The Auxiliary of Muhlenberg Hospital
Shearson/American Express Salutes The Auxiliary of Muhlenberg Hospital -- -1F\ ee ilo t ":'',-'l' .t' i: PROCESS pUilPE',,': pROGESS lNc. VALVES *ii lilc. 718 JEFFERSoN A'ENUE j.., 21 No. MrcHrcAN AVENUE KENTLWORTH, N.J.07033 KENTLWORTH, N.J.07033 __ ._.i '{ .r....-.,.-.r,--,-, at; (201) 241-6200 - eor 241-1srs t*, t:. :j,qi 4 Hazardous, Corrostve and :. i Spectafty Vatves and Toxic Liquid pumps j Handling 1,,., Acluators lor the Process lndustrtes Tr-- ll {,tl'l l1 1r1t *': l':: 'i; Room To Grow Designed by: Alison B. Schweikhart SOURCESI 30 Colonial Road Alison B. Schweikhart Morristown, New Jersey 07960 (201) 539_2634 ... loom to grow, to thrive and glow. We'll protect and feed, provide every need. With love, we'll dry those tiny tears, and chase away those litile fears. We'll cherish this time, our innocent Rose, and every moment, as Rosie grows. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS \ '/ /* l/11 "Slqrtop Promenade" Designed by: Geri Ruka Associates, lnc" SOURCESI Geri Ruka, lnterior Designer Cabinet: handpainted by Beverly Baker, Westfietd, NJ 641 Newman Springs Road Skylight: Gorkin Glass, No. Plainfield, NJ Lincroft, New Jersey 07739 Wallpaper: Brunschwig & Fils, lnc. (201 ) 530-1 776 Lucite/glass table : Plexibility, Ltd. "Winona Tree": Eileen Raucher A magnificent skylight spilling sunlight over Painting: "Chineseman" David L. Sutton the upper hallway was the inspiration for this Dhurrie rug, mirror, lucite pedesta/s, sconces, "Oriental Garden" feeling. The chinoiserie paintings: Geil Studio cabinet sets the mood for a relaxed "promenade" through our garden to the adjoining rooms. Every top floor should have onel Man's Personal Room Designed by: Delny McKenzie SOUFCES,, Koreana Antiques, lnc.
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