DOI: 10.1595/147106709X474307 The Taylor Conference 2009 CONVERGENCE BETWEEN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN CATALYSIS Reviewed by S. E. Golunski§ and A. P. E. York*‡ Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Blounts Court, Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9NH, U.K.; and ‡Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, U.K.; *E-mail:
[email protected] The Taylor Conferences are organised by the Professor Gabor Somorjai (University of Surface Reactivity and Catalysis (SURCAT) Group California, Berkeley, U.S.A.) developed the theme of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the U.K. (1). that progress in catalysis is stimulated by revolu- The series began in 1996, to provide a forum for tionary changes in thinking. He predicted that, discussion of the current issues in heterogeneous whereas in previous eras new catalysts were identi- catalysis and, equally importantly, to promote fied through an Edisonian approach (based on trial interest in this field among recent graduates. The and error) or discovered on the basis of empirical fourth in the series was held at Cardiff University understanding, future catalyst design will be based in the U.K. from 22nd to 25th June 2009, attract- on the principles of nanoscience. He highlighted his ing 120 delegates, mainly from U.K. academic idea of ‘hot electrons’ that are ejected from a metal centres specialising in catalysis. Abstracts of all lec- by the heat of reaction produced at active sites, but tures given at the conference are available on the which could become a potential energy source if conference website (2).