Computing the Characteristic Polynomial of a Finite Rank Two Drinfeld Module Yossef Musleh Éric Schost Cheriton School of Computer Science Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Rank two Drinfeld modules enjoy remarkable similarities with Motivated by finding analogues of elliptic curve point counting elliptic curves: analogues exist of good reduction, complex multi- techniques, we introduce one deterministic and two new Monte plication, etc. Based in part on these similarities, Drinfeld modules Carlo randomized algorithms to compute the characteristic poly- have recently started being considered under the algorithmic view- nomial of a finite rank-two Drinfeld module. We compare their point. For instance, they have been proved to be unsuitable for usual asymptotic complexity to that of previous algorithms given by forms of public key cryptography [34]; they have also been used to Gekeler, Narayanan and Garai-Papikian and discuss their practical design several polynomial factorization algorithms [7, 29, 30, 38]; behavior. In particular, we find that all three approaches represent recent work by Garai and Papikian discusses the computation of either an improvement in complexity or an expansion of the pa- their endomorphism rings [9]. Our goal is to study in detail the rameter space over which the algorithm may be applied. Some complexity of computing the characteristic polynomial of a rank experimental results are also presented. two Drinfeld module over a finite field. A fundamental object attached to an elliptic curve E defined CCS Concepts over a finite field Fq is its Frobenius endomorphism π : ¹x;yº 7! ¹xq;yq º; it is known to satisfy a degree-two relation with integer • Computing methodologies → Symbolic and algebraic algo- coefficients called its characteristic polynomial.