— THE LIVING STONES OF THE HOLY LAND TRUST _________________________________________________ Registered Charity No. 1081204 'An ecumenical trust seeking to promote contacts between Christian Communities in Britain and those in the Holy Land and neighbouring countries.’ You are permitted to redistribute or reproduce all or part of the contents of the Yearbook in any form as long as it is for personal or academic purposes and non-commercial use only and that you acknowledge and cite appropriately the source of the material. You are not permitted to distribute or commercially exploit the content without the written permission of the copyright owner, nor are you permitted to transmit or store the content on any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system. The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents in its publications. However, the opinions and views expressed in its publications are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust. The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust Yearbook and its content are copyright of © The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust. All rights reserved.
[email protected] 1 Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust Yearbook 2019 2 Contributors Living StoneS Yearbook 2017-18 i Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust Yearbook 2017-18 ii Contributors Living StoneS Yearbook 2017-18 Faith on Trial Attrition and Politics in the Middle East Living StoneS of the hoLY Land truSt Registered charity no. 1081204 iii Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust Yearbook 2017-18 © Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust 2018 all rights reserved.