Western Americana Inventory
Shirley Papers 212 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title General Reference 321 Western America 1 Abbott, Teddy Blue, 1964. 2 Abercrombie, William R, 1994. 3 Abolition & Pro-Slavery Struggle in Kansas, 1947-60. 4 Abousleman Family, 1997. 5 Ackland, Kit, 1959-60. 6 "Adam God", James Sharp, Religious Fanatic, 1909. 7 Adams, Charlie, 1955. 8 Adams, David, 1963. 9 Adams, James Capen "Grizzly Bear Adams," 1964-98. 10 Adams, John (California Lawman), 1999. 11 Adams, John Quincy, M.D., 1982. 12 Adams, Walter "Kid" (Alias John Carter), 1992. 13 Adams, William H. "Billy", 1946. 14 Adkins, Homer (family), 1972. 15 Adams Express Company, 1995. 16 Adkins, Joseph, 1982. 17 Advertising on the Frontier, 1971. 18 Adobe Walls- Battle of, 1922-2001. 19 Agriculture and Livestock in Oklahoma, 1939-96. 20 Agua Caliente Bandits of Arizona, 1998. 21 Aguilar, Porfirio (El Patron), 1962. 22 Aguirre, Don Epifanio, 1996. 23 Aguirre, Martin, 1985. 24 Ajax, Utah, 1982. 25 Alabama Indian Village (Polk County, TX), 1947. 26 Alamo, Battle of – General History, 2002. 27 Alaska, 1965-88. 28 Albro, George Tisdale, 1972. 29 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1965-97. 322 1a Albuquerque, New Mexico, History of the Police Department, 1996. 1b 2 Alcatraz Island, 1973-76. 3 Albert City, Iowa, gun battle at- 1901, 1975. 4 Aldridge Brothers (Lon and Bert), 1974. 5 Alemanos, New Mexico, 1952. 6 Alexander, Marian T., 1982-83. 7 Alford, Fat, 1953-55. 8 Allen, Frank (Cattle King of the Gila), 1953. 9 Allen, John "Sheet-Iron Jack," 1964-94. 10 Allen Outlaws of Virginia, 1912.
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