El Mustang, February 3, 1950
i . ' * ... ^ ' (see Aztecs, Waves Invade Poly SPORTS) CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE# VOL. 10 — NO. 16 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1969 Convention Activities San Jose Ringmen Regal Court Tour Defeat Mustangs Near Half-W ay Point By 7i-5i Margin Princesses Inspect "Dsnta'a Inferno” was tha theme of the annual Young By Kd Islsr Farmers dance, held at Crandall gym last night. More than Han Jose’s boxing team, coached 160 Young Farmers and 60 of thair wives, the Young Dae Portal, defeated tha Cal Poly Royal Domain Homemakers, attended tha dance, tha introductory event y ringmen, 7J4-6W, before a of tha 10th annual California Young Farmers association Urge ana enthusiastic crowd Wed Four newly-choaan 1960 Poly Royal prlncaaaaa — Loll nesday night In Crandall gym. convention, now meeting on t t e # Three of tha Spartan victorias Kirchner, Bevnrly Caligari, Jnnnt Brocklebank and Mary Cal Poly campua. The Cal Poly cam# by way of tha TKO routs. Jean Doll — vialtad the campua laat Tueaday morning. Moat Collegians played for tha danoars Locals Fact Hsavy John Elder, fighting In tha 106 of their brief etay wae devoted to posing for publldly pi* from 9 to 1. pound class for roly, got tha Mus turea, and then they were eacortea around the oampue by Delegates from mors than 06 tangs off to a fast start by daei- ♦ Dave Btrathaarn, Poly Ro/al an- separata chapters registered In the Hardwood Schodvlt *lomng San Joe*’* Mika Rivera. irlntendant, ami Bam Moldam lobby of the Administration build Poly’s Prank Wilson, 180 pound lek Peabody and Robin Baldwin, Ing yesterday morning.
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