SCORES POINT I Darien., Conn., Oct
J • i MANCHESTER'S STORES AND BANKS OPEN THURSDAY NiGHT BEGINNING OCT I NET PRESS RUM a v e r a g e DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1927 Fair tonight and Tneadax* 5.040 , PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER,. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1927. (TWEILYB PAGES) VOL. XUL, NO. 20. Claaelfied Advwtisiiig on Page 10. ' A h it s s ix a u t o s CARROLL HESLOS BROADWAY 3RD ATTEMPT . IN A WILD RIDE t l N O r ENDS SCORES POINT I Darien., Conn., Oct. 24.— Bev- ‘ erly H. Ferber, 18,.of Butler Is BY GRAYSON land, is awaitihg a hearing here 25.000 MLE because of a wild early morning ride by some motorist. Police say Ferber was, the motorist and U.SJOURNEY PLANE FAILS that they caught him putting his machine up in the garage of Ms father, a wealthy man. The mo torist, according to the police Visited 89 Flying Fields, Goyemment Counsel Proves Engiae Cracks on One Mo summary, struck three automo To Use An Ancient Law biles, hit a concrete bridge abut That Sinclair Paid Million ment, broke off a telegraph pole, Made 150 Speeches, and tor and Flyers Are Forced sideswiped three more, autos, In Effdirt To Save Ruth and drove through Stamford and Dollars For Quit Claim Greehwich at high speed. Some Was Honor Guest at 69 To Again Dump Gasoline time j in his ride the motorist Albany, N. Y., Oct. 24.— ^Attor.^sweetheart’s husband, Albert Sny turned around and went home neys for Ruth Snyder,, comely sash- der.
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