Kaleidoscope Volume 7 Article 15 September 2015 Alben W. Barkley: Harry S. Truman’s Unexpected Political Asset John Ghaelian University of Kentucky,
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[email protected]. AUTHOR John Ghaelian am undergraduate senior majoring in both English and history. The work that I present here was done Alben W. Barkley: I for my senior thesis for my honors history class. By making extensive use of Senator Alben W. Barkley’s Harry S. Truman’s archives located in the M.I. King Special Collections in the library, I was able to explore the role Senator Bar- Unexpected Political kley had on the Democratic presidential ticket in 1948. One of the greatest assets that I had while working Asset on the project was my professor and mentor Dr. Kathi Kern of the history de- partment. Dr. Kern constantly pushed me and the other students in the class to produce better work and probe deeper into our research.