New Antarctic Place Names
New antarctic place names FRED G. ALBERTS Geographic Names Division Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center Washington, D. C. 20315 This listing makes available the antarctic name visory committee are Walter R. Seelig, chairman (Na- decisions of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, tional Science Foundation), Alison Wilson (National concurred in by the Secretary of the Interior, since the Archives), William R. MacDonald (U.S. Geological publication of Gazetteer No. 14: Antarctica, Third Survey), Cdr. Jerome R. Pilon (U.S. Navy), and Edition, Official Name Decisions of the United States Richard R. Randall (ex officio, Board on Geographic Board on Geographic Names (Geographic Names Names). The members serve as individuals with Division, U.S. Army Topographic Command, special knowledge, not as representatives of agencies. Washington, D.C. 20315, June 1969). The names are Others who have served on the committee since June those approved through December 1976. 1969 are Kenneth J . Bertrand (Catholic University of The list includes approximately 1,600 new names, America), Meredith F. Burrill (ex officio, Board on together with a small number of amended names, and Geographic Names), Albert P. Crary (National should be used as a supplement to the Gazetteer. The Science Foundation), Henry M. Dater (U.S. Naval names are arranged alphabetically, with the specific Support Force, Antarctica), Herman R. Friis (Na- element first. Their geographic positions have been tional Archives), Cdr. Kelsey B. Goodman (U.S. taken from the most reliable sources available. Those Navy), and Morton J . Rubin (U.S. Weather Bureau). marked with a dagger (t) are listed in Gazetteer No.
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