The Ascension of the Lord May 24, 2020

He was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. — Acts 1:9

Saint Catholic Community

Twin Peaks Chapel, 200 Hackett Ave, Travis AFB, CA  Office Hours M-F 0730-1630  Ph (707) 424-3217 Emergency Calls after hours & on weekends: Command Post (707) 424-5517

Pastoral Team Pastor: Fr Jeffrey Francis Henry Deacon: Rev. Mr. William Kieffer Wing Chaplain: Col Alan Chouest Email: [email protected] Web Page:

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Chapel Team Ministries Sacraments

Parish & Religious Education Sacristans Daily Mass (M-TH 1200-1230) Coordinator 9 AM Daniel Tatum, 707-628-2832 DGMC North Entrance First Floor Roger Olaes 707-631-0167 12 PM Mindy Elliott, 707-422-6221 Hospital Chapel (707) 423-3652 [email protected] Hours: M-TH 1000-1700 Lectors Sunday Mass Francis Jansen, [email protected] 0900 and 1200 Choir and Music Director Michelle Williams 707-344-1775 Servers The Sacrament of Reconciliation [email protected] Robert Stambaugh, 707-330-8124 Wednesdays 1630-1730 or by appointment Youth Ministry Leader Linen Ministry Mike Aliscad 859-496-2605 Maria Medina, 707-631-9413 Marriage and Baptism [email protected] Contact the Parish Coordinator Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Brian Sassaman, [email protected] TO DONATE Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC) Use the Chaplain Corps’ online Virginia Stambaugh, 937-422-9112 offerings. Go to: Knights of Columbus, St Michael Council hps:// Dominick Amadeo, 707-624-6414 Click on Travis AFB Spring Bible Study Join Zoom Meeting Tuesdays at 1000

Bible Study 26 May 20 Guide for Pentecost Sunday, 31 May

Which Pentecost? Compare the fol- lowing two accounts of the coming of the Holy Spirit from our first reading and our Gospel for 31 May.

Acts 2:1-4 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place 5. Look at Acts 8:14-17 and Acts 10:44- 5. Why does the Lord offer them together. And suddenly there came 48. You may need to look at the verses peace twice? from the sky a noise like a strong preceding them. What are the similarities/ 6. Why does he show them his hands driving wind, and it filled the entire differences between these passages and and his side? What is the obvious con- house in which they were. Then there those we have already read today? (Hint: clusion about the Lord (also consider- appeared to them tongues as of fire, look at Acts 1:8.) ing his unusual entrance into the which parted and came to rest on room)? How do we “see” the Lord’s each one of them. And they were all B. John’s Gospel hands and his side, the evidence of his filled with the Holy Spirit and began 1. What is the order of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection? Thomas did not see and to speak in different tongues, as the acts in today’s Gospel? Why this order? refused to believe until he “saw it with Spirit enabled them to proclaim. 2. What is the significance of Jesus his own eyes.” How does this relate to breathing on the disciples? Can you relate our faith? John 20:19-23 it in some way to the Chrism Mass that 7. How have you experienced Jesus On the evening of that first day of the happens before Holy Week? Can you Christ “breathing” on you? How have week, when the doors were locked, relate it to the Creation story? How could you experienced the Holy Spirit com- where the disciples were, for fear of this breath be an analogy for mouth-to- ing to you as on Pentecost? Was it the Jews, Jesus came and stood in mouth resuscitation? emotional, sacramental, etc.? their midst and said to them, “Peace 3. Jesus’ entrance is somewhat shocking. 8. The Holy Spirit has been looked be with you.” When he had said this, Why is this included? What are we learn- upon as the silent Person of the Trini- he showed them his hands and his ing about the resurrected body of Jesus ty. Why is this so? What is the Spirit’s side. The disciples rejoiced when they Christ? Consider Ephesians 4:10: The one “mission”? saw the Lord. Jesus said to them who descended is also the one who as- 9. What would you like the Holy Spirit again, “Peace be with you. As the Fa- cended far above all the heavens, that he to bring about in your life? What’s ther has sent me, so I send you.” And might fill all things. Does this have any keeping this from happening? when he had said this, he breathed on implications for our eternal future? How 10. What about the exceptional mani- them and said to them, “Receive the does it relate to bilocation among the festations of the Holy Spirit we have Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive ? seen or experienced in the Charis- are forgiven them, and whose sins 4. It says the doors were locked for fear matic revival? What are the strengths/ you retain are retained.” of the Jews. How does Jesus’ breathing on weaknesses of such movements? In them address this fear? What is this say- case he forgets, ask Fr Jeff to discuss A. Questions ing about the Holy Spirit? Check out this the Church of Corinth over the century 1. How are these two passages similar/ link: after I and II Corinthians was written. different? the-holy-spirit.html 2. What is the focus in the Acts account? The John account? 3. What is given as evidence of the Spirit being given in each account? 4. Why are there two different ac- counts? Venerable Pierre Toussaint’s Pierre originally was buried outside “PUSHED” OUT ON MISSION

Story St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, where There is a delightful character in he was once refused entrance be- Born in modern-day and the original Dr. Dolittle Tales called cause of his race. His sanctity and brought to as a slave, the “Pushmi-Pullyu.” It is a beast with the popular devotion to him caused Pierre died a free man, a renowned two identical halves, with a head at his body to be moved to the pre- hairdresser, and one of New York each end. No matter which direction sent location of St. Patrick’s Cathe- City’s most well-known Catholics. the beast walks, one end is the “push dral on Fifth Avenue. Plantation owner Pierre Bérard me” and the other is the “pull you.” made Toussaint a and Today’s feast is a bit like that in the allowed his grandmother to teach life of the church. In the book of the her grandson how to read and write. Acts of the Apostles, it is the ascen- In his early 20s, Pierre, his younger sion of Christ that calls for the Holy sister, his aunt, and two other house Spirit, which consequently sends or slaves accompanied their master’s “pushes” the church out on its mis- son to New York City because of sion. This is the message that we political unrest at home. Apprenticed hear from the angels today as they to a local hairdresser, Pierre learned tell the friends of Jesus not to look the trade quickly and eventually up into the clouds, but to get busy. It worked very successfully in the is the message of Jesus himself in homes of rich women in New York Matthew’s Gospel, as he sends them City. out to baptize. He also tells them, “I When his master died, Pierre was am with you always, until the end of Pierre Toussaint was declared determined to support himself, his the age” (Matthew 28:20). And it is Venerable in 1996. master’s widow, and the other house this message, confident in faith that slaves. He was freed shortly before Jesus has ascended to shouts of joy, Reflection the widow’s death in 1807. that “pulls” us along to our final des- Pierre was internally free long Four years later, he married Marie tiny. The life of the faithful , before he was legally free. Refusing Rose Juliette, whose freedom he had sent into the world on mission, will to become bitter, he daily chose to purchased. They later adopted Eu- one day know the same risen, as- cooperate with God’s grace, even- phémie, his orphaned niece. Both cended glory. tually becoming a compelling sign of preceded Pierre in death. He attend- God’s wildly generous love Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ed daily Mass at St. Peter’s Church on Barclay Street, the same parish AMS Family Faith that Elizabeth Ann Seton had Assessment attended. Pierre donated to various chari- SAINTS AND SPECIAL This is an online learning process to ties, generously assisting blacks and OBSERVANCES support Catholic military families as whites in need. He and his wife Sunday: The Ascension of the they grow in faith. The Assessment is opened their home to orphans and Lord; designed as a resource to engage educated them. The couple also World Communica- family catechesis at home to support nursed abandoned people who were tions Day what is being taught in religious edu- suffering from yellow fever. Urged to Monday: St. the Venera- cation at each grade level, K-8. Go retire and enjoy the wealth he had ble; St. Gregory VII; to: accumulated, Pierre responded, “I St. de’ hƩps:// have enough for myself, but if I stop Pazzi; travis working I have not enough for others” Memorial Day Need help with your password or Tuesday: St. Philip Neri user name? Contact Roger Olaes Wednesday: St. Augustine of [email protected] Canterbury; Shavuot (Jewish Expected Outcomes observance) begins at Parents and children will have fun sunset playing and learning talk about God, Thursday: Julian Calendar read Sacred Scripture, challenge each Ascen sion other, attend Mass, pray, share Friday: St. Paul VI time, and serve others as a family.