Index to Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)
WESTERN AUSTRALIA __________ INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY __________ THIRTY-NINTH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION 11 April to 12 December 2013 __________ 62° ELIZABETH II __________ 2013 INDEX TO SUBJECTS – A – AAA CREDIT RATING see “Treasury and Finance” ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS Assembly Aboriginal arts centres, 7136, 7139 Aboriginal employment strategy 2011–2015, 2743–2744, 6356 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, 2984–2985, 3005 Aboriginal Lands Trust Noongar trust, 2974–2975 pastoral leases, 6801 cabinet subcommittee, ms., 82 Closing the Gap agreement, 1114, 1648, 1779, 5912; notice of motion, 1647; motion, 1818 department name change, 1257 Department of Aboriginal Affairs, artworks purchase, 7141 Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services, fortieth anniversary, s., 6891 Derby, short-stay accommodation, ms., 1761 Gordon inquiry, action plan, 3779–3780 John Pat, thirtieth anniversary of death — notice of motion, 4574; motion, 4654 Kununga Aboriginal Kindergarten, Hilton, p., 4154 Midgegooroo, execution anniversary, p., 948 Nglang Boodja Council Aboriginal Corporation, s., 5515 South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, native title claims, ms., 2605 suicides and baton of life, p., 5367 Taylor, Ben, AM, tribute, s., 1111 Council Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee, specialist anthropologist, 3330, 3512 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 amendments, 3818 sites assessment, 1567 Blue Hills, 5132 Burrup Peninsula, 695–696, 4134 Helena Aurora Range, 6137–6138 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd, 4136 Lake Yindarlgooda, 4137–4138
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