Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

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Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News May 2019 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News Summer 2019 This year's Westmorland Inside this issue: Dales Day in Kirkby Stephen (28 July) will feature a two- part 'promenade' News from Kirkby 1 Stephen Local Links performance of a play about Lady Anne Clifford funded Town Council News 2 - 3 by the Yorkshire Dales Local News & Support 4 - 5 National Park. The first part will take place at Pendragon Business Spotlight 6 - 7 Castle and the second on Church Green. The play is Recipe & What’s on? 8 being devised, written and Upper Eden News/Sport 9 - 10 performed by professional and actor and director Lisa Social/Local events O'Hanlon, together with members of the Lune Spring Business Listings 10 - 12 Players and Kendal musician Like our Facebook page: Carolyn Francis. A limited Kirkby Stephen Community number of free tickets for the Centre classic bus journey to Pendragon will be available Follow us on twitter: from communitycentre@kslocallinks Upper FREE WIFI at Eden Kirkby Stephen Local Links Visitor Centre. Upper Eden Community First Responders need more members. We will be at Westmorland Dales Day in Kirkby Stephen on Sunday 28th July. Come along and see us and learn about what we do. Hopefully you will be interested and join us. The community needs you. For more information, contact Dave Prince at [email protected] or telephone 07887 683831 Memorial Hall, Brough 9.30am— 2.00pm Buy lamb, beef, pork, venison, fish, poultry, eggs, bread, cheese, cakes, photography, jewellery, textiles and more….. 3rd Sat of each month - no admission fee! Kirkby Stephen Local Links Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.00am—5.00pm (Closed 12.30—1.30 pm) Saturday 10.00am—1.00pm (Library only) Address: Vicarage Lane, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QX Tel: 017683 71775 Fax: 017683 74854 Email: [email protected] Page 2 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News Kirkby Stephen Town Council Report 2019 - Joan Johnstone The Town Council continues to meet year’s fair, spoke to the Council and assured budget meeting to assess the present finan- monthly. In January David Gilmour resigned us a greater police presence would be seen cial situation. It was resolved to build up re- due to health problems, which reduced the in Kirkby Stephen. A dedicated 101 line is stricted reserves over a five-year period in Council to eight members. being set up as is CCTV to monitor the town. light of an anticipated increase in expenditure The town’s licensees have met with Police in the future. Going forward finance reports Looking back over the year a great deal of and Eden District Councils Licensing Officer will feature higher up the agenda with a council business has focused on Appleby and are being asked to cooperate with the monthly bank reconciliation report followed Fair issues. In 2018 the local community had enforcement of no drinking in restricted areas by a quarterly budget monitoring statement. many concerns regarding the numbers visit- and using plastic glasses. ing the town in the run up to the fair. People The Council continues to support the Burial arrived early and this led to increased pres- The parking arrangements for caravans Board, Visitor Centre and Easter Rally, sure not only on the locals, but also the po- along the A685 remains a concern to locals. through grant giving. This year the Brittleton lice. The annual horse sale was cancelled The Gypsy community are willing to play their Bursary awarded four young people funds which led to the animals being sold on the part in seeing the fair run smoothly. It was and we wish them success improving their main street causing a chaotic scene, with noted that from a meeting, with Sedbergh chosen skills. travellers spilling out of public houses and and Kirkby Lonsdale Councils, that they had The Community and Council Centre contin- drinking in restricted areas, anti-social behav- had many similar problems. ues to support the local community and with iour and littering were an added problem. The Eden Local Plan has now been adopted the change in the delivery of library services A public meeting followed the fair, a hundred and at a training session led by officers the the staff are involved in helping customers to plus people attended to inform MASCG of Council was told that the plan now super- use the self-service system, the assistance their many concerns. sedes the Neighbourhood Plan. Planning needed is being monitored. The licence be- applications are consulted on when required. tween Cumbria County Council and the Town The Council has tried and failed on a number Paula Smith, Conservation Officer for EDC, Council to occupy the building is drafted and of occasions, through correspondence to the spoke to the Council about producing an almost ready to sign. Chairman of MASCG to have input into the appraisal and management plan for the con- new strategy going forward, this has proved Eden District Council arranged a bench servation area and a working group has now disappointing and frustrating. On the positive marking exercise for the town, the result was been formed. side we pushed for a local representative of good with cleanliness scoring highly. It was the settled community to join the group and I The Flood Prevention Group was disbanded also noted that the town had no empty shops am pleased to report that County Councillor, as it was felt that this came within the remit of and that shop fronts had been improved. Phil Dew, has been appointed. the Community Local Plan, the Council To celebrate no empty shops an initiative by agreed to provide sand bags and sand when Chief Superintendent, Rob O’Connor, who is Linnhe Harrison, of Mini Eden, and Olivia, of needed. the appointed Gold Commander for this Only Willow, colourful banners have been The Council formally applied to join the Up- designed and erected by businesses to make Dates of Town Council per Eden Community Interest Company and the town look vibrant. This has been well Eileen Simpson was approved by the CIC to received and a big ‘thank you’ to those Meetings become a director. involved is called for. Meetings are the first Tuesday of the Councillors have held two meetings with The Christmas lights were again erected by a month and start at 6.45pm in the Local officers from EDC regarding devolution of willing team of volunteers and the switch on Links Meeting Room. services, these have resulted in the Council proved an enjoyable event. I thank the vol- Meetings start with taking responsibility for footway lighting and unteers and the Vicar and PCC for the use of Public Participation we are still looking into the terms for the the Parish Church. Congratulations also to If you have anything you wish to raise transfer of the public toilets, Stoneshott car the shops that took part in the excellent win- about the town or items on the park and the two play areas. Along with the dow competition. agenda this is your CIC we are exploring the transfer of the I thank our Council employees, Christian Visitor Centre building. opportunity to speak to the Barnes, Wendy Hamilton, Zelda Bromfield Council. The Town Council agreed to be the nominat- and Alan Simpson, for their commitment to Agendas & minutes are ed body for the Kirkby Stephen Community the work of this Council. available to download at Sports Association bid for funding from EDC As we come to the end of the four-year cycle Signature Fund. We were delighted that of the Town Council it is fitting to Your Town Councillors Are: £75,000 has been offered, subject to some acknowledge Councillors Glenys Lumley and additional funding from the Grammar School. Mr. A Birtles Judy Sowerby who are standing down, they These grants along with others will see a new have worked tirelessly for this Council. Like- Mrs. J Johnstone all-weather pitch installed this summer. Con- wise, EDC Councillors gratulations must go to association members, Trevor Ladhams and Valerie Kendall who are Miss. G Wren Andrea Dixon and Claire Smithson, who have not seeking re-election. In Trevor’s case his worked diligently to secure the funding. Mrs S Lancaster longstanding involvement with first the Town Recognition must also go to Alex Birtles for Council and then EDC is to be applauded overseeing all the legal requirements, thanks Mr. P Richardson and I do thank them for their contribution to also to officers at Eden who have been a the public life of the team. Mr C Lynch great support. Thank you to County Councillor Phil Dew Mrs. D Thornton Highway matters are efficiently dealt with by who is enthusiastic and hardworking on be- County Councillor Phil Dew. Reports of in- half of the community of Upper Eden. My Mr. M Walker considerate parking on pavements and thanks to my fellow councillors for all their around the Market Square are ongoing. support and commitment to me and the com- Clerk/Financial Officer: A review of the Council’s Asset Register has munity. As we look forward to new members Mr. C Barnes been undertaken by the Clerk and an update joining the Town Council I hope with renewed Phone/Fax: 017683 74854 report and valuation has now been adopted. energy and commitment we can work [email protected] together for the benefit of all the community. The Council led by the Clerk held a pre- Page 3 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News Kirkby Stephen Town Council News New Councillors for Kirkby Stephen Our staff now provide some library services for the County Council The election on the 2 May was uncontested and standing council- in return for a reduced rent.
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