to learn that the I.O.M. to call your solicitor or call her back the matter to Action Fraud (0300 is a self-governing British Crown on the provided number. The warning 123 2040) as they liaise with the Dependency (as are Jersey and is simple “If you or your solicitor does police and the National Fraud Guernsey). It is not, and never has not call us back, then get ready to face Intelligence Bureau, building a been, part of the , nor the legal consequences!” In either clearer national picture of fraud and is it part of the EU. It is not case, HANG UP. attempted fraud. represented in Westminster of in

Brussels. The people who live there Obviously, telephoning the number If the scammer is trying to make you are called Manx and the currency is firstly informs the scammer that you telephone a premium rate telephone the Manx pound. It has its own health actually exist and can lead to a barrage number, hang up and ring the PSA service which has a reciprocal of further scams and, secondly, you (Phone-paid Services Authority) on agreement with the NHS over here. could be lured into parting with 0300 303 0020. The famous Manx TT motorcycle sensitive information such as your The second scam call I received A races bring many visitors and have bank details. call was received from BT claimed 252 lives over the years. How do you spot a scam? Always Broadband telling me that my During WW II it was a massive suspect any call that comes out of the broadband would be cut off today concentration camp for prisoners of blue. Try to verify the caller by asking because of semi-legal activity in war and “undesirables”. The owners them a question that only the genuine your area. I was told to press 1 to of hotels were given a week to find caller could answer. For example, talk to an advisor. Had I done so, themselves alternative accommodation “What's my tax reference number?” If problems would have started (They and they had to leave behind all their in doubt, hang up, wait 5 minutes and would know I exist and they would bedding, crockery, cutlery etc. for the ring the supposed caller on a genuine CBB Building Services

We can take care of all your building requirements TEL: 01842 828129 and have more than 50 years of experience in the MOB: 07791 204492 building industry.

Extensions, renovations, painting and decorating, plastering, flint work, chalk work and drain work. Local Domestic Oil Boiler Servicing Please call for a free estimate Servicing Standard & Combi/Condenser Boilers, or to discuss your requirements on

Annual Service with Tank Inspection 01366 727789 & Boiler Commissioning Breakdowns, Maintenance & Repairs or WESTNORFOLKBOILERSERVICES.CO.UK 07850 494279

Page 10

use of the prisoners. The owners of 450 bungalows were similarly turfed Saint Andrew’s Restoration Appeal (SARA) out to provide accommodation for the guards. Lots of information online if with you are interested.

Three sons left home and Northwold Village Hall succeeded in their chosen careers. on They decided to give presents to their Mum as a thank you for bringing them Friday 2nd August up. One built her a big house, the at 7.30pm second provided a Mercedes and chauffeur and, as his Mum was At the age of 70, Forrest Tucker religious, the third gave her a parrot makes an audacious escape from which could recite the entire Bible. It San Quentin, conducting an had taken the church elders 12 years unprecedented string of heists that to teach the parrot the entire Bible. confound authorities and enchant the Mum sent letters of thanks; the house public. Wrapped up in the pursuit are was too big and she could only live in detective John Hunt, who becomes one room – the Mercedes chauffeur captivated with Forrest's commitment was so rude that she would not use to his craft, and a woman who loves him; to the third son, she wrote “Dear him in spite of his chosen profession. David, Thank you so much for the chicken – it was delicious!” Based on a true story.

Best wishes to you all Rated 12A | 1 hr 33 min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 2018 Doors open at 7.00pm Ian Nisbet Tickets £6 at the door Or £5 in advance from: Ann Howarth (01366) 727772 The next film night will be Friday 13th September

#saybootothepoo ANYONE FOR TENNIS ? Whether you currently play or are looking to There is a strict no dogs get back into tennis again, then check out the

policy on tennis facility at :-

Fendick Field. NORTHWOLD TENNIS CLUB Unfortunately we have twice had Hovells Lane, Thetford IP26 5LX to clean off children who have For further details please contact: fallen in dog mess left on the DOG GROOMING SERVICES field. We’re sure you can Jacqueline Baldwin, HIGH STREET, LAKENHEATH understand how distressing this is Membership Secretary CALL: 01842 862 828 for all involved! Tel: 01366 500810 FACEBOOK: [email protected] @THEDOGSHACKLAKENHEATH The Norman School

B R LANDSCAPING and CONSTRUCTION Animal and Human Therapy Equine, Pets & Humans Too! ALL GARDEN MAINTENANCE UNDERTAKEN Clinical Hypnotherapy - Powerful Transformation Specialising in: Weight Control, Confidence, Insomnia, Depression, Pain Relief Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming, Tree & Shrub Pruning, Garden Clearance, Rotavating, Turfing and Seeding, Usui Reiki Gentle Massage Stress Relief, Relax Fencing and Paving One hour’s session is physiologically the equivalent of 3 to 4 hours' Storm Damage Repairs deep sleep. Helps you find true peace of mind and brings positivity to help you cope with life’s daily challenges. HIGH LIFT DUMPER HIRE MINI DIGGER HIRE with Animal Healing OPERATOR or SELF DRIVE Healing treatments to help emotionally, mentally and physically. Daily Rates, Delivered Empathetic, Professional, Experienced and Insured. Email [email protected] TELEPHONE: 07774 724366 or 01553 849802 Office 01366 728975 Mobile 07881 525969

Page 11

Northwold and Whittington Parish Council – Ordinary Meeting - held at Christchurch, Whittington on Tuesday 4th June 2019, 7.30pm DRAFT - SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AT DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF Avenue, Brookville but could not see NEXT PUBLIC MEETING OFFICE the area overgrown. Clerk asked to go Cllr C Anderson, Cllr H Hogan and Cllr back to Methwold Parish Council for PRESENT Cllr R Crisp, Cllr Cliff M Peake formally accepted office as clarification. Anderson, Cllr M Peake, Cllr H Hogan, Parish Councillors. Cllr C Anderson 7. TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE Cllr G Gillet, Cllr N Nickles and Mrs N formally accepted office as Vice MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held Cooper (Clerk) Chairperson. Signed declarations to on 13th May 2019 ALSO Cllr M Storey (NCC) Cllr T Ryves be retained on file by the Clerk. All (BCKLWN) The minutes from the meeting held on three Councillors agreed to use of 13th May 2019 were agreed by all 1 member of the public their names on the Parish Council Councillors present. The minutes were 1. PUBLIC FORUM (15 MINUTES) website. signed by the Chair as a true record of i. It was highlighted that Northwold 4. VACANCIES the meeting. The final version will be street signs for Hall Lane, School Lane Two applications for co-option were made available on the website. (Methwold Rd end) and High Street received late afternoon prior to the 8. LOCAL AUTHORITY REPORTS i. Cllr (Hovells Lane end) are all illegible. Clerk meeting. Neither candidate was Ryves reported that the planning to report. present at the meeting. It was agreed application for the new homes at Little ii. Grass between Inghams Lane and that both would be invited along to London Lane had been refused. Common Drove needs to be cut. There the July meeting in order that their ii. Cllr Storey reported that NCC have are weeds along the pavement of The applications be formally engaged a company to undertake a High Street and the bush by the acknowledged and a decision made survey on people’s opinion of NCC Church, coming from the Churchyard is for co-option. Clerk to action. services. blocking the footpath. Clerk to report 5. MEMBERS’ DECLARATION OF 9. CORRESPONDENCE i. Newsletters: highways issues and Cllr Crisp to speak INTERESTS and DISPENSATION Norfolk Constabulary and Norfolk to the Churchwarden about the bush. REQUESTS (for items on the Agenda) Association of Local Councils iii. It was noted that Footpath 6 is due Nothing was declared. ii. Re-consultation on Breckland Local to be cut by Highways in June. 6. REPORTS AND MATTERS ARISING Plan – noted, no comments raised. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS 10. FINANCES ABSENCE MEETINGS (for information only) i. The accounts to June 4th 2019 were Apologies for absence were received 17.i Cllr Anderson advised that he had accepted, cheques agreed for signing from Cllr C Pointeer and Cllr R Silvester. taken the relevant documents to and payments approved in accordance These were accepted. Hayes+Storr. with the list on the following page, as 3. FOR THOSE COUNCILLORS ABSENT 11.iv. Cllr Nickles had a look for the prepared by Responsible Finance AT THE ANNUAL MEETING TO SIGN area needing cutting back at The Officer. Prop CA, 2nd NN, All agreed.

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(see p14, Editor) an update but no further response advised that they would be willing to ii. A cap on total project spend during has been received. Remove from have it written into the deeds of their 2019/20 was discussed. It was resolved agenda. property that no obstructions affecting that the budget should be updated to 13. HIGHWAYS AND STREETLIGHTING the visibility splay of a possible car park include £2000 under the Sports and i. SAM2 Update - SAM2 remaining in are permitted within their property Social Club heading and £2000 under Whittington for this month but facing boundary thereby securing a clear Play Area spend, 25% of precept the other direction. Alternative visibility splay going forwards. Cllr (£4500) be retained as contingency and locations in Northwold no available - Anderson has emailed BCKLWN to ask a max of £5000 earmarked for possible likely to maintain in current location their response to this possibility and is project spend. Clerk to update. pointing in the other direction. awaiting a reply. Next Agenda. iii. Membership of Financial Working ii. Bus stop improvements B1112 iv. Neighbourhood Watch – this is going Group 2019/20 to be confirmed at the (opp. shelter) – no update yet from ahead; the resident at the last meeting July meeting with a planned FWG meet Highways. Cllr Storey to follow up. has recruited some volunteers, is looking into new signage and will be date in September 2019. July Agenda iii. Note any items for Rangers and holding a Neighbourhood Watch stall at iv. A new laptop has been budgeted for resolve on any additional urgent the Northwold Carnival. this year but Clerk advises that the action required v. Dog fouling signs – Clerk to order No current laptop still works fine. Resolved  i. Clerk to report bus stop Dogs Allowed sign for the allotment to not replace yet. timetable damage opposite end area. 11. PLANNING of Methwold Road again. vi. It was noted that the Women’s i. New applications for comment:  ii. Vegetation around dog bin on Institute have completed the i. 19/00051/TPO: 2/TPO/00100: T1 Ash Church Lane, Northwold needs refurbishment of the Village Sign and Tree - Fell to ground level as there is a clearing. the surrounding area and it looks lovely. large split up the main trunk Hall Farm,  iii. Footpath outside Christchurch, Clerk to thank the WI for this. 90 West End, Northwold. No objections Whittington needs to be cleared 17. ITEMS FOR AGENDA OF NEXT raised. of weeds. MEETING: TUESDAY 2nd JULY 2019 ii. 19/00083/TREECA: T1 - Pine Tree-  iv. Verges from Whittington 7.30pm, Northwold Village Hall. Fell to ground level. Hall Farm, 90 West roundabout to the Stoke Ferry i. Nothing additional raised. End, Northwold. No objections raised. sign need to be cleared of litter.

12. LAND 14. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE With nothing more to discuss the i. Constables Charity update and i. Northwold Old Cemetery needs meeting closed at 8.35pm resolutions for subsequent actions. – urgent attention – boundaries need No additional updates. With the strimming. solicitors. ii. Clerk to request that TTSR make Northwold & Whittington ii. enquiry – Cllr Anderson Councillors aware of where they will has emailed the owner of the land for be maintaining within their texts. Parish Council 2019 15. CEMETERIES i. Monthly safety review results: Nothing in addition to Meetings Dates the above. All meetings are usually held on the HALL ii. Christchurch wall – wall has been 1st Tuesday of the month cleared. Neighbours have asked for Sale Particulars Wanted details about the fence. To be  Tue 2nd July 2019 7.30pm Northwold Village Hall informed by S Smith. Works due 2nd Would anyone locally have any of the July and to take 2 days by TTSR.  Tue 3rd Sep 2019 7.30pm original auction catalogues for the sale of 16. PARISH FACILITIES Christ Church, Whittington the house and estate, and the subsequent demolition of Didlington Hall? They were i. Play area repairs – have been  Tue 1st Oct 2019 7.30pm published November 1910, October 1949, ordered through Play Maintain and Northwold Village Hall April 1950, June 1950 and May 1952. works are awaited.  Tue 5th Nov 2019 7.30pm ii. Community Noticeboard cover. July I am anxious to purchase any of these, so Northwold Village Hall agenda. if you have any of them, and would be  Tue 3rd Dec 2019 7.30pm prepared to sell them, I would be only to iii. Car park enquiries – Cllr Anderson Northwold Village Hall pleased to make you an offer. advised that within the original plans for the car park the visibility splay and Website: I look forward to hearing from anyone the potential for obstructions to be www.northwoldparishcouncil. norfolk who may be able help. installed by the neighbouring property parishes.gov.uk were key issues highlighted by Andrew 01440 788198 Email: Highways. The owners of the [email protected] neighbouring property have recently [email protected]

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CASHBOOK BANK RECONCILIATION 4th June 19 Receipts for approval Paying In From Amount £0.00 Payments/cheques for approval Direct Debit Payee Description Amount 25.04.19 Haven Power Elec Streetlights NW April19 476 units 96.32 25.04.19 Haven Power Elec Streetlights Whit April19 27 units 4.68 07.05.19 Westcotec Streetlight Main Apr 19 (Paid 7.5.19) 19.10 08.05.19 Anglian Water May 19 Water Payment 5 Subtotal Direct Debits 125.10 Cheque Payee Description Amount 2234 N Cooper Clerk Hours May 19 340.20 Clerk Mileage May 19 45.45 Clerk Expenses May 19 0.00 2235 Northwold Car Scheme Northwold Car Scheme March Quarter 211.61

2236 Parish Protect Annual Insurance Premium 810.53 Subtotal Cheques 1407.79 £1,532.89 Cash sheet Balance and Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2018 YE Balance Brought Forward £16,066.80 Add Total Receipts to date £21,114.79 £37,181.59 Less Total Payments to date £4,077.68 CASHBOOK BALANCE £33,103.91 Bank Balance @20.05.19 Statement no.26 £36,292.82 Add uncleared receipts £336.20 £36,629.02 Minus uncleared approved payments £1,997.22 Minus direct debits not yet cleared £120.10 bank statement (as above) Minus new payments for approval £1,407.79 £3,525.11 cheques as above) Reconciled Balance £33,103.91

01366 328879

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A few weeks ago we were contacted very pleased to many smiling faces by Community Action Norfolk who during the afternoon. were offering to fund a event for the This was also an occasion where we local inhabitants of the village. were able to inform everyone of all We decided to hold a free Afternoon the other events and going‟s on in Tea in the Village Hall and to ask the village. Local clubs and the car people to come along and share their scheme, doctors surgery‟s and the memories and enjoy browsing through mobile post office, events at the some of our Village History items. church, the school and the Social So on a chilly and wet afternoon, a Club were all advertised and details warm welcome was offered to of the Neighbourhood Watch everyone who fancied a real social Scheme were available for all our event. guests. Those enjoying themselves were If you were unable to attend this entertained by Peter, who provided event but would like more gentle background music and then information on our Village rounded off the event with a sing happenings, most of this is in song, ably assisted by 2 of our ladies Village Life every month. on the microphones. Our thanks to everyone involved The food was plentiful and very tasty , with this event. the company enjoyable and we were Ann and Brenda NORTHWOLD VILLAGE HALL HOLDS ACTIVITIES, CLUBS & CLASSES Available for Private Parties & Functions at favourable rates For more info and bookings, call Steve (01366) 727855


Est. 1962 Why not visit our walled-in garden Nursery

For all your ornamental & fruit trees, shrubs, perennials and bedding plants Also compost, bark and a large selection of ornamental pots

Tel. (01842) 878288

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Hi everyone enforce where this problem arises. Parish Council the merits of creating a neighbourhood plan. Around 20% of I wanted to thank everyone who voted I had hoped that there might be parishes in the Borough have done or me in as Borough Councillor in May, stronger interest in the village in are in the process of doing this, and if and remind everyone I am here to working together to establish a shop we decide to go ahead it gives an assist everyone in our village in their at the old post Office next to The excellent opportunity for us to contacts with the Borough Council, Crown, but in the event no-one has influence many aspects of future whether it is a minor matter and you stepped forward to promote this development of the village. As you need help in identifying the correct project. To reiterate, the owner has know there are a large number of new person to contact or a major item suggested that he would agree an homes being built in the village and where you would like me to resolve a affordable rent of £350 a month, and we need to be able to influence the problem on your behalf. would in fact allow a rent-free planning stage of this process as period to cover the estimated The first full council meeting is after opposed to merely being able to £10,000 cost of making the unit the copy date but I can report the respond to submitted plans. following events. ready for business. (so first 28 months would be rent free) and a Please feel free to contact me and if A development that will benefit us all shop of such a size would in all there is interest, I would like to hold a is that the council is recruiting a likelihood not suffer business rates. monthly surgery to discuss village neighbourhood Enforcement Officer to issues as they affect you. deal with problems of litter and in And at a date to be confirmed I particular dog fowling across the understand The Crown will re -open Tom Ryves Borough. As a new role independent in July which will be excellent news [email protected] for all of us as we welcome The of the existing Community Safety and Tel 01366 7237037 Neighbourhood Nuisance Team we Waltons! will now have a means to report and Finally, I wish to discuss with our


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Page 16

SO, WHERE EXACTLY DOES OUR PLASTIC RECYCLING GO? #OurPlasticFeedback Dear Councillor. really making a huge difference! to be disposable. Furthermore, single- Following the BBC programme use plastic products have been enlisted highlighting plastic waste, I am SECONDLY, NEVER, EVER PUT in the fight against food waste, interested to know where exactly our YOUR GREEN BIN RECYCLING keeping food and water fresher for plastic waste recycling goes. All types INTO BAGS. longer and reducing the potential for of recycling to be honest. I read on the contamination. In the future many of BCKLWN website that it goes to FINALLY, and repeat these 100 these products will be bio degradable Norse Environmental Waste Services times – do not put nappies into the or will be replaced with non-plastic in Norwich for sorting and is “then recycle bins. It just causes extra alternatives. We are entering a time of sent to various organisations for work and worse is not nice for the change and already we are seeing processing”. Is this in the UK? I people who manually sort our waste! examples of these. certainly hope it doesn't end up dumped in a Malaysian forest. My Many of us are particularly There are sound non environmental family are avid recyclers and try to concerned with “single use plastic reasons to recycle. Recycling plastic ensure everything is placed in the waste”. KLWNBC has a working takes 88% less energy than producing correct bin at all times. I would be group to study how we can best plastics from new raw materials - The mortified to think that all we are perform this, and this reflects a energy saved from recycling just a doing is transferring the waste to the national trend - In the 2018 Budget single plastic bottle can power a 100 other side of the world, instead of it the government introduced a world- watt light bulb for nearly an hour. The being recycled into another type of leading new tax on produced or council has the job of sorting out the material/product, preferably here in imported plastic packaging. Subject waste we supply, and for recycling it the UK. Would you be able to to consultation, this will apply to all receives a recycling payment over and investigate and perhaps write an plastic packaging that doesn‟t above the price which it can sell sorted article on this subject? include at least 30% recycled waste to the processing industry for. content. So recycling can not only benefit the Jonathan, Editor, N&W Village Life environment but also keep council

Single-use plastics, or disposable taxes down! Dear Jonathan, plastics, are used only once before Our Borough Council, Kings Lynn they are thrown away or For us, we can be part of recycling West Norfolk Borough Council, takes recycled. These items are things like through helpful sorting of our own recycling very seriously. Recycling is plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, waste and this means being informed a statutory obligation with a soda and water bottles and most food as to what you should put where! requirement to recycle 50% of waste packaging. There are a number of KLWNBC has an excellent online by 2020 and 75% of plastic packaging flows of waste, and from Norfolk all guide offering an A to Z service so by 2035, as well as to reduce landfill. our plastic recycling is done in the that you can check which is the best Much of the legislation derives from UK. We only send waste cardboard way to dispose of many common the EU. For this Borough, 97% of all overseas. items. materials “ of the right type” is sold to https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/ processors for turning into new In defence of single use plastics, directory/39/recycling_a_to_z products. This means that 97% of many other plastic items are items which are recyclable per the designed to be used just once, And remember, no bags in the green council‟s guidelines that go into the delivering benefits beyond bin and no nappies either!! green bins gets recycled – no bad eh? convenience and cost savings and There are three ways we can support ultimately supporting public health. Tom Ryves the recycling work in our Borough. For example, single-use plastic Borough Councillor for Methwold products that prevent the spread of and Northwold FIRSTLY, be aware of what should infection are crucial in the medical [email protected] go in the green bins. Use the Council industry. Instruments such as website below. Do that and you are syringes, applicators, drug tests, bandages and wraps are often made

Page 17

Weeting All Star Performers – Present

“Will they? Won’t they?” (A wedding farce)

In Weeting Village Hall

Friday 5th & Saturday 6th July

Friday and Saturday evening performances Doors open at 6.15pm for 7pm

Saturday afternoon performance Doors open at 1.15p.m. for 2pm start

Tickets £5.50 Adults – Children/OAP £4.50 £1 Reduction for pre-purchased tickets Raffle, Tea and Cakes in interval.

Tickets available from Carol 01842 550919

Page 18



SUNDAY 21st JULY 2 PM Please stay for refreshments

(Dogs, ponies, donkeys & lions on leads. Cages, bowls or hutches for everyone else please)

Once again… by popular demand! You are invited to join with

friends & neighbours at All Saints Church Wretton with Stoke Ferry

in Wretton

We will be serving a WEETING VILLAGE HALL PRESENT Strawberry Cream Tea £2.50 per person HI - DEFINITION from 2.30pm

Sunday 14th July Sounds of the

Please book by July 7th to allow sufficient purchasing Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies

Ring Elaine on 07770 896607, Kathleen on 501523 on Saturday 31st August or call into Bonnett’s and see Elaine in person From 8pm till 12am £2.50 is for one food item and a non-alcoholic drink, additional items £1 each. Raffle tickets available Tickets £7.00 For more information or to book your tickets please call Angie 01842814147 before the end of July

To avoid disappointment please book by the end of July to avoid the dance being cancelled due to lack of support. There is no bar so please bring your own refresh- ments

Page 19



After a few dormant years, we are now back up and running! The co-ordinator, Ailene MacMullen, would appreciate hearing from people in the village who would like to be part of the scheme. Please telephone her on 01366 727244 for more info.

Family Property Criminal METCALFE COPEMAN Commercial & PETTEFAR LLP Employment Personal Injury Wills & Probate SOLICITORS

www.mcp-law.co.uk Convenient town centre Location 01842 756100 Home visits Cage Lane, Thetford may be available

Page 20

Page 21

Letters to the Editor So who's bright idea Unless the rest of the world achieves was this? The Climate - Part 1 this same target, we may as well “Ringing bells is as easy as falling off throw the cash straight down the a log!” I appreciate that people have very drain. So, are we getting too hung Or so he claimed – because that's what differing and emotive views on this so up on carbon emissions and see their my friend said one day as I met him please take it with a pinch of salt, or if reduction as the answer to all our while out walking the dog. you are a prospective Conservative climate problems (if we have these at party leader - a pinch of something all), or are we falling into a He was obviously keen, and recruiting, stronger. groupthink trap (everyone thinks it And when he saw me, he clearly felt so it must be right) ? that I, his need was suiting. Have you noticed that "global warming" has subtly changed into I am in favour of lower carbon Now, the idea that something easy can "climate change" over the past few emissions, as at the end of the day, best be described as from a log falling, years? it's the air we breathe - just see I find appalling. Beijing on a humid day, if you can, This means that if we have a long hot, and who would cycle through Since, in my experience, falling off dry summer, it can be because of Calcutta without a mask?! logs involves all kinds of possibilities, climate change, but the same applies if including grazes and bruises both, we have a cold wet summer. It means We are always being told this is the And to deliberately take risks that any weather that is different to hottest / coldest / wettest / driest involving either without a very good what we expect can be day / week / month / year since reason, is something to do which I am categorised. Similarly any hurricanes records began, but the world has extremely loath. in the Caribbean or floods in been around a lot longer than Bangladesh are because of climate records, so have there been Furthermore, some of the change. These conditions have always fluctuations in temperature, up and aforementioned 'possibilities' are happened, only now we can see them down, throughout the years, with things that I would not want at any live on the TV. extremes of climate happening all time to go through. the time? And as for carefully courting them – The government are now looking to well, I suppose it is, as the French say, have zero carbon emissions by 2050, More of this next month a question of 'chaqun a son gout' ! cost of which is huge, and as we were already committed to an 80% When it really comes down to it, reduction, the difference is minimal Alan Briggs church-bell ringing is an art which is considering our relatively low definitely not something to describe as emissions (1.2% and falling) to start “nothing easier”, with. And never as “easier-peasier”.

Still, like a fish rising to the fly- fisher's crafty bait, and so having a hook and a line stuck through its upper lip, I turn up each week, likewise attached to a rope, or line, and in my case also upwards, but with a limpet-like grip.

Then I ring through the practices and on Sunday mornings for the church- attending people, Even though my grasp of this complex art is still decidedly feeple.

“Don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee”, mate, At least it will - just as soon as I can manage to work out exactly how to get my hands, arms and head - all three - straight.

Page 22


SUMMER ACTIVITIES HIT THEIR downloaded from our website: www.rda each and under-5s free. Sorry, no dogs STRIDE AT THE MAGPIE CENTRE -westnorfolk.org.uk. Just click on our except service/assistance dogs. Events Calendar. May 16th saw a very successful Bingo Setting up events such as the Horse Show evening at Village Moving on to August, the Craft and and the Craft and Country Fair requires a Hall, which raised more than £330 for the Country Fair, scheduled for Sunday 18th huge amount of work, and following our Magpie Centre, home of West Norfolk August, 10 am – 5 pm at Wallington appeal, we are delighted that UK Power Riding for the Disabled Association. Hall PE33 0EP promises to be an Networks have agreed to send teams to exciting event, with the Indoor Arena assist with setting up both events. Your help This was followed, on 2nd June, by a Fun packed with crafts of all kinds, plus, in is very much welcomed, and, as we say of Run and Walk in the lovely grounds of the Main Arena, a display of carriage all our volunteers: „We couldn‟t do it Wallington Hall, organized bv Trinity driving, returning for the third year by without you.‟ Rotary, Kings Lynn. In perfect weather, popular demand. hazy sunshine accompanied by a light Caroline Dudley breeze, runners pounded round the course, Have you seen a Shire horse being followed at a more leisurely pace by ridden? If not, now‟s your chance to see families out for a stroll. these gentle giants under saddle. Want 100 Club to have a go at archery? It‟s here for As you read this, preparations will be in you. Carriage and Pony Rides will be June 2019 full swing for the Magpie Open Show, to available and motor enthusiasts can 1st Prize £20 #95 Steve Green be held at Wallington Hall on Sunday 7th marvel at the Classic Car, Bike, July. Offering classes in dressage, show 2nd Prize £15 #13 David Rice Commercial Vehicle and Tractor Show. jumping, in hand and ridden showing, A variety of trade stands and food and 3rd Prize £10 #3 Walter Herrington plus a handy pony competition, this is a drink outlets will ensure that nobody chance for all equestrians to strut their Roger goes hungry. Admission is excellent stuff. Classes include Equifest and Senior value at £18 for a family (two adults Showing and Dressage first round plus two children), adults / children £6 Thank you qualifiers and schedules can be very much D W Aerials for all your kind Classified Ads donations to the TV aerials, Digital TW aerials & Graham Smith & Sons Satellite dishes fitted. Plus TV signal foodbank and all you do to help others. Pest & Vermin Control for homes, boosters, TV extension cables and farms and businesses. CCTV installed, etc. If you would like to donate to your local 24hr/7-day service. Tel. 01366 728403, Foodbank there are drop off points at Local family business (Clover Farm, Mobile 07752 587111 St Andrew’s Church, Northwold; ) St George’s Church, Methwold & Would you like to advertise in St Mary’s Church, Feltwell. Tel. 01842 879904 Mob. 07946 733188 Village Life? Find out more: ______Please contact the http://thetford.foodbank.org.uk

Editor for available sizes & rates http://www.trusselltrust.org [email protected] Advertise your business here! Ness and Paul Or Tel 01366 727072 [email protected]

Page 23

NORTHWOLD SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Hovell’s Lane, Northwold, IP26 5LX.


‘Sign up’ now to renew annual club memberships or new members Adults £5, Children £2.50. Pop along to the club on an open evening or contact a committee member. See our Facebook page for up-to-date info on upcoming events. NORTHWOLD SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB The club is open for bookings for social events, birthday parties, weddings, christenings & funeral wakes. The bar can also be made available. All at very reasonable rates. For information call: Tony Waring 728455 David Gricks 728174 David Lavender 727111

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