Dear Ms Roche

Initial proposals for new Parliamentary constituency boundaries in the

I have read the Guide to the 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies and associated documents on the Initial Proposals for New Constituency Boundaries in the East Midlands.

As I understand it, part of what I think of as the Community (essentially the catchment area of Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School) will be represented by an MP for Dales (Dronfield Woodhouse, Homesfield and Barlow), the rest of Dronfield including Gosforth Valley by an MP for Bolsover and Dronfield.

Derbyshire Dales MP

Bolsover & Dronfield MP

It is clear from what I have read that these proposals are not yet set in stone and the Commission wants evidence of ‘how their proposals reflect or break local community ties’ from members of the public and other interested parties.

 The public consultation period extends to the 5th December and there are public hearings in Derby on 27th & 28th October 2016.

As a parent of former pupils of the school I am sure parents may have views about this and I have taken the liberty of putting together this information sheet on where to find out more as it is the quickest way I can think of distributing this information in such a short timescale.

The website to find out more is at:

The document explains the purpose of the review: 1/2

I quote:

‘Parliamentary boundaries define the geographic area represented by each MP – their Parliamentary constituency. A Parliamentary boundary review examines the existing constituencies and makes recommendations for any changes that might be needed to make sure constituencies comply with legal requirements. Those legal requirements are intended to keep the number of electors in each constituency broadly equal, whilst also taking into account factors such as local community ties.’

 ‘Those final recommendations will be informed by a series of open consultations with the public, to capture the knowledge and expertise of local people as part of the process of refining our initial proposals.’ ‘either in writing via our consultation website or in person at public hearings’

The public consultation period extends to the 5th December and there are public hearings in Derby on 27th & 28th October 2016 which have to be booked online following the links to Eventbrite page;

You can also view a hard copy of the relevant region report, summary, A0 region map, and A3 proposed constituency map at the Dronfield Library.


Read more in the Guide to the 2018 Review (PDF document)

 content/uploads/2016/07/2016-07-11-Guide-to-2018-review-Final-Version.pdf

Read more in the Initial proposals for new Parliamentary constituency boundaries in the East Midlands found at:

 / scroll down to the East Midlands Region….

 content/uploads/2016/08/East-Midlands-Initial-proposals-report.pdf

 content/uploads/2016/08/East-Midlands-Initial-proposals-summary.pdf

 map.pdf

See the maps at:
