Portland Daily Press: April 30, 1898
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. I8H2-VQL. ESTABLISHED JUNK 23, 35. • PORTLAND, MAINE. SATURDAY 1898. — MORNINTlpmT 30, ,w, -m.-TT^r" niSCELLANliiU I > B. ___ speed of from twenty to twenty-four knot tbe TO WIPE OCT MY, new tariff bill becomes a as and could, therefore, choose Its owr law, otherwise they feel that the tonnage duos position with respect to battleships.' Om will be so burdensome on British, branch and German shipping as to cause “ cruiser, he would be able on ai it to None better than argues, 9eek Canadian and Mexican ports. preaches Aside from Fearful Machine Offered the average to destroy one hundred battle PARIS the expected ofliolal repre- United THE HAS sentations of the BEEN foreign governments, the ant and she says nothing.” ships. SIGHTED. tae of shipping interests London, Havre, Bremen and States. other ports are supplement- American Squadron Reported Sear ing the diplomatic negotiations with WEYLER MAKES DEFENSE. strong representations against the in- creased, tonnage tax. Manila. Republic of Hayti is expected to maintain strict New 29.—The I neutrality as between York, April Brooklyi the united States ami Spain and it is Eagle has received a letter from Hudsor Raid that reports of exceptional privi- 30.—It is leges given to the United States Hong Kong, April denied that Maxim of a re ■ warships London, Eng., containing Addresses Senate on Dii American Line in Steamer waters are Spanish Haytien erroneous. The the Spanish fleet has left Manila to meet markable offer to the United States Sighted Haytien minister, Mr. said gov liGger, toclav that the American On Caban ho had received no official instruc- squadron. the con- ernment to furnish to it, at a cost of hal: Poliey. tions concerning neutrality, bin lie had trary it. is asserted that the war- no doubt an Spanish a million a which he attitude of neu- dollars, ship claim 5 _ impartial Off Fire Island trality would be maintained. It is Ehips will remain in Manila bay to assist This recog- to be capable of destroying the entir ) nized officials Morningc among hero that all the the forts. The Madrid, April 29.-8 p. m.—In thi sympathies of Hayti are with the United Spanish navy. plan involves the us states and yet any action that coun- It is from Manila that the after the ministei by reported of aerial torpedoes, invented by Mi Senate, Senor Moret, ty inconsistent with strict neutrality American war have would place Hayti in the attitude ships been sighted Maxim. The writer is a brother of the colonies, had defended the policj of be- of Hiran ( an of ing ally this country and an open off Bollnao where the rebellion broke the famous of Cuban autonomy, a bill was adopted enemy of Maxim, inventor of weapon s Spain. Mr. Leger had noticed the published out last February, but the weather has the government “immunity foi quotations from the treaty of destruction. Hudson Maxim ha j granting b®two«n the United “ States and Hayti, been too stormy for the fleet to comrau- on which it God heals and the doctor worked in with conferring autonomy Cuba.” was assirred, gave co-operation Hiram am j exceptional nioate American Fleet Near Battle privileges to the United States in ithat with the rebels. Lieut, Genoral at some Manila and Have is a man’of good in the scientlfl Weyler spoke May our were takes the fee.” standing Already warships the to The given right insurgent chief is his administration ir coa* alJC* in Aguinaldo world. gjgg length justifying rmT° suPPUes Haytien ports. I he minister made a careful examina- coming to from Cuba and the to take Hong Kong Singapore. Just one cruiser, built and I urged government tion of his official text of the and equippei treaty It is alleged that he absconded with half the offensive America. was unable to locate any such with ( against Been exception- in complete torpedo guns t al according Fought, privilege. The was made dur- a million dollars treaty paid by the aj General in a clear voice anc the Spanish his he would be Weyler ing Civil war and contains system, says, sufficien t many for the provisions relative to conditions of government other insurgent lead- ies a to amid marked attention from the whole war, great destroy every Spanish warship whicl ( but Mr. j Leger’s reading of gthem does ers. All Manila telegrams are censorized house and the foe not disclose it might encounter at sea. galleries, apologized any provisions which is in- consistent with strict and the communication with the that he impartiality in a Hong He offers the United States prolonging debate, pleading neutral attitude government between Spain and the Kong is suspended. oould not allow the to pase States any or any of his fellow citizens who b s opportunity United^ privilege enjoyed by may the ships of one country will be euuallv of defending himself against criticism. to : willing to furnish the capital necessar; Hudson Maxim Offers to America of open those of the other country, he he de- Ship said. EAT , With much warmth and sternness Capable MAY HAVE BEES for the construction and equipment o FOUGHT. fended his political and military aots oi one such cruiser, the free use, withou he deeinee! of all his severity in Cuba, showing that Out HURRYING TO royalty, inventions for the pur Wiping Spanish Navy. UML { ; them and that were :M and | vitally necessary they pose says that he himself will conn results to America and superintend the buildin; justified by the they produoed. Naval Battle Expected Friday in lfidenceof So muoh was this the cas6, he declared, of the cruiser without any charges for hi that had h e been allowed six months Manila Bay. r invalid’s services. The torpedoes which carry hall Regiment Started Yesterday From longer he would have entirely crushed a ton of explosives, according to Mr the insurrection and would have realized New Orleans. Maxim’s theory, may be sent nine miles The of to From Various the he made to Senor Castilla Hurrying Troops Tampa 30.—A to while a ton of gun cotton oan be thiowi promise London, April despatch the that by April, 1898, he would be in a Daily Mail from Singapore says: “A live miles. The orui3er would have ! countryman between “Commodore was position to offer him fifty thousand veter- Points in the South Continues. New Orleans, April 29.—The first regi- Dewey accompanied ment of Jose a two lawyers is like fish be- ans to attaok the United States. regular army infantry arrived by Alexandrino, prominent offi- Bdence here two and days ago General Weyler severely criticised the hardiy got tents cer under Aguinaldo. Alexandrino has tween two cats.” IS ON m position when it was ordered to WAR in Cuba pro- a magical influence in the home rale policy and the time # Philippines ceed immediately to Florida, whence it But have to for it and and will head the movement to people buy selected decreeing he concluded will he sent to Cuba. There were scenes popular Footwear just the same and The Government Has Made It That the of the utmost throw off the rule. A naval so a passionate appeal for a display of ener- Spanish Appear activity in camp today and Spanish Even is a well to all who are in need of such the regiment was battle is to occur | ] gy, urging the government to take the hurriedly gotten in expected today (Friday) we would solicit their at Matanzas Resulted in a for readiness to inspec- Engagement Victory more. Wild enthusiasm in Manila H. M. S. cooked dish of offensive vigorously on both land and sea bay. Bonaventura tion of our new line for was shown and other ave- along Espaca has as on the defensive was and There is sailed, presumably for Manila.” Spring: and Summer wear. remaining “the Spain Great Rejoicing at Madrid—The nues when the soldiers marched to the Our line includes Russets worst possible policy with suoh an depot to take the train for Florida. The Left at 2.30 m.— NICTHEROY DAMAGED. and Black, in both I.ace, enemy." Minneapolis Bastport Yesterday p, brigade headquarters heretofore estab- lished hsre, were this in London, April 30.—A to the Button and. Bow Shoes The Duke of Tetuan and Lieutenant morning, gen- despatch Weyler Defends His Before the Cortes—Various eral removed to for Women aDd Policy orders, Tampa, Fla., to Daily Mall from Rio Janeiro says the de- men, Col. declared that the conser- Azoarraga whioh place Gen. Shafter will from Children. Our stock is up- Sensational go part ure of the United States dynamite vative party always approved and ac- Rumors Circulated Which Were Untrue— Washington. to-date and complete in every cruiser has been A detachment from Willet’s Nictheroy delayed by a particular. cepted the responsibility for the acts of Point, N. The Revenue Bill Passes House. Y., reached here and breakage of her General Weyler in Cuba. reported to Major maclnery. Quinn. They took a train for forts These today ARGENTINE declaraitons afforded Senor Jacksori NEUTRAL. j war and St. Philip. The detachment department for changes in the plans cester & Moret, of the an Great at Madrid Buenos 20.—It is an- mcdowell, secretary colonies, oppor- rejoicing already announced as to mobilization of comprises expert torpedo and mine layers Ayres, April nounced that the Argentine between two i 539 Congress St., Brown Block. tunity of avoiding a debate with General the volunteer troops and very much and will aid in the defences Republic PARIS over what is as perfecting will a decree of hungry SIGHTED.