Proposed Conversion Guildhall, Guildhall Square, Tavistock

Flood Risk Assessment

Final Report for

February 2017

Hydrock Ref: C-05371-C BIM Ref: TAV-HYD-XX-XX-RP-D-5001 Tavistock Town Council Flood Risk Assessment TAV-HYD-XX-XX-RP-D-5001

DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET Issued by: Hydrock Consultants Limited Over Court Barns Over Lane Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4DF

Tel: 01454 619533 Fax: 01454 614125

Client: Tavistock Town Council

Project: Proposed Conversion – Tavistock Guildhall, Guildhall Square, Tavistock

Title: Flood Risk Assessment

Status: Final

Date: February 2017

Document Production Record

Issue Number: P1.3-S0 Name Signature

Jon Cracknell BSc, MSc Prepared Senior Flood Risk Consultant

David Lloyd BSc, PhD Checked Technical Director – Flood Risk

David Lloyd BSc, PhD Approved Technical Director – Flood Risk

Document Revision Record

Issue number Date Revision Details

1 20th January 2017 P1.1-S0

2 24th January 2017 P1.2-S0

3 08th February 2017 P1.3-S0

Hydrock Consultants Limited has prepared this report in accordance with the instructions of the above named client for their sole and specific use. Any third parties who may use the information contained herein do so at their own risk.

2 Tavistock Town Council Flood Risk Assessment TAV-HYD-XX-XX-RP-D-5001


1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 2 2.0 SITE INFORMATION ...... 3 2.1 Existing Situation ...... 3 2.2 Proposed Scheme ...... 4 3.0 ASSESSMENT OF FLOOD RISK...... 5 3.1 Flood Zone Mapping ...... 5 3.2 Fluvial and Tidal Flooding ...... 5 3.4 Surface Water Flooding ...... 10 3.5 Groundwater Flooding ...... 11 3.6 Infrastructure Failure Flooding ...... 11 4.0 NPPF REQUIREMENTS ...... 13 4.1 Sequential and Exception Tests ...... 13 4.2 Mitigation Measures...... 13 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ...... 16


APPENDIX A Site Drawings APPENDIX B Flood Risk Information

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This report has been prepared by Hydrock on behalf of Tavistock Town Council in support of a planning application to be submitted to West Borough Council for the proposed conversion of the Tavistock Guildhall, Guildhall Square, Tavistock.

This Flood Risk Assessment report has been prepared to address the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), through:

• Assessing whether the site is likely to be affected by flooding.

• Assessing whether the proposed scheme is appropriate in the suggested location.

• Presenting any flood risk mitigation measures necessary to ensure that the proposed scheme and occupants will be safe, whilst ensuring flood risk is not increased elsewhere.

The report considers the requirements for undertaking a Flood Risk Assessment as detailed in the NPPF.

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2.1 Existing Situation

2.1.1 Location

Table 1: Site Referencing Information Site Address Tavistock Guildhall, Guildhall Square, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0AE

248231, 074407 Grid Reference SX 482 744

The site is located in the centre of Tavistock. A site location plan is included below.

Figure 1: Site Location Plan

2.1.2 Existing Land Use

The site currently comprises the Grade II* Listed Tavistock Guildhall. The building formally comprised a Police Station and Courtroom with cells at ground floor level, but is currently unoccupied with the exception of two rooms used as offices, plus a kitchen and WC.

The site is bounded by neighbouring buildings to the northwest and northeast; Market Road to the southeast, beyond which flows the River Tavy; and, Guildhall Square (currently utilised as a public car park) to the southwest.

2.1.3 Topography

The historic nature of the building means that floor levels vary throughout the building. However, the lowest recorded floor level is 79.166m AOD, located in the ground floor cell area.

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External ground levels immediately surrounding the building vary between around 80.8m AOD and 79.9m AOD.

Surveys of the building and surrounding area are included in Appendix A.

2.2 Proposed Scheme

With Heritage Lottery Fund support, the Town Council proposes to repair, restore and convert the Guildhall bringing it back into active use. The scheme proposes the creation of a ‘Gateway Centre’ for information about the Cornwall and Mining Landscape World Heritage Site (WHS), Council offices and a hub for access to community services. No residential use is proposed.

Proposed scheme drawings are included in Appendix A.

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3.1 Flood Zone Mapping

The entirety of the site and immediate surrounding area is shown by the Environment Agency’s (EA’s) Flood Zone Mapping, included in Appendix B, to be within Flood Zone 3, i.e. land assessed as having a high risk of fluvial flooding.

A copy of the EA’s mapping is included in Appendix B.

3.2 Fluvial and Tidal Flooding

The River Tavy flows southwestward parallel to the northeastern site boundary. The River is in open channel adjacent to the site, which is defined by stone walls at the top of both banks, which act as a form of flood defence. Immediately downstream of the site the River flows beneath Abbey Bridge, through two stone arches. Just downstream of the Bridge, the River bed falls several metres via a series of weirs.

Historical information, provided by the EA and included in Appendix B, suggests that the area has previously flooded, including the site itself. However, the most recent report of flooding affecting the site dates from 1890.

Due to the potential flood risk posed to the site by the River Tavy, a site specific hydrological and hydraulic modelling has been undertaken for the river to confirm site specific flood risk. The modelling approach adopted has been discussed and agreed in principle with the EA’s Frank Newell.

3.2.1 Hydrological Modelling

The Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) (2013) has been used to ascertain the Catchment Descriptors of the River Tavy. The catchment has been defined to the downstream boundary of the hydraulic modelling study reach. The catchment area to this point has been confirmed as 97.84km2. The Catchment Descriptors generated are shown in Figure 2 below.

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Figure 2: FEH Catchment Descriptors

Descriptor Value Descriptor Value Descriptor Value

AREA 97.84 RMED-2D 71.1 D2 0.3599

ALTBAR 322 SAAR 1657 D3 0.37914

ASPBAR 243 SAAR4170 1657 E 0.28746

ASPVAR 0.28 SPRHOST 33.01 F 2.61374

BFIHOST 0.519 URBCONC1990 -999999 C(1 km) -0.025

DPLBAR 10.48 URBEXT1990 0.0036 D1(1 km) 0.441

DPSBAR 104 URBLOC1990 -999999 D2(1 km) 0.336

FARL 0.998 URBCONC2000 0.682 D3(1 km) 0.38

LDP 21.72 URBEXT2000 0.0059 E(1 km) 0.284

PROPWET 0.48 URBLOC2000 0.248 F(1 km) 2.529

RMED-1H 13.1 C -0.02637

RMED-1D 53.6 D1 0.48097

It is noted that EA Gauging Station ‘47024 - Tavy at Tavistock Abbey Bridge’ is located approximately 100m upstream of the site. However, there is only a relatively short period of reliable data available for the Station, from 2010 onwards. The National River Flow Archive notes that pre-2010 data ‘overestimates high flows and should not currently be used for high flow analysis’. Therefore, based on the short period of reliable data available for the Station, a WINFAP-FEH ‘Single Site Analysis’ approach has not been deemed a suitable flow calculation approach in this instance.

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Consequently, in line with best practice for a catchment of this nature, a ‘Pooled Analysis’ approach has been adopted, utilising WINFAP-FEH.

A pooling group has been compiled, comprising 504 years of data, with those stations indicated as being unsuitable for pooling removed, along with those with high discordancy values. A copy of the initial WINFAP-FEH generated and final pooling groups are shown in Figures 3 and 4 below respectively.

Figure 3: WINFAP-FEH Generated Pooling Group

Figure 4: WINFAP-FEH Final Pooling Group

The Generalised Extreme Value and Pearson Type III distributions have been shown to offer acceptable growth curve fittings and have been accordingly adopted (the Generalised Extreme Value results have subsequently been used as these offered more conservative flow estimates).

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QMED has been estimated based on donor station ‘47015 - Tavy at Ludbrook’. This donor station has been selected based on its location on the same watercourse as the study catchment / having the closest ‘centroid distance’ to the study catchment, whilst omitting donor station 47024 - Tavy at Tavistock Abbey Bridge due to the reasons outlined previously.

The impact of climate change on flows has been calculated by multiplying the 1 in 100 year calculated flow by 30% and 40%. This is in line with the EA’s latest climate change allowance guidance for ‘less vulnerable’ proposed developments in Flood Zone 3a in the Southwest over 75 years (i.e. to 2092, which is typically considered the ‘design life’ for non-residential uses).

Additionally, the EA have advised that a flow of 224m3/s also be assessed. This flow is derived from the National Rivers Authority Hydrological Assessment of the 1979 Flood Event and has been advised to be ‘greater than a 1 in 75 year event and maybe several hundred years’.

The resulting flows are included in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Flow Calculations Flood Event (Year) WINFAP-FEH (m3/s)

1 in 20 102.731

1 in 100 122.647

1 in 100 + 30% 159.441

1 in 100 + 40% 171.706

1 in 1,000 147.717

EA 224.000

We note that the above hydrological modelling approach has previously been agreed with the EA (EA ref. DC/2011/110163) in relation to a previous Flood Risk Assessment & Modelling Report prepared in support of the proposed conversion of the Tavistock Guildhall (Hydrock ref. R/C12222/001).

3.2.2 Hydraulic Modelling

A steady state 1 dimensional model of the river has been developed using HEC-RAS.

The upstream limit of the model is set approximately 30m upstream of the site. Given that the channel at this point is open with no structures, this upstream limit is considered a sufficient distance from the site to ascertain any overland flow routes whilst acknowledging that the channel is fairly uniform with no hydraulic structures present.

Cross-sectional data has been obtained from the topographical survey for the area augmented by LiDAR data for un-surveyed areas.

Level data for the hydraulic structures (Abbey Bridge and downstream weirs) has been obtained from the topographical survey for the area. Whilst there is a side weir downstream of Abbey Bridge that feeds the hydro-electric station at Morwelham, the hydrological loss from this structure has

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been ignored, given that the inlet structure could be prone to blockage and therefore it has been conservatively assumed that all flows remain within the River Tavy channel.

Cross-sections have been spaced relatively equally along the river, and interpolated to a spacing of 5m where appropriate. Cross-sections have also been extended to such an elevation so as to prevent any ‘glass-walling’.

Upstream and downstream boundary conditions have been assumed normal depth, based on an average gradient across the modelled reach.

Roughness coefficient allocation has been based on information obtained during a site walkover survey, and based on the previously approved modelling undertaken in support of the proposed visitors centre and WC facility at Abbey Bridge.

The model has been run in the conservative ‘sub-critical’ mode, as per typical EA requirements.

Similarly to the hydrological modelling, we note that the above hydraulic modelling approach has previously been agreed with the EA (EA ref. DC/2011/110163) in relation to a previous Flood Risk Assessment & Modelling Report prepared in support of the proposed conversion of the Tavistock Guildhall (Hydrock ref. R/C12222/001). This modelling study adopted the geometry unaltered from the previously approved model.

3.2.3 Results

The modelled cross-sections and floodplain extents are included in Appendix B.

Considering the key flood events of a 1 in 20 year, to determine the ‘functional floodplain’, and 1 in 100 year + 40%, as the ‘worst-case’ scenario:

The results demonstrate that the 1 in 20 year flood flow effectively remains within channel adjacent to the site due to the presence of the existing stone walls, i.e. the site is shown to be outside the floodplain of such a flood event, and therefore not within the ‘functional floodplain’.

There is a small opening in the stone wall on the left bank through which flood waters are shown to flow. However, flood waters emerging from this opening in such an event are predicted to be retained within Dolvin Road / A386.

The 1 in 100 year + 40% flood event is indicated to overtop the existing stone walls which run parallel to the River channel, and as such the entirety of the site and adjacent Guildhall Square are shown to be at risk of flooding in such an event, with the building potentially at risk of flooding to a depth of 2.284m and external areas to 1.55m (based on a 1 in 100 year + 40% flood level adjacent to the site of 81.45m AOD, a lowest recorded internal floor level of 79.166m AOD, and a lowest recorded external ground level of around 79.9m AOD).

Based on the EA supplied hydrology for the 1979 flood event, the entirety of the site and adjacent Guildhall Square are shown to be at an even greater risk of flooding. However, the accurateness of such a potential flow is unclear, given: a) the unreliability of pre-2010 data from the upstream EA Gauging Station, as noted in section 3.2.1, which presumably informed the National Rivers Authority Hydrological Assessment from which a flow of 224m3/s is derived; and,

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the acknowledgement that the flood extent and depth predicted from such a flow were not recorded in 1979, based on historical information, provided by the EA and included in Appendix B.

3.3 Tidal Flooding

Noting the location and elevation of the area, the site is concluded to be at negligible risk of tidal flooding.

3.4 Surface Water Flooding

West Devon Borough Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) notes that the topographically elevated area of Tavistock to the northwest of the site has previously experienced flooding. This is indicated to be the result of a combination of surface water run-off from land above the Town’s urban extent, and watercourses, converging into a culvert which runs beneath the Town and discharges into the River Tavy adjacent to the site. The system is reported to have previously surcharged following intense and/or prolonged rainfall resulting in the generation of overland flows.

Given the topography of the area, such flows could eventually be directed towards the site, a potential scenario supported by the EA’s Surface Water Flood Risk mapping (as shown in Figure 5 below).

Figure 5: EA Surface Water Flood Risk Mapping

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Whilst the surrounding area is served by an existing surface water drainage infrastructure system which will intercept the majority of any overland flows, if such systems were to surcharge, the topography of the areas means that such flows could be directed towards Guildhall Square and the site.

Surface water could ‘pond’ within the Guildhall Square area before weiring over the footway at the downstream right bank point on Abbey Bridge (which has been identified as the lowest point at which water could weir over and flow away from the site into the River Tavy). The level at this point has been identified as 81.11m AOD, which has consequently been adopted as the ‘worst- case’ surface water flood risk level at the site.

Comparison of this flood level with existing site levels indicates that the site could be at risk of surface water flooding (noting an existing lowest recorded floor level of 79.166m AOD in the ground floor cell area).

3.5 Groundwater Flooding

British Geological Survey mapping shows the site to be underlain by Alluvium comprising Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel, which overlies the Milton Abbot Formation comprising Basaltic Lava and Basaltic Tuff.

Such geological conditions could give rise to a perched groundwater table within the superficial deposits and hence groundwater emergence.

The hydrogeological conditions in the area are likely to be controlled by the adjacent channel water levels in the River Tavy, with the ‘maximum’ channel water levels therefore considered to represent the ‘worst-case’ scenario with regard groundwater levels. Adopting therefore the 1 in 100 year + 40% flood level of 81.45m AOD as indicative of the ‘worst-case’ groundwater flooding scenario, indicates that the site could be at risk of groundwater flooding (noting an existing lowest recorded floor level of 79.166m AOD in the ground floor cell area).

3.6 Infrastructure Failure Flooding

Whilst the surrounding developed area is served by an extensive sewerage system, similarly to the assessment of surface water flood risk - if such systems were to surcharge, the topography of the areas means that any overland flows generated could be directed towards Guildhall Square and the site.

Surcharged sewer water could ‘pond’ within the Guildhall Square area before weiring over the footway at the downstream right bank point on Abbey Bridge (which has been identified as the lowest point at which water could weir over and flow away from the site into the River Tavy). The level at this point has been identified as 81.11m AOD, which has consequently been adopted as the ‘worst-case’ sewer flood risk level at the site.

Comparison of this flood level with existing site levels indicates that the site could be at risk of sewer flooding (noting an existing lowest recorded floor level of 79.166m AOD in the ground floor cell area).

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No other potential sources of infrastructure failure flooding such as canals or reservoirs have been identified uphill and within the immediate vicinity of the site.

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4.1 Sequential and Exception Tests

In flood risk policy terms, this planning application is classified as ‘minor development’, being an ‘alteration’ that will not increase the size of the building.

In relation to planning applications for ‘minor development’, Paragraph 104 of the NPPF states that,

‘Applications for minor development and changes of use should not be subject to the Sequential or Exception Tests but should still meet the requirements for site-specific flood risk assessments’.

The nature of the planning application means that it can effectively be considered a ‘change of use’ proposal. In relation to the ‘flood risk issues raised by changes of use’, the NPPF Planning Practice Guidance states that,

‘A change in use may involve an increase in flood risk if the vulnerability classification of the development is changed. In such cases, the applicant will need to show in their flood risk assessment that future users of the development will not be placed in danger from flood hazards throughout its lifetime. Depending on the risk, mitigation measures may be needed. It is for the applicant to show that the change of use meets the objectives of the Framework’s policy on flood risk’.

In this situation, the proposed scheme will actually result in a reduction in the Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification of the site, noting the former Police Station use of the building (‘highly vulnerable’) compared to the proposed office and community use (‘less vulnerable’).

However, whilst the proposed scheme should not be subject to the Sequential or Exception Tests, and will reduce the Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification of the site, a series of measures have been outlined below to improve the safety of the building and future occupants, whilst ensuring flood risk is not increased elsewhere, for the lifetime of the scheme (generally considered 75 years for non-residential development).

4.2 Mitigation Measures

4.2.1 Resistance and Resilience of Building

The EA’s Flood Risk Assessments: Climate Change Allowance guidance requires that for ‘less vulnerable’ proposed developments in Flood Zone 3a in the Southwest over 75 years, such as in this instance, that central and higher central climate change allowances, of 30% and 40% respectively, be used to ‘assess a range of allowances’.

As such, it is proposed that the building be made resistant to flooding up to the 1 in 100 year + 30% flood event + 600mm freeboard, i.e. 81.76m AOD (81.16m AOD + 0.6m). This level is considered to meet current requirements, whilst also ensuring that the building is sufficiently protected from the 1 in 100 year + 40% flood event, at a level of 81.45m AOD. [Consideration of the modelled potential 1979 flood event has not been undertaken, due to the accurateness of such a potential flow being unclear, as noted in section 3.2.3)].

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It is proposed that the building be protected up to this level via a ‘water exclusion strategy’, in line with the guidance contained within Improving the Flood Performance of New Buildings.

In light of the limitations imposed on the permissible external alterations given that the building is Grade II* Listed, the following flood resistance and resilience are proposed:

 Existing external walls (building and perimeter) are typically between 450mm – 1,000mm thick and as such are considered likely to provide sufficient ‘flood protection’ to the building. Accordingly, such structures will be retained and any remedial works undertaken to ensure their resistance to flood water, i.e. mortar joints checked etc.

 Demountable flood barriers to be retrofitted to the two existing rear perimeter wall courtyard accesses, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD.

 Demountable flood barriers and/or permanent flood doors to be retrofitted to the three existing accesses to the former Police Station portion of the building, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD. Given that the building is Grade II* Listed, it is unlikely that the existing doors can be replaced. As such, it is more likely that the existing doors be retained, and demountable flood barriers and/or permanent flood doors installed immediately behind the retained existing doors.

 Demountable flood barriers to be retrofitted directly behind / atop the Guildhall Square low perimeter wall / railings, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD, with demountable flood barriers also retrofitted to the two existing accesses within the wall / railings, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD. [Given the prominent nature of the existing main access door into the former Courtroom, it is proposed that this be retained unaltered. Whilst it is acknowledged that the small vestibule area within will therefore potentially be at risk of flooding, the existing lowest floor level of the Courtroom (81.823m AOD) is above the proposed flood protection level of 81.76m AOD, and so the potential risk of the solid floored vestibule area flooding is considered acceptable].

 ACO drain, or similar, to be installed across proposed ‘Gateway Entrance’ where no threshold is currently present, unlike the other ground floor access openings.

 As an additional protection measure, any alteration works to the ground floor level will encompass flood resilience measures, where appropriate. Such measures will include the use of solid floors; any new internal walls constructed of materials with low water penetration, good drying ability, and good retention of pre-flood integrity; use of sealed doors; sensitive services brought in and continued at a high a level as possible; and, non- return valves fitted to drainage services.

Details of the measures to be integrated into the proposed scheme are illustrated in Appendix B.

4.2.2 Warning and Evacuation

In order to ensure the timely and appropriate deployment of the proposed flood resistance measures outlined above, and evacuation of building occupants, Tavistock Town Council (the intended site occupant) will register with the EA’s Flood Warning system. Upon receipt of certain

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levels of warning, pre-agreed appropriate measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of the building and evacuation of occupants.

4.2.3 Flood Risk within Catchment

The proposed scheme will not result in any alteration to the site footprint. Whilst it is acknowledged that the scheme proposes the ‘infilling’ of the existing rear courtyard areas with structures, these areas are currently enclosed by walls and doors and as such are not considered as offering functioning floodplain areas. As such, the proposed conversion will not result in a loss of floodplain storage, and hence a scheme of floodplain compensation is not considered necessary.

4.2.4 Surface Water Management

Currently, surface water from the site is believed to discharge to the existing surrounding sewer system and/or direct to the adjacent River Tavy.

Given that the proposed scheme will not result in any alteration to the building footprint or external areas, it is proposed to retain the existing means of surface water disposal.

As part of the enabling works, the existing systems will be checked, downstream connections ensured, and any necessary remedial works undertaken. The existing systems will be retrofitted with non-return valves, as outlined above.

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This report has considered the flood risk posed to the proposal site from a variety of sources of flooding.

The assessment has confirmed that the site is shown to be within Flood Zone 3, and at risk of flooding from the adjacent River Tavy, and also potential surface water, groundwater and sewer sources.

Site specific flood risk modelling of the adjacent River Tavy has concluded that the site is at low risk of flooding in the 1 in 20 year flood event (i.e. the building is outside the ‘functional floodplain’), but is at risk of flooding in the ‘worst-case’ modelled scenario of a 1 in 100 year + 40% flood event, with the building potentially at risk of flooding to a depth of 2.284m and external areas to 1.55m in such an event.

In flood risk policy terms, the proposed scheme should not be subject to the Sequential or Exception Tests, and will reduce the Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification of the site.

A series of flood resistance and resilience measures have also been outlined to offer protection to the building up to the 1 in 100 year + 40% flood event, via a ‘water exclusion strategy’, along with a means of flood warning and evacuation to ensure the timely and appropriate deployment of the proposed flood resistance measures, and evacuation of building occupants.

It has also been demonstrated that the proposed scheme will not result in a loss of floodplain storage, and the existing means of surface water drainage will be retained.

In summary therefore, provided the proposed measures outlined within this report are integrated within the proposed conversion of the building, this report therefore demonstrates that the proposed scheme:

• Is suitable in the location proposed.

• Will be adequately flood resistant and resilient.

• Will not place additional persons at risk of flooding, and will offer a means of warning and evacuation.

• Will not increase flood risk elsewhere as a result of the proposed conversion through the loss of floodplain storage or impedance of flood flows.

 Will put in place measures to ensure surface water is appropriately managed.

As such, the application is concluded to meet the flood risk requirements of the NPPF.

Hydrock Consultants Limited

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Drawing No. Title

1122-01 Ground Floor Plan, as Existing

1122-02 First Floor Plan, as Existing

1122-03 Second Floor Plan & Section B-B, as Existing

1122-04 Roof Plan, as Existing

1122-05 Section C-C & South Elevation, as Existing

1122-06 West Elevation, as Existing

1122-07 East Elevation, as Existing

1122-08 Section A-A & Outbuildings Elevation, as Existing

12/4289GYA Site Survey

1041-SK-302 Ground / Lwr Ground Floors

1041-SK-304 1st Floor Plan as Proposed

1041-SK-306 2nd Floor as Proposed

Hydrock Consultants 80.083

80.089 N 80.113


80.136 80.126 80.125

B C 80.159

80.182 80.040 arch spring tow tow tow 81.570 81.974 tow 82.429 82.412 tow arch springarch head 82.419 79.693 81.928 79.699 82.384 79.664 81.540 79.163 79.202 79.354 79.916 out 79.788 82.446 79.635 79.585 cobbles 79.315 80.039 rear passage in il 78.070 up 990d tow inin il 78.057 tow bt tow out 83.740 concrete 82.490 83.746 79.626 inin in in rwp inin in rear yard 2 3045 3040 window - external tow tow 80.224 conc paving stone head 83.035 79.195 79.572 79.166 82.252 82.513 fixed bench fixed bench stone head 82.959 up 79.277 79.645 80.394 gravel 1870 u/s rafters arch spring 82.928 up out timber roof over urinal tow rear yard 3 tile floor 79.576 up 470 up 470 82.407 u/s fascia 3180 tow 2415 u/s rafters h/l window 3180 79.244 79.218 81.379 solid floor h/l window cl 79.484 79.496 83.327 ridge level 100 x 50 @ 400cc f/c 2610 solid floor 80.433 79.662 vaulted ceiling 79.756 f/c 2610 il 78.739 79.576 83.019 79.586 79.614 c/h 565 vaulted ceiling up 79.755 c/h 565 79.155 2300 u/s rafters cell 2 window - external 79.602 window - external cell 1 765d in stone head 81.656 79.921 tow up up 765d stone head 81.660 tow 83.751 79.792 arch sp 82.668 store 2 2925 u/s ridge svp svp 79.174 stone cill 79.984 svp no access - not surveyed 86.074 82.450 79.798 3055 rwp stone cill 79.982 79.806 stone and tile floor 3030 79.334 79.161 79.257 79.492 rwp 79.564 f/c 940 arch head up up arch head 80.117 79.678 c/h 1065 79.697 81.818 79.774 81.821 79.956 w ht 910 1960 f/b w ht 910 2310 f/c 720 f/h 1970 f/c 695 sloping cill 2125 f/b 80.455 tow 1020d fixed shut 1995 f/b 80.477 790d u/s fascia c/h 1515 765d c/h 1540 82.805 sloping cill u/s fascia 1095d 2080 u/s rafters 82.378 door head gas 2245 f/b 81.907 ridge level 79.947 100 x 50 @ 400cc 82.413 ridge level 83.019 80.098 f/c 910 f/c 940 f/c 920 82.621 f/h 2005 79.757 79.326 c/h 1370 c/h 1355 c/h 1355 640d up 79.775 79.935 300h 79.365 2375 u/s rafters 610d 79.360 80 x 50 @ 320cc 79.805 up up female wc male wc

A f/h 1975 2335 granite ceiling 500h plinth rwp 80.114 79.369 765d 765d granite ceiling granite ceiling wc solid floor solid floor

81.873 745d granite floor 670 above false ceiling solid floor 745d

79.752 755d 1790 u/s rafters 755d 2490 820d 2215 2275 2235 ramp up 2250 79.790 2550 lobby 80.491 solid floor 80.101 rear yard 1 79.772 2305 2260 timber floor store / changing 1 cell 5 80.499 2320 u/s rafters conc paving kitchen 460 above false ceiling up 79.373

f/h 1980 gas 80 x 50 @ 320cc 79.753 up 2270 79.353 f/h 2020 2245

79.882 765d 680d tow store 1 79.776 office 3 f/h 1905 u/s fascia blocked opening 82.583 f/h 1620 80.124 blocked opening 81.753 1790 u/s rafters 700d 765d 750d 655d bt f/c 1360 79.771 79.838 79.379 f/h 1845 f/h 1835 80.119 no access up f/h 1840 f/h 1835 c/h 1185 775d not surveyed 79.356 c/downstand 975 f/h 1970 79.366 80.586 2505 up 190 up 185 up 195 up 175 granite ceiling granite ceiling 80.508 rwp 6 granite floor 80.581 765d granite floor 1010d granite floor opening 760d f/h 2060 f/c 865 80.009 u/s fascia 620d 2405 79.166 2465 79.171 2440 c/h 1350 head 81.470 rwp f/h 2015 79.775 79.171 81.766 boiler 80.596 cill 80.508 1865 u/s fascia 2420 80.626 up 55 f/h 1995 f/h 2000 tow office 1 79.181 625d f/h 1500 81.927 timber floor cell lobby 1 700d cell lobby 2 83.908 f/c 960 timber threshold 8840 interview rm 835d lobby up 170 up 175 80.550 c/h 830 79.955 office / store up 2545 1000d 2500 store / changing 2 80.072 3355 79.336 timber floor 835d 2085 83.614 up 780d 820d blocked opening timber floor solid floor 79.329 2300 u/s fascia 760d 80.172 f/c 1170 790d 2265 fuses up 120 79.196 81.910 8 fuses cell 4 soild floor f/c 910 h/l cbd c/h 1370 79.783 f/h 1930 2380 cell 3 80.606 79.328

c/h 1480 blocked opening f/h 2065 79.196 granite ceiling granite ceiling rear office tiled solid floor 80.542 80.557 840d 2255 granite floor granite floor 80.616 up 610d 790d h/l cbd f/h 2520 boiler sliding doors 760 80.099 790d 2380 2685 2690 80.116 80.646 79.988 bt up 310 f/h 2065 up 2990 up 40 corridor 80.666 timber threshold 2425 ramp up 79.795 2960 store / bt cloaks up arch spring arch head arch spring f/c 1145 solid floor 80.306 82.353 82.719 82.292 675d f/h 1995 f/c 840 f/c 890 f/h 2020 cbd c/h 500 up 415 f/h 2010 c/h 1650 c/h 1600 80.646 f/c 875 f/c 685 80.108 80.296 765d 79.779 c/h 1950 c/h 1585

2835 x 500d 2 80.238 770d timber stair 80.558 80.583 80.521 timber floor granite 965d 80.268 3215 arch head 2265 760d bottom step 82.693 up 135 h/l blocked opening reception office window - external 80.558 channel 6 up 2215 c/ceiling 340 arch head 79.617 plinth below rwp stone head 81.580 720d window - external 79.506 79.068 window - external window - external rwp blocked 82.759 stone head 82.620 stone head 81.531 78.981 surface water f/h 1990 garage 79.734 rwp stone cill 81.051 stone cill 81.051 opening 79.928 up stone head 82.573 stone cill 79.883 79.028 drain 78.995 79.063 up 135 stone head 82.781 stone head 82.781 80.646 arch spring 82.268 stone cill 79.825 80.268 2810 79.036 tow granite flag stones stone cill 80.565 up up granite flag stones 6 rwp 2360 81.260 80.253 out svp stone cill 80.508 granite flag stones 790d area in 80.329 cl 80.308 granite flag stones 79.038 79.039 79.015 80.549 il 79.708 79.604 79.054 78.997 80.268 930d 80.739 79.521 80.555 78.986 up 80.324 6 760d door head tow 80.760 tow tow tow 82.968 80.758 81.308 80.666 disused gate 81.322 81.256 81.263 80.522 82.308 80.724 80.629 up 80.646 80.621 80.601 2810 80.643 80.525 730d up 730d timber floor 80.348 80.666 590d x 2 reception 80.497 80.361 B timber floor f/c 855 c/h 1910 80.442 kerb C 80.430 80.409 window - external stone head 83.402 stone head 83.398A arch spring 83.103 solid floor

80.664 80.512 940d 80.601

80.586 arched door head 2265

up 80.657




KEY: check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries f/c floor to cill height (mm) Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market cill to head height (mm) 80.705 c/h Road. 80.809 radiator svp soil and vent pipe rwp rainwater pipe 80.796 tele telephone job stud walls ele electrical distribution box Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

xxxx floor to ceiling ht (mm) title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 masonry walls ground floor plan, as existing 80.723 f/b floor to u/s of beam (mm) f/j floor to u/s of joist (mm) scale date job drawing no metres lined masonry walls 80.838 fl finished floor level 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 01 80.779

80.894 N


window - external stone head 85.905 stone head 85.856 arch sp 85.563 svp svp stone cill 83.534 rwp plinth below plinth below

window - internal f/c 90 main head 86.046 window - internal c/h 2390 main cill 84.368 main head 86.280 83.685 86.690 u/s corbel window - internal window - internal 86.687 u/s corbel arch spring 85.926 window - internal main head 85.975 main head 85.952 arch spring main cill 84.341 door arch head main head 85.968 main cill 83.609 main cill 83.555 fuses 85.077 85.778 main cill 83.574 85.657 83.264 85.602 office 7 A 85.584 3345 83.263 85.546 STY 83.472 83.691 83.694 window - external 82.638 2485 up 250h

stone head 85.971 770d stone head 85.919 82.033 81.829 stone cill 84.225 office 6 arch spring 85.620 f/c 700

blocked door below plinth c/h 1645 83.709 690d sp & aav f/h 1910 760d meeting window - external office 4 83.468 stone head 87.196 rwp 765d 2485 3315 88.942 f/c 1440 stone head 87.147 2600 82.787 vaultedrib vaultedrib fanlight 82.150 arch sp 86.837 f/h 1885 u/srib vaulted 89.002 88.992 ceiling c/h 2365

86.607 u/s bar 86.607 tie 83.023 over 83.732 light fittings over 81.928 82.135 light fittings over 3380 stone cill 84.813 86.615 u/s 86.615 tie bar 86.588 u/s bar 86.588 tie

alcove arch head u/srib vaulted 88.950 window - external u/srib vaulted 88.953 88.948 u/srib vaulted 88.948 blocked door 760d 82.280 u/srib vaulted 88.933 stone head 85.993 86.761 up 86.582 stone head 85.944 83.455 arch spring 85.654 7 86.568 86.529 690d top of chimney stone cill 84.236 line of corbel over 5260 STG 87.497 stone cill 84.128 void up 83.263 840d 12 2600 STX 83.725 83.260 750d roof 840d 17 8 770d f/h 1935 light court room f/c 700 over 82.014 c/h 1670 83.715 f/h 2205 up 83.051 up 82.624 window - internal office 8 f/arch spring 1930 81.823 main head 85.985 3370 930d main cill 83.579 83.460 window - internal 2605 window - internal 82.285 81.972 office 5 head 86.007 main head 85.954 82.419 82.571 82.717 82.860 2335 main cill 83.602 main cill 84.043 86.684 u/s corbel 86.694 u/s corbel 765d 2580 office 2 3 fanlight f/c 120 over timber stair 2 c/h 2420 15 roof 4 STK up light 83.698 4460 f/h 1890 81.505 up rwp plinth below window - external window - external window - external 2600 710d 6 STI window- external rwp 83.713 83.247 stone head 85.913 stone head 85.908 stone head 85.924 cill level stone head 85.991 stone head 85.864 rwp 6 window - internal up window - external window - internal stone head 85.868 stone head 85.871 83.353 stone head 85.939 arch sp 85.558 head 86.137 window - external stone head 84.421 main cill 82.616 arch sp 85.555 arch sp 85.559 c/h 1175 arch spring 85.627 stone cill 83.595 3955 cill 84.433 stone head 85.502 up stone head 85.368 stone cill 83.597 stone cill 83.592 2595 rwp stone cill 83.944 stone cill 83.510 vaulted ceiling stone head 85.451 stone cill 82.793 stone cill 83.532 stone cill 83.544 svp stone cill 83.883 81.500 arch sp 85.143 stone cill 82.732 670d 83.707 stone cill 83.137 arch sp 84.070 12 stone cill 83.121 3200 up window - external 6 8 stone head 86.022 81.490 670d stone head 85.969 5 up office 3 arch sp 85.666 stone cill 84.319 up 830d stone cill 84.263 2595

STJ window - internal 83.711 head 86.088 B cill 84.419 up 83.713 C 80.514

window - external stone head 86.024A stone head 85.973 arch sp 85.673 stone cill 84.332 stone cill 84.267

KEY: check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries f/c floor to cill height (mm) Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market cill to head height (mm) c/h Road. radiator svp soil and vent pipe rwp rainwater pipe tele telephone job stud walls ele electrical distribution box Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

xxxx floor to ceiling ht (mm) title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 masonry walls f/b floor to u/s of beam (mm) first floor plan, as existing f/j floor to u/s of joist (mm) scale date job drawing no metres lined masonry walls fl finished floor level 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 02 N






svp svp rwp 91.000

1070 sloping cill sloping cill sloping cill 155 x 165 hip beam over 1880 f/b 90.000 h/l window in dormer h/l window in dormer h/l window in dormer f/c 2215 f/c 2175 f/c 2175 c/h 1225 c/h 1250 c/h 1250 roof space not surveyed 3450 3425 3405 A purlin over 140 x 290 f/b 1655 exercise room 1 exercise room 2 89.000

f/c 290 c/h 890 86.906 88.000 2440 2415 2430 625d attic store top of ceiling joist to head 2520 1225 roof hatch

765d exercise room 1 attic room

765d 86.910 86.873 735d timber floor finish 87.000 FFL 86.906 top of ceiling joist to u/s purlin 1735 f/c 900 86.458 c/h 1090 735d f/h 1935 12 86.906 up 86.888 735d 86.000 no access STH top of ceiling joist to u/s purlin 2645 86.883 not surveyed

void attic 1 2415 ceiling joists 85.000 top of ceiling joist to head attic room 100 x 50 @ 400cc 17 roof 8 1160 light roof top of ceiling joist to u/s ridge board 3680 attic 2 755d 86.911 hatch rafters 86.902 70 x 60 @ 400cc ceiling joists h/l window in dormer 84.000 100 x 50 @ 400cc cill 89.375 top of ceiling joist to u/s purlin 2645 86.927 no floor finish meeting 86.674 FFL 83.263 86.452 window cill no floor finish 83.000 3 86.915 90 x 60 studs @420cc timber top of ceiling joist to u/s purlin 1735 landing 4 void to stair below timber stair 86.247 window sf rwp stone head 88.227 f/c 655 82.000 stone head 88.166 c/h 1320 window - external stone cill 87.008 13 top of ceiling joist to head stone head 88.188 arch sp 88.002 attic store 1195 rwp stone head 88.143 12 svp 2260 stone cill 86.813 86.473 arch sp 88.009 81.000 floor joists 110 x 55 @ 400cc timber floor finish cell 1 office 3 office 1 up 80.000 90 x 60 studs @420cc FFL 79.773 passage FFL 79.755 h/l window f/c 1555 c/h 1205 attic 3 B 79.000

ceiling joists 100 x 50 @ 400cc no floor finish A

KEY: check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries f/c floor to cill height (mm) Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market cill to head height (mm) c/h Road. radiator svp soil and vent pipe rwp rainwater pipe tele telephone job stud walls ele electrical distribution box Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

xxxx floor to ceiling ht (mm) title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 masonry walls f/b floor to u/s of beam (mm) second floor plan & section b-b, as existing f/j floor to u/s of joist (mm) scale date job drawing no metres lined masonry walls fl finished floor level 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 03 N



dormer edge dormer edge 90.303 90.308

dormer edge 90.324 dormer edge gutter on roof dormer window cill 90.329 89.095 89.375

roof level 91.205


KEY: check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries f/c floor to cill height (mm) Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market cill to head height (mm) c/h Road. radiator svp soil and vent pipe rwp rainwater pipe tele telephone job ele electrical distribution box Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

xxxx floor to ceiling ht (mm) title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f/b floor to u/s of beam (mm) roof plan, as existing

scale date job drawing no metres f/j floor to u/s of joist (mm) fl finished floor level 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 04 95.000 95.000 95.000

94.000 94.000 94.000

93.000 93.000 93.000

92.000 92.000 92.000

91.000 91.000 91.000

90.000 90.000 90.000

roof space not surveyed 89.000 89.000 89.000

88.000 88.000 88.000

87.000 87.000 87.000

86.000 86.000 86.000

85.000 85.000 85.000

84.000 84.000 84.000

court room 83.000 83.000 83.000

82.000 82.000 82.000 porch FFL 81.823 FFL 81.500

81.000 81.000 81.000

80.000 80.000 80.000 fwc corridor area lobby FFL 79.360 rear yard 3 FFL 79.196 FFL 79.181 79.000 79.000 79.000 FFL 79.036

stair tower, south south

section c-c

check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market Road.

job Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sections c-c & south elevations, as existing

scale date job drawing no metres 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 05 95.000

94.000 elevation rotated about limit of survey this line







87.000 FL





FL FL FL 83.000

FL FL 82.000




west elevation, street view


FL FL FL 83.000

FL FL 82.000




part west elevation, below street view

check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market Road.

job Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 west elevation, as existing

scale date job drawing no metres 1:50 @ A1 March 2011 1122 06 95.000

94.000 elevation rotated about this line limit of survey







87.000 FL



84.000 FL FL FL FL 83.000




80.000 FL



check all dimensions on site features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market Road.

job Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall

title 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 east elevation, as existing

scale date job drawing no metres 1:50 @ A1+ March 2011 1122 07 150E






no 80.000 A access

- not surveyed

tow 80.117 80.039 80.040 tow tow 82.805 tow tow tow ridge 79.000 83.908 82.583 83.327 82.513 82.490 82.621 level tow 1020d 82.429 ridge 2320 fixed 83.019 f/h 2375 640d level 1500 80 u/s store 79.664 rear yard83.614 1, north west x 80 shut 50 rafters x u/s store @ 50 rafters 2 f/c 320cc 80.101 @ f/c 865 1790 1790 c/h 940 urinal 1 320cc u/s 2925 u/s u/s wc 81.907 fascia 1065 stone 2300 tile 1870 2415 rafters u/s 79.921 floor rafters u/s u/s and ridge 100 u/s rafters rafters 1865 f/h 79.947 tile x rafters 1620 50 floor @ 2080 790d 400cc 91.000 f/c 100 960 rwp 700d u/s 79.956 c/h 80.009 up x 50 rafters 830 u/s 79.805 79.693 2300 f/h @ soild 81.927 fascia 79.935 2005 400cc 79.882 rear 79.572 rear floor conc yard u/s arch office 79.576 81.540 u/s paving 81.379 fascia rear spring fascia 1 90.000 81.766 u/s yard arch fascia conc 81.928 arch 80.072 81.753 head rwp paving 81.570 spring ridge 2 81.873 83.019 u/s 79.586 80.116 level 82.378 fascia 79.790 79.697 up boiler 79.757 tow u/s 79.699 81.974 80.108 up fascia 81.910 79.955 89.000 415 840d rwp bt 79.678 86.074 bt 79.614 79.626 82.446


f/c up c/h 910 B 88.000 1480 88.000 765d 780d up 80.586 door tow 135 f/c c/h 1360 82.413 head 83.740 c/downstand 1185 79.662 blocked 80.666 87.000 opening 1095d 87.000 h/l 975 attic store c/ceiling blocked 80.114 80.581 6 79.635 opening 340 2420 timber tow FFL 86.473 office 82.450 floor 2835 80.300 OSBM timber 86.000 / store 86.000 floor reception 79.602 h/l 3045 DATUM 765d window f/c fixed svp 2610 up 80.596 80.098 tow c/h bench cobbles office 565 2490 83.751 80.626 solid tow timber kitchen up 82.412 85.000 floor 85.000 470 rear 80.646 3180 80.666 timber threshold solid 80.646 f/h vaulted passage 760d 80.646 80.616 floor 2020 threshold 80.124 80.083 760d ceiling 730d cell 79.585 f/h 1 gas 1990 sliding 3030 84.000 timber 84.000 office 3 doors floor 79.755 720d 765d FFL 83.711 office 2 cbd 2425 760 760d up f/h 3040 2015 80.119 610d fixed timber 590d 80.606 arch 79.792 bench x 79.775 81.818 83.000 floor 2 83.000 head 3355 8840 up 79.756 up 80.268 79.774 470 up up 80.126 up 79.798 765d 3180 80.136 80.238 solid tow 2310 vaulted 2810 up arch floor 83.746 timber 310 81.821 460 head ceiling reception 79.776 2550 cell 82.000 floor abovetimber 82.000 rwp 80.125 3215 solid 80.172 2 window channel false floor h/l stone floor 3055 window stone 80.666 tiled office head - external ceiling 820d f/c arch solid solid 2610 head 79.315 c/h 83.035 garage 80.306 f/h 8 3 spring floor floor 565 82.959 80.268 80.296 2065 out 82.928 81.000 f/h up 81.000 reception reception office 80.664 2010 cl f/c 770d 79.484 855 il c/h 730d up 78.739 940d 1910 office FFL 80.666 80.099610d 670 tow 80.253 2810 2335 82.407 1 above svp in arched door 2545 79.771 head lobby false 2265 80.000 80.000 ceiling 79.163 tow out h/l 79.988 cbd rwp 82.419 timber 80.268 6 80.089 ramp f/c 79.775 up 80.586 window 79.752 80.348 door rwp stair up c/h 1170 up stone 82.968 cl 790d f/h 79.753 stone head 80.308 1370 head - external il svp 1905 arch 79.708 79.795up 760d head in 79.334 window C spring 83.402 granite stone 79.166 h/l 79.000 83.398 775d 79.000 arch - 80.324 bottom step cbd 79.838 head external 83.103 A stone sp 2990 82.668 81.656 up cill 79.772 79.982 arch f/h 2505 80.361 82.353 2520 79.783 spring f/h 1970 765d 300h gravel 2065 790d f/h rear f/c 79.202 80.113 790d arch c/h 720 yard 2 interview 79.369 rear yard 1, north east x 82.719 head section a-a 1515 79.174 3 80.643 500d up 80.739 79.779 40 arch 2500 rm 82.292 spring timber up 930d arch 79.928 82.693 head floor 79.373 80.724 790d 765d solid floor up arch 2215 f/h 82.759 head 79.365 1970 79.155 store 79.195

6 79.617 in / 765d 79.734 changing 765d bt 80.758 up 79.326 window out il 2960 1975 stone 78.070 f/h 79.244 79.354 up stone - external 80.135 1 head timber up store cill in 79.604 f/c up 81.660 875 79.984 roof in 80.705 80.579 granite flag c/h 79.218 in 1950 / over check all dimensions on site 80.646 bt 2275 79.360 features shown on this survey may not delineate legal boundaries B stones f/c up window 79.379 80.442 up c/h 695 Datum 80.300 set to OSBM on SE corner of No. 1 Market stone 55 765d 1540 stone store concrete head - external Road. arch head 79.161 80.629 stone / spring 82.620 changing female up 80.159 stone 82.573 cill 750d tow 82.268 granite ceiling cill 80.565 solid 82.384 80.508 solid wc 79.788 79.328 floor 79.277 2 no floor inin 2265 2235 80.723 plinth f/h not access 2060 in surveyed il 78.057 tow below w job sloping ht 81.308 79.329 910 Tavistock Police Station & Guildhall cill in 80.673 f/c title in out c/h 910 in 1370 79.257 80.182 79.521 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 rwp 79.336 6 plinth section a-a & outbuildings elevations, as existing opening 990d 79.916 500h up 79.506 fuses 655d scale date job drawing no 80.747 metres blocked f/h f/c 835d up 1980 1960 1:50 @ A1 March 2011 1122 08 c/h 685 2125 79.496 755d f/b 80.329 up 1585 620d f/b w 79.645 2255 granite floor 2245 sloping ht window 80.555 f/b 910 80.779 stone 1930 835d up 2405 cill tow 80.760 stone - external f/h f/c head 120 2270 940 82.252 stone lobby 755d c/h head blocked disused stone 81.580 79.181 1355 79.492 kerb 80.621 cill 2085 81.531 male up cill 79.883 79.356 opening 79.353 gate 79.825 f/h 1995 1840 675d 2380 f/h granite ceiling wc ramp up solid 1995 79.038 1995 79.196 190 up f/h 2305 floor granite flag f/b 79.576 79.068 820d f/c corridor 79.166 granite ceiling 920 rwp 80.657 c/h stones 1355 1000d granite floor 2260 680d 79.564 80.601 2465 f/c blocked tow 1145 80.224 c/h cell f/h 81.322 rwp 500 opening lobby 1845 f/h svp 79.196 up 2020 1 185 745d 79.063 2380 965d 79.806 cloaks up 79.054 170 1010d 700d 2245 745d blocked 79.039 80.394 2215 opening 79.036 up 80.719 area 2265 79.366 135 f/h granite ceiling 2000 1835 f/h granite floor granite flag 2360 up 195 80.433 79.028 2250 cell 80.455 stones granite ceiling 79.171 granite ceiling cell 80.838 granite floor 3 cell 5 lobby granite floor 2685 2440 f/c 840 2 c/h f/h 1650 1835 gas 80.462 up 175 80.601 625d up 80.477 79.015 175 window 80.491 stone fuses 79.171 C stone - external cill c/h head 81.051 granite ceiling 1350 82.781 granite floor tow 81.256 2690 cell 4 80.474 opening 80.499 head 80.508 0 78.981 cill f/c boiler 80.508 81.470 890 N c/h metres 80.809 80.430 1600 granite flag 80.525 1

stones window 78.986 stone stone cill - external head 81.051 2 82.781 surface 80.550 drain 80.542 water 3

tow 81.263

rwp 80.573 4 78.995 80.557 80.558 80.558

tow 5 78.997 80.699 81.260

80.890 80.583 6


80.522 81.050 7 150E 8 80.497

81.006 80.409 80.570 82.308 9




80.894 50N

STA 81.055



80.712 150N 50E







50E 50N Notes:Notes:

1 Unless stated otherwise all information on this drawing has been surveyed. 2 Whilst every care has been taken no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions caused by detail being obscured or not accessible at the time of the survey.

3 Drainage routes, connections and invert levels have been obtained by lifting inspection covers. Where it has been impossible to lift a cover or where the chamber is blocked the assumed route is clearly annotated. 4 All underground utility information shown on this drawing is a combination of public utility records and visible (hence surveyed) covers. The main pipe/cable 79.98 routes have been verified on site using radiodetection methods but it should be 80.09 stressed that actual routes may differ from those shown. 80.08 77.88

78.33 80.10 81.24 5 Paper prints should not be used for design purposes. 78.65 77.93

79.95 80.04 80.12 G 80.10 Abbreviations

81.20 AGL Above Ground Level 78.78 NP Street Name Plate 80.00 AV Air Valve 78.20 P Post 80.12 B Bollard PB Park Bench BB Belisha Beacon 79.99 PC Pedestrian Crossing 77.53 80.13 BH Bore Hole PM Parking Meter 80.04 78.51 77.51 BL Basement Light RIVER TAVY RE Rodding Eye BM O.S Benchmark 78.16 RP Reflector Post 80.08 BS Bus Stop RS Road Sign 78.26 BT British Telecom IC RWP Rainwater Pipe CATV Cable Telecom IC S Tree Stump 77.99 CB Control Box SP Sign Post 80.39 CC Coal Chute SC Stop Cock (water)

81.19 79.97 Chy Chimney SV Stop Valve (water) 77.66 80.29 Conc Concrete 78.85 80.17 TM Ticket Machine 77.58 CL Cover Level TP Trial Pit 78.90 77.03 CPS Concrete Paving Slabs TS Traffic Signal 77.22 79.58 (nail) 77.11 80.23 El Electricity IC GH4 80.16 U/C Under Construction 79.924 79.23 80.28 80.32 EP Electricity Pole 77.21 78.69 79.25 UTL Unable to Lift 78.00 80.11 FH Fire Hydrant VP Vent Pipe 78.18 81.34 FL Floor Level 78.16 79.30 79.08 FS Flag Staff Fence Descriptions 77.41 G Gully 77.23 B/W Post & Barbed Wire GM Gas Meter 76.92 C/B Close Boarded 78.54 GSC Gas Stop Cock C/I Corrugated Iron 79.99 79.91 79.49 GV Gas Valve 79.89 C/L Chainlink 77.68 (nail) IC Inspection Cover GH5 C/P Chestnut Paling 79.94 80.187 IL Invert Level 76.49 Iwn Interwoven 81.17 79.94 79.26 79.47 LB Letter Box 81.28 79.97 80.16 80.20 80.03 80.06 I/R Iron Railings 81.36 80.17 80.78 80.78 LP Lamp Post 81.35 80.25 81.24 Pal Paling 80.79 81.36 80.77 80.72 MH Manhole 81.22 P/C Post & Chain 81.35 80.78 FL 78.59 77.47 Mkr Marker 80.81 78.37 P/R Post & Rail 79.39 MS Mile Stone P/W Post & Wire Mesh 80.73 80.70 77.39

80.81 Line types 81.37 80.39 76.83 76.79 80.29 80.74 80.63 80.28 80.61 FL 77.20 80.98 79.86 Fence 81.36 80.59 80.30 79.20 81.27 80.54 G 80.05 80.82 G 81.38 80.80 G B 80.84 77.05 80.70 80.50 81.0180.9081.16 80.37 81.16 G 80.49 80.88 Safety Fence 81.60 80.91 80.74 77.10 80.66 76.89 81.20 80.45 FL 76.66 81.06 77.14 80.09 Survey Station B 80.06 77.01

80.64 79.05 80.04 79.92 81.73 77.06 Security Fence 77.42 79.92 81.73 79.51 78.59 79.50 G 80.82 80.02 B 81.18 81.36 79.91 80.60 78.82 G 80.53 76.87 G Hedge/Canopy Bush 79.94 79.14 79.92 80.04 81.35 81.14 80.10 81.11 81.42 B 81.40 RIVER TAVY 81.38 Overhead Telecom 81.38 81.37 CAR PARK 81.60 78.45 79.38 81.51 Deciduous Tree 81.45 82.01 81.93 81.86 79.51 77.61 77.13 81.34 81.35 U/Ground Telecom 81.91 G 76.87 G 81.15 79.51 77.29 81.95 77.15 76.81 79.08 U/Ground Cable Telecom 81.01 Conifer 81.95 81.15 81.20 80.79 79.11 81.35 79.93 82.07 81.97 81.10 76.97 80.01 79.94 U/Ground Water

80.53 81.35 79.11 81.20 80.47 76.82 80.09 81.12 79.09 82.11 81.50 81.98 81.16 81.06 Overhead Electric 77.20 78.15

80.91 79.82

FL 77.34 80.72 80.54 79.94 78.18 79.98

81.31 77.03 80.01

79.45 81.03 81.23 76.93 79.99 80.10 80.01 81.87 (nail) U/Ground Electric 80.01 78.53 76.77 81.32 79.93 81.34 GH1 77.14 79.48 79.97 81.27 81.31 B 81.316 80.73 80.08 77.04 79.90 79.79 81.03 81.26 77.85 77.67 78.27 78.58 81.28 79.07 U/Ground Gas B 81.24 80.04 81.09 76.95 77.34 76.88 G 82.07 80.35 80.19 Drainage 81.25 81.20 B 80.18 81.26 81.21 Combined/Foul Sewer Cable Route B 81.52 80.95 80.51 80.42 81.28 B 80.26 80.54 80.58 Surface Water Sewer B 77.23 79.44 80.88 81.69 80.85 B B 79.55 81.76 80.90 B B 80.90 80.79 B 79.60 81.71 81.22 80.92 80.89 78.01 77.62 79.48 79.76 79.83 79.74 81.12 80.50 80.54 79.87 81.76 B 81.15 80.59 79.90 81.56 80.93 80.96 79.12 79.94 80.94 81.20 FL 77.30 79.50 81.06 80.89 81.67 80.93 81.16 80.74 79.73

80.88 81.73 81.39 G

80.93 79.09 81.980 B 80.94 80.91 77.16 82.34 80.71 Datum adjusted to existing site survey data. BM 79.39 79.90 80.49 80.88 77.37 80.94 80.91 77.12 79.84 GPS observations has highlighted that there is a 60mm 80.89 B 80.89 80.70 79.81 79.74 B B B 80.19 81.08 81.01 81.30 80.90 80.69 80.23 difference between existing datum and OSGPS Datum. 80.88 80.90 80.90 80.77 B81.05 82.16 80.84 81.12 80.67 81.38 80.87 79.76 79.83 81.54 81.47 80.89 TOILET 79.73 81.10 BLOCK 80.28 79.83 79.72 81.01 81.20 80.83 B 80.66 80.17 79.74 81.53 81.50 82.12 B FL 81.48 Exisiting Site Datum OSGPS Datum 79.71 79.85 G 81.30 79.72 G 79.72 B 79.81 81.00 80.63 B 80.83 79.69 79.73 81.05 80.94 80.75 Benchmark value 81.15 80.58 80.60 G 80.69 FL 79.82 79.69 G 81.67 80.87 81.980m 81.920m B 79.71 80.58 80.60 79.80 79.84 81.36 80.73 80.67 79.90 80.54 B 81.12 84.00 81.34 G B 81.67 81.09 80.70 81.20 80.74 80.88 80.69 80.70 FL B B 81.01 80.93 80.71 80.46 80.98 80.73 80.8081.04 80.33

80.97 81.02 80.60 B 81.66 80.70 B B 81.16 81.15 80.94 80.84 81.13 B 80.45 81.13 81.65 B B

B TCB 80.38 81.39 80.89 B 80.75 81.63 80.84 80.81 80.83 B B

80.96 80.84 80.79 80.94 B 80.77 80.87 80.93 B B B 80.64 80.57 80.77 B 80.80 BB B

80.87 80.79 80.81 80.74 80.87 80.79 80.67 80.57 81.60 80.73 80.66

80.92 (nail) LB GH2 80.758 80.76

80.67 80.74 G 80.78 80.67 FL 80.67

80.72 80.76 80.78 80.92

81.97 80.90

80.85 80.77 80.80 G 81.26 80.80 80.87

81.12 80.89 81.22


81.38 80.98 82.52 No. Date Revision By Appd Surveyed by: 81.05 82.55 81.07 81.44 81.12 81.11 81.36

81.1581.20 81.20



81.42 81.56

++44(0)1752 764463 ++44(0)1752 764465

(nail) GH3 82.071




OSGB36 Origin Scale Factor 1 Surveyor PNC Datum OS Newlyn DrawnDrawn SE Sheet Checked PDF Layout Dwg Sheet Size A1 Scale 1:400 Date JUN 2012 Authorised Drawing No Rev

CAD Ref: Tavistock Guild Hall Car Park Survey.DWG Secondary Public requires Riverside pavement work Entrance to remove step



over Ramped Access from sliding doors riverside to Gateway Centre Platform Shared Courtyard Lift

Gateway Courtyard Lobby 1892 Cell 1892 Cell Accessible alternative (restored) interpretation WC entrance to TTC Staff Area from TTC + Gateway alleyway Kitchen Centre Staff Welfare 36m2

Tavistock M M skylight over Canal F F Plant Wash Gateway Room basins Plant Room WC / Shr. Centre Tavistock Toilets Toilets

WHS cpd. Meeting Lift Orientation space Stairs Up to Cell Lobby 2 skylight over Courtroom print Access Cell Lobby 1 cpd. Controlled Secure Documents Stair 2 Tavistock cpd. Tamar Valley Ramp 'Victorian 'Victorian Cell 1' Existing Step School Bag Cell 2' Ramp Step Down cpd. Drop / Coats Down Step TTC up Admin. / TTC 'One Stop Shop' + Gateway Entrance Stair 1 Support cpd. TTC Services stair Secondary Access / Escape store to Gateway Centre Secondary Access / Escape to Gateway Centre

cpd. TTC Public Office Lobby Entrance 'Old Fire Private Secondary access / escape to Station Door' 'Trowtes House' Meeting Room + Offices on 2nd Floor B key: C A A - Zone A: 'The Police Station' B - Zone B: 'Trowtes House' TTC Staff Entrance 'Old Police Station Door' C - Zone C: 'The Courtroom and Cells'

- existing masonary

tavistock guildhall TTC: ground / lower ground floor as proposed - infill inserted

general key notes rev project: date: scale: drawn: Tavistock Guildhall and Police Station Nov 2013 1:50 @ A1 if A: 07.02.14 - Minor Amendments following TTC comment 1:100 @ A3 • all drawings are copyright • do not scale drawing Stage 2 - Draft - LIFT B: 13.02.14 - Minor Amendments following Conservation Officer Comment drawing title: job no: drawing no: rev: • report all discrepancies to project administrator • all dimensions to be checked on site C: 23.01.15 - Sketch following TTC meeting / D: 12.02.15 - HLF Stage 1 Bid TTC: Ground / Lwr Ground Floors 1041 SK-302 H3 E: 01.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment / F: 24.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment G: 28.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment - TTC Stair 1 Flipped / Layout Adjustments H2: 25.10.16 - Stage 2 Draft - LIFT ACCESS gillespie yunnie architects H3: 10.11.16 - Draft for Conservation Officer Site Meeting Platform Lift

Covered 'Bridge' / Glazed C Link

public Police Display Shared cpd. Storage If access. Requried Lobby wc Flexible Multifunctional AV Space Concealed KitchenetteConcealed Control Store +

Point 34m2 Cill: Ramp step access 2035mm lift 'Magistrates Room' - to cells below Heritage Learning Space / + wcs Conference cpd. Multifunctional Meeting Room / cill level Room / Drop Community and Civic Room Down Space TTC 46m2 15m2 Stair 2




Courtroom Display / Storage Events / Community Use / Storage If Council Chamber Requried 121m2 (115m2 + 6m2 lobby) TTC 'Drop TTC Office Panelled Doors Down' Office 14m2 Cill: 720mm Stair 1 12m2 TTC cpd. stairs + escape Lobby


TTC Office Existing step access 19m2 Public Entrance 'Courtroom'

key: B A A - Zone A: 'The Police Station' B - Zone B: 'Trowtes House' C - Zone C: 'The Courtroom and Cells'

- existing masonary

tavistock guildhall TTC first floor as proposed - infill inserted

general key notes rev project: date: scale: drawn: Tavistock Guildhall and Police Station Nov 2013 1:50 @ A1 if A: 07.02.14 - Minor Amendments 1:100 @ A3 • all drawings are copyright • do not scale drawing Stage 2 - Draft - LIFT B: 13.02.14 - Minor Amendments following Conservation Officer Comment drawing title: job no: drawing no: rev: • report all discrepancies to project administrator • all dimensions to be checked on site C: 23.01.15 - Sketch for TTC meeting / D: 11.02.15 - Sketch for TTC meeting TTC: 1st Floor Plan as proposed 1041 SK-304 H3 E: 12.02.15 - HLF Stage 1 Bid following Conservation Officer Comment F: 01.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment / G: 24.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment H2: 25.10.16 - Draft for Review Meeting - LIFT ACCESS gillespie yunnie architects H3: 10.11.16 - Draft for Conservation Officer Site Meeting line of existing dormer line of existing dormer

new rooflights over new rooflights over

tea point

new wc rooflight Interview Room 1 Interview Room 2 over lift Lobby Partner Services - Public Facing 46m2 C rooflights over new TTC Partner Stair 2

Drop-In existing rooflight (non-public) over new rooflights over 16m2

line of existing existing dormer rooflight over rooflights over new stairs link

Stair 1 TTC TTC Office 12m2 B key: Store / Plant A - Zone A: 'The Police Station' A B - Zone B: 'Trowtes House' C - Zone C: 'The Courtroom and Cells'

- existing masonary

- infill inserted tavistock guildhall TTC: second floor as proposed

general key notes rev project: date: scale: drawn: Tavistock Guildhall and Police Station Nov 2013 1:50 @ A1 if A: 07.02.14 - Minor amendments following TTC comment 1:100 @ A3 • all drawings are copyright • do not scale drawing HLF Stage 2 - Draft - LIFT B: 13.02.14 - Minor Amendments following Conservation Officer Comment drawing title: job no: drawing no: rev: • report all discrepancies to project administrator • all dimensions to be checked on site C: 23.01.15 - Sketch for TTC meeting / D: 12.02.15 - HLF Stage 1 Bid TTC: 2nd Floor as proposed 1041 SK-306 H3 E: 01.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment / F: 24.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment G: 28.06.16 - Sketch for Client Comment - TTC Stair 1 Flipped / Layout Adjustments H2: 25.10.16 - Stage 2 Draft - LIFT ACCESS gillespie yunnie architects H3: 10.11.16 - Draft for Conservation Officer Site Meeting Tavistock Town Council Flood Risk Assessment TAV-HYD-XX-XX-RP-D-5001


Drawing No. Title

ENQ16/DCIS/30560 Flood Map for Planning (Rivers & Sea)

ENQ16/DCIS/30560 Records of Flooding

ENQ16/DCIS/30560 Historic Flood Map

- HEC-RAS Cross-Sections

TAV-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D- Modelled Floodplain 5001

TAV-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D- Proposed Flood Resistance & Resilience Measures 5002

Hydrock Consultants ENQ16/DCIS/30560 - Flood map for planning (rivers & sea) centred on Tavistock Please note that this map is intended only as a guide - it is not accurate at individual property level.


Main Rivers

Flood Zone 3

Flood Zone 2

Flood Zones are areas, also known as the floodplain, which could be affected in the event of flooding from rivers and the sea. Flood Zones provide a good indication of land at flood risk. Flood Zones are not sufficiently detailed to show whether an individual property is at risk, for example it does not take into account flood defences. Please note that the likelihood of flooding is an assessment based on the information currently available and may change in future due to climate change or other factors. Flood Zone 3 shows the area that could be affected by flooding, either from rivers or the sea, if there were no flood defences. This area could be flooded from the sea by a flood that has a 0.5 per cent (1 in 200) or greater chance of happening each year; or from a river by a flood that has a 1 per cent (1 in 100) or greater chance of happening each year.

Flood Zone 2 shows the additional extent of an extreme flood from rivers or the sea. These outlying areas are likely to be affected by a major flood, with up to a 0.1 per cent (1 in 1000) chance of occurring each year.

Correct as of the 1:10,000 05thDecember 2016¯

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office ©Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.

Environment Agency, 100024198, 2013 ENQ16/DCIS/30560 - Records of flooding in the Tavistock area.

Estimated Number Date Location Detail Cause of Properties Flood Source Flooded Tavistock. Mount Tavy Road, Parkwood Road, Tavy and tributaries swollen Duke Street and Dolvin Road were flooded, and broke banks following 13/07/1880 Tavistock including some properties. Homes around Vigo 0 Fluvial extreme rainfall event - no Bridge flooded up to 3ft, and lower portions of defences houses on south side of Duke Street under water. Extreme rain event upstream, 2 inches of rain overnight. The Tavistock. Much of the town centre flooded, cause of this has been linked to causing widespread damage. Properties were an upstream extreme rain event flooded on Parkwood Road, Mount Tavy Road, 17/07/1890 Tavistock at Dartmoor, in which the River 0 Fluvial Dolvin Road, Vigo Bridge Road, and Brook Street. Cowsic at Two Bridges was The Guildhall and the Police Station were also reputed to have risen some 9 inundated by the River Tavy. 1/2 feet in a very short space of time.

Tavistock. Reported that a property in North Street 19/01/1999 Tavistock Unknown 1 Unknown was flooded to a depth of 2 foot.

Tavistock. One property in Mount Tavy Road Assumed fluvial from River 01/01/2000 Tavistock 1 Fluvial reported to have been flooded. Tavy following heavy rainfall Estimated Number Date Location Detail Cause of Properties Flood Source Flooded

Tavistock. A diverted stream overwhelmed the Inadequate culvert in diverted 01/01/2002 Tavistock culvert, flooding the lower part of garden of a stream on new housing 1 Fluvial property in the Wyatts Lane area. development.

Tavistock. River Tavy came out of bank following 06/02/2016 Tavistock Heavy rainfall 0 Fluvial heavy rainfall

This list contains all the records of flooding we hold, in a 1km radius of the specified location. Although this information is compiled to the best of our knowledge, the absence of flooding does not mean that an area has not flooded in the past, nor guarantee it will not flood in the future. Our records are updated as more information comes to light, and as flood incidents occur.

Correct as of 05 December 2016 ENQ16/DCIS/30560 - Historic flood map, centred on Tavistock Please note that this map is intended only as a guide - it is not accurate at individual property level.


Recorded Flood Outlines

The Recorded Flood Event Outline, shows the extent of known flooding from rivers and the sea. This outline is indicative of the flood extent, and does not necessarily confirm that a property has flooded internally. If an area is outside the extent of recorded flooding, it does not mean it has never flooded. This will be updated as more data comes to light, and as flood incidents occur.

Correct as of the 1:10,000 05thDecember 2016¯

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office ©Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.

Environment Agency, 100024198, 2013

RS = 275 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 265 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 255 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 245 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 88 88 88 88 Legend Legend Legend Legend

WS EA WS EA WS EA WS EA WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40%

WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground

Levee Levee Levee Levee 84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta

82 82 82 82 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m)

80 80 80 80

78 78 78 78

76 76 76 76 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 236 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 235 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 234 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 225 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 88 88 88 88 Legend Legend Legend Legend


WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground Levee Levee Levee Levee

84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta

82 82 82 82 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m)

80 80 80 80

78 78 78 78

76 76 76 76 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 220 RS = 219 RS = 218 RS = 215 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 84 85 85 88 Legend Legend Legend Legend


WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% 84 84 83 WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 1,000 WS 1,000 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000

WS 20 83 WS 20 83 WS 20 WS 20 82 Ground Ground Ground Ground Levee Levee Levee Levee

Bank Sta 82 Bank Sta 82 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta 81

81 81

80 82

Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 80 Elevation (m) 80 Elevation (m)


79 79 80

78 78 78


77 77 77

76 76 76 76 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 204 HYDROCK XS FROM TOPO RS = 196 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 181 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 168 ADDITIONAL US XS FROM BRIDGE .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 83 88 90 90 Legend Legend Legend Legend


WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40%

WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% 88 WS 100 + 30% 88 WS 100 + 30% 82 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 WS 1,000 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground 86 86 Levee Levee Levee Levee

81 Bank Sta 84 Bank Sta Bank Sta Bank Sta

84 84

80 82 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 82 82

79 80

80 80

78 78 78 78

77 76 76 76 -50 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 166 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 156 Culv RS = 156 Culv RS = 148 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 90 90 88 88 Legend Legend Legend Legend


WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40%

88 WS 100 + 30% 88 WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 1,000 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000 86 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground 86 86 Levee Levee Bank Sta Bank Sta

Bank Sta Bank Sta 84 84

84 84

82 82 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 82 82

80 80

80 80

78 78 78 78

76 76 76 76 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 146 ADDITIONAL DS XS FROM BRIDGE RS = 138 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 128 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 120 IS Manmade smooth weir in cut masonry. .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 88 88 88 88 Legend Legend Legend Legend


WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40%

WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 1,000 WS 1,000 WS 1,000 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground 84 84 84 Bank Sta Bank Sta Bank Sta Bank Sta 84

82 82 82

82 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 80 80 80


78 78 78

78 76 76 76

76 74 74 74 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) RS = 114 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 112 IS Rough Rock Weir RS = 100 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) RS = 80 H20K MODELLED (ADJUSTED TO TOPO) .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 .025 .025 .035 . 88 88 84 84 0 Legend Legend Legend 2 Legend 5 WS EA WS EA WS EA WS EA

WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40% WS 100 + 40%

86 WS 100 + 30% 86 WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 100 + 30% WS 1,000 WS 1,000 82 WS 1,000 82 WS 1,000

WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 WS 20 Ground Ground Ground Ground 84 84 Bank Sta Bank Sta Bank Sta Bank Sta 80 80

82 82

78 78 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 80 80

76 76

78 78

74 74 76 76

74 74 72 72 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Station (m) Modelled Flood Level (m AOD) OS NORTH Cross Section EA Hydrology (">1 in 75 1 in 20 Year 1 in 100 Year + 30% 1 in 100 Year + 40% 1 in 1,000 Year Year") 275 80.41 81.45 81.48 81.24 82.02 265 80.41 81.46 81.49 81.16 82.03 255 79.63 80.77 81.41 80.55 81.94 245 80.03 81.18 81.46 80.89 81.99 79.98 236 79.93 81.16 81.45 80.83 81.98 80.09 235 79.93 81.15 81.44 80.82 81.98 80.08 77.88 78.33 234 79.96 81.16 81.45 80.85 81.98 80.10 81.24 78.65 225 79.97 81.13 81.42 80.85 81.95 77.93

79.95 80.04 220 79.90 81.15 81.44 80.89 81.97 80.12 G 80.10 219 79.92 81.15 81.43 80.84 81.97

81.20 78.78 218 79.92 81.16 81.44 80.81 81.97 80.00 78.20 215 79.92 81.14 81.42 80.81 81.95 80.12 204 79.92 81.14 81.43 80.82 81.97 79.99 77.53 80.13

80.04 196 79.90 81.06 81.37 80.78 81.88 78.51 77.51 RIVER TAVY

181 79.84 80.99 81.27 80.74 81.87 78.16 80.08 168 79.83 80.98 81.28 80.73 81.82 78.26 166 79.82 80.97 81.27 80.73 81.82 148 79.18 79.63 79.67 79.55 80.07 77.99 80.39

81.19 146 79.17 79.62 79.66 79.54 80.05 79.97 77.66 80.29 138 79.24 79.72 79.77 79.63 80.18 78.85 80.17 77.58

128 79.23 79.73 79.78 79.63 80.20 78.90 77.03 77.22 79.58 (nail) 77.11 114 78.21 78.99 79.12 78.88 79.40 GH4 79.924 79.23

77.21 78.69 79.25 100 76.15 76.60 76.70 76.50 77.10 78.00 80.11

78.18 80 76.05 76.50 76.59 76.41 76.95 78.16 79.30 79.08 77.41


Modelled Cross Sections. 76.92 78.54

79.99 Limit of mapped floodplain, due to absence of topographic data 79.91 79.49 79.89 77.68 (nail) beyond - in reality, floodplain likely to continue beyond that shown. GH5 79.94 80.187

76.49 81.17 79.94 79.26 79.47 81.28 79.97 80.16 80.20 80.03 80.06 81.36 80.17 80.78 80.78 81.35 80.25 81.24 80.79 81.36 80.77 80.72 81.22 81.35 80.78 FL 78.59 77.47 80.81 78.37 79.39

80.73 80.70 77.39

80.81 81.37 80.39 76.83 76.79 80.29 80.74 80.63 80.28 80.61 FL 77.20 80.98 79.86 81.36 80.59 80.30 79.20 81.27 80.54 G 80.05 80.82 G 81.38 80.80 G B 80.84 77.05 80.70 80.50 81.0180.9081.16 80.37 81.16 G 80.49 80.88 81.60 80.91 80.74 77.10 80.66 76.89 81.20 80.45 FL 76.66 81.06 77.14 80.09 B 80.06 77.01

80.64 79.05 80.04 79.92 81.73 77.06 77.42 79.92 81.73 79.51 78.59 79.50 G 80.82 80.02 B 81.18 81.36 79.91 80.60 78.82 G 80.53 76.87 G 79.94 79.14 79.92 80.04 81.35 81.14 80.10 81.11 81.42 B 81.40 RIVER TAVY 81.38 81.38 81.37 CAR PARK 81.60 78.45 79.38 81.51 81.45 82.01 81.93 81.86 79.51 77.61 77.13 81.34 81.35 81.91 G 76.87 G 81.15 79.51 77.29 81.95 77.15 76.81 79.08 81.01 81.95 81.15 81.20 80.79 79.11 81.35 79.93 82.07 81.97 81.10 76.97 80.01


80.53 81.35 79.11 81.20 80.47 76.82 80.09 81.12 79.09 82.11 81.50 81.98 81.16 81.06 77.20 78.15 79.82

80.91 FL 77.34 80.72 80.54 79.94 78.18 79.98

81.31 77.03 80.01

79.45 81.03 81.23 76.93 79.99 80.10 80.01 81.87 (nail) 80.01 78.53 76.77 81.32 79.93 81.34 GH1 77.14 79.48 81.31 81.316 80.73 80.08 79.97 81.27 B 81.03 77.04 79.90 79.79

81.26 77.85 77.67 78.27 78.58 81.28 79.07 B 81.24 80.04 81.09 76.95 77.34 76.88 G 82.07 80.35 80.19 81.25 81.20 B 80.18 81.26 81.21

B 81.52 80.95 80.51 80.42 81.28 B 80.26 80.54 80.58 B 77.23 79.44 80.88 81.69 80.85 B B 79.55 81.76 80.90 B B 80.90 80.79 B 79.60 81.71 81.22 80.92 80.89 78.01 77.62 79.48 79.76 79.83 79.74 79.87 81.12 80.50 80.54 79.90 81.76 B 80.59 81.15 80.93 80.96 81.56 79.12 79.50 79.94 80.94 81.20 FL 77.30 81.06 80.89 81.67 80.93 81.16 80.74 79.73

81.73 81.39 80.88 G

B 80.94 80.93 79.09 81.980 80.91 77.16 82.34 80.71 BM 79.39 79.90 80.49 80.88 77.37 80.94 80.91 77.12 79.84 80.89 B 80.89 80.70 79.81 79.74 B B B 80.19 81.08 81.01 81.30 80.90 80.69 80.23 80.88 80.90 80.90 80.77 B81.05 82.16 80.84 81.12 80.67 81.38 80.87 79.76 79.83 81.54 81.47 80.89 TOILET 79.73 81.10 BLOCK 80.28 79.83 79.72 81.01 81.20 80.83 B 80.66 80.17 79.74 81.53 81.50 FL 82.12 B 81.48 79.71 79.85 G 81.30 79.72 G 79.72 B 79.81 81.00 80.63 B 80.83 79.69 79.73 81.05 80.94 80.75 81.15 80.58 80.60 G 80.69 FL 79.82 79.69 G 81.67 B 80.87 80.58 80.60 79.80 79.71 79.84 81.36 80.73 80.67 79.90 80.54 B 81.12 84.00 81.34 G B 81.67 81.09 80.70 81.20 80.74 80.88 80.69 80.70 FL B B 81.01 80.93 80.71 80.46 80.98 80.73 80.80 81.04 80.33

80.97 81.02 80.60 B 81.66 80.70 B B 81.16 81.15 80.94 80.84 81.13 B 80.45 81.13 81.65 B B

B TCB 80.38 81.39 80.89 B 80.75 81.63 80.84 80.81 80.83 B B

80.96 80.84 80.79 80.94 B 80.77 80.87 80.93 B B B B 80.64 80.57 80.77 80.80 BB B

80.87 80.79 80.81 80.74 80.87 80.79 80.67 80.57 81.60 80.66 80.73

80.92 (nail) LB GH2 80.758 80.76

80.67 80.74 G 80.78 80.67 FL 80.67

80.72 80.76 80.78 80.92

81.97 80.90

80.85 80.77 80.80 G 81.26 80.80 80.87

81.12 80.89 81.22


81.38 80.98 82.52

81.05 82.55 81.07 81.44 81.12 81.11 81.36

81.1581.20 81.20



81.42 81.56

Rev Date Description CkdBy

(nail) GH3 82.071

Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4DF. TEL: 01454 619 533 FAX: 01454 614 125 or visit This drawing is the copyright of Hydrock Ltd. No liability will be accepted for any amendments to this drawing either printed or digital by parties other than Hydrock. Client:



Drawn: Checked: Scale @ A1: Drawn Date: First Issue: JC DL 1 : 250 JAN 2017 JAN 2017 Drawing Status. INFORMATION Notes: All dimensions are to be checked on site before the commencement of works. Any discrepancies are to be reported to the Architect & Engineer for verification. Figured dimensions only Drawing No. TAV-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D-5001 Revision are to be taken from this drawing.This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant Engineers' and Service Engineers' drawings and specifications. This drawing is copyright. - OS NORTH

Potential flooding of vestibule area considered acceptable, in order to retain existing prominent main access door into the former Courtroom.

Existing external walls considered likely to provide sufficient 'flood protection' to the building. Such structures will be retained and any remedial works undertaken to ensure their resistance to flood water, i.e. mortar joints checked etc.

Proposed demountable flood barriers and/or permanent flood doors, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD. Given that the building is Grade II* Listed, it is likely that the existing doors be retained, and demountable flood barriers and/or permanent flood doors installed immediately behind the retained existing doors.

Proposed demountable flood barriers, to a minimum level of 81.76m AOD.

Project: Drawing Title: Proposed ACO drain, or similar. TAVISTOCK GUILDHALL PROPOSED FLOOD RESISTANCE GUILDHALL SQUARE & RESILIENCE MEASURES Additional proposed flood resistance and resilience measures: Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, TAVISTOCK Bristol, BS32 4DF. 1. Any alteration works to the ground floor level will encompass flood resilience measures, where appropriate. Such TEL: 01454 619 533 FAX: 01454 614 125 or visit Project Number: C-05371-C measures will include the use of solid floors; any new internal walls constructed of materials with low water penetration, Client: This drawing is the copyright of Hydrock Ltd. No liability will be Drawn: Checked: Scale @ A3: Drawn Date: First Issue: good drying ability, and good retention of pre-flood integrity; use of sealed doors; sensitive services brought in and accepted for any amendments to this drawing either printed or digital by parties other than Hydrock. JC DL 1 : 150 FEB 2017 FEB 2017 continued at a high a level as possible; and, non-return valves fitted to drainage services. B Feb 2017 Updated proposals DLJC Notes: All dimensions are to be checked on site before the commencement of works. Drawing Status. A Jan 2017 Updated proposals DLJC Any discrepancies are to be reported to the Architect & Engineer for INFORMATION verification. Figured dimensions only are to be taken from this drawing.This Rev Date Description CkdBy drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant Engineers' and Service Drawing No. TAV-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D-5002 Revision Engineers' drawings and specifications. This drawing is copyright. B