E - 1911 Census, Co

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E - 1911 Census, Co E - 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Earls Thomas Wolfe Tone Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Eary Robert Ballingarry Ballingarry Ballingarry Eaton John Killeheen Kilscannell Ardagh, Rathkeale Eborall William Robert Abbeylands Rathkeale Rathkeale Ebyary Richard Deelish Clonagh Kilcolman and Coolcappa Ebzery Patrick Ballykenry Clonagh Kilcolman and Coolcappa Ebzery William Foynes Town Robertstown Shanagolden Edgars Joseph Darranstown Emlygrennan Ballinvana Edmonds Mary Lacka Stradbally Castleconnell Edmonds William Cloon and Commons Stradbally Castleconnell Egan Anne Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Egan Catherine Cush Emlygrennan Ballinvana Egan Cornelius Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Egan Cornelius Garbally (East) Kilmeedy Feenagh Egan Daniel Cahermoyle Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Egan Daniel Cush Emlygrennan Ballinvana Egan Daniel Gardenfield South Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Egan David Graigue Rathkeale Rathkeale Egan David Mundellihy Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Egan Hanora Ballycahane Lower Ballycahane Fedamore Egan James Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Egan James Cullane North Ballylanders Ballylanders Egan Jeremiah Ballyallinan South Rathkeale Rathkeale Egan Johanna Ballyneety Kilbradran Coolcappa Egan John Ballinvulla Clonagh Kilcolman and Coolcappa Egan John Bulgaden Eady Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Egan John Bunkey Stradbally Castleconnell Egan John Doonvullen Upper Ballybrood Caherconlish Egan John Dromeliagh Abington Murroe & Boher Egan John Glenbaun Kilmoylan Shanagolden 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 1 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Egan John Herbertstown O'Grady Kilcullane Hospital Egan John Leahys Robertstown Shanagolden Egan John Moig South Askeaton Askeaton Egan Michael Ballingarry Ballingarry Ballingarry Egan Michael Ballygrennan Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Egan Michael Caheragh Kilfergus Glin Egan Michael Castlemungret Mungret Mungret and Crecora Egan Michael Knockaunnagun Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Egan Michael Mullagh Kilmoylan Shanagolden Egan Patrick Ashroe Abington Murroe and Boher Egan Patrick Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Egan Patrick Main Street, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Egan Ted Gortboy (Pt. of) Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Egan Thomas Corgrig Robertstown Shanagolden Egan Thomas Grange Lower Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Egan William Brickfield Effin Effin Eggleston Mary Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Egleston John Knocklong East Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane Eirey Thomas Ballintober Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Ellard Mary Rebecca Newtown Tuoghcluggin Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon Ellen William Meenyline North Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Elligott John Kildromin Kilteely Kilteely Elligott Michael Knocknacrohy Grean Pallasgreen Elligott Patrick Ballysallagh Caherelly Ballybricken Elligott Patrick Knocknacrohy Grean Pallasgreen Elliott Matthew Griston West Ballingarry Ballingarry Ellis Dympna Abbeyfeale West Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Ellis Elizabeth Annie Knocknacarriga Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Ellis Michael Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Elmer John Mountdavid Shanagolden Shanagolden & Foynes Emly Lord, Gaston Tervoe Kilkeedy Patrickswell William Thomas Emmett Robert Ballinagoul Hackmys Charleville English Catherine Boherroe Aglishcormack Kilteely 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 2 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish English Deborah Bulgaden Eady Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana English Edmond Chapel Lane, Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane English Hanora Kilglass Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English James Longford West Oola Oola and Solohead English Johanna Ballynagranagh Ballinlough Hospital English John Clovers Kilflyn Glenroe English John Doon North Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher English John Dromkeen South Dromkeen Kilteely, Pallasgreen English John Knockanerry Abington Murroe & Boher English John Lackendarragh Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English John Raheen Cahervally Donaghmore English John Reask Tuoghcluggin Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon English John Eugene Boherroe Aglishcormack Kilteely English Laurence Castlecreagh Galbally Galbally English Margaret Ballinanima (Massy) Kilfinnane Kilfinnane English Margaret Park Galbally Galbally English Martin Ballynagally Aglishcormack Kilteely English Mary A. Ballytrasna Grean Pallasgreen English Maurice Coolnamohoge Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English Maurice Kilglass Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English Michael Ballylanders Village Ballylanders Ballylanders English Michael Ballylooby Galbally Galbally English Michael Coolattin Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English Michael Coolnamohoge Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English Michael Cross Tuoghcluggin Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon English Michael Doon South Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher English Michael Garrynacahera Ballinlough Hospital English Michael Moanaviddoge Oola Oola and Solohead English Michael Oola Hills West, Oola Oola Oola and Solohead Town English Patrick Coolnamona Castletown Doon English Patrick Orr Street, Kilmallock St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock English Patrick Sunglen Grean Pallasgreen English Richard Boherdotia Oola Oola and Solohead 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 3 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish English Roger Lisnalanniv Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown English Thomas Lodge Hospital Hospital English Thomas M. Ballyneety South Templebredon Pallasgreen English William Portane Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher English William Ruppulagh Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Enright Alice Ballyowen Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Enright Anne Fair Green Hill, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Enright Anne Pallas (a) Chapelrussel Kildimo Enright Bridget Dromrahnee Ardagh Ardagh Enright Bridget Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Enright Catherine Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Enright Catherine Ballylin Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Enright Catherine Carheeny Kildimo Kildimo Enright Catherine Commons Kilfinny Croagh Enright Cornelius Ahawilk Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Enright Cornelius Ballyengland Lower Askeaton Askeaton Enright Cornelius Ballylin Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Enright Cornelius Mulderricksfield Robertstown Shanagolden Enright Cornelius Rivers Kilmurry Parteen, St. Patrick's Enright Daniel Parkmore Robertstown Shanagolden Enright David Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Enright Denis Ballyconway Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Enright Denis Ballycummin Mungret Mungret and Crecora Enright Denis Ballygoghlan Kilfergus Glin Enright Denis Fanningstown Adare Adare Enright Denis Tooraree Lower Kilfergus Glin Enright Edmond Church Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Enright Edmond Dooncaha Dunmoylan Coolcappa Enright Edward Cloonlahard East Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright Edward Cool West Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Enright Edward Foynes Town Robertstown Shanagolden Enright Edward Lacka Stradbally Castleconnell Enright Elizabeth Glenbaun Kilmoylan Shanagolden 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 4 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Enright Ellen Kilreash Ardagh Ardagh Enright Ellen Moneymohill Dunmoylan Coolcappa Enright Hanora Bridge Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Enright Hanora Dromreask Kilfergus Glin Enright Hanora Gortroe Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Enright James Abbeyfarm St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Enright James Ahawilk Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Enright James Ardnaveagh Doondonnell Coolcappa Enright James Ballaghbehy North Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Enright James Ballintober West Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Enright James Ballyclogh Lismakeery Askeaton Enright James Ballydonohoe Kilfergus Glin Enright James Bealduvroga Rathkeale Rathkeale Enright James Cloghadoolarty North Fedamore Fedamore Enright James Cloghanarold Doondonnell Coolcappa Enright James Cooleen Bruree Rockhill Enright James Curragh Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Enright James Enniscoush, Pt. of Rathkeale Rathkeale (Rural) Enright James Honeypound Croom Croom Enright James Kilmeedy Town Kilmeedy Feenagh Enright James Parkaree Monasteranenagh Manister Enright James Tooreendonnell Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright James P. Ballyhahill Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright Jeremiah Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Enright John Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Enright John Ardagh Town Ardagh Ardagh Enright John Ballaghbehy Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Enright John Ballingarrane Nantinan Cappagh, Stonehall Enright John Ballynabearna Ardagh Ardagh Enright John Ballyveloge Kilkeedy Patrickswell Enright John Ballywilliam South Rathkeale Rathkeale Enright John Banemore Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Enright John Caherass Croom Croom 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 5 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Enright John Carrig West Kilkeedy Patrickswell Enright John Castlemahon Town Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Enright John Cloonlahard East Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright John Cool West Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Enright John Corgrig Robertstown Shanagolden Enright John Dromin North Dromin Dromin and Athlacca Enright John Gortmore Kilmeedy Feenagh Enright John Knockaclugga Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright John Mulderricksfield Kilmoylan Shanagolden Enright John Stradbally North Stradbally Castleconnell Enright John Templeathea East Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Enright
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