Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Mathematical Tripos, Part III 1 Ideal gas dynamics and MHD Dr Gordon Ogilvie Michaelmas Term 2008 1.1 Review of ideal gas dynamics Provisional synopsis 1.1.1 Fluid variables Equations of ideal gas dynamics and MHD, including compress- A fluid is characterized by a velocity field u(x, t) and two independent • ibility, thermodynamic relations and self-gravitation. Microphys- thermodynamic properties. Most useful are the dynamical variables: ical basis and validity of a fluid description. the pressure p(x, t) and the mass density ρ(x, t). Other properties, e.g. temperature T , can be regarded as functions of p and ρ. The specific Physical interpretation of MHD, with examples of basic phenom- • volume (volume per unit mass) is v = 1/ρ. ena. We neglect the possible complications of variable chemical composition Conservation laws, symmetries and hyperbolic structure. Stress • associated with ionization and recombination, or chemical or nuclear tensor and virial theorem. reactions. Linear waves in homogeneous media. • 1.1.2 Eulerian and Lagrangian viewpoints Nonlinear waves, shocks and other discontinuities. • Spherical blast waves: supernovae. In the Eulerian viewpoint we consider how fluid properties vary in time • at a point that is fixed in space, i.e. attached to the (usually inertial) Spherically symmetric steady flows: stellar winds and accretion. • coordinate system. The Eulerian time-derivative is simply ∂ Axisymmetric rotating magnetized flows: astrophysical jets. • ∂t Waves and instabilities in stratified rotating astrophysical bodies. • In the Lagrangian viewpoint we consider how fluid properties vary in time at a point that moves with the fluid. The Lagrangian time- derivative is then Please send any comments and corrections to
[email protected] D ∂ = + u · ∇.