Cardiogenetics 2012; volume 2:e2 Cardiac electrical system regulation with hypogonadism), liver, pul- monary, and renal disease over time. Correspondence: Richard J. Czosek, Cincinnati involvement in Individuals can be identified with developmen- Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Pediatric Alström syndrome: tal delay, which may be due to vision and hear- Cardiology, MLC 2003, 3333 Burnett Avenue, uncommon causes ing impairments. It is likely that Alström syn- Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA. drome is underdiagnosed as individuals with Tel. +1.513.636.2237 - Fax: +1.513.636.7996. E-mail:
[email protected] of dilated cardiomyopathies this disorder are frequently followed by various specialty services, without consideration of a Richard J. Czosek,1 Paula Goldenberg,1 Funding: JAT and SMW are funded by National unifying diagnosis. Institutes of Health grants R01 HL087000-01A1 1 1 Erin M. Miller, Robert Spicer, Alström syndrome, an autosomal recessive (JAT, SWM), the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Jeffrey A. Towbin,1 Stephanie M. Ware1,2 disorder, is one of a group of disorders of cilia, Foundation (SMW), and Burroughs Wellcome 1Division of Pediatric Cardiology; collectively termed ciliopathies.1-3 Mutations of Fund Clinical Scientist Award in Translational Research #1008496 (SMW). 2Division of Molecular Cardiovascular the ALMS1 gene cause Alström syndrome4,5 The role of this gene in disease pathology is Biology, The Heart Institute, Cincinnati Key words: Alström syndrome, arrhythmia, car- Children’s Hospital Medical Center, OH, unclear, but it is hypothesized to play a role in diomyopathy. 6 USA intracellular trafficking. Mouse models (Alms1 -/-) have similar manifestations includ- Contributions: RJC, PG, EM, RS, JAT, SMW, data ing obesity, hypogonadism, hyperinsulinemia, acquisition, analysis and interpretation, manu- retinal dysfunction, and late-onset hearing script drafting/revision; RJC, SMW, project con- loss.