How Smartphones Are Changing Health Care for Consumers and Providers
C A LIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION How Smartphones Are Changing Health Care for Consumers and Providers April 2010 How Smartphones Are Changing Health Care for Consumers and Providers Prepared for CALIFORNIA HEALT H CARE FOUNDATION by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, M.A., M.H.S.A. April 2010 About the Author Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, M.A., M.H.S.A., is a principal with THINK- Health and writes the Health Populi blog. Note: Inclusion of products and vendors in this report does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Acknowledgments The author expresses special thanks to the experts who provided counsel, data, and insights that are incorporated into this report: Meredith Abreu-Ressi, Manhattan Research; Andre Blackman, Pulse + Signal; Ed Daniels, Point-of-Care Partners; Scott Eising, Mayo Clinic; Dr. B.J. Fogg, Stanford, Persuasive Technology Lab; Susannah Fox, Pew Internet & American Life Project; Katy Hartley, Phillips Center for Healthy Living; Rob Havasy, Center for Connected Health; Raj Kapoor, Advance Wellness Institute; Dr, Joseph Kim, Physician and Technologist, Medical Smartphones blog; David Krajicek, GfK; Monique Levy, Manhattan Research; Joy Liuzzo, Insight Express; Julie Murchinson, Health 2.0 Accelerator; David Sanderson, MedApps; Brett Shamosh, WellApps; Juhan Sonin, MIT; Jonathan Woodbridge, UCLA; and Marion Zabinski, Myca. Two generous peer reviewers have added valuable input into the paper: Dr. Ted Eytan, The Permanente Federation, LLC; and Brian Dolan, MobiHealthNews. About the Foundation The California HealthCare Foundation is an independent philanthropy committed to improving the way health care is delivered and financed in California. By promoting innovations in care and broader access to information, our goal is to ensure that all Californians can get the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford.
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