Information For Hewlett-Packard's Value-Added Businesses April 1989

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Introducing the HP Vectra QSl20 PC -top-of-the-line desktop 80386 power

HEWLETT PACKARD Table of Contents Volume 8, No. 6 8 Portable Editor Discontinuance announcement for Tracy Wester HP Portable Vectra CS PC I The HP NewWave environment - your HP Channels is published monthly for winning strategy for 1989 9 Desktop Introducing a desktop star: Hewlett-Packard's value-added busi- the HP Vectra QS120 PC nesses to provide you with information Peripherals about HP's products and services to - - help you be more successful. 10 Mass Storage Business Computers HP 7907A disk drive discontinuance plans For further information on any of the 2 General HP 9123D discontinuance products and services discussed in Special discounts on HP ALLBASEIQUERY. 11 Networks HP Channels, please contact your HP HP ALLBASEAGL, and HP ALLBASE ADCC Main to be removed from sales rep. ProcmonIV and TransformIV obsolescence HP Price List HP Officeshare family now supports 11 Printers See back cover for subscription PCs New HP Paintlet printer transparency film information. Technical Computers Does the ProCollection font cartridge replace other font cartridges'? Note: Not all HP computer products 3 General are sold and supported in all countries. HP BASIC-UX system shipping Supplies Please check with your local HP sales BASIC 5.13 now shipping 13 Supplies ofice. HP Pascal Language Processor products to HP DIRECT order phone numbers become obsolete Hewlett-Packard does not warrant the 4 HP1000 accuracy of the information provided in Announcing 5.1 release for HP 1000 HP Channels and shall not be liable Personal Computers for any use made of the information 6 General contained herein. Information provided Introducing the HP Intelligent Graphics 14 Software Packages Available and Wanted in HP Channels is subject to change Controller without notice. Introducing the HP 20-inch Color Display On the cover

On the Cover The new HP Vectra QS/20 PC packs the power of a 20-MHz, 80386 proces- sor in a compact desktop package. Ideal for complex business applications and CAD, the HP Vectra QS/20 PC has the power to speed through sophisticated PC solutions. See article on page 9 for more details.

HP CN,~,VNE~-.S April 1989

HP Computer Museum

For research and education purposes only. The HP NewWave environment -your winning strategy for 1989

Hewlett-Packard set an objective to Ouickly responding to your changing "The HP NewWave Environment assure the success of HP NewWave soft- development needs requires that we for Software Developers - Leverage ware developers in 1989. We know that first understand your HP NewWave the Opportunities" brochure, PIN delivering solutions to your customers application development plans. If 5959-8205, is a colorful four-page is a very con~plexand difficult process. you have purchased an HP NewWave high-level overview that describes the 1)eveloper Kit, you will soon receive benefits of developing HP NewWave To meet this challenge, we are commit- a survey asking questions about your applications and how you can leverage ted to providing you with the very best unique product development needs. By the highly advanced capabilities of the development software. technical sup- providing us with this information, we HP NewWave environment into your port, and training for your development can create new programs that help mar- own applications. projects. We believe that engineering ket your applications, and also enhance "The HP NewWave Environment - filture versions of the HP NewWave excellence. satisfying developer needs, The Software Developers' Opportu- environment to keep your HP NewWave and forming strong business partner- nity,'' videotape, PIN S-1071, is an applications at the leading edge of ships with the software development exciting 20-minute videotape that technology. community are key ingredients that will quickly provides a understand- enable you to leapfrog competition in ing of the benefits of developing 7b help you better understand the capa- the coming year. HP NewWave applications. bilities and benefits of HP NewWave Developer Products, we offer three new Contact your HP representative for marketing communications products. more information on the HP NewWave environment or for copies of the liter- The "HP NewWave Environment ature and videotape mentioned above. General Information Manual for Soft- I ware Developers," PIN 5954-9517, 1 I is a comprehensive manual that presents a technical overview of the HP NewWave environment. Written from the perspective of a software developer, this document describes the process and benefits of developing. - the HP NewWave applications.

APRIL 1989 HP Chatrnrls Generul Cornpaq DeskPro 386120* Procmon/V and Compaq Portable 386 Transform/V Compaq DeskPro 386125 1 Special discounts on obsolescence Compaq DeskPro 3861s Compaq DeskPro 286*

On November 1, 1989, ProcmonIV and Note: Expanded memory cards must TransformIV will be removed from the meet the LIM 3.2 specification. The HP Price List and will begin the five- AST Rampage AT EMS card was year obsolescence cycle. Software installed during testing. Other EMS 1 and HP AUBASE support for both products will remain cards may work. For StarLAN net- available until November 1994. During works, the most current revision November 1989 through November (60003) is recommended. Significant discounts are available 1994, these products will be available to users who previously purchased on the master installation tapes (MIT). Key features HP VisorIV and now wish to move up to HP ALLBASEIQUERY (HP's new Now is a good time for you to review Transparent disk and file sharing query management facility). Discounts your present and future business needs ' Transparent printer and plotter can also be obtained if you or your to select a software development and sharing and spooling customers purchase the HP ALLBASEI maintenance methodology that is com- PC application support and integrated 4GL Relational Environment Bundle. patible with your future growth plans. solutions such as HP ACCESS, HP offers a broad range of fourth- AdvanceMail, and Business System If some of your customers previously generation software development tools Plus purchased HP VisorIV and now intend for you to consider. to upgrade to HP ALLBASEIQUERY ' Use with both HP 3000 and HP PC on MPE XL, then please advise them servers that they can obtain a full rebate of the original purchase price for HP VisorIV. NetBIOS support for selected Any items that have been created and applications saved with HP Visor are fully compati- Terminal access and file transfer from ble with HP ALLBASEIQUERY. It is family now supports PC to HP 3000, HP 9000 Series 300 planned that HP VisorIV (PIN 32425) and 800, HP 1000, and DEC VAX will be matured beginning May 1, 1989. Compaq PCs hosts. The support life of HP VisorIV is five years. HP's OfficeShare family of network software products now includes support *HP SERIAL rloc ~upportrdto HP 3000 1 Discounts are also available to cus- for selected models of Compaq per- tomers who purchase HP ALLBASEI sonal computers as user . 4GL, HP ALLBASEIQUERY, and Compaq PC users can access HP ALLBASE for their HP 9000 OfficeShare user services by running Series 800 system. These products Rev ision B.OO.OX. make up the HP ALLBASE Relational Environment bundle - a close-knit Supported Compaq PCs family of products centered around the HP ALLBASEISQL part of the HP ' Compaq Portable I1 ALLBASE DBMS. The HP ALLBASE ' Compaq Portable I11 Relational Environment bundle is priced about 15% less then the total for Compaq DeskPro 386/16* the three independent products.

To secure these discounts, please con- tact your HP representative.

HP CHANNELS E April 1989 General BASIC 5.13 now shipping

We have recently discovered defects in HP BASIC-IJX (also known as Rocky Other HP-UX benefits, such as high- BASIC that we are repairing and are Mountain BASIC on HP-UX) is now resolution graphics, floating-point planning a new BASIC 5.13 release. All shipping. HP BASIC-UX provides the accelerator, databases, "full" VME users on support services will receive a user with a multitasking, networked, support, and DOS software, will now copy of BASIC 5.13. HP has committed windowed Rocky Mountain BASIC tle available to the Rocky Mountain to shipping BASIC 5.13 updates to users . HP BASIC-UX provides IlASIC user under HP-UX. in May 1989. the existing functionality of HP BASIC on top of HP-UX. In addition, the HP-UX diskless work- All users who have 68030-based prod- station will satisfy many of the con- ucts (that is, HP 9000 Models 370, 360, HP BASIC-IJX is positioned as the cerns that HP BASIC users have had. 340, and 332) require the 5.13 version high-end offering in the Rocky Some of the benefits of the diskless of BASIC to run properly. Mountain BASIC product family. workstation include centralized system HP BASIC-UX also provides current administration and security, lower cost. Here are descriptions of five of the HP BASIC users with a migration path simplified system booting and opera- defects : from their existing HP 9000 Series 300 tions over LAN, global clock synchro- systems to future hardware and software r ization for all workstations tied to a ' In some cases, BASIC 5.11 does not products offcred by HP. single server, and protection against work properly with 68030-based harsh environments. hardware when run with compiled The existing HP BASIC environment is code. BASIC 5.11 sets up the 68030 maintained while offering the followir~g HP BASIC-UX is LOADISTORE com- internal data cache in a way that could additional benefits of the HP-UX oper- ~'atiblewith all HP BASIC (Version 5.1 cause code produced by the BASIC ating system: and later) statements. Users will also be to fail. The failure occurs able to edit any existing HP BASIC when BASIC 5.11 is run on a 68030- 1 ' X Windows program with the editor, which is based SPU with compiled code. The failure can show up as incorrect ' Multitasking capabilities (the ability the same familiar editor on the tIP BASIC-WS. results (with no error indication), to run multiple HP BASIC-UX SYSTEM ERRORS, or deadlocked processes in windows) tIP BASIC-UX is not a replace- systems. This defect was fixed in ' All HP-UX 6.2 networking (for exam- ment product for HP BASIC-WS or BASIC 5.12. ple, Remote File Access, ARPAI FIP BASIC-DOS, but is rather an addi- TRANSFER to an LIF disk with Berkeley, Network File System, and tion to the HP BASIC product family. 1024-byte sectors does not write the SNA and 1)EC VMS network access HP BASIC-DOS remains the lowest- correct data to the disk. The first 768 via gateways) cost offering for the DOS marketplace. bytes in a sector do not get the correct ' Access to HP-UX commands by way HP BASIC-WS is the high-performance data and will retain the data that was of a command-line escape from leader that our current users know and there before the TRANSFER. The HP BASIC-UX appreciate. HP BASIC-UX is the high- last 256 bytes of each sector are end offering that provides HP BASIC updated with the transfer data. HFS Extended (:SUB capability to allow ' with all the features of HP-UX, while disks with 1024-byte sectors and LIF programmatic access to HP-UX sill providing the existing HP BASIC disks with 256-byte sectors are not libraries, C, and FORTRAN environment. affected by this defect. programs When a continuous TRANSFER is Generirl HP 1OOO used to copy a file from an LIF disk Announcing 5.1 to an HFS disk, data can be written to HP Pascal Language the wrong place on an HFS disk. The Processor products to release for HP 1000 data is written beginning at sector 3. This usually results in writing over become obsolete the boot area, making it impossible to Hewlett-Packard is committed to the boot from the disk. If the file being continued support and service of Hewlett-Packard is planning to remove copied is large enough, the super- HP 1000 users and the real-time open two HP Pascal Language Processor block can also be overwritten. systems market. HP Data Systems products from the HP Price List as Operation is the business entity Executing a SYSBOOT from BASIC of November 1, 1989. recently created to focus on HP 1000 5.12 to an HP-UX system on a customers and their continued relation- 68030-based machine will cause The products entering support life on ship with HP. HP-UX 6.2 to fail. November 1 are listed below: Executing INITIALIZE ":700;1" To meet these commitments, there will . 1 initializes ":700." This could cause I Product No. Descri~tion be ongoing investment in the HP 1000 product line. Included in this invest- the hard disk at address 700 to be / 82310A HP Pascal Language Processor initialized rather than the flexible disk (512 Kbytes; includes 82311A ment are the valuable benefits found at address 700,l. I software) in HP's latest software Release 5.1. 82311A HP Pascal Language Software- This release addresses 300 customer- Only option (includes software Other defects repaired are of a more initiated requests and includes enhance- minor nature. All users who have pur- ments that improve HP 1000 users' chased BASIC support services will productivity. Descriptions of a few automatically receive the updated ver- The scheduled dates for support life for enhancements follow and a list of sion. If you are not on support services, these products are as follows: affected products are shown in we strongly recommend the purchase the table at the end of this article. of support for BASIC, since this is the / support process Date 1 most-efficient and least-expensive way Removal from HP November 1, 1989 .New comnland stack - This aids in to get updated to the latest revisions. Price List the recall and modification of previ- Support services can be purchased by Final orders accepted November 30, 1989 ously entered commands with as few ordering 98616+TXX for Account Through November I, keystrokes as possible. For instance, Management Support, 98616+HXX Suppon life 1994 the new command stack works harder for Response Center Support, and by locating text strings in commands, 98616+SXX for Software Materials HP does not plan to remove the 82312A executing multiple command lines as Service (XX = the media option). HP Pascal Language Processor with a group, and offering a greater num- right-to-execute for application software ber of editing functions. CI, Edit, If you have concerns relating to the end users. This product is useful for Symbolic Debug, and FST all use the update, call your HP representative to HP BASIC users, as well; therefore. it new command stack, presenting a discuss the specifics of the situation. will remain on the price list. common user interface. The library routines to implement the new com- Contact your HP representative if mand stack are documented, so it can you have any questions about this be added to existing user software. obsolescence.

HP CHANNELS h April 1989 EnhancedJile utilities - There have " Faster program access with less disk In addition to the library and utility been significant enhancements to 1/0 available on RTE-A - For per- enhancements mentioned above, the utilities that examine the system and formance buffs, HP has added the CM breakmode command processor associated files more flexibly. The RTE-6lVM program cloner, IDDUP, has been added to RTE-6lVM. Previ- file-viewing utility, LI, now allows to RTE-A. This allows the quick ously, this had only been available on searching for regular expression creation of copies of processes by RTE-A. patterns in files, skipping forward1 reducing the number of disk accesses backward in the text, and much more. necessary to create the copy. This Many of the 5.1 prerelease users The system status utilities. WH and feature should be used for any pro- appreciate the new features and refuse 10, have been enhanced to help moni- grams for which several copies are to go back to anything older. This HP tor processes. run (for example, EDIT, CI, LINK, release began shipments to users in and DEBUG). March 1989. As is always the case, Improved data handling - 5.1 also once the 5.1 release ships, the 5.0 incorporates a number of data- " New peripheral support - New release will no longer be available. handling improvements. The file peripherals will be supported on comparison utility, SCOM, is now RTE-A and RTE-6lVM at the 5.1 Products affected by PC0 5.1 three to four times faster and com- release. pares binary as well as text files. " Other enhancements - For program- Product No. Description SCOM can also create a transfer file mers. HP has added library routines 92077A RTE-A to be used by EDIT11000 that will to perform regular expression pattern convert the first file to the second. 92078A RTEAIVC + matching and exchanging. New file 92068A RTE-IVB EDIT11000 includes a new command management routines can control the 92084A RTE-6IVM that will "fill" paragraphs like a word pagination of the program's terminal 92071A RTE-XL processor. For example, it will even output. "fill" text inside of a box or on just 24398B RTE-AIL Peripheral Diagnostics a portion of the page. allowing users Installation is now easier. HP has to "fill" their comments in source 91747A DatasharellOOO added options to both installation code. EDIT11000 now supports wider- 91750A DSIIOOO-IV command files RTEAl and VCl to 94250B Forms11000 screen terminals and uses the new transfer automatically to RTEA2 and 92836A FTN7X command stack. VC2, respectively, and update library, 92069A IMAGEIIOOO Enhanced disk space utilizarion - For catalog, and help directories. Thus, a 92081A IMAGEl1000-I1 system managers, and others as well, complete RTE-A update can be another new utility was created that accomplished with fewer transfer 91782A MRJEIIOOO packs disk files with far greater files. 91790A NSll000 efficiency than the existing FPACK 24612A Offline Diagnostics utility, providing greater utilization For systems running RTE-6lVM, 92833A Pascal11000 of precious disk space. This utility, 5.1 introduces serial drivers that 92561A Migration Evaluation Kit MPACK, has two modes of packing. support the D-revision MUX firm- 91782A Rl Ell000 It can compact files. elminating ware. The C-revision MUX firmware 92860A Symbolic Debug extents and unused file space, or it will still be available. The D-revision 91751A X.2511000 can indicate where wasted space is MUX firmware can be ordered as an located. Second, it can pack a CI disk option to the l2792C product. volume and guarantee a contiguous free space of 99 percent of the total free space.

APRIL 1989 I HP C/i[rrrriel.s 3 the noninterlaced 1024 x 768 reso- lution and the performance that is needed for demanding 2D graphics applications. It also provides 16 colors from a palette of 4,096. The I Introducing the HP Intelligent Graphics controller comes with 896 Kbytes of on-board memory. A portion of the 1 Controller dynamic RAM (512 Kbytes) is avail- able for other uses, such as storing On March 1, 1989, Hewlett-Packard Graphics Controller provides support program code for direct execution by announced its entry into the high- for a wide variety of applications the TMS34010. The user can expand resolution PC graphics card market including AutoCAD, VersaCAD, this to a total of 2 Mbytes (using with the introduction of the HP Intelli- Personal Designer, Micro Cadam HP 82303A 512-Kbyte RAM gent Graphics Controller (PIN 82328A). Cornerstone, DataCAD, P-CAD, Con- expansion kit). This product is the first member in a ception 3D, GBG, and Word Perfect. family of high-resolution graphics Support for MS Windowsl286, GEM, Ordering information cards. and GSS CGI provides access to over 200 other applications. I Product No. Description 1 A key component of HP's 1989 82328A HP Intelligent Graphics The optional Emulation Module pro- 1 PC CAD program, the HP Intelligent Controller vides compatibility with over 5,000 I Graphics Controller gives PC and 82329A Emulation Module EGA applications. This module fea- PC-AT compatible users the resolution tures "daughterboard" construction - and performance necessary to run it is built onto the controller card so Literature PC CAD and other graphics-intensive the entire set requires only one slot. applications. Coupled with compatible This product meets the needs of users / Lit No. Description monitors such as HP Color Displays, - who do not already own a standard HP High-Resolution Color Monitors, 5952-6356 Data sheet PC video interface, or users who or other industry-standard monitors, 5952-6357 Software guide prefer to use a single monitor for the HP Intelligent Graphics Controller 5952-6358 Performance brief their standard and high-resolution allows an extensive array of software applications. packages to be displayed at 1024 by 768 Microsoj is a U.S. registered rradenlark of noninterlaced resolution in 16 colors. Industg-standard hardware compati- Microsofi Corporation. An optional Emulation Module (PIN bility - The HP Intelligent Graphics 82329A) provides EGA compatibility Controller was designed with config- for those applications that do not utilize uration flexibility in mind. PC and the high-resolution mode. PC-AT bus personal computers as well as monitors from HP, Hitachi, Product features NEC, and Mitsubishi can be used to create the PC CAD system that best Based on the meets the user's needs. TMS34010 graphics system processor, the controller provides high-speed vec- Optimized for high-performance tor, polygon, and circle generation and 20 graphics - The HP Intelligent offers the following features: Graphics Controller provides PC and PC-AT bus personal computers with

Extensive sofrware compatibilitj - The comprehensive set of software drivers available for the HP Intelligent offers user control of the display's viewing angle, which allows adjust- Introducing the HP 20-inch Color Display ments for room lighting.

Product features Multiscanning (multiple resolution) capability ranging from 640 x 480 (VGA) through 1280 x 1024 (30-64 kHz) Analog display with RGB interface Superior display performance

- Dynamic Focus Control for improved corner focus

- Excellent brightness and contrast control for vivid colors

- Front panel controls and power onloff for easy access Automatic synchronization - display automatically senses and synchronizes on one of the four most popular res- olutions preprogrammed into the digital, microprocessor-controlled memory (additional settings easily added). Digital controls - provide repeatabil- ity and accuracy of adjustments

Ordering information

Product No. Description Bring CAD, DTP, and window environ- focused characters and images, and ments to life with HP's new 20-inch xisp, straight lines that frame the D1189A Tilt and swivel base for high-resolution color display (PIN image. The color display, along HP 20-inch Color Display DllUA). The HP 20-inch Color Dis- with HP's new Intelligent Graphics play offers a price-competitive high- Controller (PIN 82328A), provide resolution display with superior display HP Vectra PC and other PC-AT com- performance to users who need large 3atible users with a high-quality screen andlor high resolution. 1024 X 768 resolution video solution.

Compare the HP 20-inch Color Display .Also available is a custom-fit tilt to any other high-resolution display. and swivel base (PIN D1189A) for the Few competitors can match the vivid .HP 20-inch Color Display. This base colors and brightness, the sharp I Discontinuance announcement for HP Portable I I Vectra CS PC

I Beginning January 1, 1989, a price Products to be discontinued Description Discontinuance Date 1 decrease was made on limited quanti- ties of HP Portable Vectra CS PC units DlOOlA (Model 10) HP Portable Vectra CS PC May 1, 1989 (Models 10 and 20). Quantities of U.S. Options ABA, ABB, ABD, dual flexible disk drives ABE, ABF. ABG, ABK, English versions are no longer avail- ABN. ABP, ABQ, ABR, able, however, there are still limited ABS. ABU, ABY. ABZ, quantities of foreign language versions. ACC. ACD, ACE D1009A (Model 20) HP Portable Vectra CS PC May 1. 1989 The sales of the HP Portable Vectra Options ABA, ABB, ABD, 20-Mby te hard disk drive CS PC have been in steady decline due ABE, ABF, ABG, ABK, version to the technological advances that have ABN. ABP, ABQ, ABR, progressed well beyond the 7.16-MHz, ABS. ABU, ABY, ABZ, 80C86-compatible PC Portable Vectra ACC, ACD. ACE CS PC. Consequently, the HP Portable Dl002A 1200-baud modem May 1. 1989 Vectra CS PC and many of its acces- D1003A 2400-baud modem July 1. 1989 sories will be discontinued on May 1, D1004A Dual serial card May 1. 1989 1989. All of the remaining accessories D1004A Dual serial card with 1 Mbyte May 1, 1989 will be discontinued on July 1, 1989. Opt. 001 EMS D1004A Dual serial card with 2 Mbytes July 1, 1989 Our strategy is to migrate our current Opt. 002 EMS users to the HP Vectra LSl12 laptop PC. D1006A Technical reference manual May 1, 1989 Users who migrate will realize immedi- D 1007A Softcase May 1, 1989 ate benefits in pricelperformance of D1008A I-Mbyte EMS kit July 1, 1989 this product. D1001-60009BT Replacement battery pack May 1, 1989 The HP Portable Vectra CS PC will 5061-4335 Battery charger May 1, 1989 enter into a five-year support life to begin on May 1, 1989.

HP CHANNELS April 1989 I I Desk/op The use of surface-mount and VLSI technology saves space and promotes Introducing a desktop star: the HP Vectra reliability. QS/20 PC A dual-bus architecture provides a dedicated 20-MHz 32-bit path for fast memory access and an industry- standard (ISA) bus for 110. Single In-Line Memory Modules (SIMMS) allow full system memory expansion up to 16 Mbytes without taking up an I10 slot. The Intel 80387 math coprocessor running at 20 MHz is supported for calculation-intensive applications. Disk caching provides superior performance for disk-intensive applications. Lotus/Intel/Microsoftm Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS) 4.0 enables MS-DOSm applications written for LIM EMS to broaden the capability of installed memory. Terminal emulation offers easy connectivity to HP 3000 and other computer systems.

Tested compatibility The HP Vectra QSl20 PC has been thoroughly tested for compatibility to allow the use of any of the thousands of The most powerful desktop member applications. The HP Vectra QSl20 PC applications and accessory cards cur- of the HP Vectra PC family -- the with its 20-MHz 80386 processor has rently available for the IBM PCIAT HP Vectra QSl20 PC - is now avail- the power to speed through today's and industry-standard architecture. Operat- able. This outstanding computer tomorrow's sophisticated personal com- ing systems that are fully compatible combines the electronics of the award- puter solutions. include MS-DOS 3.3, SCO XENIX, winning HP Vectra RSl20 PC (PC OS12 1.0 Version A, and magazine, June 28, 1988, "Eclitor's Advanced technology Microsoft Windowsl386. HP's commit- choice") with the HP Vectra PC desk- Both the hardware and the system soft- ment to industry standards ensures a top package. Combining HP's recog- ware reflect the HP Vectra QSl20 PC's smooth growth path into the future for nized reliability and expandability, the use of state-of-the-art technology. customers, thus protecting their initial HP Vectra QSl20 PC will be sure to investments. satisfy the needs of the most demanding High-speed 108- and 152-Mbyte ESDI users. hard disk subsystems with less than Solution platforms 17 millisecond seek times have been The new HI' Vectra QSl20 PC is ideal The HP Vectra QSl20 PC is par- developed for the HP Vectra QSl20 ticularly well suited for complex for complex business applications such PC to provide superior performance as large spreadsheets, databases or applications in the office, large-scale and reliability (available second business applications, and CADICAE presentation graphics, for desktop pub- calendar quarter 1989). lishing, and for entry-level CADICAE environments. Po,tsc.r oflc.c~u.scJr.s - With its large workstation for handling large memory capacity and built-in sup- spreadsheets and for quickly port for LIM EMS 4.0 expanded I manipulating huge databases. 1 memory, the HP Vectra QSI20 PC is Muss Slorugc CAD/CAE applications - When com- a superb platform for MS Windows, bined with an HP plotter and HP HP 7907A disk drive MS Excel, and all the feature-rich graphics tablet, the HP Vectra QSI20 MS Windows-compatible applica- PC becomes a very price-competitive discontinuance plans tions. The HP NewWave environment top performer and significantly boosts will perform well on this machine. the productivity of small engineering When coupled with the HP SeanJet enterprises. Hewlett-Packard reminds you once scanner and HP LaserJet Series I1 again of the discontinuance plans printer, the HP Vectra QSl20 PC Ordering information for the HP 7907A (20-Mbyte fixed1 provides the engine for a high- 20-Mbyte removable) disk drive. throughput desktop publishing All HP Vectra QSI20 PCs come stan- solution. dard with 1 Mbyte of user memory, a This product will be removed from the flexible disk controller, an ESDI or HP Price List on December 1, 1989. Business applications - With its ST-506 hard disk controller, a serial 20-MHz 80386 processor, memory Users with special concerns regarding port, and a parallel port. All systems extension up to 16 Mbytes, and high- this discontinuance should contact their include a keyboard and an HP Vectra HP representative. capacity, high-speed half-height QS PC kit. A language option must be drives in a small package, the specified when ordering. HP Vectra QSI20 PC is the ideal h1(1\ 9oru~r Flexible Hard disk Hard disk HP 91230 Product No. Model disk size (Mbytes) controller adapter D1420A 10e 5%-inch none ESDI none discontinuance D142iA 15e 3%-inch none ESDI none D1422A 46 5 %-inch 40 ST-506 VGA Hewlett-Packard is announcing the D1424A 47 3 %-inch 40 ST-506 VGA discontinuance of the HP 9123D. The D1425A* lOOe 5 %-inch 108 ESDI none HP 9123D is a dual 3I/~-inchdouble- sided floppy drive for the HP 1501 *A~lailablesrcorld calendar quarter 1989 Lorus is a US. regisrered rrclclemark of L)rrts Touchscreen I1 PC. The discontinuance De),elopnlenr Corporcrrion. Micro.c-($8 arlrl of the HP Touchscreen I1 PC is sched- Accessories related to HP Vectra MS-DOSmare US. regisrered rrudemc~rksof uled for May 1989. The HP 9123D, Microsoj Corporurion. QS120 PC used only with the HP Touchscreen I1 PC. will be discontinued at approxi- Product No. Description mately the same time. -- D16.10A I-Mbyte, 80-ns memory upgrade kit We recognize that this notice is shorter D1642A 4-Mbyte, 80-11s memory than we like to give our users. Contact upgrade kit your HP representative if you have any D1440A Memory expansion adapter particular concerns about the discon- D1670A Intel 80387 coprocessor tinuance of this product. D1445A* 108-Mbyte ESDI hard disk drive D 1446A* 152-Mbyte ESDI hard d~sk drive

*Availablesecond calendar quarter 1989 V<,~ll,llL\ under the paper bail to provide an extra probably purchase the ProCollection inch of printing space. Because the film font cartridge. But remember, users ADCC Main to be leader is actually a separate piece, it who need more specialized fonts for removed from the provides a clear "top-of-form" indicator technical word processing, math and during loading and then removes easily scientific applications. bar codes, 1 HP Price List after printing. presentations, business forms or some other specific areas should look at We have also reduced the width of the cartridges designed for these The asynchronous data comnlunications A-size film from 8.5 to 8.4 inches to applications. controller ( ADCC Main), PIN 30018A, facilitate easier loading and alignment. will be removed from the May I HP Now film can be fed into the HP PaintJet Users should also determine what soft- Price List. 'The ADCC has been used to printer without having to adjust the ware packages they will be using. Users interface with local and remote point- right sprocket wheel. may need to contact the software ven- to-point display terminals. printing dors listed at the end of this article tcrniinals, and character printers to the The new HP Paintlet color graphics to obtain the software update with a HP 3000 St:ries 52 and 58. printer transparency film can be printer driver for the ProCollection car- ordered by calling HP DIRECT. tridge. If your software does not yet Sales of the ADCC Main have been Specify PIN 516304 for A-size film support the ProCollection cartridge, restricted to new HP 3000 Series 52 and PIN 51630s for A4-size film. See your HP representative can recommend and 58 systt:ms since March 1. 1988. the HP DIRECI phone ordering num- a similar HP font cartridge that is sup- Only one ADCC Main, used for con- bers after this section. ported by your software. HP does not sole support. could be purchased per recommend the user attempt to use the new system. HP Series 52 and 58 an: ProCollection cartridge with the drivers the last systems on the price list to SLIP- Prtnrers for the older cartridges. The user may port the ADCC Main. 'These system!; be unsatisfied with the results of using were removed from the price list on Does the the wrong driver. March 1, 1989. and so the ADCC. along with the ADCC cable. PIN ProCollection font Repeat font cartridge users 30021C. will also be removed. cartridge replace other Some users may want to replace an older cartridge, such as the 92286B .font cartridges? cartridge, with the more versatile ProCollection cartridge. 'This will work New HP PaintJet On February 1, 1989, Hewlett-Packard as long as users update their software to introduced the ProCollection font car- support the ProCollection fonts. How- printer transparency tridge. This new cartridge contains a ever, some documents formatted and variety of fonts that are also offered in printed with an older cartridge may xher HP LaserJet printer font car- look quite different when printed with tridges. The question has resulted, ProCollection fonts. Thus, users will On April 1, 1989, HP introduced a new "When should I buy the ProCollection need to keep the older cartridge for HP PaintJet color graphics printer Font cartridge?" printing existing documents, and use transparency film. Our new film is the ProCollection cartridge for printing designed to provide full-page printing, Yew font cartridge users new documents. trouble-free image centering, and easier c.oiltitllrcd oti tiert ptrgr alignment. Users who are buying their first HP LaserJet printer font cartridge and HP accomplished this by adding a one- ,~eedfonts for general word processing inch "leader" of film and backing sheet and spreadsheet applications should to our standard film. This leader fits up ProCollection font cartridge software support

Support Driver available Vendor Fackage expected for existing users Comments - Aldus PageMaker TBD TBD Dependent on Windows driver Ashton-Tate March 1989 Call Ashton-Tate Customer Assist at 203-247-3445 Borland Quattro February 1989 Call Borland Customer Assist at 543-7543 Computer SuperCalc 5 April 1989 Call Computer Associates Associates at 408-432-1764 IBM DisplayWrite family TBD TBD for DOS DisplayWrite family TBD TBD for OSl2 Indigo JetForm February 1989 Call Indigo Customer Assist at 267-9976 Insight Lasercontrol March 1989 Call LaserControl Customer A utility that can aid in using Development Assist at 415-626-9558 ProCollection fonts in other applications MacPrint February 1989 Call MacPrint Customer Assist at 415-376-9451 Lifetree Volkswriter March 1989 Call Lifetree Customer Assist Software at 408-373-4904 Total Word March 1989 Call Lifetree Customer Assist at 408-373-4904 Lotus 1-2-3 Rel. 2.01 NIA 1-2-3 does not support fonts directly, though they can be accessed through setup strings Manuscript TBD TBD MicroLogic Laser Menu February 1989 Call MicroLogic Customer Software Assist at 415-652-5464 MicroPro WordStar February 1989 Call MicroPro Customer Assist International at 669-1250 5.0 TBD TBD This applies for all Windows applications Windows 286 TBD TB D dependent on Windows support Windows 386 TBD TBD Excel TBD TBD Polaris Font Control February 1989 Call Polaris Customer Assist Software at 619-743-7800 Samna Samna Word March 1989 Call Samna Customer Assist at 404-256-2272 Sy mantec Q&A Family February 1989 Call Q&A Write Customer Software Assist at 408-252-5700 Grandview March 1989 Call Grandview Customer Assist at 408-964-6200 Xyquest Xywrite 111 February 1989 Call Xyquest Customer Assist at 617-671-0888 WordPerfect Wordperfect 5.0 February 1989 Call WordPerfect Customer There may be a small charge for the and 4.2 Assist at 800-541-5097 upgrade

HP CHANNELS April 1989 1 1 1 HP DIRECT order phone numbers

HP DIRECT Fast Phones-the easy, direct way for users to order supplies, accessories, media, furni- ture, and software from HP DIRECT.

Location Telephone Nuimber Australia (03) 895-2645 (03) 895-2615 (03) 895-2815 (03) 895-2861 (03) 895-2619 (800) 339-861 (toll-free) Austria (0222) 2500-6 1416151616 Belgium/Luxembourg (02) 761 31 11 Canada 800-387-3154 Toronto Local 416-671-8383 Denmark (043) 01 640 Finland (90) 887 2361 France (1) 69 86 17 25 Greece (01) 672 6090 Italy (02) 9236 970? Japan Osaka Sagamihara Middle EastIAfrica, Geneva Norway South Africa Johannesburg Cape Town Spain

Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands United Kingdom United States West Germany

APRIL 1989 HP C'lrurlrrrL Software Packages Available Typical ISlS applications include a manufacturing company that is using ISIS on the factory floor, as part of a VLSl fabrication sys- tem. a signal processing firm that is using ISIS in pan of a world- and Wanted wide system for collection and analysis of seismic signals, and a stock brokerage firm that is using lSlS as pan of its on-line trading systems. More than 170 copies of lSlS have now been distributed If you have a software package available for cross- worldwide. licensing, or are looking for a package to cross license, ISIS was developed and is presently supported by the ISIS Project this section will help you. Your entry will appear for two in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. The months; the most recent additions are shaded. To list your system itself is publically available at no fee. Address; Upson Hall company in the Cross-Licensing Classifieds (at no charge), Cornell University see the address at the end of this section. ISIS Project (Attn: M. Schimizzi) Department of Computer Science Ithaca. NY 14853 Software Packages Available U.S.A. Phone: 607-255-91 98 Industry: Cross Indusrrj-HP 9000 nerwork users E-mail: [email protected] Absrrarr: ISIS is a toolkit for constructing distributed programs Conracr Person: Margaret Schimizzi under HP-UX and other versions of UNIX systems. lSlS provides a wide range of mechanisms for problems that include manage- Support: Although the ISIS Research group is supporting ISIS to ment of replicated in-core or disk data structures, distributing a the extent that it can, it is also possible to obtain support computational task over a set of programs, synchronization of contracts and additional consulting services on a fee access to shared resources, fault-tolerance, automated restart after basis from a company affiliated with the group. failures, integration of a recovered component into an online sys- Address: ISIS Distributed Systems, Inc. tem, and dynamic reconfiguration to adapt to changing loads. Dr. Kenneth P Birman, President failures, or other application-spec~ficevents. 501 Salem Drive ISIS is unusual because it suppons a vinually synchronous style Ithaca. NY 14850 of execution and includes process grouping and group communi- U.S.A. cation mechanisms. These help in structuring distributed computa- Phone; 607-255-9199 tions and simplify the implementation of distributed algorithms. As a result, ISIS is a system in which can rapidly E-mail: [email protected] build fault-tolerant distributed software with no special training. ISIS is also highly interoperable and will support networks containing a wide variety of vendor hardware and versions of the UNIX system. including the HP 9000 Series 300 and 800 machines running HP-UX. Byte swapping and other data format conversions are performed automatically and there is a minimum of distributed "connection establishment" mechanism to deal with. Although ISIS is currently used only within C programs, during the first quarter of 1989 interfaces to FORTRAN 77 and Common lisp will be released. A single application can combine software written in any of these languages and running on any combination of these machines.

HP C'HANN~./.S Aprrl 1989 Industry: Rerail Auton~aticcalculation of change due after amount tendered is entered Ahsrrucr: Crowe. Chizek and Company, a midwest pul~licaccounting Printing of a sales slip that includes: firm, is releasing its point-of-sale (POS) soflware package. This POS package provides the ability to combine the MCBA Dstribution System - Company name and address with a po~nt-(+sale operation. This approach combines the ease of use - Time and date of sale and effic~encyof a POS terminal with the immediate integration and power of a multiuser distribution system. This combination is possible - Each line item without investing in expensive and specialized POS devices. - Item taxable flag Features - A "Thank You" message Accessible through the MCBA Customer Order Proces,ing module Ability to track POS transactions through MCBKs Sales History POS control file that designates by POS device: module - Valid POS payment methods (cash, credrt card, check) Ability to print on-demand reports of sales by cash drawer at any time during the day, including a breakdown of sales by payment type - Ability to specify if coupons are acceptable = Two days of training and installation services provided with the first - General Ledger account number specification for each payment type installation of the package at no extra cost - Running mtal of sales by each payment type (checc. credit Requirements: HP 3000 (any series) and one or more workstations. card, etc.) Each workstation consisting of an HP 700192 terminal, a receipt printer, a bar code reader, and a cash drawer. - Escape sequence for openlng ol cash drawer Cumulative sales total for cash drawer Company Name: Crowe, Chizek and Company On-line validation and updating of inventory Address: 55 Campau Avenue, N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Ability to read bar codes and UPC codes U.S.A. Interface to a cash drawer that IS opened from an HP 700192 terminal Phone: 616-774-0774 - Ability to add lnultiple screens of items with 15 line items per screen Conracr Person: Jack Andrzejak CDP Ability to review all items on a cash sale by scrolling forward and T\pe of Dis~rihutor Whnred: Open backward through multiple screens Geographic Coverage: United States Option to atid, change, and delete line iterns during cash sale processing - Ability to use MCBA's pricing str.ucture to calculate default pricing Default calculation of sales tax arnount for taxable ilems Industry: Cross Industp Commonly used searches can be stored Abstract: The Corporate Retriever (TCR) is a free text retrieval systenl Retrieved text can be stored or printed. developed by QCOM Pty. Ltd.. a long established Brisbane software company. Basically a horizontal market product. TCR is predon~inantlyused in the government. legal, research, and financial markets. The product is used to interrogate text databases, usually word-process~ng systems. In the HP environment, there is a direct interface to HP Word Versions are available for the HP 3000. UNIX. and MS-DOS equipment. documents and ASCII files. Documents can be indexed 'in situ' without among others. copying from their usual environment. Users in AustraliaINew Zealand include federal, state, and local govern- ments. major legal companies. and police forces; whereas. in the U.K., Using simple English commands: the 200-plus user base is primarily in the private sector - Reckitt and FIND (references to words, numbers, phrases. or combinations thereot) Coleman. Barclays and Midland Banks, Prudential Assurance. Price LIST (the document titles) Waterhouse, The Stock Exchange. The Bank of England. RTZ, etc. BROWSE (display any or all of the listed documents) An attractive distributor package is available to an organization prepared to invest some effort to get the product to market. Users require little more than two hours training to become proficient researchers of the database. Fully functional MS-DOS demonstration systems are available priced at U.S. $200 (cash with order). Documents can be structured into variable length sections - "Text Section Names," giving the product application in an endless number Compan~:QCOM Pty. Ltd of Ways. Address: 457 Upper Edward Street. User-defined names allow the researcher to search WITHIN a section, Brisbane Qld. 4000 for exan~ple: Australia FIND SHAKESPEARE WlTHlN AUTHOR Phone: 6 17-839-3544 Fur: 617-832-21 10 FIND COBOL WlTHIN SKILLS. Cor~tacr:Patrick F. Wood Wildcards are available, for example: Divisional Manager FIND L??D Type of Distributor Wutlted: Open Will find LOAD, LIED, LEAD, etc. Geographic Co\,erage: United Stiites FIND SHARE?*. Central Europe Will find 'SHARE' and all words longer. e.e.. Southeast Asla SHARES SHAREHOLDER SHAREBROKER, etc A phonetic search will find words that sound similar to the search term. AND. OR, EXCEPT, NEARBY, Boolean logic can be used in cornplex search patterns.

HP CHANNELS b April 1989 Industry: Manufacturing - pr(~grammablecontroller users Industry: Cross industry Abstract: MDT, Inc. is a software development firm specializing in Absrract: Operations Control Systems develops and markets an integrated UNIX system-based software for the support of programmable con- line of data center management software for the HP 3000. The product trollers. The ProDoc software family provides integrated PLC program line includes the following: development and documentation capabilities for Allen-Bradley con- OCS/EXPRESS - Mulriple-CPU batch job management system. trollers. Additional software packages provide for data transfer via data highway, ASCII dumps, tolfrom XL-2lXL-3. OCSIEXPRESS runs the data center 24 hours per day, controlling com- plex production schedules automatically and launching jobs in exactly Features the right sequence. OCSIEXPRESS includes fully integrated Tape Marketed since 1983, ProDoc provides an easy-to-learn menu and Library and Chargeback Modules. OCSIEXPRESS is the leading job command system. The same user interface is implemented for PLC-2, scheduler for the HP 3000. PLC-3, or PLC-5 packages. The integrated software provides for simul- OCS/LIBRARIAN - Multiple-CPUprogram library management and taneous program development and documentation. The ladder diagram version conrrol system. OCSILIBRARIAN manages source code with its associated documentation is displayed for development and libraries, controls changes to versions and releases, and automates file modification of logic, dual reference descriptions, and extensive com- movement from development to production. OCSILIBRARIAN has mentary in five different fields. recently been purchased by Hewlett-Packard for use within its data Work-reducing features include instantaneous display of current cross- centers worldwide. reference information; powerful search/replace/modify/copy/move/paste OCS/PRIVATE - Password management, access conrrol, and auromaric commands; quick display and modification of data-table values. A logoff sysrem. OCSIPRIVATE provides comprehensive control, yet unique program comparison feature compares two versions of a pro- retains the ease-of-use necessary for user acceptance. gram and prints or displays rungs containing differences. Company Name: Operations Control Systems ProDoc provides many reports including a fully-documented and cross- Address: 560 San Antonio Road referenced ladder listing; reference and cross-reference reports; various Palo Alto, CA 94305 data-table prints. U.S.A. Requirements Phone: 4 15-493-4 122 HP-UX on the HP 9000 Series 300 or 800; also available on other Fax: 415-493-3393 UNIX system-based computers. Conracr Person: Jonathan Rosenberg Company Name: MDT, Inc. Tjpe of Disrriburor Wanred: Open Address: P.O. Box 70757 Marietta, GA 30007-0757 Geographic Coverage: Worldwide U.S.A. Phone: 404-587-2653 Conracr Person: Lisa Ladd Myers Tjpe of Disrriburor Wanred: Experience with factory automation, and UNIX system software applications You can list your company in the Cross-Licensing Classifieds (either Software Packages Available or Software Packages Wanted) by sending the informa- tion in the format used here to:

Hewlett-Packard Company Value-Added Channels Development Attn: Marilyn Rauchle 19091 Pruneridge Ave. Building 46UV Cupertino, CA 95014 U.S.A.

Entries will run for two months. The most recent additions are shaded. Be sure to send the information in at least one month before you wish it to appear.

APRIL 1989 HP Chon~iels 3 1 April 1989

How to get your name added to the distribution for UP Channels If you work for a company that is a value-added business for Hewlett- Packard and want to receive a courtesy subscription to NP Channels, call Hewlett-Packard and have your sales rep add your name to the distribution list. HP sales rep only: To add new U.S . or Canadian accounts to the distribution for HP Channels, please fill out a copy of "The Data Kit for Value-Added Businesses," P/N 5954-9091D, and return it to the appropriate contact listed on the cover page of the data kit. To add additional contact names to existing accounts, use your VALID edit sheets. For accounts outside of the U.S. and Canada: contact Tracy Wester for the name of the person responsible for the distribution of HP Channels in your country. Please address editorial correspondence to Tracy Wester at address listed below.

Hewlett-Packard Company Tracy Wester, Editor Corporate Marketing Communications 3200 Hillview Avenue, Building 16L Palo Alto, CA 94304-1298 USA