Bandhan Bank Limited fiBandhan Head Office: Floors 12-14, Adventz lnfinity@5, BN 5, SectorV, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091 CIN: L67190WB2014PLC204622 I Phone: +91 33 6609 0909, 4045 6456 I Fax: +91 33 6609 0502 VBank Email:
[email protected] I Website: Ref. no: BBL /215/2020-21 January 27, 2021 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Dept. of Corporate Services The Listing Department Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051 BSE Scrip Code: 541153 NSE Symbol: BANDHANBNK Dear Sir/ Madam, Sub: Transcript of Earnings Call - Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('SEBI LODR') After the approval of the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2020 by the Board of Directors of Bandhan Bank (the 'Bank') at its meeting held on Thursday, January 21, 2021 and announcement of the same to the Stock Exchanges, an earnings call was hosted by the Bank with the analysts and investors on the same day at 17:00 hours (IST). Accordingly, we hereby submit a copy of the transcript of the earnings call which is also hosted on website of the Bank. You are requested to take note of the above. The above is being simultaneously posted on the Bank's website at Thanking you, Encl.: as above Registered Office: DN 32, Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091 “Bandhan Bank Q3 FY21 Earnings Conference Call” January 21, 2021 MANAGEMENT: MR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR GHOSH - FOUNDER, MANAGING DIRECTOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BANDHAN BANK LIMITED MR.