What Is the Proper Posture for the Eucharistic Prayer?

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What Is the Proper Posture for the Eucharistic Prayer? What is the proper posture for the Eucharistic Prayer? n addition to giving a theological overview ing the Gospel and Creed, and then sitting un- of the Mass and detailed instructions for til the Sanctus. Occasionally, parishes adopted Ithe priest and deacon, the General Instruc- a modified posture during a solemn or “high” tion of the Roman Missal (GIRM) also explicitly Mass on Sundays, in which the faithful stood or mentions the postures and gestures of both the sat at other parts of the Mass (e.g., sitting during priest and the people at Mass (nn 42-44). The the singing of a long Gloria, standing while be- GIRM presents general norms about the use ing incensed). of posture and gesture and, in addition, offers an explanation to help understand why such The GIRM, first published in 1969 and revised in external actions are important in the liturgy. 2002, sees external posture as a “sign of unity” The question of posture during the Eucharistic and thus posture is related to the “common spir- Prayer, however, is best considered in the broad- itual good of the people of God” (GIRM n. 42). It er context of the various postures and gestures also states that postures should not be based on mentioned in scripture and those that have “private inclination or arbitrary choice.” been part of worship in the Christian tradition throughout the centuries. The GIRM includes explicit general norms for posture during the revised Mass. Thus, as a gen- A common early posture for Christian prayer eral rule, ministers and people stand through- The GIRM sees was standing. Standing was seen as a mark of out the liturgy, particularly during the presi- respect, honor, and Easter joy, and it is still cus- dential prayers including the Eucharistic Prayer, external pos- tomary for people to stand in non-religious situ- following the ancient tradition. They may sit, ations as a sign of respect for an honored guest. however, after the opening rites during the pre- ture as a “sign of The Council of Nicea (c.325) prescribed that, on Gospel readings and psalm, during the homily Sundays and during the Easter Season, prayers and preparation of the gifts, and, according to unity” and thus should always be standing, rather than while circumstances, during the period of silence af- kneeling (canon 20), a custom also mentioned ter communion. But the GIRM also specifies posture is related by the early Christian author Tertullian (2nd-3rd kneeling, but only at the consecration during Centuries). It is still customary for many Eastern the Eucharistic Prayer. Yet it makes an exception to the “common Catholic and Eastern Orthodox communities to for “reasons of health, lack of space, the large stand rather than kneel during the Eucharist on number of people present, or some other good spiritual good of Sundays and especially during the Easter Sea- reason.” If people do not kneel during the Eu- son. This custom of standing is also followed in charistic Prayer, the GIRM says that they should the people of God.” the Roman Rite when the Litany of the Saints is make a profound bow (as do concelebrating sung during the Easter Season. priests) while the principal celebrant genuflects It also states that after each consecration. Although bowing and kneeling also are tradi- postures should tional postures during prayer, in earlier centuries When the 1969 Order of Mass became common- kneeling was considered more as a symbol of ly used in the early 1970s, many countries of the not be based on penance for sin rather than a sign of respect dur- world adopted these general norms of the GIRM ing prayer. Thus, in early Christianity, kneeling without any adaptations. Thus, in many Europe- “private inclina- was appropriate during Lent or at other times of an countries, it is common for people to stand penance, but not on days of joy. Nevertheless, through most of the Eucharistic Prayer and only tion or arbitrary prior to the Second Vatican Council, kneeling kneel for the institution narrative (if kneelers are (rather than standing) was usually considered available in the church), standing immediately choice.” the most appropriate gesture for prayer no mat- afterwards to sing the memorial acclamation. ter what the occasion. The U.S. Bishops, however, adapted the general norm to permit people to remain kneeling from As a result, prior to the introduction of vernacu- the Sanctus to the concluding Amen of the Eu- lar liturgies near the end of the Second Vatican charistic Prayer, since the posture of kneeling Council, on weekdays people generally knelt was such an ingrained practice in the U.S. at that throughout the Mass, except for standing dur- time. Office of Liturgy Catholic Diocese of Saginaw INTRODUCTORY RITES In 2000, the U.S. Bishops decided to continue the general norms From the beginning of Mass STAND regarding posture that had been customary. Thus, the official U.S. until after the Opening Prayer practice is that the assembly kneels during the Eucharistic prayer after the Sanctus until the conclusion of the Amen at the end of the LITURGY OF THE WORD Eucharistic Prayer. But we must also realize that this is not the gen- eral practice of the Church. In fact, in some multi-ethnic parishes, During the First Reading, when Mass is not celebrated in English, the posture of the assembly Responsorial Psalm, Second SIT (often including many recent immigrants) sometimes follows the reading [and Sequence] customs of other countries. From the Gospel Acclamation STAND The general practice of the Church is for people to stand through- until the end of the Gospel out the Eucharistic Prayer, except for the consecration. The U.S. practice is to kneel for a longer period of time (from the Sanctus During the Homily SIT to the Amen) unless there are extenuating circumstances. If there From the Profession of Faith are questions as to what may constitute “good reasons” that justify until the end of the General STAND alternative practices, it is for the local Bishop, as moderator of the li- Intercessions turgical life of his diocese (2002 GIRM 22), to make a determination. LITURGY OF THE Eucharist It is important to remember that the GIRM envisions posture as something that expresses the unity of the community and should During the Preparation of never be a cause of division, and that liturgical tradition consid- the Altar and the Gifts [and SIT ers standing as the appropriate gesture of reverence and joy dur- the collection] ing prayer. Whether we stand or kneel, during the most important prayer of the Mass, the Eucharistic Prayer, all present should be unit- Before the priest says “Pray ed, in their thoughts and hearts as well as through a common pos- THE POSTURE OF THE PEOPLE AT MASS THE POSTURE OF PEOPLE AT brethren…” until the comple STAND ture, whatever that posture may be in a specific situation, in praise tion of the Prayer Over the Gifts and thanksgiving offered to God for the gift of his only Son. Eucharistic Prayer: Opening © 2002, Dennis C. Smolarski SJ, Used with permission. Dialogue, Preface and Holy, STAND holy, holy Eucharistic Prayer: After the Holy, holy, holy until after the KNEEL Great Amen From the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer until the STAND completion of the Lamb of God From the words “Behold the Lamb of God” or “This is the Lamb of God” to the KNEEL conclusion of the Prayer of Humility (…”and I shall be healed.”) During the Distribution of Holy Communion – from the priest’s to the end of the STAND distribution to all in the assembly During the sacred silence or Song of Praise after the SIT or Distribution of Communion KNEEL Prayer after Communion STAND CONCLUDING RITE Greeting, Blessing, Dismissal STAND.
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