From Pi Phi Pens
THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI .. ",', ... " ..... ,"".... " .... " .. ,,, ...... ,,, ......... "',, ............. ,,',, ...... '''''''" ....... ''' ... "." .......... ,''"., .. ,''',.,,, .. ,, .... ,'',, .. ,',, .. ,, ....... "',"" .. ,.. .. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ~ PI BETA PHI FRATERNllY F ....,. Y lB67 STAFF Office oj PublicaJion: 715 Main St., Marshall, Ill. Arrow Edilor: ADELE TAYLOR mfoRD (Mrs. T. N.). 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. AuiJlanl EdiJo, Ilnd B'UineJJ Manflxer: GLADYS W .... RREN. 715 Main St., Marshall, III., or 115 Robinson Ave., San Diego, Calif. AbmJn« Club Edi/or: LOllA JOHNSON WEIR (Mrs. Benjamin), 85' 6th St., Charles ton, 111. ChapUr utJer Edilor: CANDACE SECOR ARMSTRONG (Mrs. James G .). R.R. I, Box 489. Orlando, Fla. News from lillie Pigeon: MILDRED ODELL SAU (Mrs. Oarence M.l. 3741 Purdue, Dallas, Texas. Exchanl.n and College NO!tl: JUANITA DAY CARMAN (Mrs. Ernest), 761 Wilson St., Laguna Beach, Calif. F,om Pi Phi Pen.I: MARJORIE BRIGHT SHARPE (Mrs. W. E.), 1988 Commonwealth Ave., Brighton Station, Boston, Mass. " WhaJ a F,aJerniJ1 Gi,1 ThinJu": CANDACE SECOR ARMSTRONG (Mrs. James G .), R.R. I, Box 489. Orlando. F la. Arrow File: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, Marshall, 111. Arrow COllyibJlJo,s: WHITNBY SMITH; MARGARBTTA SPENCE DRAKE; MARY MM· JORIE PEBWORTH ; MARY B LACKMAN PERSONS; ELEANOR STONE THORNHILL; fLO LELAND THOMPSON; HOPE KIMBROUGH McCROSKY; MARY ELIZABETH LAsHER. VOLUME 59 December • 1942 NUMBER 2 Don't send that magazine order and check to the publisher! Send them to the Pi Beta Ph i Magazine Agency, Marshall, Illino is, and help the Settlement School! Remember all profits received from the sale of magazines through the Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency go to the Settlement School at Gatlinburg. Renumber the Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency can accept subscriptions for all maga· zmes published and it can meet any legitimate magazine competition.
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