M O N D A Y . N O V E M B E R 9,1941 ■’T T rMUflitWKLTS iSIattrb»Bt^ Surttttto H^ralU Averags Dally ChreoliitloB For tha Mootli at Oetotoar, 1S4S The Weather Feraeoet ef D. S. Weather Bi the locA bojrs who welo promoted Ensign Winiam A Maxwell of to Corporals or Sergeants beckuM 7,696 14 Eldrldge street who was c6m- VoteAffaiust Engagem enU Training Here of their months of State Guard light ratal tonight; aoMs About Town mlasioned la the U.SJI.R. two V dy work. Leo Poulin S e t b a c k moraing. weeks ago Is stationed at Colgate Aids Soldiers Captain McCollum wishes that I University, Hamlltoi^ N. Y. He Weekly Bonus McCarton-Sullivan , Manchester ybuths could read NOW OPERATING Tomorrow Night P 0t O ntar d iu n h wo> wan gmmiated from Manchester some of the letters he has received iftmehetfer— 'if City mf VQlage Charm , — ■% Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sullivan, 8 O’clock ^ Mt— 0«rtruda Otr> High school with the class of 1939. and learn how it would be to their Iir'—, Md Oro«9 a Kn- He was formerly with the Clvlllaa 72 Plymouth avenue. Fall River, LAR R ABEE*8 Textile Union Members Selectees Write Capt. advantage to join the State Guard Highland Park It) M AN C H ESTER , CONN., T U E SD A Y , N O V E M B E R 10,1949 ■M ali Alvoad. lMd«r, wlU hold A ir Patrol and had 50 flying ass., announce the engagement for training before being Inducted. BARBERSHOP VOL. LXIL. NO. 85 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE TH R EE C E ) A M i laek w p p w tomonow eve* houm to his credit. Ensign Max­ McCollum Telling of Are Satisfied with the if their daughter, Ann Marie, to He cordially Invites any youth to Community du b M m M i:«o r «H r m in b e n ,o f both well has a wife and young son. ^EMward P. McCartan, son o f Mr. Experience Gained. drop into the Arm y and Navy club Pitkin Street A huetneM UMetlnar and Mm. Maxwell was the former Miss' Present Arrangement. on Main streiet during the day or 3 Cash Prixes win foUow. Mary J. Ackerman of this town. and Mrs. James McCartan o f 69 to come over to the State Armory Near Eaat Center Street Members of Local 63. Textuy Foster street. Captain David McCollum com­ on Monday evenings to team more Refreshments A ll Boy Scout chairmen and W e Invite Yon To CaD Orfbvd F u M i ChapUr. D. A R. For the past three years Miss manding officer o f H company, details. He believes that a better all representatives of other com­ Union Workers of America, h^e aad Sahrm TmmbuU Chapter at Sullivan has made her home with local State Guard unit, is begin­ Army could be established i f the and Get Acquainted. Admission 35e mittees connected with the Boy voted, against abolishing the |13- noekvffla win bold a joint meet- her aunt, Mrs. Peter Flynn of 418 ning to think of himself as basic men who were about to enter it, Scout organization will have a wejek' bonus checka A fter much trained to a certain extent with a law Wadnaadiijr afternoon at 3:30 Center street and is employed at training instructor for the United Americans a t tta hodM o< Mm. C R. Burr, meeting tonight at eight o'clock discussion dprlng a meeting held civilian-soldier outfit like H Com­ in the Center Church House. the East Hartford branch of the ISS y * iit atraet. Oueata an thia o6- yesterday at 2:30 p. m. in Tinker United Aircraft Corp. Mr. Mo- Army. He is receiving better after pany. State Guard. letter from ex-members of the unit Captain McCullom announced aaalon win ha tha atota regent, The Manchester Soroptlmist Hall, a vote was taken which de­ Cartan Is employed by the Hamil­ If You Hold a Certificate W e Have Ml— Katharlna Matthlea of Sey- ton Standard Propeller Corp. stating they were allowed to skip this morning that it will be im­ club will hold Its business meeting cided the issue. aaour and atata vice resent, Mra N o definite date has been set perative for all members o f Com­ and luncheon tomorrow noon at Reasons for wishing to abolish their basic training due to exper­ pany H to attend tonight's drill Arthur B. Ifflaad of Torrlngton. for the wedding. ience obtained through the State the YM.CJi. the quarterly checks were not period. Important matters have Paraiiaa of the rationln|( of gaao- Guard. New llres Reaqi Tires stated but it is likely that Che­ arisen whlc^ require the presence Itaia, maetlnga of chapUm through- The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Taylor-Kowalski The turnover in Company H, as ir; m l Miam am being combined ney Brothers would have saved of every officer and enlisted man. Roosevelt Gets Credit well as with other State Guard Sholom -will- poa^>one - Its. meeting considerable clerical work. Mr. and Mrs. C. S,~ Kowalski of ' ' t S ominmlenm' ST atata dini imlts has been staggering due to from tomorrow evening until Wed­ A good crowd of union members 168 Hilliard street, announce the the constant enrollment o f its men nesday, November 18, when the was present at yesterday’s meet­ engagement of their daughter. guest speaker will be Mrs. Morris Miss Eleanor Kowalski, to Joseph into active branches of the U. S. Is Graduated The annual meeting of the Man- ing which did not conclude until services. Satisfaction is expressed We WUl Recap Your Tires Silverman, wife of Ftabbl Silver- 4:30. Discussion on the pay issue Taylor o f Worcester, Mass. No cheater Oarden club wtU take man. date has been set for the wedding. by commanders like Capt. McCol­ At Air School Bring them in the morning and you can have them Rabat, Scene of U. S. A ^ ^ Blaea *hie avening at 7:80 In the occupied roost of the alloted time, lum. when they find that men they kobMna room of Center church but prior to that, nomination of have trained are being placed im­ in the afternoon. Reds Now Cutting Women of the South Methodist officers was made. Occupation Swiftly houae. OfReam will be elected for church will meet at the church Expression Club mediately into active duty. Csqitain tha coming year, and the. annual Wednesdav from 10 a. m. until 4 Satisfied with Officers McCollum, has a soa in the Army. Word has Just been received that S H E L L G AS S H E L L O IL -.IV ahowlng of alidea of membera gar- p. m., to scw for the Red Cross. It appears that members are Plans Program Lieutenant Clarence McCollum, Pvt. Rocco D. Lupacchino, of 133 iena will follow. well satisfied with their pre.sent stationed with a tank destroying Oak street, has graduated from .the Down Nazi Forces r-V -. A daughter was bom on Nov. officers. Only one nomination per company in Texas^ National Aeronautical Training School at Kansas City, Mo., cover­ V. Ever Ready Circle of King’s 7 at St. Francis hospital, Hart­ office was voiced. Miss Anne McAdams presided 4)uick Promotions Nearing Completion; ing 16 weeks training as a ma­ tomorrow ford. to Mr. and Mrs. 'T. J. Kiejna. Those elected to office follow: CampbelTs Service Station Paugbtem wfll meet at the meeting of the Lillian Ger­ Past membera of Company H chinist. of 33 Cooper street Mrs. Kiejna Frank Reilly, president, holding awnuig at 7:40 abarp In the direc- trude Grant Expression Club held who write say that ex-Guardsmen Pvt. Lupacchino is in the . Air Cor. Main St. and Middle Tpk. Tel. 81 «1 On All of Fronts ton^ room of the Whlton Me­ is the former Mias Jean Kose. that office since 1939; Matthew at the “Y” last Friday evening. Paton.. vice-president, since 1940; are given consideration when rat­ Corps and has been in the Arm y morial Ubmry. Rev. Earl H. Fur- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Kose During the club workshop pro­ in g are given out and many are since Jime. ‘ geaon of the North Methodist of this town. Tude-Vince, secretary since 1939; gram, Miss Jessie H ew itt gave diorch win lead in devotloitt. The James Fogarty, treasurer since an Interesting ^etch of the life Drive on Stalingrad and Churchill Gives Help mambem am mminded to bring The annual banquet and stag 1934. A ll of these men have per­ and activities o f the actress, Taber Urges tUMr girlhood i^otos for the gueaa- party o f the Arm y and Navy club formed excellent jobs as execu­ Maude Adams, whose birthday Push Toward Caucasus tag game. Mm Anna Benson, will be held Wednesday evening, tives of Local 63. will fall on Wednesday: Miss It was learned yesterday that A ppear to Have dialnnan of tha hostesses, will be November 18. Supper will be Grant called attention to the fact Higher Tax, Prime Minister ‘Active Petain Shoulders Bnr*;| the local union has $8,600 to their aaaiated by Mm Hattie Kuhney, served at 6:30 p. m. and those that in press comments concern­ ...Tuesday at HALE’S Dwindled • to Series Will Protect credit in War Bonds. These con­ And Ardent Lieuten­ den of Commanding] Mrs. Nella Cffletta and Mias Flom planning to attend must sign up ing Miss Adams’ popularity while sist of two $2,000 bonds, two Stanley.
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