Extensions of Remarks E459 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E459 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS April 28, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E459 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SUPPORTING H.R. 1996 nesses pose a significant public safety risk to committed to serving the financial needs of customers and employees. The cash-only en- their communities—including those that vironment also burdens state and local gov- have voted to legalize cannabis. Currently, 36 HON. ED PERLMUTTER ernment agencies that must collect tax and states covering 70 percent of the nation’s OF COLORADO fee payments in person and in cash, which population have legalized cannabis for med- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES creates additional public expenses and em- ical or adult-use. Despite this ever-growing Wednesday, April 28, 2021 ployee safety risks. voter preference, current federal law con- State and federal governments have a tinues to prevent banks from safely banking Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I in- shared interest in upholding the rule of law, these businesses without fear of federal sanc- clude in the RECORD the following letters of protecting public safety, and transitioning tions. As a result, this segment of our local endorsement for H.R. 1996, the SAFE Bank- markets out of the shadows and into our economies is forced to operate on an all-cash ing Act of 2021. transparent and regulated banking system. basis, which creates serious public safety, APRIL 19, 2021. Many of our states have implemented laws revenue administration, and legal compli- Hon. CHARLES E. SCHUMER, and regulations to reduce these risks while ance concerns in the communities we serve. Majority Leader, ensuring financial accountability of the can- The impact on our local economies could Washington, DC. nabis industry. These public safety risks can also prove significant, as revenue paid to un- Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, be further mitigated on the federal level by related industries that provide products and Minority Leader passing the SAFE Banking Act to provide services to state-authorized cannabis busi- Washington, DC. state-licensed cannabis businesses with ac- nesses such as law firms, accountants and Hon. NANCY PELOSI, cess to banking service providers. contractors is technically money derived Speaker of the House, We urge you to pass the SAFE Banking from illegal activities, and thus could be Washington, DC. Act of 2021 or similar legislation that would considered money laundering. This raises the Hon. KEVIN MCCARTHY, provide a safe harbor for depository institu- significant question of whether financial in- Minority Leader, tions that provide a financial product or stitutions can bank these ancillary busi- Washington, DC. service to a state-licensed cannabis business nesses, as such actions could likewise be con- sidered violations of the money laundering Hon. SHERROD BROWN, in states that have legalized cannabis. We Chair, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing look forward to working with you as legisla- laws. Without a change to federal law, that and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC. tion progresses to address this urgent public entire portion of economic activity in legal cannabis states may be marginalized from Hon. PAT TOOMEY, policy and safety concern. Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Bank- Sincerely, the banking system. The SAFE Banking Act is a banking-spe- ing, Housing and Urban Affairs, Wash- Governor Jared Polis, State of Colorado; cific bipartisan solution that would address ington, DC. Governor Gavin Newsom, State of Cali- the reality of the current marketplace and Hon. MAXINE WATERS, fornia; Governor Ned Lamont, State of allow banks to serve cannabis-related busi- Chair, House Committee on Financial Services, Connecticut; Governor JB Pritzker, State of Illinois; Governor John Bel nesses in states where the activity is legal. Washington, DC. We urge members of the House of Rep- Edwards, State of Louisiana; Governor Hon. PATRICK MCHENRY, resentatives to support H.R. 1996, the SAFE Janet Mills, State of Maine; Governor Ranking Member, House Committee on Finan- Banking Act, when this bill comes before the cial Services, Washington, DC. Charlie Baker, State of Massachusetts; House on this week’s suspension calendar. DEAR CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS: As our Governor Gretchen Whitmer, State of Sincerely, States’ chief executives, we urge Congress to Michigan; Governor Steve Sisolak, Alabama Bankers Association, Alaska pass legislation allowing states with legal- State of Nevada; Governor Phil Mur- Bankers Association, Arizona Bankers Asso- ized medical or adult-use cannabis to operate phy, State of New Jersey; Governor ciation, Arkansas Bankers Association, Cali- safely under the national banking system. Michelle Lujan Grisham, State of New fornia Bankers Association, Colorado Bank- We strongly support the passage of the Se- Mexico; Governor Andrew Cuomo, ers Association, Connecticut Bankers Asso- cure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking State of New York; Governor Doug ciation, Delaware Bankers Association, Flor- Act of 2021 (H.R. 1996/S. 910) or similar legis- Burgum, State of North Dakota; Gov- ida Bankers Association, Georgia Bankers lation that would remove the legal uncer- ernor Kate Brown, State of Oregon; Association, Hawaii Bankers Association, tainty and allow banks and credit unions to Governor Tom Wolf, State of Pennsyl- Idaho Bankers Association, Illinois Bankers provide services to state-licensed cannabis- vania; Governor Spencer Cox, State of Association, Indiana Bankers Association, related businesses. Utah; Governor Albert Bryan, Terri- Iowa Bankers Association. We were pleased that the House passed tory of U.S. Virgin Islands; Governor Kansas Bankers Association, Kentucky similar legislation in the 116th Congress Ralph Northam, State of Virginia; Gov- Bankers Association, Louisiana Bankers As- (H.R. 1595). The SAFE Banking Act of 2021 al- ernor Jay Inslee, State of Washington; sociation, Maine Bankers Association, Mary- ready has more than 165 bipartisan House co- Governor Jim Justice, State of West land Bankers Association, Massachusetts sponsors and more than 30 bipartisan Senate Virginia; Governor Tony Evers, State Bankers Association, Michigan Bankers As- cosponsors. The legislation has also received of Wisconsin. sociation, Minnesota Bankers Association, support from more than 30 associations. Mississippi Bankers Association, Missouri Currently, 36 U.S. states, four U.S. terri- APRIL 19, 2021. Bankers Association, Montana Bankers As- tories, and the District of Columbia have le- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, sociation, Nebraska Bankers Association, galized the medical use of cannabis. Addi- Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, Nevada Bankers Association, New Hampshire tionally, 18 states, two territories, and the Washington, DC. Bankers Association, New Jersey Bankers District of Columbia have legalized rec- Hon. KEVIN MCCARTHY, Association. reational use by adults over 21 years of age. Minority Leader, House of Representatives, New Mexico Bankers Association, New Despite legalization of cannabis at the state- Washington, DC. York Bankers Association, North Carolina level, our financial institutions face enor- DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI AND MINORITY LEAD- Bankers Association, North Dakota Bankers mous legal risks and criminal and civil li- ER MCCARTHY: On behalf of the undersigned Association, Ohio Bankers League, Okla- ability under the Controlled Substances Act. state bankers associations, representing homa Bankers Association, Oregon Bankers These barriers disincentive financial institu- banks of all sizes; we write to express our Association, Pennsylvania Bankers Associa- tions from providing banking services to support for H.R. 1996, the Secure and Fair tion, Puerto Rico Bankers Association, state-licensed and regulated cannabis busi- Enforcement Banking Act (SAFE Banking Rhode Island Bankers Association, South nesses. Act) of 2021. This strongly bipartisan legisla- Carolina Bankers Association, South Dakota Because few banks and credit unions pro- tion scheduled for consideration on this Bankers Association, Tennessee Bankers As- vide these services, state-licensed cannabis week’s suspension calendar would be an im- sociation, Texas Bankers Association, Utah businesses predominantly operate on a cash portant step to address the conflict between Bankers Association, Vermont Bankers As- basis. Without banking services, state-li- federal and state laws and how banks safely sociation, Virginia Bankers Association, censed cannabis businesses are unable to work with legal cannabis and cannabis re- Washington Bankers Association, West Vir- write checks, make and receive electronic lated businesses. ginia Bankers Association, Wisconsin Bank- payments, utilize a payroll provider, or ac- Although we do not take a position on the ers Association, Wyoming Bankers Associa- cept credit and debit cards. Cash only busi- legalization of marijuana, our members are tion. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:50 Apr 29, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28AP8.001 E28APPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 28, 2021 US CANNABIS COUNCIL, LAW ENFORCEMENT actions are documented in secure bank- Washington, DC, April 19, 2021. ACTION PARTNERSHIP, ing records. Banks can assist with in- Hon. ED PERLMUTTER, Medford, MA, March 17, 2021. vestigations
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