The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research

Volume 9 Article 10


America's Electoral Dilemma: A Case Study of Political Participation at St. John Fisher College

Jacob Morley St. John Fisher College, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Morley, Jacob. "America's Electoral Dilemma: A Case Study of Political Participation at St. John Fisher College." The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research 9 (2007): 36-44. Web. [date of access]. .

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Abstract In lieu of an abstract, below is the first paragraph of the paper.

Freedom and opportunity, the greatest virtues of American idealism, are now cornerstones of democratic and capitalist philosophies throughout the world. These ideals have impacted the collective social psyches of generations of Americans, providing them with hope for the future and goals for which to strive. Throughout its young history, Americans have seen their nation as a beacon of these virtues and have sought to spread American-style democracy throughout the globe.

This article is available in The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research: vol9/iss1/10 Morley: America's Electoral Dilemma

America's Electoral Dilemma: A Case Study of Political Participation at Saint John Fisher College Jacob Morley

America's Electoral Dilemma exercise their electoral rights. America's youth is among the groups that have seen a decline in Freedom is not merely the opportunity electoral participation in recent decades despite to do as one pleases; neither is it efforts to stimulate electoral participation merely the opportunity to choose amongst young Americans. The 26th between set alternatives. Freedom is, Amendment, ratified on July 1, 1971, granted first of all, the chance to formulate the voting rights to citizens aged 18 years for the available choices, to argue over them first time. Upon ratification of this amendment, - and then, the opportunity to choose. President Nixon remarked, "The country needs -Charles Wright Mills (Lewis) an infusion of new spirit from time to time. As I stand here, I sense that we can have confidence Freedom and opportunity, the greatest that America's new voters will provide what this virtues of American idealism, are now country needs" (qtd in Wattenberg, 98). cornerstones of democratic and capitalist Generations of young Americans have failed to philosophies throughout the world. These ideals live up to the aspirations outlined in the words of have impacted the collective social psyches of President Nixon through their continual failure generations of Americans, providing them with to voice their political opinions at the polls. hope for the future and goals for which to strive. Since the ratification of the 26th Throughout its young history, Americans have Amendment, turnout amongst eligible American seen their nation as a beacon of these virtues and voters between the ages of 18 and 24 has have sought to spread American-style remained consistently low in presidential democracy throughout the globe. elections. Participation amongst this age group This form of idealism is best symbolized by reached a peak of 49% in the 1972 contest America's unique system of republican between Richard Nixon and George McGovem government, which seeks to represent the (Wattenberg, 99). This record turnout was collective wishes of American citizens and to largely a result of timing, as the 1972 election provide for the common good of the American was the first opportunity for Americans between people. The shared responsibility of the ages of 18 and 21 to participate in the implementing such ideals rests upon two groups electoral process. Since the 1972 election, - representatives and citizens. While it is the levels of participation in presidential elections representatives who resolve the issues facing the have been significantly lower, reaching a record American people, it remains the citizens' low in the 2000 contest between and responsibility to choose their representatives George W. Bush. The 2000 election saw only through the American electoral process. Charles 31% of America's eligible 18-24 year olds vote, Wright Mills, a 20th century American as compared to a rate of nearly 65% amongst sociologist, contextualizes the idea of freedom, voters aged at least 45 years (Jamieson, Shin, emphasizing the importance of active and Day, 4). A sad testament to the significance participation in American government. Ideally, of each and every vote, if young Americans had American democracy is meant to be driven by not voted in such low numbers in the the voices of its people, responding to their presidential election of 2000, the outcome could changing concerns and implementing solutions have been completely different, as the 2000 race for the common good of all (Smith). However was one of the closest in American history. when one group fails to make its voice heard, its An examination of voter turnout in midterm concerns often fall upon the deaf ears of its elections reveals an even more disheartening representatives. reality. While it is true that midterm elections Currently, the American republic is in the draw fewer voters from each age demographic midst of an electoral dilemma, as segments of than presidential elections, 18-24 year olds the American population are turning away from participate at staggeringly lower rates in the American political process by failing to elections that do not decide the nation's highest

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office. Since 1974, turnout in midterm elections Recognizing that a majority of young amongst eligible voters between the ages of 18 Americans are now pursuing education beyond and 24 has never eclipsed 25% (Wattenberg, the high school level and that this age 116). In comparison, turnout rates amongst this demographic has consistently failed to same age group have never been below 30% in a participate in recent elections, it is important to presidential election (Wattenberg, 99). examine why a group that has been provided "Many observers thought that Al Qaeda's with unprecedented access to political attack on American soil and the on-going war knowledge continually fails to display its against terrorism would reinvigorate electoral collective opinion at the polls. Increased access participation in America, especially amongst the to political knowledge both inside the collegiate young" (Wattenberg, 116). This hopeful assess­ classroom and in the media should seemingly ment might ring true in presidential elections. In have the opposite effect, yielding high levels of November 2004, the presidential election participation amongst American youth. between George W. Bush and This essay seeks to examine the level of yielded the first turnout rate above 45% amongst electoral participation and political awareness eligible 18-24 year olds since the amongst the student body at St. John Fisher aforementioned 1972 election (Holder, 4). Just College, investigating news consumption habits, two years prior, in a midterm election that student turnout, and participation in politically- featured such critical issues as the War on Terror affiliated groups, both on and off campus, and a potential invasion of Iraq, that same age amongst multiple demographics within the group registered a turnout rate that failed to campus community just prior to the midterm eclipse 20% for the first time since the elections of 2006. Through research into these ratification of the 26th Amendment (Day and particular aspects of campus life, this essay will Holder, 6). show that political awareness and electoral Perhaps the most unique aspect of this participation are low amongst specific groups phenomenon is that it has occurred despite within the current student body at St. John drastically increased educational opportunities Fisher College. Secondly, this essay seeks to for America's young people. Between the years reveal methods through which political of 1970 and 2004, fall enrollment in degree- awareness and electoral participation can be granting institutions has more than doubled, increased amongst the student body at St. John totaling over 17 million in the fall of 2004 as Fisher College. compared to the 8 million enrolled in 1970 (US Department of Education, 2006). Rapid rates of Research Methodology technological advancement throughout these Having defined the aspirations of this essay, years have also provided these generations with it now seems pertinent to establish the increased informational opportunities. The methodology through which its writer has introduction of cable news networks such as researched the topics covered within this paper. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News has provided This essay is formatted to serve as a case study Americans with unprecedented access to a of political awareness and participation among wealth of political information literally 24 hours several groups within the St. John Fisher campus a day. The advent of the internet has likewise community. provided American youth the freedom to access For the purpose of measuring political political information at their leisure. Despite awareness amongst various groups within the this wealth of both freedom and opportunity to student body at St. John Fisher College, 200 learn about political events, a broad segment of surveys1 were conducted in the week prior to the American youth is failing to participate in the 2006 midterm elections. These surveys required political process, and the impact of this trend participants to list six pieces of information could be damaging to their welfare. By failing about themselves. The survey's qualifiers to exercise their right to vote, America's youth is consisted of gender, class status, political "cedfmg] important decisions to those who have different values and interests" (Wattenberg, 6). See Appendix for detailed survey.

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affiliation, likelihood of voting in the upcoming Young People?", and the reports issued by the election, amount of time spent keeping up-to Census Bureau, the surveys should date with news stories in a given week, and have asked for another qualifier, namely whether finally the participant's two most likely sources or not participants are registered to vote. Noting of political information. these setbacks for future endeavors, this essay Participants were then asked to answer ten will still accurately reflect levels of political questions pertaining to three distinct areas of awareness and participation on campus. political knowledge. The first four questions sought to assess the student body's knowledge General Survey Results about the makeup of the federal government The results of the surveys conducted just since the election of President Bush in 2000. prior to the midterm elections do not seem to The next three questions were devoted reflect a low level of political awareness specifically to the 2006 midterm elections, amongst the collective St. John Fisher student measuring knowledge about key issues in body, as the student population at large Congressional races throughout the country, responded correctly at a 43% rate to the survey including the local race to represent New York's questions. Certainly many students at Fisher 26th District in the House of Representatives. follow contemporary political events, however, The survey's final three questions were devoted Fisher students seem to identify specific types of to international affairs, as foreign policy has news stories at higher rates than others, namely been a major focus of the federal government those covered most extensively by the television throughout the Bush Administration's tenure in news media. The two questions to which Fisher office. students correctly responded at the highest rate In an effort to properly account for political seem to point out trends within their collective participation on the St. John Fisher campus, this levels of political awareness. That is to say that researcher has conducted informal interviews the most easily recognizable political stories to and correspondences with the presidents of this St. John Fisher students, those that are campus' two politically-affiliated organizations, continually mentioned in the television news College Democrats and the Young Republicans media, maintain characteristics of scandal and Club. Political participation is also accounted outrageousness that set them apart from other for in the aforementioned surveys through a political stories. question regarding voting likelihood in the The question that extracted the highest level November 2006 midterm elections. of political awareness amongst respondents was To conclude this section, it seems relevant to question 8, which asked "What nation performed address weaknesses within the research methods its first ever nuclear test on October 8, 2006?" adopted by this researcher, particularly with The correct answer, which was identified by regards to survey results. First and foremost, the 76% of survey respondents, was North Korea. survey was formatted improperly. It was two The importance of North Korea has been pages long and printed on both sides, something emphasized throughout the news media since that was not made clear to participants when President Bush's State of the Union Address in distributing them. As one might expect, many January 2002. In this speech, President Bush respondents did not recognize this and only described three nations, namely Iraq, Iran, and responded to the questions on the front side of North Korea as part of an "axis of evil" and the survey. This problem was identified too late defined their importance in the War on by this researcher and some of the surveys had Terrorism. These three governments have to be thrown out in order to maintain an accurate drawn the constant attention of the news media sample. Therefore, the sample does not include in the years since Bush's 2002 State of the all 200 surveys; instead it includes the results of Union, highlighted by an invasion and the 168 completed surveys. Secondly, in order overthrow of the Iraqi regime, continual to find data that corresponds most appropriately rhetorical combativeness between President with statistics referenced in this article, namely Bush and Iranian Prime Minister Mahmoud those in Martin Wattenberg's "Is Voting For Ahmadinejad, as well as the aforementioned

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nuclear tests performed by North Korea's falls drastically from 43% to a mere 35%. By military. While knowledge of this event is both removing these stories due to their sensational important and reflective of knowledge of the nature and their overall lack of significance with greater War on Terror, this topic had little regards to the 2006 elections, it becomes clear bearing on the midterm elections of 2006, except that the St. John Fisher student body was not as to potentially represent a foreign policy failure well-informed as one might have originally of the Bush Administration. Yet Fisher students thought upon original observation of the were nearly twice more aware of North Korea's surveys. nuclear test than of the Congressional race From here, this essay will first seek to occurring in the 26th District in the week leading demographically examine political awareness up to the 2006 midterm elections. and participation amongst two distinct groups The survey question that yielded the second- within the St. John Fisher student body, highest level of political awareness was question identifying factors that repel their interests from 6, to which 112 survey respondents answered America's political landscape. correctly, a collective rate of 67%. This question asked the name of the United States Seeking a Louder Voice: Young Women and Congressman who had recently resigned his Government position after being exposed for sexual misconduct with minors. This was a major news Because man and woman are the story in the weeks leading up to the midterm complement of one another, we need elections, so it is not surprising that a large woman's thought in national affairs to portion of St. John Fisher students recognized make a safe and stable government. the scandal. What is surprising is that a larger - Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Words of proportion of the student body could recognize Wisdom) Congressman Foley's name than could identify Condoleezza Rice's position within the federal Survey Results By Gender government, as posed in the survey's second question. This is a reflection of the emphasis 100 put on scandal within American society, 80 particularly by the news media. As of June 60 Men's Results 2006, Secretary Rice was the most popular 40 Women's Results member of President Bush's cabinet (Americans 20 o On: Bush's Cabinet). She has directly impacted o policy decisions of the federal government since 1 her appointment as Secretary of State in Question Numbers November 2004. Her tenure has been marked by the coordination of policy decisions on Iraq and diplomatic negotiations with political leaders throughout the world. Yet students at St. The most marked and surprising difference John Fisher found the Foley scandal more easily in the level of political knowledge amongst a recognizable than Rice's position within the particular demographic within the St. John federal government although Secretary Rice has Fisher campus community is between women had a much greater impact upon policies that and men. While men answered correctly at a have directly affected them. This is largely due level of 51%, women responded at a to the massive media coverage surrounding the considerably lower rate of 36%. In addition to Foley scandal in the weeks leading up to the responding at a lower rate than men, women at election. Fisher were 1/3 less likely to claim to be voting Removing these sensationalist stories from in the midterm elections, an interesting the survey results in order to develop a sample phenomenon as compared to national rates. that is more reflective of 'hard news' stories, the Since the 1984 presidential election between rate at which Fisher students correctly respond Ronald Reagan and , larger

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percentages of registered women have shown up American political landscape. While this does at the polls than their male counterparts in every not fully explain their apparent lower level of presidential election except the 2000 contest political awareness, it might provide insight into (Holder, 2). This sparks an interesting question; why women at Fisher are less politically aware why are young women less likely to know about than their male peers. It is entirely plausible that and participate in the political process than their the election of a woman to the presidency or male peers? even a higher representation of America's In order to answer that question, it is female population throughout other areas of the important to look at women's representation federal government might spark the political throughout various areas of the federal interests of these young women, in which case government. Research into these areas will the health of the American political process can serve two purposes: first, it will become only benefit. apparent that women have far fewer political role models in the federal government than their Growing Disinterest in Party Membership male counterparts and secondly, it will become Amongst SJFC Students clear that American women are under- represented in the legislative process, and that "If I could not go to heaven except the combined impact of these two phenomena with a political party, I would rather effectively repels the interest of young American not go there at all. " women from interest in American politics. - Thomas Jefferson (McKenna, 54) Currently, there is a record 82 women serving in the 109th Congress - 14 in the Senate, Results By Political Affiliation 68 in the House of Representatives (Library of Congress, 1). The 110th Congress will include at least five more women than the 109th, and will be highlighted by the appointment of Nancy D Democrat Results Pelosi as the first female Speaker of the House, a • Repubfcan Resuls position that puts Representative Pelosi third in D No Political Affiliation line to the presidency. Despite these modest gains in Congress, the political arena will 123456789 10 continue to be dominated by men, who will hold Question Numbers at least 442 of the 534 seats in Congress (Romano, 19). Throughout American history, a woman has never been elected President. In fact, a woman has never been represented as a Thomas Jefferson, one of this nation's candidate for President by one of the two major founding fathers and the writer of one its most political parties, although there is serious sacred documents, the Declaration of speculation that will be the Independence, reflects his aversion for political Democratic nominee for President in 2008. parties in the above quote. Of course, after Also only two women, Sandra Day O'Connor writing this, Jefferson would go on to found the and Ruth Bader Ginsberg have served on the Democratic-Republican Party, largely out of Supreme Court. recognition that political parties were not going While the 110th Congress will boast the to disappear from the American political highest representation of the female gender in landscape (McKenna, 54). Jefferson was not the American history, women's representation only well-respected member of his generation to within the various branches of the federal openly outline his distrust for political parties. government remains extremely limited. This In his farewell address, President George under-representation within the federal Washington warned citizens of the young government might lead young women to feel as American republic of the potential dangers if their voices aren't being heard in the nation's posed by political parties to the health and capital, and repel their interests from the

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stability of their nation's governmental Just over 5% of survey respondents chose to institutions, saying: identify themselves as 'liberal' or 'conservative' rather than with one of the two major political [Political parties] serve to organize parties. While there is no 'liberal' party, an faction, to give it an artificial and organized Conservative Party does exist, extraordinary force; to put in the place although this writer tends to believe that most of the delegated will of the nation, the respondents who identified themselves as will of the party ... and to make the 'conservative' did so in an effort to establish public administration the mirror of the their political principles rather than to identify ill-concerted and incongruous projects themselves with the Conservative Party. These of faction, rather than the organ of respondents probably chose to label themselves consistent and wholesome plans through their political principles rather than with digested by common councils and traditional party labels out of recognition that modified by mutual interests (Satire, they were not formally registered with a political 413). party. Despite this lack of formal registration, these respondents still felt compelled to express Washington suggests that political parties work their political views on the survey. against the common goals of democratic Recognizing that 45% of Fisher students institutions by misrepresenting the concerns of chose not to identify themselves with either of their members and oppressing bipartisan efforts the two major political parties, it is interesting at negotiation and compromise. Despite these that those who did identify themselves with one men's aspirations to the contrary, political of the parties registered higher average levels of parties have evolved throughout American political awareness. Members of the Republican political history to the point that America's Party responded at the highest rate, nearly 51 %; contemporary political landscape reflects that of Democrats trailed slightly, responding at a rate a nation geographically polarized along party of 46%. What is particularly interesting is that lines. those who chose not to identify themselves with The founding fathers' distaste for political a political party responded at a rate of 36%, parties seems to be reflected amongst significantly lower than the rate amongst those contemporary America's youth. According to who identified with one of the two major survey results amongst the St. John Fisher political parties. Higher levels of political student body, only 92 of the 168 respondents awareness amongst survey participants who chose to identify themselves with a political identified themselves with a political party do party, a rate of 55% amongst total survey not necessarily reflect an innate ability of party respondents. In comparison to studies membership to stimulate political awareness conducted by 's John F. amongst America's youth. It is entirely feasible Kennedy School of Government, the rate at that this phenomenon reflects these qualities of which members of the St. John Fisher student party membership, but it might instead simply body identify themselves with a political party is reveal these individuals' interest in politics and a higher than the national rate amongst America's sense of duty to reflect that interest through college students, which stands at 45% ("A Guide party membership. to Reaching Young Voters", 5). This same study also shows that more than half of Political Participation Amongst the SJFC America's young people tend to consider Student Body themselves centrists ("A Guide to Reaching Having established a low rate of political Young Voters", 4), as opposed to traditional awareness amongst the general population of the labels at the extremes of the political spectrum. St. John Fisher student body, and provided This is not merely a coincidence, but a response analysis of potential reasons for such low from American youth in defiance of traditional political awareness, it now seems pertinent to political labels amidst contemporary America's shift the attention of this essay to political polarized political landscape. participation, and finally to provide steps

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through which to increase political participation political process. He urged students to become amongst the student body. political activists, discussing his own early Survey results reflect a relatively low level experiences in politics and the potential for of electoral participation amongst the student politics to change people's lives. About ten body at St. John Fisher, as only 17% of the students attended the event, only the club's student body claimed to be 'likely' to vote in the officers and a few other members. Neither the 2006 midterm elections. This is consistent with College Democrats nor the Young Republicans national participation rates within the 18-21 year Club had an event focused on the midterm old age demographic in the 2002 midterm elections. elections (Day and Holder, 6). However, While the majority of students at St. John seeking an answer to the question as to whether Fisher seem to be failing to participate in the or not St. John Fisher students are participating political process, there is still reason to have in the American political process does not hope, as many young St. John Fisher students merely require an analysis of voter turnout rates. remain active within the realm of politics. Every While turnout rates serve as one of the indicators semester, groups of young Saint John Fisher of political participation, there are other ways students represent their school in the nation's for students to participate in the political capitol as part of the "Washington Experience," process. in which they learn about the federal The St. John Fisher Student Government government through direct participation within Association recognizes two politically-oriented various institutions pertaining to that entity. campus groups, both maintaining high Although the campus' politically-affiliated memberships. The Young Republicans Club organizations have failed to invigorate the boasts approximately 80 members and states its campus community for the midterm elections of purpose in the Council of Presidents Charter: 2006, they have succeeded in the past, holding a joint event on election night 2004 for students to The purpose of the Young watch election returns live on television in a Republicans is to expand the friendly, bi-partisan atmosphere. The College knowledge of politics and to get the Democrats had hoped to travel to Rhode Island entire SJFC community involved in to campaign for Democratic senatorial candidate the political process. As a group, we Sheldon Whitehouse during October 2006, but encourage the open expression of were limited by their affiliation's budget. The views on all issues (Clubs). Young Republicans Club's president spent time campaigning for Congressman Tom Reynolds By recognizing the importance of political throughout the summer of 2006. Certainly, knowledge and involvement in the political some of the campus community is remaining process, this group seeks to establish a base of active, a reflection of their interest in politics young, politically active students on the Fisher and their core beliefs that politics can positively campus. The Young Republicans have most affect people's lives. likely been ineffective in achieving these goals As a conclusion to this essay, it seems this semester, as they have held only one relevant to address methods through which organized meeting, which took place in early political participation can be increased September. throughout the St. John Fisher student body. The College Democrats, a group of 73 First and foremost, student organizations need to students seeking to represent ideals from the become more involved at election time. In the opposite end of the political spectrum, have weeks preceding the 2006 elections, there were again met only once. This meeting occurred on no registration drives; there were no flyers put October 10, featuring guest speakers. Among up that provided details about the election; there these guest speakers was State Assemblyman was no bi-partisan event to increase awareness David Koon, who expressed the origins of his about electoral issues. These groups failed to interest in politics at a young age and provided even send out an email to the Fisher community insight into how students can get involved in the at large, urging them to vote. If the student body

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is to become more politically active, it is pertinent that these groups become more active in the weeks prior to the 2008 elections. Secondly, there needs to be a greater emphasis put on political participation both by professors and by the campus administration. It would be simple for professors to take a short time out of their lecture to acknowledge the importance of upcoming electoral contests, something that they have failed to do throughout this writer's tenure as a student. Recognizing that a large portion of the student population is not from the Rochester area, it would be helpful if these students had access to absentee ballots on-campus. These needs could easily be accommodated by campus administration for the 2008 election. Certainly registration drives could be held at little expense to the college, yielding great rewards for the campus' image. Finally if political participation is to be increased on campus, the student body needs to acknowledge the importance of these electoral contests instead of simply ignoring them. Students need to take time to educate themselves about the status of their government. Students also need to put aside any lack of confidence about their own political knowledge and simply get to the polls on Election Day. Through a combined effort to stimulate political participation amongst the student body, strides can be made to improve the quality of the education at St. John Fisher and the college's image in the eyes of the public. By making a concerted effort to increase political participation, the campus community will be taking small steps to preserve American democracy and the ideals reflected within those institutions.

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Works Cited Nisbet, Matt. "That's Infotainment!: How Soft Americans On: Bush's Cabinet. August 2006. Journalism Undermines the Credibility of Americans On. Major Media Organizations, Drives Away Their Amer, Mildred. Membership of the 109th Core Audiences, and Hurts Democracy": Congress: A Profile. [Washington D.C.]: (2001) Generation Skeptic. Cornell Library of Congress [2006] 10 October, University 9 December, 2006. 2006 . "A Guide to Reaching Young Voters." JohnF. Safire, William. Lend Me Your Ears: Great Kennedy School of Government. Speeches In History. New York: W.W. Cambridge: Harvard University Institute of Norton & Company, 2004. Politics, 2005 Smith, Mark C. (2006) The Handbook of Texas . Online. April 27,2007. Barry, Dave. "Hey Dudes, Read All About It." . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 16 November, Total Fall Enrollment in Degree-granting 1994: Dl. Lexisnexis Academic. Lavery Institutions. By Attendance Status. Sex of Library, Rochester, NY. 9 December, 2006. Student, and Control of Institution: Selected Years. 1947 Through 2004 [Washington Clubs. SJFC Student Government Association D.C] U.S. Department of Education [2005]. Council of Presidents. 6 December, 2006. Digest of Education Statistics, 2005 . College Enrollment and Work Activity of 2005 Wattenberg, Martin D. Is Voting For Young High School Graduates. [Washington People? New York: Pearson Education Inc, D.C.]: March, 2006. Bureau of Labor 2006. Statistics [March 2006] 15 November, 2006 Words of Wisdom. 2006. Women In World . History Curriculum. 11/5/2006 Day, Jennifer and Holder, Kelly. Voting and . 2002. [Washington D.C.]: U.S. Census Bureau [March 2002] 17 November, 2006. . Holder, Kelly. Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2004. [Washington D.C.]: U.S. Census Bureau [March 2002] 17 November, 2006 . Jamieson, Amie, Shin, Hyon B., and Day, Jennifer. Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2000. [Washington D.C.]: U.S. Census Bureau [February 2002] 17 November, 2006 Lewis, Jone Johnson. (2006) Opportunity Quotes. April 27, 2007. . McKenna, George. The Dualities of Thomas Jefferson. First Things. No. 104 (June 2000) 10 October, 2006 53-57

44 Published by Fisher Digital Publications, 2007 9 The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research, Vol. 9 [2007], Art. 10

Appendix A:

Gender: Male Female

Class Status: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Political Party: Republican Democrat No Party Affiliation

Other (Please Indicate)

Are you likely to vote in the upcoming mid-term election on November 7? Yes No

How many hours per week do you spend keeping up-to date with the news? 0 1-3 4-6 7-10 More than 10

From which types of sources are you most likely to get your news? Please Indicate 2 most likely sources


Radio (NPR, Talk-radio)

Cable News (CNN, MSNBC, Fox News)

Nightly News

Internet Sources


International News (Reuters, BBC, CBC)

Magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc)

Comedy Shows (The Daily Show, Real Time, etc)

Other (Please Indicate)

45 10 Morley: America's Electoral Dilemma

Directions: Answer the following questions by placing a check mark next to the correct answer. If you do not know the answer, DO NOT GUESS! Please indicate that you do not know.

What governmental position does Alberto Gonzalez hold? Secretary of the State Attorney General Do not know Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury

What governmental position does Condoleezza Rice hold? Secretary of State Attorney General Do not know Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury

Who was Condoleezza Rice's predecessor in that position? Donald Rumsfeld Tony Snow Do not know Madeline Albright Colin Powell

Which party currently has a majority in the United States Senate? Republicans Democrats Do not know

Who is opposing Tom Reynolds for the House congressional seat in the upcoming election? Jack Davis Hillary Clinton Do not know Eliot Spitzer Bob Duffy

Recently a United States Congressman resigned his position after being exposed for sexual misconduct with minors. What was his name? Barak Obama Jack Davis Do not know Tom Reynolds Mark Foley

In Virginia, Democratic senatorial hopeful Jim Webb has tightened the gap between himself and incumbent Republican senator George Allen after Allen made a major mistake during his campaign. Which issue allowed Webb to climb back into the race? Racism Abortion Do not know Iraq War Sexual Misconduct

What nation performed its first-ever nuclear weapons test on October 8,2006? Iran Saudi Arabia Do not know North Korea China

Israeli forces fought a war against Hezbollah during the summer of 2006 as retaliation for terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. Other than the state of Israel, in what nation did most of the fighting occur? Iraq Iran Do not know Lebanon Syria

Recently a leader of one of the United States' allies, due to mounting pressure from his nation's Parliament, was forced to announce the resignation of his position as Prime Minister. Who was the leadeij and in what nation does he serve his position? Jacques Chirac (France) Tony Blair (England) Vladimir Putin (Russia) Pervez Musharraf (Pakistan) Do not know

46 Published by Fisher Digital Publications, 2007 11